free trade within the empire toronto star ind mr lapointe uggests that canadas present course thould be not the mistaken one of hoisting tariffs in reprisal against the united states but granting increased preferences in canada to british goods and goods from other british coun tries and foreign nations that do not specially fence out canadian products some go so far as to say that this policy should and may be put into the effect to the extent of having free trade with the empire and a tariff agains the united states and foreign countries that voud be carrying the policy a long way but in selected lists of goods at present largely im ported from tho united states there could be brought about a large shift ing trade into british and into empire channels it cannot bo denied that there is a growing feeling in canada that the deliberate and specific at tempts of the united states to hut out canadian goods notwithstanding our enormous buying in their market makes it necessary for canada to look elsewhere for trade and not only iool but push and prefer andfacilitate trad- ing elsewhere the british empire is a vast field on which trade preference may operate cattle exports victoria colonist cons the raids of tho united states on the canadian cattle markets are erratic and short lived and as a consequence the his tory of tho cattle industry in this country is unsatisfactory because there is no stability of markets what canada needs in this particular is a normal market for her cattle a mar ket where supply and demand govern with that it would bo possible to have a stable breeding programme now nnikr the new tariffs and the desire on the part of tho united states to get on without canadian cattle this country will have to develop other markets and perhaps as well in crease its own consumption of beef this now dispensation will probably lead to less price disturbance which in the past has been caused by the occasional attractions of the ameri can demand tha development of the north london free press cons there is no question that western canada is on the threshold of a new era of development the first period was the stago of pioneer settlement when it was actually necessary to prove that agricultural products and par- llcularly wheat could be grown on tho prairies then came the great period of agricultural expansion when the prairies became the wheat basket of the world ow the west is expand ing it is becoming an industrial country it is developing mining in tho north it is opening up many other resources it is becoming a manysided country the next do- cade should be a great ouo in canada and particularly for northern and western canada the north is com ing into its own is your afwtite poor perhaps by tieting cr other means you hava been treating the symptom rather than the cause loss of appetite heartburn sonr stomach are symptoms that the blood is impure thu explains tho successful use of dr williams pink pill in all such cases here is a typical example i began to feel easily tired writes miss margaret white of parry sound and when i sat down to a meal i felt i did not want to eat a doctor told me i was anaemic but i made little progress with his medicine when i started taking dr williams pink pills i soon noticed tnat my appetite was improving that the heidachos came less frequently and that i was not 10 easily tired now my weight iir increased my chucks are rosy and every aclie and pain has van ished start tcday to improve your appetite buy dr wil liams pink pills from your druggists or by mail post paid at 50 conts a box from the dr williams medicine co brocjcviue ontario barley notes a sample of barley suitable for making malt must be pure as to vari ety uniform as to maturity and thor oughly mature a mixture of varieties will give lack of uniformity the sample must not be injured and must j be free from other grains and weed seeds presuming that the crop to be har vested is from pure seed of a known variety much can be done now to in sure a good sample frcm the malt sters viewpoint firstly the grain must be fully matured in other words dead ripe there must bo no green kernels or immature kernels sample if necessary interesting data action needed found in walesj jq fjgnj mm unearthing of tile bearing greek cross of third cen- i tax levied by weeds on agri- tury at caerleon sets conversion forward 200 years culture of province mount ing yearly lord passfields appointment glasgow herald cons a quite unexpected appointment and one not likely to arouse enthusiasm is that of mr sidney webb to the colonial and dominions office a post which de mands more youthful vigor and more imperial sympathy than mr webb possesses the consequences may bo serious unless the under- secretary whose name is not yet known is a man of exceptional energy and inthusiasm but it is a curious trick of fate that tho convention requires one of the principal secretaryships of state to held in the houso of lords should ap parently have decreed that mr webb