Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 9, 1930, p. 2

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food grows short at fur ship base four score die in paisley movie this gives a good idea of what the recent storms meant of arctic rescuers scotch manufacturing town visited by ghastly rue which wiped out over eighty young lives just before new years fiftymile gale prevents search for lost eielson visibility is poor kome alaska a roaring 50-mile- anhour wind bearing down from the arctic circle as the year closed kept pilot ed young on the ground at teller under heavy clouds and fog while supplies on the icebound tur- irading vessel at north cape siberia baso for the fliers searching for carl ben eielson and earl borland were being requested by the airmen al ready there the vessel is without ham bacon eggs or coffee harold gillam and joo crosson who flew to tho ship from teller several days ago reported to alfred j loraen head of tho search ing expedition here although tho vessel would have had plenty of food for these on board throughout the winter the addition of tho fliers will mako it necessary to replenish the supplies as soon as posisble gillam and crosson declared with gasoline from the russian trading ship stavropol frozen in about two miles from the nanuk crosson and gillam were prepared to resume the search for eielson as soon as the galo subsides and the visibility permits crosson landed at the nanuk with a tank practically empty while gillam had enough to make a few short flights over the sur rounding wastes with the fuel from the russian ship the fliers plan to get into the air as soon as possible with young at teller awaiting a chance to hop across the bering sea to nanuk frank dorhandt is being held hero awaiting the arrival of the six canadian fliers and the three cabin planes from fairbanks russias plans boris chuknovsky outstanding rus elan aviator who helped rescue tho crew of the dirigible italia from death in the ice floes of the arctic in 192s was chosen officially to lead a search for capt ben eielson and bis fellow american earl borland tho two americans have been miss ing in tho region between alaska and siberia since november 9 chuknovsky will leave by train for krasnoyarsk and will fly from there january 6 for yukutsk to begin the ibunt from yakutsk the expedition will follow a route to jigansk buiun kazaclio and niknikalimsk and lhence to koiunehinsk bay where it is believed the two fliers were forced down at the same time two junkers planes at providence bay will start a search toward koiunehinsk bay from the opposite side capt milovzoroff of the icebound russian steamer stavropol radioed tfcet natives had sighted a plane lin ing west of koiunehinsk bay toward capo north on december 9 a full month after eielson and borland dis appeared tho soviet arctic com mission ordered jlilovzoroff to send out dog teams to search intensively lho area 60 miles to tho eastward a twinmotored red ant1 plant of the type used in the recent mos- owtonew york flight was ordered teady to join the chuknovsky expedi tion in the middle of january chuknovsky and his crew which is tho same one that accompanied him en his quest of italia survivors will bo wellequlpco with arctic clothing food oil reserves arms ammunition and a complete motion picture out fit set aside parks in georgian bay twentynine islands come under dominions jurisdiction ottawa jan 3 twentynine is lands in georgian bay have been set side for national park purposes by an ordorincouncil noted in this weeks issue of tho canada gazette beausolell island the largest con tains 2712 acres one group lying across from freeman township com prises 19 islands one of which is 48 acres in size tho others being under flvo acres in another group opposite baxter township there are six islands bno of which covers 37 acres and an other 2s acres threo islands op posite gibson township contain 12 is and 50 acres respectively these islands wcro surrendered by tho chippewa indians in 1s56 tho transfer involves payment by the de partment of interior of 30205 to tho department of indian affairs which held tho islands in trust judgment never judge a person hastily even tho dog in tho manger may havo been j nervous animal that needed rest and nlot j a mason i artifice the ordinal emplaymcnt of artl- flco is the mark of a petty mind and it almost always hapncns that he who uses it to cover himself in ono placo uncovers himself in another rochefcncauld tramped to death paisley scotland fire broke out on tuesday in a cinema theatre crowded with 1500 laughing children attending a special holiday matinee held on the day before now years in the ensuing panic and stampede up wards of 70 young lives wcro crushed out late in the afternoon c9 bodies had been recovered it was an nounced officially a hundred or moro were in hospitals firemen stijl fought to cool the smoldering ruins to search for more bodies about 150 persons were removed from the theatre to hospitals for treatment of burns and abrasions a holiday matinee was in progress when flames shot from the operators box and quickly envelored the audi torium exits of the theatre were speedily jammed with struggling boys and girls seeking to flee from the flames and firemen had the greatest diffi culty in dragging the young victims to safety officials said that the number of victims would bo over seventy and probably would be nearer eighty constables and civilians driven back by heavy clouds of smoke im provised gas masks and heroically assisted in making many rescues meanwhile n crowd of frantic m bers gathered outside and watch ed the children being