stouffville october 24th 1929 ontario wants hydro at cost with the watchwords hydro electric power at cost the province of ontario has built up the greatest publicly owned electric power generating system in the world but premier ferguson during the past few years has repeatedly violated the hydro principle of power at cost by buying large blocks of pewer on long term contracts from new york and montreal corporations instead of developing the water powers of the province fergusons contract prices with these pri vately owned power corporations must cer tainly cover a profit for the operators to say nothing of the further cost of transmission lines fro mthe quebec border to toronto paid by the province in 1928 ferguson permitted the ontario hydro commission to export power to the extent of 427293000 kilowatt hours to the united states while at the same time he was buying power from private companies in quebec to supply ontarios needs he has repeatedly refused to divulge the prices be ing paid by the american purchasers of on tarios power at markham last saturday george s henry refused to state the selling terms ontario must be carrying part of the cost that should be paid by the purchaser last october just five days before the financial year of the government closed fer guson took 2108000 from the hydro sys tem in order to balance the provincial budget if the hydro can pile up a reserve that will allow ferguson to take more than two milion dollars where is the principle of power at cost if hydro can pile up reserves of 2000000 for the government hydro rates should be reduced down to cost vote san ders and get cheaper hydro bills h a sanders has the endorsement of the ontario prohibition union in east york vote san harold a sanders liberal candidate in east york he is a lifelong resident of this riding local autonomy vs central autocracy harold a sanders maintains that school boards and county councils should control the administration of educational matters in their own municipalities he will not allow nor uphold dictation from the department of education with regard to school sites nor other questions properly in the control of the local authorities representation the present representation act is pure ly ferguson production it is a gerrymander with a definite aim to deprive the rural peo ple of proper representation the people are entitled to and should have a fair repre sentation act allowing rural ontario a larger representation rural ridings should not have city wards added to nullify the rural vote as at present ballantrae owing to the auniversary next sunday there will be no church or sunday school here we are sorry to report the passing of lmr ross young our deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family lemonville owing to the anniversary at bloomington next sunday there will be no service or sunday school here tle anniversary services at bloomington united church will be conducted as follows 11 a m uxbridge business mens bible class with instrumental and vocal music address by the teacher mr t g gold 7 pm servlco in charge of the pastor and lomonville choir lemonville was honored last thursday by a visit from the toronto hunt club pickering council old age pensioners may number over goo to date 540 applications for the old age pension have been granted to simcoe county residents twen ty of those received by the county board have been refused tor var ious reasons such as savings pro perty and family able to look after the applicant a total of 319 applications have been approved by the board to date ptfckeriug ftowmlhjip council at the october meeting transacted considerable routine business but most of the afternoon was occupied in dealing with road accounts the following roads bills were passed for payment a mlchell haul grav 7350 p carter work 13230 a mlchell work 56s0 c puckrin grading etc 124 v ward operat ing grader and work 3350 a maxwell labor 1250 wm max well work 1250 g bennett team on grad 25 l gates work 2500 geo gates spread grav 14075 cnr grav 132 so t holtby weeds 250 thos hardy 250 thos hardy 250 m patt erson 250 j riddle 250 j mitchell 500 t beverley 250 l white 475 p madill 750 h h madill ditto 250 albert matthews ditto 11 j mcintosh 250 t hodge 625 n cox weeds gravel 3g35 c wright gravel 20 go also haul grav 24 a hoare cut weeds 2125 a trimble weeds 750l mccullough weeds 23 j spenceley work etc 101 hg mclntyre rep work 10 o crunimer work 23750 m hickey gravel 101 wm deurka gravel for con 12 lg75pairbanks mossis co rep 5o a boyes labor 12 j e hinan 1350 jno in the county otyork ot these j p 1s g ue 2 practically all are for the full lenj j s 12375 l j cadden dynamite fuses and caps old age pensions the old age pensions legislation of the ferguson government imposes a tax on the municipalities of 40 of the- provincial con tribution the province should and will assume the whole cost of their 50 of the pensions and thus relieve the municipalities of this burden when the liberal party comes into power and be satisfied election day wednesday october 30 1929 8 am to 7 pm dont forget that wet weather is coming so get prepared you will need rubbers mens light overs 100 boys light overs 85c youths light over 75c little gents light overs 70c womens light overs 80c misses light overs 70c childs 65c a g lehman goodwood born to rev a harden and wife on october 21st a son mrs joseph imiddleton is spending a few days with her daughters in to ronto mrs w haynes and delbert are