stouffville november 14th 1929 local happenings isaktuiaititaiaiiiaffibtiiismtattiatsmstie a s leaney has s that is growning new as in the spring- plum tree leaves just mrs s mckeown nousekeeper for dr storey was called to toronto unexpectedly last week owing to the illness of her son since the recent rains fall wheat is showing a marked improvement in hems were crowded out last week in ditches are to be seen fw silversides sold a public auction sale at victoria corners in keach township last week for ibe morrison eslatc which totalling over sg400 councillor ross ratcliffof whit church was one ofthe judges at the east york plowing match held on the farm of hon geo s henry last week the annual south ontario plowing match was held on tuesday of this week on the farm of the late chas calder in whitby township the dinner afterwards wasserved in the hotel at brooklyn november 25th is municipal nomination day in many towns villages and townships throughout ontario when will whitchurch or stouffville adopt the newer date aim thus lift the turmoil of nomina tion and lection days out of the busy rush of christmas and new years when the nomination day is held on the above date voting takes place on doc 2nd it is simply a matter of changing the financial year of the town to the earlier date and we be lieve a large percentage of the rate- payers would approve the earlier dates comfortable frame house to rent in westend apply to miss johnson at mrs hiram kesters presbyterian church anniversary next sunday afternoon you can get the balance of this year free with a new subscription to the tribune for 1930 start now and take advantage of this offer milk shippers have received slight advance in the price of whole milk sent into toronto the increase was very small and most shippers feel that it should have at least been 25c per can mr thos williamson received a letter from his granddaughter in los angeles which was mailed from there on tuesday night of last week reaching stouffville on thursday night just two full days the letter came by air mail which accounts for the speed in which it was delivered ir it had come by train from the same point of mailing it would re quire ave days in which to reach stouffyille dont forget to reserve thursday evening nov 2 1st to hear ye old tyme village quartette in ratcliffs hall tickets now on sale adults 50c children 25c send in your news items and small advertisements early in the week to the tribune quite a number ot itms were crowded out last week in the last minute rush of going to press the new beauty parlor over lehmans shoe store is open tues day thursday and saturday each week margaret cove mrs j k brown who is being nursed by her daughter mrs leland johnston on the 10th concession is quite ill being threatened with pneu monia the local hydro service continues very unsatisfactory to some users the village voltage is so bad early in the evening that it is impossi ble to do some classes of work with it quality service the lemonville polling booth gave wm pearson defeated candidate in the recent election the largest majority of any polling booth in the whole riding the local stock market wizards have been having a rather unsettled time the past week or so when the worst breaks in many years have occurred on the toronto and new- york markets the large number of hunters who went to the north country from stouffville an1 other places are having the advantage and enjoyment ot many tine days in which to tramp the woods curlers attention a meet ing of the curling club is called for friday nov 15th ai s pm at the rink election of officers and other important business dr w a sangster pres the regular monthly meeting of the stouffville womens institute will be held at the honi of mrs h j imolloy on wednesday nov 20th at 230 pm miss gorrle of the pro testant childrens home toronto will address the meeting piano solos by dorothy myers and doreen hodgins visitors always welcome an easy way of bread baking a full house greeted the eckard players in ratcliffs hall on thanks giving night besides the bell ringers other interesting and skilled artists performed and the crowd declared it was a splendid entertainment such as is rarely heard here carman gay and her gypsy band rendered splen did music for the dance afer the entertainment the stouffville old boys and girls association of toronto are holding a euchre and dance on friday evening november 22nd 1929 in public utilities hall go bond street toronto cards to commence at 830 p m sharp admission 25 cents for 1929 members 50 cents for non members news of interest to men mens and young mens winter overcoats in blues greys and brown now is the time to purchase one of these warm overcoats sizes 33 to 40 1750 see our window dis play boys winter overcoats in a variety of colors 795 to 1200 mens all wool sweater coats in all the leading shades 275 450 and 500 boys all wool jerseys in a nice range of patterns sizes 22 to 32 150 and 200 we have in stock the leading makes in underwear such as penmans turnbulls and stanfields in combinations and separate garments r ecurtis everything in mens wear phone 5601 stouffville stoves stoves again this fall we are selling the popular find lay stoves and furnaces that have proven the biggest success in this line ever attempted the many stoves sold by us of the findlay make are giving the utmost satisfaction whether you buy or not j we want you to call and see the findlay ammunition and guns for the fall hunter large range of rifles and shot guns and all hunters supplies f y w brathwaite open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the stouffville junior institute met at the home of miss m mertens on wednesday nov 13th a prize was for the best article made from a yard of faiftory cotton and 10c was a special feature on the program stouffville needs a building bylaw restricting the class and type of buildings that might be erected in the business section occasionally some style of building or business is commenced that is repugnant to the street and such a bylaw is then talked of now is an opportune time to enact