taken from the burning building anxiously scanning each new face in tho hope of recog nizing their own children rushed to infirmary tramcars were used to rush the victims to an infirmary by a curious ironic twist the film which the children had been watch ing was the crowd so great was the crush of strug gling boys and girls to tain safety from the holocaust that firemen had the greatest difficulty in dragging them through tho doorways outside stood many parents hor rorstricken and helpless as firemen constables and civilians repeatedly braved the flames to bring the ycung victims to safety the fire started in the operators box and sped with terrifying rapidity through the crowded audiciim the manager was placed under arrest for contributory homicide near anniversary of local tragedy the horrible tragedy in paislay scotland is similar to the laurier theatre disaster in montreal when 78 children lost their lives mont reals terrible loss came on january 9 1927 thus its third anniversary falls within two weeks of the scottish holocaust other disasters among tho largest theatre dis asters in the world during the last 100 years were dec 5 1s76 conways brooklyn theatre 295 killed dec s 1s81 ring theatre vienna 800 killed may 25 1ss7 opera comique paris fire 200 killed sept 5 1ss7 exeter theatre new york lire 75 killed april 9 iso- davidsons theatre milwaukee fire 76 killed feb 1897 quanton theatre fo- kin china lire 230 killed may 3 1897 grand charity bazaar paris fire 113 killed jan 12 1903 rhoadcs theatre boyertown va are 109 killed dec 30 1903 iroquois theatte chicago fire 602 killed dec 25 1913 panic calumet mich 72 killed jan 28 122 the knickeibocker theatro washington collapsed 98 killed remarkable photograph of liner sinking in the bay of biscay photo shows the italian liner casmona with distress signals flying just before she sank during in the bay of biscay the picture was taken from ship which rescued entire crew recent gales soviet breaks solemn pledge british trade unions abused by new communist newspaper london is stirred federal minister is septuagenarian hon w r motherwell re covering from illness on 70th birthday ottawa jan 6 hon w r motherwell minister of agriculture will be 70 years old tomorrow mr motherwell who has been 111 with pnonmonla is making a rapid re covery his physicians said tonight ho would probably be out of hospital within two weeks the minister of agrlcitlturo was born on jan 6 1s60 in perth ont a son of john and eliza motherwell ho was elected to the legislature of tho newly formed province of sas katchewan in 1905 and was made minister of agriculture in which position ho continued until 1918 ho was elected for reglna in the general election of 1921 and became minister ot agriculture in tho dominion cab inet ho was reelected to parliament in molvllo constituency in 1925 and 192e6 in modern business organizations there is not only room at the top there is leisure at the top will ir win conservatives incensed at ap parent bad faith of moscow london the british foreign of fice already is confronted with an ap parent breach of flie pledge which the soviet government gtve only two weeks ago to refra from pro paganda and to resttain all persons and organizations under their direct or indirect control from any act overt or covert liable in any way whatsoever to endanger ho tranquil ity or prosperity of any part of the british empire the offender is the third interna tionale which according to british views certainly is under the control of the soviet government and the of fence is the sending of a message through a communist daily paper which began publication here friday highflown jargon tho message was couched in the usual highflown jagon as affected by that organization and described the publication as a new and powerful weapon against the labor govern ment for rationalization of antisoviet intrigues colonial brutalities and pre parations for another imperialist war it ritfist tho message continues expose tho reactionary schemes of tho trade union bureaucracy and tho deception of the laborites and the pseudolefts while these impolite references to a gcvernment which has just renew- ed relations with russia might well be considered as contrary to the anti- propaganda protocol they hardly can he supposed to endanger the british empire and it may be that foreign secretary henderson will choose to ig nore them in any case he and prlmo minister macdonald are on a holiday at present and no official steps will he taken in their ahsonce empire in crisis smuts declares it is understcod however that both ministers have been informed of the situation the communist paper is called the daily worker conservative attiiude already there is indications that tho conservatives wil bombard the government in regard to the question as soon as the house of commons reassembles contending that their re fusal to take seriously soviet pledges has been amply justified and demand ing that moscow immediately be brought to account tims the times which represents the views of the conservative front- bench stated editorially saturday mr henderson has asserted as a fact that the soviet government has undertaken by its pledge to restrain the comintern the third interna- through this struggle i take off my tionale from propaganda it is now hat to the british people said gen- his turn to act and with a directness ctal r hon jan christian smuts former prime minister of the union of south africa in the course of his i address before the special meeting of the canadian and empire clubs here i friday i tho famous boer leader made from gen smilts strong plea for unity within