Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 13, 1929, p. 6

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efeiriisf clcaio y nta ryictlnc r- the den was filling up scottish herocs 5 chapter i unrest alden talbot drike possessed char acteristics which fitted all three of his names but chiefly he was restles- the urge which had taken him to sea on leaving- school had never left htm he had left the sea that- he now oelievcd had been a mistake the sea was in his blood even where his horizon was bounded by terraces of dull brick and sooty trees his nostrils ever quivered questioningly whenever tho wind blew from the eastward to the eastward lay the muddy river and tho docks and the ships ships and the ports where romance still beckon ed to bold youth he stood awhile at the gateway of his house nostrils all atingle his black eyes aglittcr a discordant grin of discontent marring the good- humored lines of his strong mouth ho had come from golf and there was a trace of contempt in the fa shion of his unslinging and dropping the bag of clubs he carried the big house which he called home was one of those stately old places t which always seem to have had own ers provided for them as they were built stone by stone timber by tim ber owners to fit their dignity glow ing maturing as tho years mellowed them and alden drako had the looks aspect alden w about to raise his voice in apology he raised his cap instead and stared with sharper tercst at the other occupant of the chaise tho driver who her horses again in hand turned a fair face full of haughty reproof upon tho cause of her brief discomfort then the equip age turned the corner of the road and alden went in a he bathed and lounged smoking a rich eld briar pipe relic of his prentice days at sea he scowled im patiently at tho thought of the oven- ingbefove him his duty to society ordered hat he play host to a ponder ous dinner party therell bo patty all set to flirt ho growled caesar how i hate that perfume she drenches- herself with bilge phah shell call me alden dear oh lord and that cute littlo trick celeste thirtyeight if shes a day wonder sho doesnt go up in smoke every tinio she lights a cigaret talk about putting a match near powder scissors and the old hens whose chicks are just getting old enough to be flown at my head- suffering sailor why should i put up with it alot of birds of prey damn women anyhow the youthful cynic knocked out his pipe refilled it and flung himself into a deep lounge chair to smoke another with smoke and fog the fog outside grew denser he was lost in himself until the door opened and his aunt burst in protesting i alden dear are you ill your guests oh dear that horrid to- bacco again why alden this is a shame upon my word it is you po sitively reek reek of that beastly eld pipe come down do but you must really use some perfume tonight here alden stole away at the first oppor tunity and reveled in the dank fog j along with his pipe defying auntie and all her kind lake many another scion of good family alden had gone to sea upon leaving school when the lordly clipper ship reigned on the sea sons of rich fathers as well as sons of tradesmen served an apprenticeship in sail simply for the experience few stayed on in tho profession many never made more than the first voy age alden had completed his four years becauso he loved tho life he had been a good sailor too he had secured his econd mates ticket at first attempt and since there was no hurry for him to settle down at home and since he would not have to worry- about earning a living he stayed oh in the grand old patriarch until he passed to first mate and then master in turn then inheriting his fortune he had quit tho sea quit it profession ally that is he had built another patriarch for his pleasuring a smart brigantine yacht capable of cruising the world around and he chose to commandhor himself to be continued honored as prince unveils statues tsv oh dear that horrid tobacco again and the dignity to fit smoothly into tho groove worn so unbrokenly by his im mediate forbears trouble was they failedto fit him in externals he was part of the picture his faco was brown and clean shaven his hands were brown and well kept his golf toggery was brown and of fine tailor ing and all appeared in exquisite har mony with the fine old houso within the gate but there was that glitter in his eyes that vague something about his mouth which jarred the harmony he turned in and flung the gaie to with a harsh iron clang which startled a pair of fat horses just trotting past dragging an oldfashioned low chaise tho discontent fled from his face giv ing way to a genuine smile of amuse ment those horses looked as if no thing short of a cataclysm could startle them so fat were they and so staid ho realized how tremendously ho must havo slammed the gate to startle them for they regained their steadiness in a moment trotting plac idly on it was ono of tho two occu pants whose tranquility was less eas ily restored and tho innocent offender raised his tycsbrows surpriscdly at the turbulent flood of deep water ex pletives that issued from romewherc in the thick grey beard of a sturdy copperbronzed gentleman of nautical islii vsee baby books writ the borden co