Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 5, 1929, p. 7

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byrd circles pole i toll of storm only man to circumnaviaate m aearjr as cad be 1st tb0 uke n u d i o g i iblpplng situation after tie storm wai both roles completes bouth- touows kiowa 8 of crew of 26 believed lost 2309 tons built to 1820 of steel construction 215 feet long 47 feet british war plane exhibited in us ern trip without mishap much preparation new york the now york times beam owned by c w blodgett co bay city michigan cleared from the st louis postdispatch and news- duluth wednesday for sault ste papers affiliated with them to publish- marie mich with grain grim index lng reports from commander richard 0 ner f a lifeboat containing the b byrds expedition announce that frozen body of a sailor was picked up commander byrd has safely returned to his base little america alter a successful flight across the southpole to which he surveyed much adjacent territory the flight was without mishap aud everything worked well flies both poles commander byrda flight across the south pole has made him the first man in history to fly across both of the earths poles in may 1920 in the trimotored aeroplane the joseph ine ford commander byrd flow from kings ba spitzbergcn across the north polo and return the springtime flight required a total of 15 hours and 30 minutes and theround trip covered 1060 miles in addition to being the first to fly across the north pole byrd was also the first man to fly over it in a heavlerthaaair machine on that historic flight his pilot was floyd ben nett who died on april 25 192s while attempting to rescue the crew of the transatlantic plane bremen from greenly island bennett was second to command of tho byrd antarctic ex pedition- and had intended to accom pany lie commander on the trip first attempt succeeds the flight across a south pole wasthfeflrst attempt he had made to fly to the pole although previously he had used aeroplanes in flights from his bale at little america in laying subbases on the route to the pole and to exploration trips he was the third man to reach the south pole the first was roald amundsen a norwegian who reached it on dec 14 1911 and a few days later he was followed by captain rob ert f scott british explorer both of them used overland methods of travel bernt balchen pilot for commander byrd on the south polar flight also was a pilot on the commanders trans atlantic flight of june 2d 1927 with bert acosta and floyd bennett they flow the monoplane america from roosevelt field ny canadian exodus to us shows drop influx to canada of ameri- influx to canada of ameri can citizens reveals increase ottawa a prominent united states official stated recently that the flow of canadian migration to tho llnited states has turned figures available here are of a nature to support that statement the exodus of canadians to the united states for the eight months of the present year has been material ly lower that last yer on the other band the movement front the united states to canada has been somewhat higher the influx of returning can adians this year it must be said is not quite so great as last year but the decline is not significant migration from canada to the un ited states to the first eight months of the present calendar year totalled 42- 525 according to figures published by the united states government ex tending theso figures for the 12 months would yield a migration of 63784 as against a total of 73605 returned for tho 12 months f 1928 as a matter of fact migration is not so active in the autumn so that the estimate given for the present year is probably high during the 12 months of 1928 29- 933 americans came into canada ac cording to canadian immigration fi gures in tho first nine months of the present year 26396 entered this coun try from the united states extend ing these figures for the 12 months would produce a result of 35194 again these figures are probably high but it is clear that there has been an increase in the movement of amer icans to canada the number of canadians who re turned to canada from the united states in the first nine months of the present year was 22122 in the same period of last year it was 27017 tiro reduction hero is noticeable but a lower exodus naturally produces a reduction in the return movement australia to have volunteer army intensive campaign for re cruits opened after conference melbourne australia plans s have sunday off grand marais about 100 miles west of sault ste marie the boat bore the kiowas name quedoe grain carrier of peterson j line ashore on middle ground upper st marys river badly listing grain cargo being lightered wm shupp and g r donovan grain ships overdue at fort william and unreported ash bay freighter of the tree line j saved by feat of seamanship after