the em- ipire i noticed today that the motto is confident great britain will win economic struggle toronto the people of great bri tain arc determined to pull through tho great economic struggle which is now before them the people of the empire realize that they are up against the most difficult times in history and that it is possible to win in war but lose in peace i have seen them in the grimmest times but the toughness of soul which las pulled them through other great crises wi 1 rgain pull tnem crerar is sworn in railway minister forke goes to senate stew art is acting minister of immigration byelections called ottawa premier mackenzie kin announced on dec 30 fcllowing a meeting of the cabinet that hon thomas a crerar a former minister of agriculture and former leader of the progressives in the house ot commons had been appointed min ister of railways and canals to suc ceed hon charles a dunning now minister of finance it was also announced that hen robert forke also a former leader of the progressives in the house and latterly minister of immigration and colonization had been appointed to tlo senate to take his departmental work hon charles stewart minister ot the interior was appointed also acting minister of immigration and colonization mr stewart too is acting minister of agriculture during the hlnesa ot hon william r moth erwell writs were issued for the byelec tions to til the house vacancies in the two quebec constituencies of chateauguayhiintingdon and bagct in both cases nomination day will be on jan 27 and polling day on feb 3 jj was stated by the prime minister that with the appointment of another avestern man to a major portfolio a readjustment would be mado with out delay to restore the relative posi tion cf the province of quebec in the appointment ot portfolios there are now ave portfolios held west of tho lakes and with tho election or mr crerar the number will be in- creased to six quebec is not re- foreign military ordered to leave chinese territory nationalist governments mandate demands im mediate withdrawal warshipstncluded peipins tho mandate ot tho chinese nationalist government un der which the extraterritorial privil eges ot foreign nations are abolished demands tho immedlato withdrawal of foreign military and naval forces from chinese territory the declaration which theoretical ly is effectivo january 1 not only abolishes all foreign concessions and settlements but provides for tho de portation ot foreign troops and the withdrawal of foreign warships from chinese internal waters tho seriousness with which tha nanking government has embarked on its new program to create a china for tho chinese is shown la tho fact that ono british concern al ready has received chinese duty stamps and new taxation forms pro viding for conducting its business on now lines laid down by tho govern ment effective jan 1 london chinas new year chal lenge to the world powers declaring extraterritoriality privileges abolish ed has caused considerable concern particularly to british bankers and business men having far eastern in terests it was felt certain that great bri tain would join the united states in demanding maintenance of special treaty rights in china regardless ot the nationalist governments inten tion to abrogate the agreements meanwhile word came from paris linquishing its claim to retention of its position in the matter of prrt- tha french government had been folios and this the prime minister that will prevent all possibility of a aisunderstanding in moscow good advice jpir lof the province of ontario is fidelis general smuts closed one of his u he m many canadian speeches with an ap- tasks th confront ig to peal to canada who had taken the to fta eentiment tho m lead in so many things to again as- for your ince is the e to sumo the lead in an effort to s mankind substance to the unity ot the bitish qenerai smuts stated that he had empire r learned to shake off the feeling this great structure he said of trepidation which he felt when he should become the most enduring of face fel in masg f all time whatever storms may j j 2 peoplo crowded the huge blow as they havo blown in the past ballroom of tho royal york hotel whatever vicissitudes may he before t him honor nn he i am us this ship should weather the not sure that a political mass forma- storm this great commonwealth of j ti is not more terrifying that a mill ours should remain for all time as an example an embodiment of human liberty political genius and an in strument of happiness not only to us but to the other nations of the world promises will be attended to at an early date ho declined to indicate in any way this question would be settled readjustment of departments tuere will also be some readjust ments in the public services it was stated by the prime minister that there were a number of obvious in stances where there could be a re arrangement of departmental work in the public interest and this ques tion which was being given careful study would be solved within a com paratively short time the federal government is hopeful of effecting transfer of natural re sources to all the four western pro vinces tho premier intimated agree ments have already ben signed with manitoba and alberta and the prime minister eaid ho hoped to be able to complete the transfer to british col umbia at an early date as to saskatchewan premier king has sont to premier james t m ander sen the reply of the federal govern ment to the memorandum submitted by premier anderson when he was in ottawa last month arrangements have been mado for simultaneous pub lication in ottawa and regina ot the letter to