v stouffville october 17th 1929 have you that radio over hauled for winter if not call j edwin smith radio service man stouffville sets repaired rebuilt aerials erected all at moderate charges circuits built to order phone stouffville 330g j fbeueaftdweatheh put it on with preston lbdhed nails shown above specially adapted for useinputtingonmetal roofing tho load on the head positively seals the nail hole making it woathor- tight and waterproof no washers no more threading22cporlb free sample on re- quest ribroll galvanized roofing shields property from lightning and fire wooden roofs are easy prey in 1927 in ontario alone 51814700 worth of property was destroyed by fire caused by spontaneous combustion and by embers fall ing on inflammable roofs ribroll is abso lutely fireproof and watertight it protects your crops from dampness that is conducive to spontaneous ignition handsome perman ent easy to lay on any roof has seven ribs to nail others give less security take steps now to protect your livestock crops and buildings write for a free sample of rib- roll prevent spontaneous combustion and have a well ventilated barn warm moist air in an improperly ventilated barn produces conditions conducive to spontaneous ignition preston venti lators for the roof adjustablo sidewall windows and spacious doors protect tho barn from fire dangers by keeping tho air in constant circulation they are built to keep tho element out write for full particulars barn door tracks and hanger proatou hot-galvanizedfour- wheel hangers and birdproof barn door track arc tho best hardware made for heavy barn doors tho hanger is adjustable up and down and in and out this makes erection so easy that hundreds of builders will use no other type preston steel truss barns the strongest barn on tho market there are more preston barns in the provinco than all other metal barns combined fireproof roomy well- ventilatedhnndsomo to our knowledge no preaton steel trues barn has ever been destroyed by lightning or spontaneous combustion write today for our big barn book over 1000 in ontario not one lost through lightning nmolsmm eastertisteel fmdwxs limited toooo xxx guclph street prl7cton ontario montreal dont forget that wet weather is coming so get prepared you will need rubbers mens light overs 100 boys light overs 85c youths light over 75c little gents light overs 70c womens light overs 80c misses light overs 70c childs 65c a g lehman in building your home it costs no more to stop fire by specifying gyproc wallboard you assure walls and ceilings that are efficient fire barriers yet the cost is no more and often less than with materials that give no fire protection whatever gyp fireproof wallboard for salo by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont markham council a suiiitufrfvulc appointed tax collector and j v cowan named as constable for markluun township the markham township council met in regular session at the town ship hall uuionvllle on monday afternoon last week reeva gohn occupied the chair and all the members were present no matters of a contentious nature were up for consideration and the business slate was not large petitions were received for the con struction of macadam roadways on sussex and cedar avenues at lang staff under the local improvement plan the petitions were received and the work will be proceeded with immediately mr abner summerfeldt of union- villa was appointed taxcollector for the east side of the township taking the place of the late william pingle applications were received from a e milner and h summerfeldt owing to the death of constable j clayton the council was faced with the problem of appointing a successor for this office several applications were received but after due consideration the council ap pointed j w cowan of markham at a salary of 2500 per month and a mileage allowance of ten cents per mile mr cowan has had some police experience with the township of scarboro and comes very highly recommended it is understood that road supt maxwell will also be sworn in as a constable and will assist constable cowan a grant of ten dollars was made to the junior farmers plowing competition and a grant of twenty- five dollars to the north york plow mens association the north york match will be held this year at dixons hill on october 24th mr mackie of richmond hill ap peared before the council and asked that the council repair the bridge on the centre road leading out to tho second concession from the rich mond hill cnr station this bridge was washed out during the spring floods and has never been repaired reeve gohn pointed out that this road way is only thirty- three feet wide and has never been assumed as a township road a great many people use this road however and the council will investigate and see if some agreement cannot be made with the village of richmond hill and with interested citizens for ts repair this fall a mckinnon applied to the council to be paid for damage and in convenience due to his farm having been used as a detour during the construction of the bridge in front of his farm the road was closed to traffic and the council did not neg otiate in any way for the detour but mr mckinnon claimed that a great many people took advantage of the short cut through his property and that he was put to a great deal of inconvenience in closing the gates etc he placed his damages at thirty dollars no action was taken by the council sheep claims were paid as follows henry hooper 1 lamb killed 1200 three sheep injured 700 total 19- wilfred ball 1 sheep injured 500 and flock damage of 500 total 10 it was decided to have john street in thornhill scarified this fall it was pointed out that this was an old stone road and that there is a great deal of excellent material which will be utilized when the road is scarified probably about 100 will be spent in scarifying and then there will be an expenditure tor gravel the following accounts were ordered to be paid w j clayton estate salary and mileage as constable 28 so win brooke valu ing sheep 700 bickle fire engine co supplies for fire engine 2142 g ai davison stamps