should end his singular career in that rarified atmosphere london excavations at an old ro man ortress at caerleon monmouth shire htve revealed a tile bearing a cross dating from the third century the discovery is described by v e nashwilliams of the national mu- ln the seum of wales as epochmakiig and or the j indicates tha christianity reached malting sample only the parts of the wales at least 200 years earlier than held that aro free from signs of greenness and put the rest of the grain in a separate bin this extra work insures a sample that the malt sters will buy and consequently com mands a better price the grain af ter cutting should be allowed to cure in the stook for a short time but must not be left too long as owing to the inclement weather often experienced at this time injury may occur from sprouting in the stook or bad dis coloration careful threshing is just as import ant as careful harvesting many a good crop has been ruined by careless threshing good barley must be free from broken or skinned kernels too close threshing will cause this it is better to have a little of the awn ad hering to the kernel than by close threshing to have the hull skinned off as this injury allows the entrance of moulds and a consequent deteriora tion in the malt produced from the grain by the use of proper screens in the thresher many of tho weed seeds can be removed thus lessening tho work in recleanlng tho grain up to the required standard for malting spray late not infrequently letters are re ceived at the central experimental farm from growers complaining that although they have sprayed their trees their fruit during that particu lar year has been badly affected with apple scab tjp close inquiry it is generally ascertained that only the first two or three sprays have been iven mid that late infestations of apple scab have caused the trouble growers should realize that there is no set number of sprays required rule of thumb method whereby economic control can bo guaranteed some years the lato sprays are all important while during others the reverse is the case the calyx spray farmers start campaign the weed menace in ontario has markedly increased during the past few years it is not an exaggeration to say that in certain parts of the pro vince certain weeks like the perennial sow thistle aro driving men off their farms the tax levied by weeds on tho agriculture of tho province has been mounting yearly one of the classified advertisements baby chicks babs chicks july and auoust rocks lie brown lesnorns and anconas lie white leghorns 10c as- rted chicks sc express paid on zoo or over free catalogue a 11 swltzer fair cranton ontario men wasted dumped fruit hamilton spectator ind cons there is no objection te united fruit and vegetables coming into canada before our own produce makes its appearance neither do canadas producers object to competition but it is held to be an injustice to permit american fruits and vegetables harvested by cheap jtf ig vtbd to agl in3 mexican and negro labour in callfor- tions or ontario worlds largvst factory nia and the southern states to be i consumer organization alty mrround u auu iuo cmai w proposition cimnco to build up lasting dumped into the dominion when the permanent business credit arranged tp first canadian crop3 are ready for the market the canadian growers are not unreasonable in their demand that they be protected form this kind of competition minards liniment for aching joints suitable parties write statin age to j k watklns company desk 5 hamilton ontario ii acconhnctome however wiles chief reasons the weed menace j an election campaign is a comblna- 3 christianity thwwutto nih succeeding ot idshaklng and legpulllng yeas is the undeniable fact that in received claudia mentioned in pauls epistle to the romans and in timothy claudia is believed to have been a british prin cess daughter of caractacus residing temporarily in rome with her roman husband pudens who rftorward re turned home and with a little band of converts spread the new doctrine a stone bearing pudens name was found at chichester recently it as been disclosed that during the subsequent conversion of the english there were many points of difference in doctrine between the ancient chris tianity known on these islands and the new forms intrducted by augustine under the auspices of rome the welsh church indeed always refused to submit to rome and re tained its independence untilwales was subdued by edward i regaining it again with the revolt of henry viii 250 years later tho past vast quantities of weeds have been allowed to ripen seeds on roadsides in schoolyards on waste and vacant lands along our lanes and headlands and in our feuco corners and odd spots hero and thero on tho farm the following arj the number of seeds produced by single plants of average size m nue season canada thiste 3500 curled or yellow dock 17000 common ragweed 5000 chicory 3000 perennial sow thistle 2000 wild lettuce 8000 stinkwcel 20000 every