Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 9, 1930, p. 6

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y- 0 ifgll r begin here today aldcn drake formerly a sailor grown soft and flabby through a life of idlo ease ships aboard the clipper orontes as boy under the command of jake stevens whose enmity he qliickly incurs because of a mutual jove for mary manning daughter of the owner who is a passenger at cape town stevens is superseded by drake whose lawyers have seen to the purchase of the orontes during its cruise stevens is reduced to the rank of chief mate the orontes die to jakes disobeyal of orders i run on the rocks in the straits off java mary slips away from the ship with ike the steward and later jake goes to join her ashore then a rebellious crew follows them now go on with the story there was another lot of men who growled and shirked tubbs and sims led in the growling as in the slacking and they had been forced to sling cargo in tho hold all the hot after noon some chaps is born slaves an some aint remarked tubbs darkly pipes were glowing no word had come yet about that midnight turning out that as policy the mate knew the men would get more comfort out of their food and tobacco if permitted to enjoy them in the expectation of all night in but bill gadgett was a humorist in a fashion he remember ed occasions when some of the men had been less respectful than they might have been he started his pipe burning and strolled across to the forecastle door in which he appeared quite casually as tubbs laid down tho ing take some men to the capstan and keep a strain and you lads get aloft and overhaul the topsail gear lively now as he spoke alden drake heard re bellious voices ho coolly ignored them the apprentices and the men left to mr adani3 dragged distlessly at the ropes in spite of the lusty shouting of adams drake flung off his jacket he ran to the helm lashed it amidships and then took the poop ladder at a leap and appeared among the men at the main topsail in all except the matters of the pipes halliards the hawser stretched along and the silence then bill gadgett the deck began to sing and creak to reappeared for an eloquent second the clacking of capstan pawls forward barked out as if he wanted the job done quickly your anchor watch tubbs and vanished again very surprisingly there was no abusive protest all right bose tubbs called out promptly and entered into his argu- ment again men on the other side v i 1 t hle of the forecastle waited in expecta- to as hc th come lads were sailormen arent we dont tell me we cant pull this ship off the beach just be cause a few yellow curs run away with tails down you there bunting start a tune my lad the ship only needs a good pull and a breath o wind drake leaped on to the star- market collapse involved many a copyrighted article in the montreal star makes a clear statement of ef fects of reecnt conditions sound after close to to months of elapsed time one of the riost popular subjects for discussion remains to be th col lapse of security values which brought to an end the most astonishing bull market in the history of organized trading in securities the sharp turn in the price trends of the leading se curity markets on the american cor- salada orange pekoe has by far the finest flavour tk fresh ssrossi the gardens tion of some outburst none came they rolled over to sleep the mutt neers were windy but had no guts they all said that under their breath las they closed their eyes at midnight the mates knocked out their pipes and called the bosun they had been called by one of ihe appren tices neither aw anything remark able about that rome boys do get on deck promptly drake appeared sniffing at the soft breeze that blew off the island stepping to the rail to appraise the tide the ship felt buoy ant underfoot the crew began to troop aft grumbling some still smok ing some coming briskly others slouching a3 a protest sails and chips came then bill gadgett arf the mens gorn sir he cried excitedly gone nonsense snapped drake he glanced at the boat still hanging in the davits twining and adams ran down to the dim waist and peered at the men standing in the shadows of the piled cargo shall i muster the men sir seems was a stir among tho sullen men one of the boys shrilled a cheer joe bunt ing cleared his wheezy throat noisily and yelped right manfully ho a long time ago an the world wuz begun and like a gathering storm the chorus howled hey ho th wind an the rain an they builded a ship fer th java run bawled joe the storm fell full on the next line hey ho it raiiieth every day there was no doubt about it the heavy yafd was going up smartly drake pulled through one more verse ho th captain reckoned wrong for hed quite forgot th date bellowed joe daringly improvising hey ho the wind and the rain so e stuck is ship ashore in the bloomin sunder strait and how they thundered that last line hey ho it raineth every day drake laughed and leaped from the rail there was no more fear that the men would shirk little joe bunt ing had dared much and had made alden drake his debtor for life drake ran forward if he could put ihe same ginger into that gang as bunting had into the halliard crowd his ship was as good as afloat to be continued arf the mens gorn cried excitedly opinion amidst a sullen rumble of approval them as ought to know has got out aint they theres goin to be some dead sailors in this ooker afore she gits orf a bloody dood as buys ships to work pore sailors to death aint no sort to sail ships look at th bleedin rats too scores of em come out o the atch when we wuz ave yer smoke an turn in early me lads cut in bill gadgett inno cently as if he had heard nothing its all ands again at midnight theres a skipper in this ship me sons an dont yer forgit it all ands wot the some body jumped up and started to shout but the bosun had gone as casually rs he had appeared leaving a trail of reeking smoke behind him not half as bitter and hot as the words that followed him the sailors sat on their sea chests or bunks and glared at each other dumbly some of the workers looked mutinous tubbs and sims drew off to their own side of the forecastle and talked hotly one by one their