nearly being driven ashore at presqu isle coalfax freighter stuck in mud at telegraph light near deseronto- diamond tug driven ashore with scow at brush point released labelle oak bay and poplar bay reported overdue saturday were safe in shelter and returned to the sault for supplies before heading west again for fort william on land traffic tieups falls and collisons fire outbreaks in overheated homes all winters bedevilments in sudden and iinprecendented array descended upon ontario over the weekend when november closed with weather of mid- january intensity i snow drifting six and eight feet deep at some points caused prepara tion among highway department of ficials for an unusually early use of snowplows thornton visit to london explained cnr president seeking further reconstruction of finances to see bondholders ottawa the visit of sir henry thornton president of the canadian i national railways in london is an- other step in the plans for reconstruc- tion of the canadian finances it was stated by railway officials here the canadian national is the amalgams- tion of some 90 companies the securi- ties of several of which are held in london sir henry is seekiug to geti the holders of bonds on certain rail way properties within the system to agree to allow such properties to be merged in one consolidation this may or may not entail calling in the present bonds and issuing new ones in their place that will depend on the conversations which sir henry has with the bondholders new york interests the present negotiations do not ap ply to grand trunk bonds but securi ties of the canadian northern and other smaller systems similar con versations will doubtless have to be carried on in new york if those in london are successful for some two years the work of reconstructing the finances of the c nr has been going on it had been planned that bills in this connection would have been ready for presenta tion to parliament last session but the great amount of work required in putting through tho branch lines program of the cnr and the cana dian pacific resulted in any plans to reconstruct tho finances being left over as far as parliament was con cerned english pilot gives specta cular demonstration in fighting machine washington a spectacular demon stration of a standard fighting air plane used by the british royal air force the fleet bristol bulldog was staged before high naval avia tion authorities at anacostla naval air station recently by captain o s uwins a british world war ace the plane was purchased by the navy for study and experimental pur poses the singe stater biplani was con structed to attain a speed of iso miles an hour carrying a full military load consisting of two machine guns am munition four bombs radio set and fuel for approximately three hours flying time captain uwins wbo brought the craft from england put itthrough inside and outside loops with a com bination of both going from one into another he threw the little air plane into spins barrel rolls half- rolls loops and dived from unusual heights despite low hanging clouds freezing temperature and a brisk snowfall driven by a strong wind he flew tho plane on its back and ex hibited its manoeuverabllity in diffi cult turns the plane is powered by a bristol- jupiter radial alrcqoled engine devel oping approximately 600 horse power it has a wing span of about 33 feet the navy sought to purchase also one of tie snpermarinenapier air planes powered by a rolls royco en gine that was entered in the schneider cup race but the company manufac turing the fast planes refused to per mit one of their craft to leave the country to prevent disclosure of its secret characteristics the newsprint situation le devcir according to a des patch from montreal which appear ed in a toronto daily newspaper messrs ferguson and taschereau have reached an agreement on the necessity of protecting the paper in dustry and aiding the manufacturers by increasing the price by five dol lars a ton effective from january the first next if this rumour is well founded it is hard to see exactly what the international paper company will do for it has longterm contracts for the supply of large quantities of paper with the chain of hearst newspapers at a price which is already below the market quotation but we must be lieve that the two premiers and more especially our own would want to come to an arrangement with this great paper company it is a sing ular situation in which an american pays a lower price for a canadian product than does the canadian him self from imigrant to finance minister canadas new finance minister hon claries- a dunning whose appointment as the new finance minister for the dominion was announced by premier king following a meeting of the cabinet mr dunning will also continue to administer the affairs of tho department of railways and canals