h northern search planes await early freeze up skiequipped planes and dog teams stand by for extensive search for mcalpine party hard ice in few days winnipeg awaiting winter blus tering command five skiequipped oorthlanj airplaueo and two contin- genu of huskie dog teams and sleds 4 poise for a dash over the barrens to the rescue of eight lost explorers im mediately ou the arrival of freeze up tho search patrols will comb air and land for a trace ot col c d iv mac- alpine and his seven mates missing now for 32 days al five maiiiines were stationed at tho new advauce a3e of the sub-arc- tl air search pushed now to baker lake midway between manitobas northern boundary and canadas arc tic shore three had reached the radioequipped outpost after a peril ous jump from stonoy rapids the old base iu northern saskatchewan at bathurst inlet on the arctic coast as woll as at baker lake anxious aides wore ready to dash their huskies into tho search all the north country is tied up at present as temperatures fluctuate un decidedly all the smaller lakes are frozen over and the rivers are sheeted with ice but tho surfaco is not sufli lently strong to bear the burden ot a skiequipped piano yet unfrozen larger lakes are not dotted generously enough over the barrens to make tra vel in pontooneiplanes safe canoes caunot progress along the icecovered rivers and voyageurs are as yet un able to cross jn tho treacherous ice colder weather however is almost a certainty during tho nen tew days snow has fallen at bathurst inlet and aklavik two posts on the arctic coast and similar precipitation is reported from southern points in canada ob servers of tho northern weather bo- liove that tho barren wil bo blanketed with snow before three more days have passed and a continuation ot lower temperatures wil assure harden ed ice snow already winnipeg winter sent his ad- vanco agents through southern mani toba and saskathewan last thursday three inchc3 of snow the seasons fust fall were reported from brandon and virden while sleet and rain join ed in tho precipitation elsewhere white itiver out showed a mercury reading of only 10 above historical occasion when british premier addressed american congress pacific liner runs aground dense fog in straits of san juan de fuca causes n cpr liner to meet accident no lives loss victoria bc oct 13 the cana dian pacific railway companys pac- clfic liuer empress of canada flag ship of tho pacific fleet en route from scotlaud to vancouver piled upon the rocks at homers bay near albert head in the san juan de fuca straits early this afternoon during a dense fog the vessel is hard aground the tow passengers together with bag- age have been landed dust overhauled the empress ot canada largest passenger liner to ply the pacific oceau was returning to vancouver from southampton england follow ing an extensive overhauling on the clyde she sailed from the old country port on sept 13 calling at new york and san francisco on her way here she was in charge ot captain griffiths wellknown atlantic skipper and master of the empress of franco on tho atlantic run out o montreal to liverpool when the vessel grounded she had aboard about 100 passengers most of whom boarded the big liner at san francisco two days ago scon after the stranding ot the steamer all pas- aengers were transferred by cpr officials and wore brought here woman saw accident mrs james rainoy wife ot a res dent of the albert head district was standing on tho rear porch of her home zordering en the water with some friends when the steamer ran on the rocks she told tho follow ing story we could hear the canadas whis tles blowing continually then she hove iu sight and wo thought fcr a moment that she would pile up in our backyard hut sho kept on in the dense fog for a couple ot hundred yards and went aground in homers bay with her noso 50 feet or so from mclllyaiuos point and her stern 150 feet from tho rocks opposite our house she just missed wlliam head quarantine station in the thick fog and passed by goat island wo could hear no commotion on board everybody seemed to tako matters calmly it was just before noon that she grounded and if a south eastern wind doesnt blow up the ship is in no immediate danger labor party defeats bruce of all has been the fight of prime minister stanley bruce to retain his seat in flinders constituency wheu voters opened newspapers this morn ing bruce was 2000 behind his op ponent hollowly later figures re duced helloways lead to 400 and a neckandueck struggle continued dur ing the nights counting though out lying districts may put bruce in tho lead his supporters are prepared for the worst aimee svscpherson made defendant markets ramsay macdonald makes epic speech to house of representati ramsay macdonald premier ot great britain on the rostrum in the house ot representatives making his historical speech to its members tho british prime minister tho first in tho history ot tho united statc3 to address congress climaxed his address with an appeal for angloamerican cooperation tor world peace at tho premiers right is republican leader tilson who presided evangelist charged with mis appropriation of temple funds los angeles cal five pastors ot angelus temple evangelistic enter- prise of aimee semple mcpherson appeared before deputy district at torney daniel beeches saturday last and alleged that the evangelist had been guilty of misappropriation