cronies joined them soon that side was buzz ing with fierce hoarse whispered argument on the other side joe bunting and nick coomb3 turned slowly and faced each other joe re moved his pipe nd let it hang between finger and thumb his lips were part ed nick took his pipe out and rub bed the hot bowl gently against his nose thus they stared into each others faces for a full minute with out a word they remained then each turned deliberately lifted his leg3 into his bunk and lay down to get what rest he might one by one the others of that watch followed their example to be most of a watch adrift called out twining drake swore heartily he glared at the dark shore the work he had planned would call for every ounce of muscle as well as hearty good will and here was wholesale desertion and the tide was almost at the full delay meant miss ing that chance and daily the tides grew less until they began to increase again toward the new moon cant waste the time he said get lanterns on deck then sheet home and most o the hatches is gone from forard sir reported chips they must ha took em and swum for it sir which splains why tubbs never hollered at anchor watch said joe bunting loudly drake heard all but his mind was upon tho tide some men who had heard the beginning of his last order were waiting for its completion in a state of astonishment never mind he snapped sheet home and hoist main and mizzon top sails and loose the inner jib chips see the starboard anchor all clear for letting go chips stared up into the darkness agape the order sounded like the raving of a madman didnt this queer captain realize his ship was ashore others muttered too even mr adams whispered to mr twining that hc had always believed there was something funny about the old mans eyes all tho anchors and chains is att sir except tho kedge out to the hawser astern stammered chips never mind it then well swing to tho kedge drako retorted got those sails set smartly mister twiri- a new edition of the baby has baen issued by the department of health of ontario the informatlor covers care and feeding of the child from birth to six years of age it is free to all residents of ontario if you desire a copy sign and mall coupon below department of health of ontario parliament buildings toronto ont please send me copy of revised edi tion of the baby name street 0 address ont the kings dominions melbourne australasian what pos sible purpose can be served by the change which it is alleged that mr ramsay macdonald proposes to make in the style of reference to the do minions in the kings speeches to the imperial parliament and in treaties with foreign powers it is reported from canada that mr macdonald has arranged with mr mackenzie king the prime minister of that dominion that the phrase our dominions shall no longer be put in the mouth of the king and in treaties the phrase used in future will be his majestys gov eminent and the governments of the dominions surely our dominions when spoken by the king is correct and it would not be correct to speak of his majestys gover liucnt and the governments of the dominions be cause the governments ot the do minions are just as much his ma jestys as is the government of the united kingdom this fussy and frivolous playing with words is not called for by anything in the existing relations of the dominions and great britain if the king may not speak of our dominions why doe3 the royal title make him sovereigns of them the 192g imperial conference in fact made much of the point that the do minions governments are the ikngs governments and it was considered advantageous to have that recognized clara seems lo be very fond of music yes indeed youll always find her at tho piano when her mother is washing tho dishes the new day lord as tho new day i begin i ask of theo to take each act and thought and word ot mine a3 offered for thy sake yea and my sufferings too o lord whatever thou mayst sond of grief or pain for mo to bear with courago to the end so i may feel as night comos on i have repaid to theo somo tiny part ot all that thou hast borne dear lord for me mario blake mind and matter political philosophy observes one rulo i find j lyhich is that matter must not bo identified with mind tirent was a sudden and decisive movement that pierced to the quick even after taking the psychological angle into due consideration the change involved more people than any other economic development of the past decade it is possible that tho number of people who were directly injured financially in the crash has been exaggerated but the fact remains that more people were engaged in the speculative trading of securities than ever before in the history of civiliza tion such a movement could not pass without having some very definite re sults a general agreement on this point has yet to be reached it is however a fact that there has been some business disturbance but the ex tent or duration of such has not been fixed with any degree of satisfaction many estimates ha been formed in individual secions but because of the fact that selections have been made to include cases where undue publicity has been given o insances where losses have been colored by the attendant circumstances brought about by the speculative fever and a lust for unearned gains they are not reliable a most recent development is tho disclosure of the huge declines in the savings deposits in the chartered banks of canada during the last two months of the year a conservative estimate has placed this figure at 10 000000 a portion of this amount may be attributable to the losses sus tained in the stock market while there is a heavy demand for cash for sea sonal purchases at this period of the year an interesting angle with regard to tho increase of the public participa tion in the exchange of stocks is found in the rapid growth of the oddlot transactions this division of the stock exchange business is a reliable index that people of limited means are en gaged the oddlot sales now equal onethird of the total volume of shares which have changed hands on the can adian exchanges in the past year in the ordinary course of events the stock exchange acts as a mirror for coming events in this years debacle there