such restrictions when it is not interfering with any work underway jim muston was the first of the local hunters to reiurn home with his deer from the northern woods mr muston was in cua north with a toronto hunting party and his bounty is a 200 pound doe others who are on a hunting trip and not mentioned in our list last week in- the unexpected death of mrs foley mother ot mrs lou morden came as a great shock on monday at noon she had been quite well and assisted the- morden family on the friday previous in moving to the house one door west ot the presby terian church later she contracted a heavy cold which developed pneumonia the funeral on wednes day afternoon took place to the markham cemetery arid was attended by three sons from western canada enquire about the quaker method of easy bread baking a wonderful new easy quicker way of baking delicious bread and parker house rolls a new cook book on hand call in and get your copy stiver bros stouffville ontario harvey schells new butcher shop was opened on tuesday and the old stand closed up the new premises located next the tribune office is undoubtedly one of the most modern shops inside or outside toronto the elude- christie armstrong frank counters and refrigerator are all baker harvey baker strong and jk agnew sam arm- the condition of the municipal building or fire hall which is owned by the town and under the control of the council is not very good for a progressive place like stouffville the brick work over the front door is in bad repair and the general appearance is one of neglect why not have the towns only public building be made a piace of beauty which might encourage others to improve their properties about 2 oclock on monday morn ing charlie barke of altona heard a car driving out of the lane on his farni and he quickly arose suspect ing chicken thieves were about mr barkey soon discovered the thieves wanted something bigger for his automobile was stolen securing the aid of a neighbor the tracks of the thieves were followed some distance but were finally lost the police have been notified but so far no clue as to the whereabouts have been dis covered a matter that should be of im portance to the soldier element has been brought to our attention it appears that when the memorial gates were erected at the entrance to the park the name of john mcpherson was omitted from the list inscribed on the memorial table the omission may fcave been due to neglect of the relatives in not having his name sent in when the list was being made up in any event the omission is there and his father wm mcpherson wagon maker at ringivood at one time but now retired in toronto would receive some source of pleasure and satisfaction if his sons name could be added to the tablet soldier john mcpherson was the baggageman at the local station when the war broke out and he enlisted in the local battalion and saw active service in france there is room for johns name on the tablet and we under stand it could be added by the local stone carver bart wideman the thanksgiving market last thursday was extra well attended and a great deal of produce was brought in ducks came in plentiful numbers at from 25c to 28c pound but the unusual feature was the large number of turkeys offered for sale one inlooker declared his surprise that there were so many turkeys in the country about stouffville ratcliff co alone brought over 50 of these birds and paid from 43c to 45c a pound for them geese realized 25c and chickens ran anywhere from 25 to 30c with a few really choice ones hrlnging a little more eggs brought the farmer 55c per dozen following only a couple of weeks the death of his son with whom he lived at ballantrae patrick young passed away on thursday night oct 31 quite unexpectedly the funeral on saturday took place to the roman catholic church and cemetery at newmarket deceased was in his 69th year and had ilvel at ballantrae for 30 years being widely known throughout the local ity following the death of his son boscoe mr young went up to mount albert owing to his ill health where he died at the home of his daughter his wife predeceased him some years and ho is survived by two daughters the one in mt albert and the other living in toronto at the last meeting of the munici pal council for the village of rich mond hill a matter under discussion for a long time was the numbering of the houses in the village we unj derstand of course that it is quite prudent to number the homes in a city or very large town but what object can there be in instituting this plan in a small place like richmond hill the inhabitants ot which are about equal in number to stouffville somewhere in the old testament we are told that qod brought a peste- lence among a certain people led by king david because he imprudently had his people numbered now numbering houses unnecessarily is akin to numbering the people and if this is correct those village fathers at the hill better towaro lest they bring condemnation on the heads of themselves and their people on thursday evenivg nov 21 ye olde tyme village quartette with miss pearl carter elocutionist as assisting artist will give a concert in ratcliffs hall under the auspices of the local chapter order of the equipped frigidaire and all meats are carried into the- shop on tracts right from the truck which conveys it from the slaughter house the beautiful front show window has 13 feet of glass and the vegetable window is fitted with a sprinkler to keep the goods fresh mr schell is to be congratulated on his enterprise is fitting upa shop that adds so much to our main street the ever popular chicken pie sup per will again be held at ballantrae united church on wednesday even ing nov 20th supper from 6 to s oclock followed by a good program nothing is more popular to this day than the chicken pie supper so come along in big numbers and gladden the people of this church by your presence and financial help- adults 50c children 25c on- saturday afternoon nov 2nd the wee juniors ot t w eaglesons music class held a halloween social in the studio sixteen rtfcnbers were present a nice