as acting minister the question is ask ed have we no canadian born for the job us and britain act in manchuria geneva gets chinas appeal for intervention in eastern crisis russia denies report events are moving rapidly in the critical situation in the far east geneva despatches show that china has laid her case before tho league of nations though tho report that she is also sending an appeal to signatories of tho kellogg pact remain uncon firmed both the united states and b f tain however are prepared to par ticipate in united action to help bring peace in manchurir as soon as the op portunity arrives meanwhile an unexpected develop ment in china is tho reported sudden termination of tho civil war between the nanking government and the kuo- minchun which now leaves tho gov ernment free to orgninze a heavy blow at tho rebels around canton and to attend to events on the russian fron- bcon laid for an efficient volunteer tier army in australia recent despatches minimizo the ex- a conference of the adjutants of tho tcnt c tho russian invasion of man- third victoria division hero marked i c declaring that only irregular tho opening of an intensivo campaign troops have gone beyond the frontier for recruits i reports indicate practically all tho officers and noncommissioned officers the teacher s thoughts wer far and 60to 75 per cent of tho other away but when he heard the boy ranks have already been enlisted a warm donsimut v tread on he thought there was chicago isnt so bad as its painted some mistake and glancing at the tho police havo found only two drug- book ho saw here is a worm do stores that sell machineguns tread on u gives birth to her 25th child portland me all local records of vital statistics were broken when tilrs francesco sangello of this city gave birth to her 25th child a girl recent ly of the 25 children born to mr and mrs sangello there were three sets of twins twelve are now alive the mother is 42 years of age and her husband a laborer 47 the couple were married in italy 25 years ago at the sangello home both moth er and baby were reported doing nicely a new minister was scandalized to observe tho old verger who had been collecting the offertory quietly extract a twoshilling piece before presenting the plato at tho altarrail after tho service he called the old man to ac count the verger was puzzled for a moment and then a sudden light dawned on him why sir you dont mean that two shillings of mine why ive led off with that for tho last fif teen years given up as lost comes back to pals washed into cabin by huge wave he awaits till sub sidence of water allows him to scale rock whence he is res cued almost dead london a maltese fireman named attard supposed to have been drown ed when the steamer molesey was wrecked with the loss of eight lives in a gale recently created a sensation in a hotel at mllford haven by a sud den appearance he had remained 1 secluded aboard the wrick until calm er water permitted him to scramble to shore over the great milford rock which rises steeply from the water his feat was considered a remarkable one by chance a retired naval oftrcer in a motorboat spotted attard on the rock and took him off stiff with cold and almost exhausted liquor and dry clothes revived him and ho was driven to the hotel where shipwrecked comrades tre staying in broken eng lish attard told the story of his ex traordinary luck in surviving the wreck he spent many hours await- ing death praying and believing he was the only survivor waves had pitched him into a cabin amidships attard said he scramb led dazed into a bunk rolled up like a ball an watched the water rising and receding in the cabin as he was be- j ing interviewed by reporters the ships chief officer stocks whose wife is missing entered the room and the meeting was dramatic the two looked at each other in si lence and stocks jaw literally dropped where did you come from he finally uttered attard in reply gave him a lively handshake i to get ahead look ahead think ahead plan ahead plod ahead labor powers attack commutors us business men brand latest move at capital as preposterous drastic move washington a regulation to com pel aliens working in the united states to reside in the united states is under consideration at the depart ment of labor this means that the presdnt means of livelihood of between ten and fif teen thousand residents of canada is again threatened it is calculated that if the labor department decides to push the matter which is consider ed to bo the outgrowth of agitation carried on by labor organizations and the united states government were to support the department about one quarter of the population of the bor der cities of canada would be adverse ly affected the proposed legislation it is un derstood would requiro payment of an 8 head tax and 10 for a visa on every border crossing