was an evident departure from this axiom the factors which brought about the readjustment of security values were contained within the mar ket the centre of the cyclone un doubtedly rested at the intersection of broad and wall streets the market which has come to dictate the trends in many parts of the world the credit structure upon which the new york stock exchange rested for the carrying out of huge purchases on marginal accounts was strained by the constant and evergrowing de mands of a clientelle that extended to every quarter of the globe the many issues which have listings on all tho important exchanges of the modern mechanism havo been a factor in bringing about a closer relationship in the trading there was a gradual change in the general attitude of the trading public and the coming of the crash were tho results of a desire to place the new values to a test lo see if they could be used for tho purchase of goods the prices of commodities did not rise in proportion to the manner in which stocks gyrated and there were doubt ing thomases at the beginning of the second quarter of 1029 tho foreign interests who were engaged in placing their funds at work on the markets of this continent showed a change of mind as they began lo convert securities into gold and goods there came the read justment and securities have suffered the extent of the movement was be yond all expectations the losses that were incurred can not be measured if for example the total of the stocks listed on the mon treal stock exchange was taken at tho first of october and suppose that every dollar could be realized for the outstanding shares of tho companies represented on that date and mako tho same supposition as of this date it will be seen that a huge difference results this difference would run into many millions of dollars such a condition would however be impossible a3 all tho selling which would have to take place would forco prices to unheard of low levels this difference is commonly referred to as a reduction in value or a disappear ance ot wealth the condition re mained only so long as a few pcoplo sought to test the accuracy of the theory come investment and the relation be- is realized that tho changed value has twees securities and gold tho re- been accurately foretold some con suits are anything but imaginary the psychology of the public has undergone a marked change the re cent trends of the market and trading bears evidence of this fact many business houses theatres musical stores radio dealers automobile re tailers and others who were somewhat dependent upon those gaining a liveli hood from the market report that their customers are more careful in the matter of purchases there has however been no general serious drop in business trade reports indie te that business i3 being maintained on a satisfactory basis and that losses foreseen with the slump in security values hae not equalled the early predictions because of tho fact that control of canadian corporations does not change as quickly as some of those on the american soil the rapid change in stocks has produced no material effect it has for the most part placed the average stocks in stronger hands insofar as the fall in security prices affected more than paper quotations and caaied individual losses in a most substantial form it has destroyed no industry and it slowed up few produc tive processes it can readily be said that in the industrial world the feeling which re sults is one of relief the extent of the speculation was causing some anxiety to business leaders the way has been cleared for steady progress with the people who have hitherto been keeping an eye on the speculative sit uation which might become a menace to them a blister on the surface has been pricked causing a momentary sensa tion of acute pain but indicative of nothing deepseated or serious ex cessive speculation was the one thing which loomed as dangerous on the business horizon the period of tran sition is now in progress while the future can never be ex actly the same as the past since at every step ther eis a new accumula tion of factors with which to deal tho past is the only basis upon which we can judge the future so far as the future is concerned then we are sus pended in midair not quite certain in which direction we are heading but certain that the future will not be so radically different from the recent past as to render it impossible to rec- ognize certain factors with which there have been previous dealings there are naturally some misgiv ings with regard to the past to those who have engaged in the excessive speculation beyond their available means the lesson has been severe one of the fundamental causes of changing prices is changing values and when the wide swing of prices has settled it sideivtion must be given to the char acter of the economic forces in the unending round of events south african unrest dublin irish statesman the unres in south africa almost suggests that there are irreconcilable gulfs between the white invaders and tho native african and that three hundred years more might see the vanishing of the black man as the red man vanished in north america before the coming of the whites there seeui3 some thing almost inexorable in the coming of the whites the hungry people who have invaded so many continents even now while the african is more numerous by far than the white he is almost powerless to keep land or lib erty and the white proclaims the color bar against racial or political equality it may be the dream of nature or evolutionary law or mere human op pression but one wonders what place the african will hac in africa after another five hundred year3 how many of the red men arc in the states how many aborigines in australia seed extraction plants the forest service o the depart ment of the interior has established four seedextraction stations for ex tracting the seed of forest trees the largest of these is at new westmin ster british columbia and smaller plants are situated at rocky moun tain house alberta and at indlatt head and prince albert saskatche wan the seed is extracted for use iu experimental planting operations on the national forests and in the production of trees