spending a couple of days with friends in toronto rev mr eaton of unionville will preach in the united church on nov 3rd special music by church hill young people while assisting to unload gravel wm sellers received a nasty injury to a couple of lingers by being jam med by an iron bar six stitches wero necessary to close the wound sion of 20 a month it is estimated that 200 applications are incoiup- plete and will be settled shortly by the board and that by nov 1 at least 1000 applications will be on file for the county of york this figure is three times the estimated number made by fhe government at the last session linton 4s j garslin 3550 l gauslin 625 j byors 12524 h pilkey painting 100 the council now adjourned to meet again on monday november 4 for the transaction of general busi ness your summer home can look twice as attractive simply cover the walls and ceilings with smooth tightfitting sheets of gyproc fireproof iwallboard then decorate gyproc will also make it cooler on hot days warmer on cold nights 217 fireproof wallboard for salo by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont gormley walter henderson was home over sunday from buffalo mrs win smith is confined to lim bed with a rather serious illness we wish her a speedy recovery mr and mrs winger of stevens- ville visited with mr and mrs geo french over sunday mr and mrs harvey sheffer of stayner visited at the home of mrs shelters mothermrs sarah steckley over sunday imr hoy brillingcr is now the proud father of two sons he will soon have plenty of potato pickers congratulations to him mr and mrs c e heise and children accompanied by mrsi smith motored to stayner and collingwood over last sunday returning monday revival meetings are still in pro gress at the heise hill church a full house was present both morning and evening on sunday the meet ings will contimio during this week at 730 pm each night it is said that the model a ford can bound over a four toot embank ment after leaving tne highway and proceed over uneven ground and one could scarcely know he had left the puomont from what we hear it is not so with the model t ford at least ono recently attempted to leap the four embankment but instead of speeding on it came to a full stop and if any one desires to know the sensation realized ho may corres pond with allan cider cider cider notice now is the time to got your cider made at our mill cider barrels on hand now for sale j h sidkr phone 7207 stouffville have you that radio over hauled for winter ip not call j edwin smith radio service man stouffville sets repaired rebuilt aerials erected all at moderate charges circuits built to order phone stouffville 330g laag fmat 14 0 every other electric radio in superpower sensitivity in picking up stations five years of proven performance 3 guaranteed tubes 4 outsold canada 5 outperformed every radio in an im partial test of nine leading makes o been created developed and perfected in canada and is sold nowhere else yot must get a 1030 rogers rogers alone can give you the six features listed above i and in addition to those points which are exclusively rogers you get every other advantage that a highgrade radio offers including electrodynamic speaker with rare power and exquisite tone quality a genuine dynamic superb cabinets designed by the makers of the highest priced furniture in canada automatic voltage control perfect volume control complete shielding phonograph plugin jack 4gang condensers output transformer greater selectivity single dial control illuminated dial a combination radiophonograph supreme as a radio superb as a phonograph known as the rogers phonolectro radio we challenge a checkup of the statements we have made these are the claims of a successful conservative cana dian institution the 1930 rogers radio models are on display now visit the rogers dealers store and prove or disprove to your satisfaction the claims we make rogersmajestic corporation limited montreal toronto winnipeg auction sale of registered shorthorns and grade cattle horses sheep swine and car etc the undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction at lot 11 concession 2 uxbridge on tuesday october 20 1929 the following property belonging to w e meredith dual ltjuosk shorthorns registered or eligibile no 1 proud duchess 14 209411 june 1924 dam duchess of springbank it o p s475 lbs milk 320 fat sire british jewel er by britsh prince no her bull calf 4 weeks old by tyrewen augusta 192742 his dam gipsy maid 12th her dam uipsy tmaid 7th if o p 11693 milk 492 butter fat no 3 proud duchess 13th dam proud duchess 9th sire british jeweler brej august 5 no 4 tyrewen jewel eligible for registration july 1925 sire british jeweler dam gipsy maid 11th her dam gipsy maid 7th b o p 11g93 lbs milk 492 fat bred july 26th no 5 her white calf 6 months old sire tyrewen augusta liia dam gipsy maid 12th no 6 tyrewen gloster girl 210931 march 1924 sire gloster prince 130640 dam burnbrae matchless bred august 29th no 7 gipsy maid 12th 206144 may 1924 sire diamond prince 4th his sire butterfly st clare froni butterfly rose winner guelph and ottawa dairy test highest selling cow caledonia 191s dam gipsy maid 7th r o p bred july 25th no 8- her roan bull calf 6 nios old sire tyrewen augusta no 9 tyrewen duke eligible for registration august 192s sire count augusta 170890 dam proud duchess 14 grade cattle no 10 rgypr w cow bred on september 12th no 11 jeff b w cow bred on april 26th no 12 gladys b w cow bred on