Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 12, 1929, p. 5

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st0uffv1lle september 12th 1929 i fba in si g 5ssgsg5rsg555ss5ss local happenings 5gareigwiagrvr i v big reduction iu lingerie prices quoted iu shaws reduction sale estray lllaek anil tan hound willi white spot on back female kinder please notify h nesbitt ballantrae mrs monks will reopen her piano class on friday and saturday sep 13th and 14th x commencing sept 12th jkiidink the 21st are the dates for opening and closing hit- big sale at the shaw store beginning today there are remark ably bargains at the shaw store dur ing tiie big stock reduction sale the average lite ot an auto is said to be six years and nine months still we see some on the road that would almost quality tor old age pension ilallantrae has only one store now sffnce gib wright has purchased the business of henry jakeman mr wright has a truck on the road and is counted on as capable of handl ing all the business of the locality although mr jakeman ownos 50 acres ot land a mile and a quarter west of itallantrae he is living on the sth line tor a time since moving from the store premises a man was lined 1055 in st thomas for allowing girls clad in bathing suits to ride on the runung board of his car quite soon we presume they will have blinkers tied on the folk there so they can walk the streets iu safety the only way for a roadside hen to reash a ripe old age is ta learn how to cross the road through a cul vert hundreds of fowl are killed every summer by motorists some times deliberately on the part ot drivers for kent house in west end apply miss johnson this week or mrs herbert barnes a parcel containing linen collars was recently left at hugh auderson store initials cwa finder please call now bat the new walks are down citizens should be forbidden from building up their approaches in a manner that will drain the water and mud of wet weather onto the walks again this was one of the chief causes for the old walks being taken up hence the situation should be guarded against mens and boys furnishings at the new store see our range of mens suits for fall in all the new shades and patterns these suits would satisfy the older men as well as the young and are priced to suit either 1750 to 2750 we have just received a new shipment of mens fedora and snap brim hats in all the pop ular shades for fall included in this shipment are borsa- linos dan dobbs and sackville 575 to 750 mens fall caps in a large var iety of patterns 100 150 and 200 mens overcoats trench coats slickers and sweaters coats shirts sox ties etc dont forget our boys department boys first longer suits in blues and greys in serges and tweeds boys suits with knickers and bloomer pants boys shirts shirt waists sweat ers sweater coats caps ties etc we would be pleased if you will call and inspect our stock r e curtis everything phone 5501 in mens wear stouffville stoves again this fall we are selling the popular findlay stoves and furnaces that have proven the biggest success in this line ever attempted the many stoves sold by us of the findlay make are giving the utmost satisfaction whether you buy or not we want you to call and see the findlay ammunition and guns for the fall hunter large range of rifles and shot guns and all hunters supplies f y w brathwaite open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings and close wednesdays at noon after several weeks ot dry weather a splendid rain came on tuesday over tiiis section which will do much to restore the pasture land plow ing will be more easily gone on with too councillor itowbotham reported the cost ot laying cement sidewalks to the council at their last meeting which shows that the town is gettiug a good deal as the walks are going down by day labor at a price below that which contractors would ask the section of walk from dr kreels to the station cost the town 363 or 14c per foot while the section from jas morrisons residence past the presbyterian church to the east side of sandy jones propery cost 557 or an average of 20c per toot this latter span was a particularly bad place with numerous culverts which accounts for the higher price per foot obrien avenue will be put down next j a wear funeral director ambulance service funerals 70 and up phone u0oo maickiiam oxt the shaw store stock reduction sale will interest you karl grubiu r o eyesight specialist at stouftville from wed nesday to saturday each week lost iu front of herb porters store left there a white baseball glove finder please leave at tri bune office the auction sale of the lewis farm advertised to take place on the premises was cancelled at the last moment and mr lewis will con tinue on the premises riu bus service between ixbrldge a frvurfvlle hi men dkc miaiici i has ben noticed for some time that the itxbridge bus has not been very well patronized and such a step as has been taken was inevitable the services from stouffville to to ronto will be continued uninterrupt ed the timetable appears in this issue clip it for reference messrs john turner and lloyd motored last week to milton to at tend the funeral ot the late j ii turner and uncle o f the senior mr turner the deceased was si years of age and never experienced a sick day in liis life until a few weeks ago he fell from a ladder and injured his knee necessitating an operation and while undergoing- this he passed away mrs lett vanzant wishes us to correct the statement that the bap tist church niriicipated in the sendoff tendered the vanzants last week the party was composed of friends and old neighbors but not by a church organization many of the friends and neigh bors of mrs t lewis sr of glasgow section were delighted to be able to remember their old iriend with a birthday shower when she reached her slth year on aug 2sth mrs lewis has her up and down days for health but when she