weed that is allowed to mature produces at least 1000 seeds and most ot them ripen soveral thousand seeds in the past weeds by the milliois have boen allowod to mature in this province and scatter their billions of seeds far and wide is it any wonder that tie weed menace has increased in ontario are wo going to tolerate this state of affairs any longer i ontario no tho farmers of tho province have raised their voices in protest an act has been passed by tho legisla ture to enable them to meet tho situa- tion united action is what is re- notblng makes a mother more j quired now every municipality grateful than a benefit conferred up- every farmer every land owner in on her child mothers everywhere town or com must unite in the who havo used babys own tablets war against weeds and see that they for their children speak in enthusiasl are cut ear aml often enough to tic terms ot them for instance mrs j p them from seeding when zepherin lavoie three rivers que i tl0 wcc inspectors send out notico writes babys own tablets are a tnat it js tlm0 to cut weeds let no wonderful medlcir for little ones one iag behind or neglect his duty they never fail to regulate thei p is necessary to prevent babys stomach and bowels and make an wcels from seeding many weeds him plump and well i always keep i cut atter they haie passed full a box ot tho tablets in the houso and d will mature their seeds in would advise all mothers to do like- rder thorcforo to secure the greatest wise most of the ordinary ailments jesuits from the time and labor ex- of childhood arise in the stomach made her baby mistress testily dear me i told you to fill that pepperpot quite anf hour ago havent yon done it yet maid not yet maam it is such a job getting it through tho little holes f3tiiira vjointment a tried and trusty friend for 50 jears the pbactxca weed degteoyeb weed cop mlla tho roots also avced cop is a nonpoisonous ohemteal which can be sprayed on the weeds give your crops a chance write today for lull informa tion to ontario distri bute rw fertilizer feeds limited 2980 dundau stroet west toronto 9 ont karl it groso president ask for prices on fall wheat fertilizers cuts and burns minards soothes inflammation removes all poison and heals quickly castoria is a comfort when baby is fretful no sooner taken than the little one is at ease if restless a few drops soon bring contentment- no harm 3one for castoria is a baby remedy meant for babies perfect ly safe to give the youngest infant you havo the doctors word for that color television apparatus shown three electric eyes gives current corresponding to tint in subject a ladylike generation sidney dark in t ps weekly london most of tho hard things said of this postwar era aro untrue but one thing seems to mo uncontra- dictable this is a sleek generation overladylike and restrained a gen eration the characteristics of which nro suggested by tho average young mans patted down hair fixed as it would seem by some sort of cement men used on ocasion to shout with joy or rage now the shouting is done for us by gramophones and loudspeak ers but no man can live satisfactor ily nnless ho sometimes ruffles his hair rnd throws moreration overboard some seasons may have to be followed by at least two more to obtain con trol of apple scab it must bo remem bered that it is necessary to practic ally keep the foliage and young fruit covered with a good fungicidal spray only by doing so can the fruit be safeguarded against late infection very frequently fruit is kept clean until late into august and then on ac count of a few days ot close muggy weather sufficient scab appears on tho fruit to cause serious loss grow ers should bo constantly on tho alert to avoid such a condition and if in doubt should immediately consult their nearest spray service in a large number of the fruit districts these spray services aro now well under new york color television has way and offer the grower a means of been demonstrated at the bell tele obtaining much better guidance than phono laboratories which devised has been avallablo in the past the apparatus for the american tele- another important reason for keeping phone telegraph company the control of the scab right through the apparatus except for the addition offseason is the bad effect of scab on special color mechanisms was the foliage loss ot leaves prematurely same as that demonstrated three due to any cause means loss of crop years ago in a wire and radio test the following season it is a vegetable product and you pended everyone concerned should and bowels and can be quickly banish- lh iust goon a could use it eveiy day but it s in an which goes on before he calyx closes c1 dab 0w tabiet these s emergency that castoria means most generally the third spray and in tabiets re con3upation aml is23 the is 6 some night when constipation must digestion break up colds and simple vai action rem so that be reieveil colic pamsor other fevers expel worms allay teething i n0 i ever be without