for free distribu tion in the prairie provinces selfishness so long as selflove does not de generate into selfishness it is quite compatible with true benevolence v fleming selflove selflove is the parent of presump tion wo are never so bad or so old but selflove may keep us iu favor with ourselves h hooker past opportunity come gone gone forever clone as an unreturning river tomorrow today yesterday never- gone once for all christina g rossetti let us cease to give tho name of divine worship to what has often been no more than a spiritual yawn sheila kayesmith minards wads off grippe million years old man not like monkey canadian aids in startling and important discovery near peiping peiping tho worlds supposedly known human resident who lived hunted worked and thought about 1 009000 yeare ago near what is now peiping china was publicly exhib ited for the first time recently at the lieadqupters of the rockefeller- chinese geological survey french chinese canadian ameri can and swedish scientists including dr ihilos sveu hediu noted ex plorer gathered around and discuss ed him and they praised him to the skies calling him perhaps the greatest contribution to tho sciences of pale- otology and anthropology yet unearth ed by fossil digger- tho discovery was made dee 2 in a cave at choukoutlen by w c pel a chinese scientist and dr davidsc u black eminent canadian anatomist both of wom addressed a gathering on the importance ot thoir find as far as can now be determined the group agreed the peiping man lived without fire aud was not evcu possessod of rudimentary stono im plements such as the prehistoric men ot europe much later were able to use and yet his brain development as shown by the shape of the skull they think must have been compara tively large the perfect condition ot the skull said dr black will enable us to loarn much concerning the evolution of mans head that is at present ob scure apparently it was determined re cently the poipiug man and his fam ily for portitms o five individuals have been discovered in the cave in three years of exploration used the natural cave as a residence thore were no trace3 of fire and it the fam ily had any implements they were not present when the scientists uncover ed the skull nevertheless the pei ping mans brain capacity they agree was superior to any other prehis toric man yet found pel dramatically described the ac tual discovery of the fossil remains which he made unassisted hopeful that the cave will con tinue to disgorge further evidence ot the antiquity ot man established in tris instance by thejresejice of cer tain animal fossils in the cave o beasts which disappeared nearly 1- 000000 years ago the scientists will resume their work next spring thus far the collection contains a skull teeth ribs of several men hut no leg cr arm bones the exhibition of fossils of the so called peiping man recently as re ported in dispatches from peiping did not confirm recent announcements that 10 complete skeletons had been found although the discoveries were described by scientists as perhaps ihe greatest ever- made the excavations have been conduct ed in considerable secrecy and earlier reports of the results were made pub lic only indirctly recent dispatches would indicate that the most complete skeleton ot the peiping man still lacks legs arms and vertebrae tho discovery of a skull being considered the most important find to date history of canadas water power development the development of canadian water powers had its inception in tho efforts of the early french settlers to pro vide power to meet local needs for grinding grain and sawing timber with tho application ot the electric generator to commercial uses a little over forty years ago a new industry the production of electricity for pub lic use and a new era in the develop ment ot water power came into being since that timo tho two havo ad vanced together until at use end ot 102s canadas hydraulic installation had reached the imposing total ot 5- 340232 horsepower ot which 4t5- c93 hp was used iu generating elec tricity for general public distribution nowadays pcoplo take aspirin for many little aches and pains and as often as they encounter any pain why not it is a proven antt- doto for pain it works and aspirin tablets are abso lutely harmless you have tho medical professions word for that they do not depress tho heart so dont let a cold irun jta course dont wait for a head ache to wear off or regard csihugra neumra ot even t heura- prlces in the recent market can tu i i cnsi o said to have leen resting the plans of statesmen and of kings upon the m fo if tt s2m2j ri vertibility of the securities into actual if those who mattered minded things moncy optimistic reports of general or those who minded i ma tercd indnstr p it w wccki pects distorted the rane views of in- linards j i atism as something you must en- you can always turn to an aspirin tablet for ttlief aspirin is always available and it never faus to help familiarize that sare throat needs min issue no 2 30 only a physician can copo yourself with its many uses and wuh the cause of bud j but avoid a lot of needless suffering pirin traoc mark rca mountain climbing in the selkirks glacier national park in british co lumbia is the only national park wholly inaccessible to tho ubiquitous motor car transcontinental trains pass through its central valley two or three times daily but otherwise this playground in tho selkirk mountains is tho homo ot solitude excellent trails however lead to its principal scenic features and there are numer ous opportunities for alpine expedi tions swiss guides aro usually sta tioned in glacier park throughout tho season rogers peak 10536 feet is a good climb for beginners as is also mount sir donald named after tho lato lord stratlicona neighbors men who sco into their neighbors aro apt to bo contemptuous but mod who see through them find something lying behind every human soul which is not for them to sneer out ot the order of gods manifold universe o w holmes v there should be a rigorous law to suppress every newspaper renting war as morally coro tolerable has assassination dcrgo bernard slusf

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