feels well her physical condition is re markable and she can move about with the nimbloness ot one many years her junior mrs lewis is among the longest living residents of this district in addition to the shower friends called at the home to con gratulate their old friend on her ability at so great an age one of the big farm stock sales of the coming season will be that held on the farm of messrs james and harry wellman at glasgow on thursday sept lath the well- mans have been on this farm for 19 years and are widely known through out this section arid scarboro the herd comprises co head of cattle be sides a number of horses and the farm implements few such choice herd of cattle will he offered at a public auction the animals are in the pink of condition and an extra well bred lot the attendance at thi sale promises to be one of the larg est this season for a public auction auctioneer silversides made his debut for the fall term on the auc tion block at farm slock sales when he disposed of the stock and imple ments belonging to frank baker on the sth concession of whitchurch last week it the prices obtained are any indication of fall run there will be good results for those holding sales the cattle which were not fitted for sale brought very good prices some going over the 100 mark tor very ordinary boasts while implements also found ready sale at good rates there were nine teen horses in the sale and every one was disposed of although it seemed that with the present demand it would be difficult to dispose of half that number ileing an implement dealer mr baker had taken many animals on an exchange and this gave him an overload harry pals- ley will occupy the- farm now that the sale is over and mr llaker will devote his- entire lime to his town business auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday sept 13th and 14th simba mr and mrs martin johnsons african expedition tuesday and wednesday sept 17th and 18th small town bachelor comedies friday and saturday sept 20th and 21st lilac time subscribers to daily papers should keep in mind that they may renew their dailies through the tribune oilice at a saving from the regular subscription rates phone the tri bune and have us look after this business for you admission 15 and 25c s g schmidt prop tunately not located the man responsible for the old cement sidewalks put down in stoult- ville which are now being torn up left no monument to his ability in his line which he would be proud of we dont know anything about the circumstances excepting that a serious blunder was made in not do ing an efficient job a change has been made iu the arrangements between miss logan and a teacher from scotland for an exchange on the local public school staff the scotch teacher is unable to come here until next midsummer thus the arrangement previously agreed to by the school board for miss logan to go to aberdeen this coming christmas will not he carried out then those of our readers who follow ed our advice of a few weeks ago and paid a visit to the brier hush gar dens to inspect the gladiolis will be surprised to learn of the remarkable success which councillor ward has achieved on the show- benches dur ing the last two weeks at liarrie three firsts two seconds one third were won at our local show 13 firsts 0 seconds and one third and at toronto 3 firsts for glads 2 firsts for garden turnips 1 first 2 seconds and 1 third on jersey black giants and butt plymouth rock fowl and 1 first 2 seconds and 1 third on var ieties ot pigeons in the fancier egg exhibit a second prze was won on plymouth rock eggs and a third on jersey black giants two weeks in succession first prizes were awarded on 3 varieties of prim glads and a feature especially pleasing to mr ward is the fact that one of his own introductions which be lias named humming bird was in the second weeks exhibit no wonder that these days our village father wears the smile that wont come off two ot our former residents re cently had unwelcome experiences in their american homes which fur ther emphasizes the wave of crime that is ever present in the 1 itge cities across the line elsworth forsyth of detroit who is in the automobile business drove into his garage one night last month when he was accosted by two thugs who or dered him to throw up his hand instead mr forsyth met the first maurader with a heavy blow on the face with his bare fist and then dealt the other a similar jack johnson both fell to the ground and would have easily been captives but with out warning a third thug came from the rear unexpectedly and only when struck on the head with cold steel making a wound which required several stitches did our former townsman throw up his only defence into the air mr for syth was relieved ot over 100 in cash and was hold at bay until the wounded accomplices were able to crawl out ot the building and get away in a car it was only a couplo of weeks ago that fred flath who fanned north of musselmans lake up to war time bad his home enter ed in pontine mich mrs flath was sleeping on the veranda when she was startled by seeing a man inside the house lighting matches and prowling through the drawers ot the secretary at an opportune moment ho rushed from the veranda onto the street and gave an alarm it be ing 3 oclock in the morning some time elapsed before the police ar rived and the thief made his escape evidently without securing anything there was a considerable sum of money in the place which was for- what shall the hours be a silence which succeeds a storm reigned in the council room on friday evening last when clerk dougherty produced an ameudiug bylaw which he had been directed to prepare that would enable the bowl ing alleys to reinaim open until eleven oclock each night instead of ten oclock as now provided in the old bylaw the silence was evidence that all was not well and that the bylaw would get a stormy passage it it