be sent by premier king the bringing of prosperity would not be tho only result of a european federation arlstlde briand tary mass formation however he continued i feel that this is a friend ly meeting i regret very much that my stay here is to be so short but i felt that it would be a great mistake on my part j vy f nickles successor to come to this continent without pay ing canada a visit first and foremost i look upon this he said as a return visit of an old boer for the visit of many canadians to my coun- ry many years ago it is heaping arguments which draw their de monstrations from probabilities are j coals of fire idle and unless one is on ones guard against them avey are very deceptive i ono reason for tho worlds trlbula- plato mens is lack of sleep bruco barton col kidd kingston is new speaker youngest speaker ever appointed to ontario house a scrap heap due to an accident not by intent fa8t trains collide with jack straw results collision of passenger trainj at ayondale ebova new orleans la in which flremsn h uud m p seriously scalded ontarios 18th legislature will as semble at queens park ict the open ing of its first session on wednesday feb 5 and its speaker will be ltcol thomas ashmore kidd tho member for kingston in tho now house the premier will be flanked hy 92 followers whoso ranks will extend all but around tho horseshoo in which the benches un der a recent order will bo arranged when on opening day the members formally elect col kidd aa speaker a new distinction will bo added to a career that has been outstanding in tho army and in politics for col kidd will bo tho youngest speaker ever chosen for tho ontario house at 40 ho will attain an honor not gained by most of tho previous incumbents until they wero past tho halfcentury mark in tho general election of 1926 fought on tho liquor ccntrol-prohibl- tlon issue col kidd vanquished by 8705 votes to 4386 hon f w nlckle who resigned tho attorneygeneralship on tho evo of tho election to lead the prohibition attack on his former chief premier ferguson after so strenuous an effort in 1926 tho electors of kingston were kind to col kidd last october they gavo him an acclamation col kidd was born at burrlts ra pids ont on may 1 1899 ho went overseas with tho second canadian battalion and was seriously wounded at tho nttlo ot ypres ho was ap pointed adc to majorgenera t d r hollmlng at kingston in 1916 and was afterward promoted to aa and qmo and hold this position from 1918 till 1920 ho was awarded tho colonial officers decoration notified of the change of foreign status in china january 1st but that foreign minister aristide briand had asked in vain for a list of specific questions involved britains opposition at surrendering her special rights will bo based on the view that the chinese legal code has not advanced sufficiently far for british nationals in chinese territory to be subject to chinese courts alone china has not enough legal machinery to carry out the abrogation plan im mediately the english believe great britain already has made man concessions to the chinese- gov ernment with regard to reforms but always has maintained she would bo unable to carry on busines in china if she gave up extra territoriality london sympathetic experts here- say that in recent years london has been sympathetic to chinas national aspirations but that any radical change from the pre sent system which in englands case dates back to 1s42 would practically break down the present system of commerce the british government not long ago expressed willingness in con junction with other interested powers to discuss the proposed removal ot treaty rights but pointed out at tho same time that such removal must be only gradual england still is willing to discuss the matter but will object strenuously to any at tempts of the nanklag leaders to force abolition suddenly without first conferring with the leaders affected sir miles lampson british minis ter to china is expected to visit nan king soon to discuss tho matter in an effort to find some way of solving the complex problem a good start for new year the next two etcpa in the evolu tion ot eclence will be tho splitting ot the atom and the transmission ot pow- r oer long distance by wireless gnghcliro marconl 3- yearold boy to stop smok ing carrying out new years resolution denver colo tho first two days are the hardest billy russell howard tho nations youngest smoker indicat ed in carrying out his new years re solution to stop smoking the husky browneyed lad hes only threo years old has surprised his parents by not oven asking fcr his dally pipe of tobacco although be glances yearningly at bis father when the latter smokes billy has moro willpower than w gavo him credit for his mother said for two years billy had to havo his dally pipe of tobacco ho preferred a corncob pipe or ho would raise the rofif mrs howard said the family physician prescribed a pipe to euro tho childs insomnia bo- foro bo hardly could walk then when ho learned how to blow smoke rings ho became nn habitual smoker he called for his corncob pipe three times a day from a pipo billy graduated to cig arettes ho had to have one or tho other or he made things most un pleasant ftr tho neighbors tho tobacco habit howovep made billy a new man before the doc tor ordered him to take up smoking ho was sickly and soldom slept mora than threo or four hours at night now ho is tho very picture of health and tho most active child in the neigh borhood oxford and cambrldgo unlvortitle should bo razed to tho ground and th foundations sown with salt georg bernard shaw

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