of funds beeches said evidence given him by the five men was of such importance an immediate investigation of the fin ancial affairs of the temple would bo undertaken the group was headed by rev john gobin whom mrs mcpherson sum marily discharged friday following a disagreement over tempi policies othor members of tho quintotte wore hie rev j h stintom pastor ot the elmonte cal branch the rev r l larson hollywood the rev willard pope pomona cal and the rev if e alford of angelus temple beeches said gobin possessed photo static copios of looks and records of the temple which were alleged to show transfers of funds collected for the association to mrs mcphersons per sonal use mrs mcpherson could not lie reach ed immediately employes at the tem pi saying they knew nothing about it andwe cannot disturb mrs mc pherson for she is teaching a class right now heavy voting gives big maj ority to winning party in australian eelec- tions a landslide melbourne australia oct 13 the labor landslide of yesterday became a nationwide avalancho as lato returns were counted today at midnight tonight it was certain that labor will havo a cloar majority over all opposition parlies combined and luo composition of tho now parliament will be labor 43 nationalists 17 country party 11 independents 4 country parly progressives 1 this gives labor logothcr with a 3ingle country party progressivo member nu absoluto majority ot 12 there has been only one such huge turnovor in history of tho commonwealth in the previous house elected only last novoaiber tho nationalists and coun try party mustered 12 votes against 31 for lahor sensational returns in themselves the returns aro sensa tional but tho protoundest sensation amery speaks on visit to canada says atmosphere favorable to doing big business with britain preference system liverpool rt hon l c m s amery former secretary for the do minions arrived at liverpool on iho duches of athol on saturday after a holiday in canada ho stated tho whole atmosphere in canada was favorable for doing real business with great britain and tho rest of tho empire canada was tak ing a greater interest in the question of empire trado than any time in tho past ho said sho is iu extremely good shape in deed her all around development is going on oi tho timo mr amory addj ed ho thought canada was disposed to extend tho british preforoncos it britain was prepared to do business with her and to help canadian trade by incroaded proforonco or otherwise preference main system tho proforenco was iho main syg lorn but there wero others mr amery went on i havo not found- anyono who bo- jlfovos tho abolition ot tho internal duties between canada and britain li possible at any rata in our timo but tho genoral ldoa ot closor empire trade and froor trado appeals widely mr amory said tho earl ot cromer and lady cro- mor wero aboard tho same steamship tho earl who is british government director ot tho sue canal company oxprossod tho opinion that canadian trado would dovolop along lines valu able to britain in fathers footsteps with premier ramsay macdonald and ishbel in united states en peace mission young malcolm macdonald premiors son is en route to kyoto japan to pacific relations confer ence women jockeys capture all but first place newmarket eng women jockeys wero beaten by tho only man rider in tho recent historic town plate horso race instituted by charles ii to be run forever frank simpson who has participat ed in the race twentyfour times won on r w collins fairy water which swept by tho winning post a head in front of gritteuham ridden by miss audry bell miss a hamshaw rid ing lady elols was third miss eileen joel daughter of the financier sol joel riding miss wil ful nancy madden on indelible and dorothy saunders on fay toy wore unplaced wheat pool conbdent it will win price battle in world markets outsiders are asked to refrain from distructive comment while westerners stick to their guns is wheat shortage tho chiof raison d otre for the royal agricultural winter fair as sociation is to set an unmistakably national hallmark on canadas great est and basic industry agriculture calgary comments and advice of fered publicly to tho wheat pool by persons not connected with tho co operative organization are resented by tho alberta wheat pool over tho radio recently l d nesbitt pub licity secretary ot the pool stated that such comments fulfil no useful purpose referring to thoso who otter un solicited advice he said the best interests ot canada would be served by their maintaining a condition of silence regarding the operations of an organization with which they have no connection in spito of criticism by interests overseas and in canada he said tho pool is maintaining its position that canadian farmers cannot afford to lower prices for their wheat dealing with the present situation mr nesbit also said there has been criticism of tho canadian wheat pools stand by various interests overseas and also in canada steamship com panies havo been laying up somo ot their croat lakes carriers in winter quarters and have have expressed bit terness over tho fact that our grain is not being exported railways have been hindered in their operations and possibly have not been pleased over tho situation but in spito of criticism tho wheat pool is maintaining its posi tion that canadian tanners cannot af ford to lower prices for their wheat wheat