the regula tion would apparently revoko general order 86 which was promulgated on april 1 1027 under this order cana dians and nonnative canadians who crossed the border daily to work were given the status of immigrants and under that rating it is understood no further imposition of head tax or charge for visa is admissible the chronology of the status or re sidents of canada who work in the uunlted states follows 1 canadian and residents of the dominion gainfully employed in the united states were permitted to cross daily as visitors 2 they wore permitted to cross as immigrants being forced to comply with the ordinary requirements for immigrants now it is suggested that they may bo barred the markets white russians brutally killed provision prices toronto wholesale dealer are quot- 2l soviet raiders are charged 85c cooked hams 48 to 52c emoked with murder by ails zc breakfast bacon 26 to 37c wklol backs peameacd 36 to 40c do wnoiesaie smoked 45 to 53c harbin a once prosperous colony cured meats long clear bacon 80 of about 8000 white russians in th to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 fertile three rivers district of north to 110 lbs 21c heavywattft rolls ern rjarga has been all but annlhil- 40c lightweight lolls 25c at d gaer boraot warfare be- ening tierces 13 to utee tubs manchuvlan regime according to 14c pails 14c tins 16c prints chinese leports 15c tho threo rivers district has been pork loins 26c new york raided repeatedly by bands of soviet shoulders 17c pork butts 21 vic pic- partisans alleged to be plainclothes nic hams 22c produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy ing from country shippers at the fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 58 to 00c fresh firsts 50 to 52c seconds 33 to 35c pullet extras 43 to 47c butter no 1 40u to 40vjc no 39 to 39ic soldiery acting as part of tho russian far eastern command under general bluecher the brutality of theso raids is staggering a typical example is contained in tho following chinese communique early in october a troop of irre- gular soviet cavalymen dressed as civlliansand numbering between loo and 200 attacked the village of tyne- churring creamspecial 43c no m xt r ma- j ho which was inhabited by about ooo 1 42c nc 2 39c cheese no 1 largo colored paraf fined and government graded 20 to 20uc clover seed prices for clean seed from a good seed cleaning mill the following range of prices fob shipping points in ontario is being offered to growers by dealers red clover suitable for can nol per bus 8 do no 2 57 alsikc no 1 export 9798 per cent purity 56 no 2 export 9596 per cent purity 540 no 3 export 9294 per cent purity 180 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 420 alsike white mixtures 510 sweet clover can grade no 1 2 do no 2 150 livestock markets heavy beef steers 850 to 950 butcher steers choice 875 to 975 russian emigrants and 200 buriats the villago is situated abouc 30 versts north of tho chinese eastern railway station of yakeshi in tho western part of helluugkang province named barga at a distance of about 150 vests from tho sinosovlet boundary the red commissar said to bo a hungarian commanding tho troop ordered him to indicate thoso villagers summoned tho tillage headman and who were serving in whito partisan bands upon receiving the reply that there were none the whole male popu- population of tho village except those who had managed to make their es cape among them even boys of 10 years and less were put on their knees and slaughtered by the are o do com 550 to 750 butcher heift machine guns from a distance of ers choice 875 to 975 jo fair to a few feet s 8 to 875 do com 550 to 750 butcher cows good to choice 650 to 725 do com to med 5 to 6 do canners and cutters 350 to 450 butcher bulls good to choice 650 to 725 do med 6 to 625 do bolognas 525 to 575 babv bsef 10 to 14 feeders good s to 850 stockeil good 750 to 8 do fair 525 to 7 calves good 15 to 10 do ned 10 to 11 d grassers 550 to 725 springers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 1175 to 12 do bucks 875 to 9 sheep choice 6 to 650 do med 5 to 550 hogs bacon woc 1125 close to 70 deaths the total number of those mur dered in this mass execution was be tween co and 70 a few survived by pretending to be dead and said that after the firing was over the raiders dispatched those who still showed signs of life by hacking them with swords bayonets and daggers wives and mothers who had wit nessed the murders were forced to re turn to the village and prepare bread and tea for the raiders who fled when warned of the approach of a rescue do selects 1 per hog premium do party on their way back to soviet butcher 75c per hog discount do fob price- 125 cwt under woc do trucked in 50c cwt under woc gross turnover of pool drop 35000000 less than in preceding year reveal ed in report winnipeg according