got there at all and this proved the case after much hesitation it re mained for councillor ward to start the fireworks he said that the majority ot those who indulge in this sport are young men and that he was strongly ot the opinion that it was detrimental to their physical and moral well being to be at the game until eleven pm he thought 10 oclock late enough and he was more sure of this when he remembered the rattle of rigs etc which disturb his slumbers caused by those late homegoers he had high respect tor councillor borin- sky who was interested in the business but be refused to support the change of hours in any way reeve sanders asked councillor rusnell for his opinion which he expressed by saying l bat he favored the bowling and pool business being closed at the same hour at present the bowlers must cease at 10 but the pool room is allowed open until 11 eacli night he also feared that the howling might disturb some of the residents by the noise caused by the falling pins he didnt think that the people who support the alleys were very heavy buyers in town councillor rowbotham said that if he had property close to the alleys he would strenuously object to longer hours other than the possible distance from the noise he had no objection to extending the time for keeping open to 11 oclock he would like to be satisfied on this pojut before taking action a lot ot young men are spending money there who could 111 afford to do so was the opinion which reeve sanders said many people held to wards the business all this discussion went on before the bylaw was introduced for first reading and then the reeve urged someone to move to introduce the bylaw no other member desiring to do so councillor borinsky said that he was willing to take this step in order to get the matter to a vote previous to this he put in a strong plea for the extension of time for the alleys mr borinsky pointed out that a great deal of money had been in vested the playing was chiefly from seven oclock on hence the hours were short in any event and he thought the residents would much prefer the present business to the garage which was formerly doing business in hie auditorium he had never heard of any complaint about noise and was sure there was none to he made the town he also point ed out received a big revenue from the business through licences fees electric light and water rates he expressed amazement that the council should turn down the re quest in this manner it was found at this stage that councillor borinsky being an inter ested party had no vote but councillor ward stepped in with a resolution to hoist the matter entire ly until next regular meeting and this was readily supported by every member and the reeve dressmaking and coats bertha winn church streot north dominion stores ltd iotli hikthimy celebration braeside butter 41c may field butter 41c shortening ls 10c shortening 3s 48c shortening 20s 299 classic cleaner 2 tins 13c 5 lbs com syrup 33c bulk rice lb 6c box salt 7c side bacons lb 29c back bacons lb 39c cheese valvetta 17c chateau 17c chateau pimento 17c 1 lb sugar free with every pound of dsl tea 50c groceries free with 10 accnmlatcd grocery order till saturday sept 21st 1929 dominion stores ltd p roadway local manager quality service most feed value for least money schumacher feed for hogs cattle horses and poultry stockaid animal spray kills and repels flies does not taint the milk a car of gluten feed on hand also western oats and feed corn we are buyers of alsike stiver bros here is the proof 1 the constant addition of new cream shippers is the best proof that our service is fully appreciated in every detail stouffville creamery co stouffville ontario an unequalled creamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings selling 2he some of our lines real bargains commencing thursday 5th mens fine broadcloth shirts collars attached 100 work shirts fine quality 100 childs suits from 3 to g years 100 mens caps silk i gaberdine 100 boys blue and khaki jerseys each 35c mens leather guantlets work gloves 98c mens balbriggan underwear 2 piece suit 100 ladies full fashioned silk hose 125 some other lines 45c up this is a regular clean up sale lots of other bargains mens suits in blue and grey from the famous house of hobberlin reg 3500 our price 2750 shoe repairing as usual geo h saunders stouffville ontario notes and comments in the second division court in toronto a judgment was given dis missing an appeal which is of inter est to motorists and to owners of cattle while driving at night on a highway the motorist turned aside to pass a couplo of calves when a third bobbed up from the ditch and was struck by the car the car being damaged to the extent of 300 the motorist sued the owner of the calf and secured judgment for the full amount on appeal the judgment was sustained tho court held that the plaintiff was not guilty ot negli gence and the solo cause of the acci dent was the negligence and dis obedience of a statutory duty owed by the defendant by the improve ment act rso 1927 chapter 54 section 73 3 it was pointed out that permitting ones catlio to run at largo is forbidden consequently the presence of these calves on tho road was unlawful just as much aa it forbidden by a municipal law clif ford express we are not altogether in accord with the views of the express while it would be unwise to allow cattle at large on main roads they would do little or no harm and a great deal ot good at times on less travelled roads when a motorist comes to cattle on the road he should display enough brains to slow clown to a safe speed the rights of tho farmer ought to come ahead ot the motorist who is seeking pleasure for the most part card op thanks i wish to thank the many friends for their many kindnesses to mo in different ways during past six monthj of my illness mrs john qower

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