stouffville january 9th 1930 midwinter sale special inducements for shopping are offered in this midwinter sale which begins january 9th and lasting until jan 23rd underwear womens natural wool underwear vests and drawers long sleeve and ankle length sizes 36 to 44 reg 225 special 179 womens wool and silk and wool vests and bloomers also ankle and knee length draw ers in a fine rib exceptional value reg 200 and 225- special 149 womens heavy all wool ceetee vests guaranteed unshrinkable odd sizes reg 375 special 295 womens lighter weight all wool ceetee underwear guaranteed unshrinkable long and short sleeves reg 250 special 195 childrens underwear in heavy cotton fleeced vests bloomers and ankle length drawers all sizes special 59c corsets and corselettes in a good weight all sizes special 95c cashmere hose boys heavy ribbed wool hose reinfor- ed to stand lots of hard wear all sizes reg 75c and 85c special 59c childrens 1 and 1 ribbed cashmere hose small sizes only reg 49c special 29c pr dress goods fine plaid and heather colored dress goods also wool crepes special 79cyd womens silk crepe dresses in a variety of styles some with tiers and pleats a few with collars attractive shades reg 1000 to 1750 very special 595 misses wol flannel dresses clear ance of odd and broken lines with contrast ing trim special 395 wo and childrens coats in fine allwool broadcloths with fur trimming of oppossum and sable tailored navy chinchilla cloth coats with heavy satin and flannel linings all greatly reduced heavy all wool blankets with colored borders reg 12- special 995 chintz comforters with wide panels of rose or blue satin special 595 special in table oilcloth 1 yds and 4 wide colored special 45c special in reversible rugs 24x45 79c- 27x66 119 36x68 215 special in flannelettes a soft heavy weave with stripes of blue and pink also white width 36 special 19c yd womens fine kid gloves in small sizes special 59c pr genuine price reductions all over the store chidrens 1 and 1 ribbed all wool cashmere hose in black and dark heather a splendid hose for either boys or girls all sizes reg 100 special 79c children fleeced sleepers in a good weight footed style and back fastening special 79c childrens hea fleeced sleepers hatch footed special 98c womens eiderdown cosy warm fullcut kimonas with large collars side pockets and silk cord girdle assorted shades and sizes special 295 good quality of serge suitable for girls school dresses in navy green and red special per yd 59c womens all wool cashmere hose all the newest shades and black all sizes reg- 125 and 150 special 119 special prices in all axminster rugs womens heavy kid gloves lined and unlined reg 250 special 159 misses fur trimmed and lined mocha mitts special 179 pr see our remnant display heavy velour coatings in copen and red 56 wide special 150 venetian cloth in powder and pencil blue 54 wide special 89c yd- fancy tweeds in a heavy weight and fine serge and wool crepes splendid fr winter and spring frocks and sport suits 40 and 54 wide special 150 yd china specials odd cups and saucers in plain white special 5c special in bowls plain white bowl medium size 8 10c white with floral designs at 2 for 25c 15c and 19c come early new bargains await you dont forget sale ends jan 23rd the shaw store phone 9s12 stouffville county expenditures in york mounting ependitures warrants close attention to county matters probably no more warmly lis cussed subject came before rate payers at the recent nomination meetings than that or county taxes which have ever been on the up tuxn of late years and strong pro test was voiced against the yorlc councillors for their lavish expendi tures whether avoidable or not the richmond hill liberal says lt struck us rather forcibly that a citizens league in one of the south ern townships should advertise this week in support of annexation to the city of toronto that one of the ad vantages would be no county rate to pay county taxation has gener ally been regarded as attractive in comparison with city taxation rath er than unattractive at markham and whitchurch nomination meetings on dec 30th reeve gohn and reeve kldd gave figures which ratepayers of the municipalities in this great county which boasts the third largest legis lative body in canada have perhaps been prone to take county affairs too much for granted have county councillors too long regarded it as good business to ask and support anything and everything as long as die county paid have the rate payers too long placed merit marks to tile credit of municipal represent atives who succeeded in getting in plenty out of the county sooner or later the chickens must come home to roost and nti matter througli what body the business is done nothing is surer than that the people must pay showed the vast expenditures and tlio manner in which they are mounting the county rate has steadily in creased in iiecent years from c mills in 1323 to 9 mills in 1929 during that period the equalized assessment has increased from 73s26s22 to 10202g3s7 the total levy has in creased from 4429g093 to91s 23928 the amount charged by the coun ty for the cost of municipal govern ment has increased firom s255190 in 1900 to an estimated expenditure in 1929 of over 20500 the cost of mothers allowance to the county for the year 1929 is esti mated at 54000 as compared with 1553350 in 1921 and the 1929 estimate is likely to be exceeded the net charge to the county for schools advanced from 743700 in 1900 to 24151075 in 1928 and is estimated at 300000 for 1929 debentures for various municipali ties guaranteed by the county of vork re the erection and equipment of high schools total 1927500 the town of mimico the township of york and the township of east york are responsible for 1444500 of this amount the county debenture debt shows a net total of 79330159 besides 35000 re industiial home build iiig and f 45000 re countys share o batlturst street bridge both nuih orized in 1929 but not issued 194- 000 for provincial road construc tion and 50000 far mimico and new toronto street widening tiie following items are among those which show increases over 1928 to the extent of 107700 and the total increase is made up as follows schools 57500 debent ures 19200 criminal justice 10- 000iiunicipal relief 10000roads toronto and york 11000 the expenditure for municipal re lief one half of which is charged back directly to the municipalities increased from 4220334 in 1926 to 9471334 in 1928 the estimate for 1929 was 100000 and the ex penditure will probably be in excess of this estimate the countys share of construc tion expenditure on provincial roads which is twenty per cent of the total for the period 1920 to 192s amount ed to 79547440 of this amount 11347440 has been paid aud the balance of 052000 was placed on debentures the countys share of maintenance expenditure on provin cial roads has been 5012s01 which has been paid the construction and mainten ance expenditure of tho toronto and york roads commission for tho years 1911 to 1928 amounted to 78715s143 the provincial gover nment paid 317751213 