shortage manifest taking everything into considera tion it is manifest that there will bo a shortago ot wheat and that there is no reason for canadian wheat to do- cline to the levels fixed by the un businesslike marketing systems ot other exporting couutries since july enormous quantities of lowpriced wheat have been exported to europe by the argentine liverpool buyers have not found it necessary to buy canadian wheat at around 159 wheu they could buy argentine wheat at 5112 one of the arguments put up against tho wheat pool siiee its or ganization was that supply and de mand govern prices the pool has ad mitted this statement to be true in a broad sense but there aro governing features of vital importance if tho canadian wheat market had been loft to tho mercy ot tho law of supply and demand this fall most ot our wheat would bo sold before the end of tho year at greatly redued prices and most of the producers would wako up to tho fact that their wheat was worth more only after it was out ot their hands the wheat pool action is receiving the indorsation of most o tthe people ot canada father uses pistol when castle lost rieslau germany on the day his castlo and domain wero to bo sold at auction because ot his financial diffi culties ilerr von schuetzgoldfus and his three children wero found dead in his bedroom tho father had shot his children and himself after setting fire to iho room docks farther east are all congested too wstm ivriti- r iz- fel fit c j produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers aro buy ing from country shippers at the fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 45 to 46c fresh firsls 40c sconds 30c butter no 1 40 to 40c no 2 38 to 39c churning cream special 43c no 1 42c no 2 39c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 20 to 20c- provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams med 32 to 37c cooked hams 50 to 53c smoked rolls 28c breakfast bacon 20 to 37c back peamealed 38 to 40c do smok ed 45 to 47c cured meats long clear bcon 50 to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 to 110 lbs 2lc heayweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25c lard pure iierces lgc tubs 17c pails 17 c prints 18 to 19c short ening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 14c pails 15c tins 17c prints lgc iork loins 3lc new york shoulders 31c pork butts 25c pork hams 2gc toronto grain cash prices wheat no 1 north 146 no 2 north 143 no 3 north 139 no 4 136 no 5 126 no 6 105 feed 90c track 146 screenings 10 per ton oats no 2 cw gsvid no 3 cw oljsc extra no 1 feed g47c no i feed 62c no 2 feed 59 c rejected 56c track g7c barley no 3 cw 72c no 4 cw g7c no 5 cw g2c no g cw 57c tracks 72c flax no 1 nwc 290 no 2 cw 28g no 3 cw 255 rejected 255 track 290 rye no 2 cw 104 clover seed prices for lean seed from a gool seed cleaning mill the following rango of prices fob shipping points in on tario is being offered by deal- rs red clover per bus suitable for canadian no 1 8 suitable for can adian no 2 7 alsike no 1 exports 9798 per con purity 6 n 2 export 9596 per cent purity 540 no 3 export 9294 per cent purity 430 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 420 alsike white mixtures 510 sweet clover can grade no 1 2 do no 2 150 hay and straw prices wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting to shippers th following prices for carlots delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy baled ton 1450 to 15 no 3 timothy baled ton 12 to 14 wheat straw baled ton 10 oat straw per ton 950 no 1 timothy loose is quoted at 19 to 20 per ton delivered live stock heavy beef steers 850 to 950 butcher steers choice 925 u 950 do fair to good 8 to 825 o com 575 tc 750 butcher heifers choice 9 25 to 950 do fair to good 8 to 875 do com g to 759 butcher cows good to choice 650 to 725 do com to med 5 to 6 do canners and cutters 350 to 450 butcher bulls good to choice 050 tc 725 do med 6 to 625 do bolognas 525 to 575 baby beef 10 to 1450 feeders good 8 to 850 do fair 7 to 775 stockers good 750 to 8 do fair g to 7 calves good 15 to 1g do med 10 to 1450 do grassers g to 7 springers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lams choice 1125 do bucks 825 sheep choice 6 to 050 io med 5 to 550 hogs bacon woc 12 do selects 1 per hog premium do but cher 75c per hog premium do truck ed in 50c cwt under woc do fob price 125 cwt under woc compulsory arbitration a truthful tory in truth lon don to tho school ot international statesmen arbitration liko mesopo tamia or abracadabra is a blessed word it is to tho key which will un lock tho door ot the temple of peace aud as you cannot havo too much ot a good thing arbitration must bo mado compulsory aliko for individuals as for nations so argue the zealots of geneva and tho hague forgetful of tho disconcerting query nover yet answered quid leges sino moribus arbitration only answers in limes and places where tho arbitrating mind exists where that is alisent attempts to onforco arbitration will result as in australia iu anarchy tempered by tho brulal tyranny ot tho trade unions which happened in italy until mus solini and his fascists appeared upon tho ccno tho attempt to make arbitration compulsory in internation al disputes will ho eually futile as has been seen in tho quarrel between hungary aud rumania two canals feature in accidents motor fatalities over week end embrace two canal drownings