etc 1320 municipal world stationery 912 h s coullne gravel and sand tor the bridges 21255 stiver bros for charity 1594 william craig repairing picks 135 a e jupp construction co surfaoe treatment to helen avenue 2g320 a e jupp repairs to 0th concession 05000 ii h powers repairing bridge at lot 17 con t 38745 h ii powers repairing the riggford bridge 50708 w ball sheep claim 10 henry hooper sheep claim 19 w j clayton salary and mileage re weed inspector 2500 itoad accounts r agar gormley 528 30 win allchurch locust hill 50700 g ii bennett mark ham 23205 d boyd stouffville 43095 r j cunningham 1244 50 alex duncan 41775 p forsy th imarkham 04 25 d shadlock mllllken 2305 e degeer clare- mont gravel 5025 and also for gravel herrlngton bros 5025 s deverall 1250 i rcesor markham 450 a farrel locust hi1l 2050 f j pike stouffville 71 d gra ham stouffville 750 j hood stouffville 4350 a mckinnon 140 p evans unlonville 1875 col deacon 10 wm bond unlon ville 3025 j dean thornhill cutting weeds 245 wg maxwell salary 12500 cider cidkk cider notice now is the time to get your cider made at our mill cider barrels on hand now for sale j it sider phone 7207 stouffville claremont considerable excitement aroused iu our village on saturday moruiug oct 5th when it was realized that burglars had been very active dur ing the night several of our busi ness places were entered including chas coopers hardware store iu which entrance was gained by prying open the front door by means of a crowbar or some other similar in strument the thieves got away with eight or nine auto tires and about ten dollars in cash which was ob tained from the cash register which was taken from the store and left on the side street by d i taylors bake shop the money was secured without causing any damage to the cash register a l pilkeys was also entered by the back door which was also sprung open here they secured a large number of wrenches and other tools an auto tire to gain entrance to f chidlows store hav ing bored a hole through the door but evidently they had become frightened as they made a hurried departure there is no clue as to tho burglars they had done their work some time during the night without alarming any of the residents of the village this is the first burglary in the village in a number of years church hill mr ben talbot was a toronto visitor on sunday we wonder who had the truck to endeavour on friday night we are sorry to report scarlet fever at the home of e robinson we are glad to see oryill home over the week i end from alyiner mr and mrs j martin spent sunday evening at u chapmans mrs irene wench and children visited her mother mrs paisley on thursday our w i were represented at goodwood on thursday and all re port an enjoyable time mr win and oliver beach received the sad news of their brothers death at barrio on satur day we are planning for a big crowd at endeavour on friday night mr meadows of newmarket speaking on evangelistic work bloomington bruce barns has resumed his position in toronto mrs n smith spent several days in toronto last week mr and mrs amos smith of hart man spent sunday at art smiths mrs lemon and miss hill have greatly improved the appearance of their house by having it remodell ed dr and mrs j j matheson of toronto accompanied by friends spent sunday at e a storrys births p1rice on september 18th 1929 to mr and mrs robert a price nee irene hiseyj of quillacolla bolivia a son robert howard auction sale choice cattle houses farm stock implements etc the undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction at lot 10 concession uxbridge on friday october 18lh 1929 the following propertv belonging to j morrison pure bred clydesdale stallion at lantic ii enrolled aged h yrs lay horse aged gp black imare aged gp black mare 10 years supposed in foal with colt by side bay filly rising 2 years old bed cow due in june red cow due january 29th b w cow due march 13th roan cow 3 -yrs- old due may 23rd mi ell cow calf- by side heifer 1 year old 11 choice hohitein heifers 30 yearling and 2yearolds pure bred berkshire sow pure bred tamworth sow white yorkshire sow and 7 pigs 7 young pigs pure bred berkshre number of fowl mh binder g ft m h mower llorsq rake mccormick oiowercul- tivtor riding plow 2 single plows fleury and wilkinson 4 sets har rows hay rack 2 scufllers 2 sets bobsleighs 2 wagons light wagon double buggy gravel box soot pulper 2 sets double harness set single harness 5 horse collars oil heater cook stove table delaval separator standard eparatr vik ing separator churn and butter bowl 23 rows turnips quantity groin aiid hay and numerous other articles terms hay grain fowl and all sums of 15 and under cash 12 months credit or g per cent oil for cash sale at 1 pm p w silversides auctioneer we have just received this smart new rogers radio and it certainly is as the factory says new in every thing but reputation eight redesigned tubes this year including one rectifier all of them uncondition ally guaranteed as in former years to give you satis factory performance a gem of a walnut cabinet with genuine electrodynamic speaker single dial control automatic voltage regulator phonograph plugin jack and the price is only s complete five years of experience in batteryless radio and five years of proven performance stand behind this new rogers low boy it ought to be good and it is but you be the judge do you know what hot galvanizing means to sta the man who in- stalls toronto stable equipment hot galvanizing means a guarantee of absolute rustproofness a life time of service it means that toronto is the best stable equipment that can be made in the hot galvanizing process used in making tor onto stable equipment each article is submerged in a vat of molten zinc at a temperature of 800 degrees this terrific heat expands the metal and the zinc seals the pores with a heavy coating which absolutely defies rust the inside as vell as the outside of steel tubing is made rust proof this is why toronto stalls bull pens water bowls litter carriers etc are giving such wonderful service on thousands of canadian farms it will pay you to