it some pains and promote healthful sleep i vacant lamls railwav tracli3 scnool j mothers j u they are guarantee to be free from or wagte every patcb opened to make sure there will al- injurions drugs and are safe even for weeds timt left uncnt a ways be castor a in the house it is the youngest and most delicate child tho farms am garflons jn uie nei the tablets are sold by medicine nornooli an eyesore and a costly between new york and washington for the experiment the receiving and recording apparatus wns set up in the auditorium of the bell labora tories but tho system is subject to uso over long distance wire or radio circuits the difference between the color television machine is merely tho addition of three electric eyes each transmitting a current corres ponding to the amount of the natural color in tho subject johnny was dividing an npplo be tween his older sister and himself ho took tho larger halt and gave mary the smaller if that had only been me said mary id havo kept tho smallor half johnny roplled well what aro you hollering about youve got tho smaller half the british preference saskatoon starihoenlx lib an jncreaso in tho british preference would help to redress the balanco ot trade between canada and tho mother country indirectly enlarge canadas market overseas stimulate commerce by the hudson bay route and enable biltlsh manufacturers to compete nioro effectively with americans for canadian business for all theso rea sons tho policy of reducing of abol ishing duties on imports from britain would be immensely popular in wes ter cnntida and could hardly h jacked in the industrial kast no use shouting either windsor bolder cities star i0lj i see no more reason for giving up flying than 1 would for giving up driv ing a car asserts col lindbergh even less reason tho acroplano on- glno just about obliterates all rcparteo from the back seats some women spend half their lives p looking for a husband before aoijgj ftcr marriage c jh when you need any circular saw- forwoodormetalgitosimondst tho specially tempered steel takes and holds a wonderful ask your dtcltrorvrlle our ncctca bianlh te aimonoa cjumoa vancouver m john no m b davis central experimental farm ottawa ont dealers or by mail at 25c a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont the indian situation london observer ind after the there remained but two mistakes which the swarajists could commit they might cut themselves off from the indians who have accepted scats on sir john simons joint free con ference and they might antagonize tho indian princes both mistakes have been commited in the long run the second will probably prove the more deadly it is of course out of the question that the princes will ac cept or that indian settlement will permit them to accept a position of complete subordination to an all- indian government at delhi the real cleavage spectator london we are confident that the real cleavage in our political life will soon be recognized by all and this means that the majority of liberals certainly will range themselves on the side of pro gress wo shall then havo the two gonuino parties the progressive which will no doubt for some time retain the badge of labour strong in the strenbth of free trade because of its upto date conception of the orgaized world community and for the samo reason ready to pledge their country to a permanent system of arbi tration for interstate disputes the conservative in the strict sense in give and take three rivers novelllstc a cam palgn has been proposed in montreal to teach pedestrians to cross tho road cluringnovdou ii 0t laboursocialist party which would sense of humour katharine brush in tho womens journal people who take life seriously work harder and longer than those who do not but i wonder if they really get more done they have no sense of humour and they do not know how to play and pleasure and laugh ter betweenwhiles are good work as rain for the garden people who take life seriously are likely to bo plodders whereas most of the really spectacular work of the world is done in spurts by temperamental holidayloving mad men an eyesore monument of neglect signifying that soma one has failed to do his duty to his municipality and to his neighbors community pride and regard for tho rights of others should serve as incentives to prompt and united ac tion on the part of all concerned when such is secured the weed men ace will be much decreased our farms will bo cleaner and more profitable and our highways and byways will he- come attractive beauty spots indicat ing individual and municipal pride and prosperity effective for older children too tho book that comes with it read minards liniment for earache so skinny couldnt work gains 21 lbs and new strength miss donle brlsmi writes before i took lionized yeast i was so skinny i could not do my days work but now i can work hard all day and rest these changed times about the height 00 a n j about 3 months ago my weight wo hear very little