one at welland one at soulanges near montreal students hurt st catharines oct 13 philip pinau 50 of niagara falls ont and tender of lock 19 welland canal was drowned at thorolc sunday when tho brakes of his car failed to nold and the mahino fe into the water at lock 22 three young men p n boyce w ilouson and c f paterson als c niagara falls passengers in anoll c automobile who witnessed tho acci dent made a fruitless effort to halt the car when it started to slip they were dragged into the water but man aged to make their way to shore pinau had evidently tried to oscapo from his sedan as one of the windows was found to be smashed when it was raised n few hours later skilled to death montreal mrs b slaming 50 of 24 nady avenue pontine mich and mrs james rok 38 of 1125 jeffer son avenuckalamazoo mich were killed sunday when the close car in which they were driving on tho high way between cornwall and montreal skidded and plunged into the sp arges canal near cascades s wint where several similar accidents havo occurred this season one taking the lives of five pennsylvania tourists the car was raised by divers sev eral hours after tho accident and tho victims were iojnd on the front seat where they had died cf asphyxiation when the landau with all windows closed was submerge in the canal several people saw the tragedy from a distance and it was bolioved the car had skidded on the slippery surface of the rainsoaked highway fr miles near cascades the canal closely paral lels the highway students hurt harmony three girl students from tho university of toronto re turning in a closed car from the rugby game at kingston wero badly injured late sunday night when their car was struck by anoth on the higaway at the harmony bridge two persons in the second car also were injured the injured are miss marjorio price of 8 lakeside drive toronto miss king and miss annie wright both of anncsley hall toronto theso girls were in a small sedan which was being towed by another car the girls car had broken down near oshawa the party was being lowed along by g l english 1054 college street toronto another university student who attended the game all five are now in the oshawa general hospital english told the police thai he did not notice the barricade around a hole in the road at the bridge until he was within several yerd3 of it he then made a sudden turn out which swung the towed car into tho centre of the road where it was struck by the cast- hound car a report received by the oshawa police shortly before the accident stated that there were no lights on tho barricade english corroborates this report no charges were laid starting fire with gasoline canadian wheat for india montreal que a shipment of canadian wheat consigned from this port to india is bolioved to establish a new record in canadian wheat ox- ports conditions in india called tor outsido purchases and canada as tho foremost wheat exporting country in tho world received the order tho royal horso show it is worth repeating tho poultry show the to show and tho purcbrcd livestock show at the royal jvinler fair in to ronto constituto tho premier events of their kind on tho continent both tor entries and quality grain congestion and stagnation of transportation services aniioty is being felt in ottawa for tho outcome ot tho grain situation tho grain elevators being congested with vast quantities whilo tho empty grain boats aro lying up for tho season tho government is hoping thali thoso directing tho holdout for higher prices do not overreach themselves photo shows somo of tho eleven- canada steamship lino grain boats now laid up at kingston i tho place tho rcyal fair occuploa in the lifo ot tho dominion oven in the short spaco ot eight years is grati fying it has settled an optimism in the minds ot farmers and economists with regard to canadas national agri culture the old reason didnt know it was loaded applied in this case again two seriously burned medical skill is waging a desperate fight iu st michaols hospital toron to to savo the lifo of a woman whoso flesh has been burned off her body by gasolinefed flames and if tho wo man dies as doctors fear sho may an other lifo remains to bo saved that ot tho child to which sho would havo given birth iu a few woekss time tho injured woman is mrs john neilson aged 28 king street east toronto who becamo enveloped when her husband poured gasolino on a stove in iho kitchen ot their home on saturday afternoon neilson thinking the gasolino was coal oil had poured only a foir drops on what ho thought was a dead flro when flames shot up and licked his hands tho pain caused him to drop tho boltlo containing tho gasolino mrs ncilsou ironing nearby immedi ately became tho centre ot a ball ot fire which alo through her flimsy dress the woman rushed into her bed room and was followed by her bus- band who despite tho pain ot his burned hands grabbed a blanket and throw it around his wlfo this proved unavailing and tho flames caught the blanket neilson then toro tho rem nant of tho dress off his wito and rushed out to tho street whoro ho saw p c edgerlon an ambulance wan called and mrs neilson was taken to st michaols hospital and was followed shortly after by her hus band his hands burned to a crisp whon doctors examined mrs noll- son sho was given but a fow hours to ilvo her body was a mass of burns but at an early hour monday morning sho still lived st