program of music beginning with the tuneful kinder garten melody and ranging through the different grades up to the junior piano was given by gertrude winn ruth marshall jean pipher erla crossierfranke johnsonmary doten marion hastings margaret schmidt and elinore marshall several hallo ween games were played after the program and prizes were won by eastern star you should not miss aron hastings jean davis bettie the opportunity of hearing this group muston elmore marshall and edith of canadas most popular entertain- g l lunch csed a jolly ers to hear them is a genuine treat dartv cold weather is coming so be prepared for it by keeping your hand and feet warn and dry we have a good as sortment of mitts and gloves lined and un- lined you will need a pair soon also rub bers the best that are made come from kauf man rubber co mens socks heavy all- wool light and medium weight now is the time to buy all firstclass goods the only exclusive shoe store in t own store will be open all day wednesday after nov 1st a g lehman the vogue hat and novelty shop all hats reduced prices one door east ot library this is the time of year when all culverts and ditches should be clean ed out as a protection against spring floods miss lillian dowswell of the public school staff is taking an enforced holiday suffering from the flu her duties at the school are being taken care of by mr earl iclendening thanksgiving day was very quiet ly celebrated in stouffville a great many visitors from toronto and other places were here to visit old friends while a number of residents went elsewhere for the day the weather was mild and rain threaten ed much of the day auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday nov 15th and 16th two features making the grade story by george ade just tony tom mix tuesday and wednesday nov 19h and 20th a mans past conrad veidt comedies friday and saturday nov 22nd and 23rd abies hush rose s g schmidt prop owing to the extensive grading operations on the 10th concession near lincolnville where the hills are being cut down and the road in the swamp widened traffic is unable to pass that way the road may be in poor shape this fall until the freeze- up but jane why take a chance when we can buy a rogers- batteryess with guaranteed tubes for the same price i dtdn 7 know that x certainly we can get a little gem of a cabinet model for 21500 all complete with lubes and a genuine electrodynamic speaker and besides i believe in buying madeincanada merchandise all right but remember 1 want it for christmas yes why hake a chance when guaranteed performance is yours with a wtofismm iiii the pftfffm 1uxteryless radio every christmas since 1925 public demand for the original batteryless radio has been greater than the rogers factory could supply if you are considering the purchase of a radio by all means get a rogers but do not put it olt too long we suggest that you come in now choose one of the new models and instruct us to deliver it fot christmas convenient terms if desired j m storey stouffville the annual decoration day service held by stouffville war veterans seems to be diminishing in interest for last sunday only about 13 of their number lined np for this- par ade which attended service at the christian churoh at 11 oclock where rev e morton preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion and convincing in thought alter the church service the soldiers paraded to the cemetery and placed wreaths on the graves of departed comrades the reeve and one or two other town officials joined in the small procession which wended its way to the city of the dead to perform thoir honored task on tuesday evening oct 22nd mr and mrs elmer still were the guests ot honor in first ave united church orangevllle when their many friends assembled to spend a social hour with them and to wish them god speed on their departure to their new home at stouffville where mr still has been appointed manager of the bank of commerce the jmstor rev e tv mcbrien called the assembly to order a hymn was sung after which mr jas wise offered prayer mr t s parkinson was then called upon to take charge of the program and in his opening romarks paid tribute to mr stills sportsmanship on the bowling green and referred to the many times mr still had led his rink of which mr parkinson was a member on to vic tory mrs still was leader of the mission band a worker in the ladles aid missionary society and sunday school mr still was for years secretary of tho s s and a worker therein as well as being recording steward ot the church and all those organizations wero well represented at this farewell a re port of which occupied a couple of columns in the orangevllle banner both mr and mrs still and master billy were presented with suitable ever try this remedy for bronchitis whooping- cough sore throats head colds and tonsil troubles mrs sywlla spahre tonsllitis good results or money back you cant lost try it storeys drug store that car of yours needs attention for fall driving the motor transmission and differential need lighter oil at this time of year and we have it in proper density for your particular car again the rougn and greasy roads make it imperative that your motor bo cleaned up to stand the gaff of constant gear changing and hard pulling have your brakes inspected often make sure theyre right we offer you our usual ef ficient prompt service with courtesy drive in whore courtesy is a habit a swift phone 105 stowfvuilih herbs that heal when bronchial tubes seem all on fire fifty years ago a quietgoing soul james gallagher came to peterborough county his was a marvelous akutm compounding herbal medicine ono of his many prescriptions for folk subject to bronchitis or similar ills and nasty coughs and colds was his indian herbal remedy full of the heal thgrring power drawn from mother nature her self wonderfully healing to inflamed tissues a builder of good red blood mako the acquaintance of this tried reliable remedy keep well this winter together with tho other fine gallagher herbal household remedies now ob tainable from jai j m storey stpuffvlua