complaint in of the kitchen sink but considerable about the position ot the brake and clutch pedals ohio state journal nephew of late czar becomes taxi driver headline about tho only profession in which czarism still exists arkansas gazette scuis bo bitten by tho microbes of protection and a shortsighted imperial policy as against the league i fred was on his llrst visit to a farm and ho was greatly interested by some young chickens which had just been hatched i say he said to tho farm er havo they como out of tho eggs because they are afraid of tho dark by motor cars it might be moro to the point if they startod away by im posing on motor cars tho fundamental respect needed for tho traffic regula tions if i knew you and you knew me if both of us could clearly see and with an inward sight divine the meaning of your heart and mine- ira sure that we would differ less and clasp our hands in friendliness our thoughts would pleasnrjtly agree there is a story of a man whom others called poor and who had just enough fortune to support himself in going about the country in tho simp lest way and enjoying the life and beauty of it he was once in the company of a great millionaire who was engaged in business working at it daily and getting richer every year and the poor man said to tho million aire i am a richer man than you are how do you make that out said the millionaire why ho re plied i havo got ns much money as i want and you have not was 126 pounds lionized yeast gave j mo 147 pounds ot good flosh you would think i was another woman i feel and look so much better stop being skinny and always tired thousands have gained 5 to 15 pounds in 3 weeks with ironized yeast scrawny bones change to graceful curves blotched skin be comes clear and fresh lazy feel ing vanishes only when yeast is ironized is it so wonderfully effective for iron is needed to bring out tho weightbuild ing and strengthening values of yeast pleasant tablets in a handy bottle safe for everybody never cause gas or bloating go to any druggist today and get a full size treatment of ironized yeast if after this generous trial you are not delighted get your money back from druggist or manufacturer if inconvenient to buy from druggist send 125 to canadian ironized yeast co ltd fort erie ont desk 425bs those languid eyes they quickly reflect your health and physical condition rcstlcrs eyes indicate the temperament of the stomach watch the eyes sec that the whites are clear with a healthy bluish tinge the minute a yel low lingo appears it betrays con stipation sluggish liver or bil iousness you need a laxative bring bacfc your vigour vim vitalitv witli bcvums pills tha sure vay to i with secchanvs pils constant joyous bound health try a lobular dmy 5 course for a sljctt jt t r ftricl yourccsil ycsflemj tell the ccry product jiccj clout character lroi the eytt h jxturc btcckan attvcrtisemcmt seles asmt harcm v pitch lirmet toronto ground has been broken for a newlf t y0uj ami yoll j j brldgo between windsor optarlp and dotrolt why noi brooklyn engic iiuo llnov- for fall wheat crirtiilly compounded to promote proper growth fall nl spring every carlgt ana us earlot buyer should have our prices write now kent wakrevl mmlfmiiri ckr 15 tons no reason to connlaln of hlkh r i oi buy irom us w today fertilizers anp feeds limited b m oapsb pre 2960 snnrlaa st wot toronto 9 can oar mottoi quallty eervlc smiiractlcs m lawlessness and publicity halifax herald cons tuo best- way to promoto belier enforcement 6t the laws is to glvo publicity to the fact that tho laws aro not being eft- just a tastoless doso of phillips rorccd muzzle tho prcssand law- jjjj of j in watcr that letsncss will thrive an alkali effective yet harmless it a boy made his first trip into tho has been the standard antacid lor b0 j city from his little village ho treated years among physicians everywhere himself to an ice cream cone walked one spoonful will noutrallzo at once outside to cat it an i then brought j many times ha volume in acid it is back the cone to tho counter hand- the right way tho quick pleasant and ung it to tho clork he bald thariks efflclont way to kill the excess acid for the vase the slomnfh becomes sweet the pain departs minucj dont depend on orfudo methods employ the host way yet evolved in afl the ycara of searching that is phillips milk of magnesia be euro to got the gonuino phillips milk ot magnesia prescribed by physl- clojes for 50 years in oorrectlpg excess j aolds each bpttlo contains full direc tionsany drugstore i 1 think lydia e pinkhamu vegetable compound is wonderful i have had six children of which four are living and iny younscst is j bon- nle baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds i have taken your medicine before each of them was bom and have certainly re ceived great benefit from it 1 urge myrrlcnd to take it as i am sure they wul receive the same help i dij m milton mcmnkcn vajwun onmrfat j in e firllihitf e l mm us a ulcfyilr oviriicivi issue no 2879