the city of toronto 206984959 leaving 232421971 to the county which was provided by special levies and sundry receipts from the various municipalities the total levy for the commission increased from 15s 000 in 1919 to 247500 in 1929 from the foregoing figures the average taxpayer can glean that this county of york deals in figures of large proportion the comparisons which have been made show clear ly the trend which as far as the tax rate is concerned is expressed in the small word up notes and comments mer and this too is very necessary i work to accomplish reeve wesley gohn has been attending council for markbauil its- all as you think township for seven years he is a young man with keen business in tellect and should make a capable warden although the taxes to be gathered iu the township of whitchurch this past year amounted to more than 7000 over the year 192s the amount outstanding as overdue taxes are less at the present moment than they were the previous year the total amount of taxes to collect was over 72000 all this has been paid in with the exception of a sum running between 8000 and 9000 iu view of the fact that there was more to collect and still less unpaid taxes it looks as though whitchurch township farmers have financed themselves just closed well during the year how old are you the adage says that women are as old as they look aud men as old as they feel that is wrong a man or woman is as old as they take themselves to be growing old is largely a habit of the mind as a man thiuketh in his heart so is he if he begins shortly after middle age to imagine himself old he will be old to keep oneself from decrepitude is some- a horse a horse what a matter of will power the fates are kind to the man who bangs departed in motor cars its enough to make a horse laugh the way reople have been running aouud ijokiug for nags to draw- rigs for years now we have depended on automobiles aud we have also referred to this as being a horseless age at times of course certain folk have ridden in very fine cars to at tend a show or something like that where splendid horses were to be seen jumping over hurdles and hed ges but they didnt depend on these horses to pull the people home they many municipal councils havo been complaining because they have received accounts for a part of the expense of the late ontairio elections says the fergus news record this would seem to be most unjust and merely another way of pissing along the expenses to the municpalities to be raised by direct taxes on the people sums that we have noted in the accounts in york vary from 00 to 30 and are supposed to be tho expenses of the election hoard the reeve of west luther in well ington county complained that only three names were added to thelist in his township yet they were forc ed to pay some 70 or more we think the ontario government ought to pay their own election expenses particularly when they force e tions on the people before their alloted term of office has expired the council of stouffville might do well to consider installing a water meter either at the west entrance of the municipality or at the reservoirs to record the total amount of water consumed by all the users this would be an inexpen sive tiling that would provide in- eresting data for the water depart ment there ought to be a better effort made this summer also to wards installing more shutoff valves so that when repairs have to be made to the pipes the whole system will not he interrupted as is so often the case the water works account is in a healthy condition so that such improvements as are needed ought not to be delayed we understand that council intends to refloor the old reservoir this sum- 1 to life with both hands he who lets go will go death is slow on ly to tackle the tenacious ponce de leon searched in the wrong place for the fountain of youth it is in oneself one must keep oneself young outside so that while the outer man perishes the innor man ceases to exert itself when there is i no longer an active interest in the affairs of life when tho human stops reading and thinking and do ing the man iiko a blasted tree begins to die at the top you are as old as you think you are keep the hai ness on your job is not done yet may compel use of return address there is a possibility that the post ohice department will make it compulsory for mailers to place a return address on their mailings if this order is cairied it will mean a savng in the neighbourhood of 500000 annually to the govern ment the record of tho department reveals that this amount is lost annually because of carelessness in addressing mail the expense incurred by the de partment it is said in giving a special directory service to some millions or pieces of mail which are carelessly addressed a suggestion which has been forwarded is a campaign among school children as a means of eliminating some of their lost time effort and expense in handling mail from careless pat rons the proper wrapping and addressing of mail more than onco has been stressed by postal officials but there are still some patrons of the service who fail to heed the advice of the post office depart ment it is tiie post office department or in the final analysis the taxpayer who pays an annual toll for the support of this malignant growth which amounts in the thousands of dollars and often have we seen racehorses too riding around in specially made trailers they could stick their heads out over the side of the things at times and see what was going on but the horse wasnt supplying the motive power at all he was really being spoiled now that snow is deep and drifts are high the quest turns for horses because motor transport is stuck aud there are few horses to be had there is an old saying that it a per son keeps anything for seven years ho will have use for it apparently wo havent done that with our horses b o a d w a y s drug stork stouffvtllr mrs a griffiths spirella corsetiere stouffville markham unionville phone 15303 stouffville always ask for stovers bread the quality goes into every loaf ambrose stover baker stouffville ontario we want all kinds of livo poul try for which top market price will he paid sam golden apply at e c pennocka livery n the amazing voice of the ncwspartons 1 there is a something more satisfying than its richness more delightful than its purity more captivating even than its smooth fullness in facetoface realism there is the sensation of nearness of intimacy of the actual presence of the artists your entertainers become living charming persons we invite you to experi ence this delightful sensation call on us be sure to secure your sparton from an author ized sparton dealer only instruments bearing fac tory serial number carry the factory guarantee wood prices limb wood cut short 850 cord or 2 cords for 16 body hardwood cut short 1250 or 2 cords for 21 dry hemlock and hardwood slabs rea sonably priced quantity good furnace wood cut short at 10 cord all orders delivered wm ratcllff phone 9906 cober cober phone 1511 stoultville n radio radios richest voice