to the annual statement of the canadian wheat pool released recently tho pool for the year ending july 31 1929 handled 253102000 bushel of wheat gross turnover for t- year amounted to 28809700 hich was 35000000 less tl no previous year largely accounted for by large carryover of wheat by the pool amounting to 48- 358000 bushels july 31 the pool was forced to sell a million bushels of wheat each market day last season in consumptive channels the pool shipped wheat to 19 coun tries comprising 90 ports britain tak ing tho largest quantities 34684000 bushels japan 11000000 china 6- 082000 holland 10000000 belgium 11000000 italy 9000000 france nearly 8000000 tho report concludes our mam- bers must realize that we havo ar rayed against us in our fight for bet ter conditions on the canadian farm every force in europe which requiro to purchase our produce and that means it may be necessary to put up with some inconvenience if hardship is to be avoided territory the band stopped at a num ber of other villages inhabited by rus sian emigrants and committed other murders and outrages according to conservative estimates the number of victims of this raid of soviet troops into the socalled three river dis trict of barga during the first week of october amounted to at least 150 in cluding numerous boys between 5 anil 14 years old according to the soviet press tho raid was undertaken as a retaliatory measure for incursions of whito par tisans into soviet territory with tho effect that a band of 140 white under the command of a certain peshkoif was annihilated legion considers burntout men an interesting view of burin before the recent disastey c y rzcent tidal wave on newfoundland coast following cuake e n c os great burin in burin peninsula south coast of newfoundland recently scene of tidal wave that iwept coast following atlantic quake claiming many live waterspout hits north portugal problem of prematurely aged veterans will bulk large in deliberations reglna sask what is to be done with the canadian exservlco maa who while not suffering from dis ability which can bo classed as pen sionable breaks down in physique and spirit becauso of the drain of his physique while on actlvo service this is one of tho big quostlons which will occupy the attention of tho do minion convention of tho canadian legion which opened hero monday for three years now the experts at legion headquarters havo been study ing this problem and it is likely somo important recommendations will bo submitted for tho consideration of tho convention to bo passed on to tho dominion government if approved it was as a result of the study of this question- made by tho canadian legion servico bureau at ottawa to ronto london and elsewhere that tho dominion parliament in 192s ap pointed a special parliamentary com- mitteo to deal with returned soldiers problems a committee so impressed by tho evldenco presented that 23 amendments wcro made to the pen sion act in that session of the houso extensive damage done to vineyards and other crops libson portugal a gigantic water spout bursting over the sierra do suajo has flooded 60 milos of terri tory in northern portugal the water i of commons mains which supply tho power stations with olaborato and appropriate at braga and llndoso wero totally j ceromonies tho third annual conven- wrecked i tion of tho canadian legion of tho firo brigades troops and workmen i british emplro servico league was havo ben sent to tho stricken districts opened at tho hotel saskatchewan but constant rains frustrated their ef- 1 a special message was adopted to foils vineyards ollvo groves and crops suffered extensive damage north alaska already be sent to general sir arthur currle the message to general currle was as follows tho canadian legion of the brit ish empiro service leaguo now in in grip of hard winter convention assembled sends greetings tanana alaskawinter has closed pilent we find it impos- in on north central alaska the yu- f 5 s l t j feel that you aie unaulo to oo with kon river is frozen the tanana and c m the lnapirauon ot 21 l lil h c y ponco and tho guidance ot from many indications this winter promlies to be one of the low tempera tures arctic ice hugged the north alaska shore two months earlier than usual wild fowl went south ahead of season and bears sought their dens in oc tober the winter of 191718 was the your counsel wo pray that by tho mercy of divine provldenco yon may be restored to health and strength to lead us again as a united body rt tho cause ot peacoand humanity the unanimous passing of tms re solution was taken as an indication that general currlo would again be coldest recorded in interior alaska as by tho convention to accept when it was sixtythree degrees below 0 as its president for another zero at fort yukon year c

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