let me tell you more about this when you are in town or let me send you big free toronto book 105 george j lawson stouffville ontario good farm to kent iconveni- ent to stouffville apply to f e rae stouffville tf j or sam 7 pure bred south- down ram lambs chas connor phone stouffville g13 for sale laying pullets fishel strain of white rocks bred to lay peter c connon phone markham 74 09 apples hand picked graded on- tarios and other good varieties 100 bushel or 2 dollars per bar rel at john mckinnon s phone gg13 jost grey leather hand bag con taining small sum of money re ward tribune office c- we sell farms listings solicited lockhart lockhart 319 bay st toronto phone elgin 1gc0 george storey local representative phone 3901 for salic quantity barred rocks and also white leghorn pullets r e brow phone 17 for sale 9 little pigs 6 weeks old steven iw knight 9th line ma phone 4714 card of thanks mrs e nicholson wishes to ex press her appreciation to the many friends for the kind remembrances to her little boy while in the hospital for the past 4 months farmers i am prepared to truck your live stock to market and handlesanie for you harry well man phone 6901 34 for sale or rent in stouffville desirable 7 room brick house on church st north garage and all conveniences apply to a stouffer box 573 weston ont cemetery bee there will be one more bee for church hill cemetery to be held on saturday october 19th those who will assist kindly come as early in the day as possible teams will be re quired by request of the ceme tery committee farm for sale a choice fifty acre farm lot 17 con 8 mark ham twp 1 miles east of mark ham village land clay loam all workable and well fenced a com plete set of buildings painted brick residence nice young bear ing orchard with standard varie ties of apples alsoother fruits 3 wells 2 cisterns hydro passes gate rural mail possession ar ranged t w eagleson stouff- vil r h 1 tt george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges arid small acreages stouffville ont box 24- phone 179 farmswanted shrewd farm owners never tie up their farms exclusively with auy agency elder the farm seller fears no competition and therefore asks no favors no options and no exclusive rights of any kind all he wants is a truthful description of the pro perty free listing forms upon re quest andrew elder farm agency established 1910 at 82- ss king st east toronto cider and apple butter altona cider mill reopened cider making every day apple butter by appointment only p nlgs- wander phone 9021 33 drv wood pine and hemlock slabs also all kinds of 4foot hardwood dry cut any length and delivered phone w ratcllff stouffville 990g tf farm for sale 100 acres being parts lots 1213 on 3rd con ux- hridge tp mile south of goodwood good tillable soil for further particulars apply on pre mises to owner e morgason we want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid sam golden apply at e c pennock ac tube fully guaranteed see and hear it this week end at our store or in your home dealers name ljo acres near highway and close to schoo 7room frame house cellar cistern newly roofed new ly decorated hydro throughout small fruits small orchard hen- pen garage well fenced a good garden and poultry farm near store church and good bus service toronto 20 miles 3500 10 acre stouffville frame house bank barn driveshed henpen small orchard small fruits small creek in pasture close to buildings j real poultry farm 5000 t 50 acres toronto 22 miles frame house bank barn henpen imple ment shed small orchard splen did crops this year 6500 70 acres stouffville frame house bank barn impjementssbed level will exchange on city property acres brooklln frame house bank barn small orchard small bush spring creek in pasture so acres good workable land 7500 100 acres stouffville frame house bank barn hogpen hen- pen new 20xg0 2 driving slreds so acres workable balance pasture with creek 8 000 iso agues stouffville 95 work able balance pasture with orcek frame house new bank barns hog and hen pens 2 drivingsheds ce- merit silo school across the road hi health demands immediate sale 13000 150 acres bowmahville with about- 20 acres bush andpasture solid brick house and 2 bank barns small orcharvt12 acres fall wheat 50 meadow 50 fall plowed hog hen pens drivingshed new wood silo will exchange or oshawa or toronto property 12000 oko k baker box 24 stouffville for sale frame house all con veniences including hydro power 3 hi acres of land berry bushes apply win bassett ringwood phono 9912 tt house for sale modern six rooms centrally located in stouff ville threepiece bath hardwood floors electric fixtures complete up to the minute in every detail priced low for quick sale immedi ate possession full particulars a trbune office 27tf notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that ei franklin irwin of the town of wes ton in the county of york and pro vince of ontario physician will apply to the parliament of canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorcement from his wife emma jean walker irwin of tho town of weston in the county ot york in the province of ontario on the ground of adultery dated at weston this 29th day ot august 1929 e f irwin by wm penman his solicitor 3g 1g main st n weston ont j m storey stouffville ontario for sale church st stouftvillo new bungalow ideal home geor gian pino finish hardwood floors 3 piece bath hot and cold water inset cupboards for every use electric apply mrs abram yake 284 coxwell ave phone hargravo 4063 toronto 31 notice of application for divorce notice is herebygiven that gertrude lockhart of the city of toronto in the county ot york in the province ot ontario married woman will apply to the parliament jf canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her hus band louis sydney lockhart otherwise known as louis lock- nteh of tho city of toronto in the county of york and province of on tario student on tho grounds o adultery desertion and cruelty dated at toronto provinco of on tario this tenth day of sept 1929 h howard shaver k c 502 temple building toronto solicitor tor appllcanj