august 2nd no 13 guess 18 months heifer bred august 18th no 14 snowdrop is months heifer bred october 14 no 15 doris 5 months old heifer also 10 young cattle well bred horses daisy bay mare g p jess brown mare g p nigger black gelding g p doll brown driver works in team regularly shropshire sheep register ed or eligible 22 ewes all young but three 6 fat lambs 8 ewe lambs 2 shearlings rams registered bred by hugh maclachlan mount pleas ant sire bred by f riddle son yorkshire pigs and fowl sow bred august 17 sow bred august 23 boar 2 years old 3 sows 2 boars 3 months pure bred birk- shlre 3 boars 4 months old 3 sows 4 months old s sows 3 months old 1 guinea minorca leghorn hens quantity oaa oats 144 ford touring car 1924 double and single harness implements etc m ii 6 ft no 5 binder ai h mower 6 ft gear 5ft cut bissel mulcher packer 8ft m h 11 disc drill m ji no 1 cultivator m h disc harrow inthrow m h no 5 400 lb separator speight wagon box and springs set harrows 3 sections fanningmill and bagger scuffler cuttingbox cockshut corn cultivator weigh scales 2000 lbs wagon type root pulper hay rack farm truck sleighs i h s single plow coekshutt 2tfurrow iriding llow wheelbarrow grindstone hay irake mccormlckdeering potato digger grain cradle wilklu- smi double mould board plow dinner bell on stand three and four horse eveners doubletrees and other articles i upright grand piano schleicher son new york groceries empire sauce reg 21c 19c mayfair grape marmalade reg 35c 30o keillers pineapple marmalade reg 25c 20c keillers ginger marmalade reg 25c 20c keillers tongerine marmal ade reg 25c 20c jelly powders 4 pkgs 25c beefsteak sauce reg 30 25ci mixed pickles 30 ozjar 33c a w scott george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specially exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 24 plioue 17 for sale 7 pigs leslie widemau 9 weeks old phone 1104 farm for rent or syl 10i acres lot is con 2 uxbridge jesse tindall for sale 7 pure bred south down ram lambs chas connoi phone stouffville 613 for sale 11 small pigs a weeks old apply roy alsop vfj mile east of altona for sale good used bicycle wit coaster brakes and lights appl gsh grimmer phone 2912 apples hand picked graded ou tarlos and other good varieties 100 bushel or 2 dollars per ba rel at john mcktnnons phon 6613 dry wood pine and hemlocj slabs also all kinds of 4foq hardwood dry cut any lengtli and delivered phone w ratclifl stouffville 9906 farmers i am prepared to trucl your live stock to market an handle same for you harry welf man phone 6901 for sale or rent in stouffvlll desirable 7 room brick houa on church st north garage an all conveniences apply to stouifer box 573 weston ont wanted house in stouffvlll about 900 house in stouffvil about 2s00 5 or 10 acres stouffville with house and smaj baru geo e baker phone 17 or box 24 for sale quantity of choiij blenheim orange and norther spy apples ills number of sma pigs r 7th con nlghswander ickeiiug lot 35 apples all apples from n orchard are hand picked and good quality spies 200 bbl wl culls taken out ontarios li barrel or 75c bus chas barke farm for sale 100 acres bell parts lots 1213 on 3rd con u bridge tp mile south goodwood good tillable soil fi further particulars apply on pr mises to owner e morgason for sale church st stouffvlll new bungalow ideal home geo gian pine finish hardwood flooi 3 piece bath hot and cold wate inset cupboards for every us electric apply mrs abram yak 284 coxwell ave phone hargraj 4063 toronto 5 country store with a 150 turnover can he bought for 700 mill grain elevator flour and fei business on a siding making neat profit of 3500 for 1100 garage on corner of 2 highway employing 2 mechanics big tire and accessory trade 550j geo e baker box 24 phone 17 house for sale modern s rooms centrally located in stou vllle threepiece bath hardwo floors electric fixtures complet kitchen cabinet sewing machine fireless cooker coal oil heater hall stand solid oak buckeye brooder fattening crates wash ing machine davenport cradleetc positively no reserve terms furniture car hens fat lambs hay grain calves and all sums of 15 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit sale at 1230 sharp lloyd turner clerk geo keays auctioneer trap mark rigistbrcp in iwj j m storey stouffville ontario i notice b penrose 62 langford ave toronto ont is now showing his full range of mens fall and winter suits and overcoats rcpdytowear or tailor ed to measure 2950 ladles fur coats fur trimmed coats and all- wool cloth coats of newest designs fabrics and styles a north york boy for north york business phone horgrave 1498 or drop a post card to the above address and one of trucks will call with a full rango of samples satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded up to the minute in every detain priced low for quick sale immedt ate possession full particulars i trbune office 27u 1 notice of application for divorce j i notice is hereby given that e 1 franklin irwin of the town of we ton in the county of york and prj ivince of ontario physician wl apply to the parliament of canad at the next session thereof for i bill of divorcement from his wlf emma jean walker irwin of til town of weston in the county york in the province of ontario o the ground of adultery dated at weston this 29th day t august 1929 e f irwin by wm penma his solicitor 36 16 main st n weston on always ask for stovers bread the quality goes into every loaf ambrose stover baker stouffville ontaric efl