limited dept d j host pul street w montreal for two bby welfare booki issue no 2429 round before his man came to fix him up for tho evening tho second pipe always made his see a gleam of sun shine behind tho stormiest of horizons there flashed before him now the thought of an indignant feminine face the prettily angry faco of the girl who drove those two fat lazy horses he smiled more brightly that face had only flashed across his vision for an instant yet ho retained a more vivid notion of its graces than close acquaintance with many another wo man could leave that brewn hair might have gol den glints in the sjinlight he mused he gripped onj wrist with the other full hand sailer fashion leaned his head back against the cahir top and blew smoko about his head untilyhe saw nothing of the room at all then ho could form pictures it was an old trick or his ho saw quite sharply clear the picture of those fat old nags hauling that fat littlo low chariot and the copperbronze leathery face of tho old gentleman with the gray whiskers a seaman that he de cided tho face of the girl was not quito clear cut he purposely per mitted that vision to remain vague ho wanted to put in something of his own there but ho started with her brown hair which might hold golden glints his picture stopped short of the oars but her eyes had been blue ho vividly recalled how frostily blue they had been liko tho clear blue of an iceberg in shadow they were shadowed with anger but he knew thoy would bo gloriously blue with oceans own blue when fat old horses and human events went placidly how well that deep blue would go with her color at seven oclock he was dressed and ready to go down he knew his guests were arriving but on his way down ho entered his den again he felt uncomfortable he never liked entertaining but never before had his dislike taken the bitter turn it seemed to havo taken now ho felt as if ho simply could not play host even to save a reputation for courteous hospi tality ho loaded up his pipe again flung wide the eastern window and stood puffing quick little smoko balls out into tho night thcro was a sug gestion of fog creeping up from tho river the street lights and tho lamps of moving vehicles wcro blurred and yellow thero was a tang in the air too a vague salty tang he stood there never hearing tfc fasting for health how and when to give your system a rest by dr fisher we are unmerciful niggerdrivers of our own organs we work our stom achs livers and kidneys from morning till night in a most uugallant manner and the wonder is that they put up with it at all most of us i think would consider ourselves underfed and illdone by if we bad less than three meals a day there are people who are always tak ing snacks who believe that if they are not eating something at every pos sible moment they will waste away did they but know it they are head ing for disaster and an early grave our digestive organs can only absorb a certain quantity of food at one time each individuals powers of absorp tion varies put in more and it is merely wasted this excess only imposes additional strain upon our secretory and excre tory systems the glands which secrete digestive juices and the liver work overtime for nothing and our kidneys find themselves faced with a formidable quantity of waste prod ucts to dispose of day by day this goes on is it any cause or surprise that our organs wear out before their time the overfeeding danger more people are in danger ot over feeding than of underfeeding those accustomed to live freely would bene fit immeasurably from an occasional days fast choose one day every fortnight when you will make a point of study ing your own internal economy that day will be your organs period of rest on that da eat nothing except per haps some buttered toast tho more nonalcoholic fluid you drink the bet ter it is surprising how much fitter everybody feels the next day after the harmful excretions of overwork have been expelled and thelood has been cleansed apart from the hygienic importance of a fast thero is a psychological value tho more we feel we want our food and wo shall feel we want it badly the day after the bettor will be our digestion and absorption a fast not only purifies our blood and organs but muscular growth is benefited it is natures own euro for fever what better method is there of treating a severe cold or in fluenza than by strict starvation for a day or two in conjunction with the liberal drinking ot warm water it was mark twain i bollevc who said that no cold in tho hoadeould survive 24 hours unmodified starva tion many diseases respond favorably to short periods of fasting acuto pneu monia acute nephritis diabetes gout indigestion high blood pressure rheumatic affections skin dlsordors are examples for severe obesity strict dieting is essential but fasting while an excellent practico if indulged in with care and judgment can be very dangerous long periods of starvation do more harm than good when food is withheld tho body feeds on its own storo ot fat and car bohydrates at the start tho weight falls rapidly then it settlos down to a steady loss of a pound a day ex cepting the fat stores of th cbody and tho glycogen in tho liver and muscles the loss falls first on tho glands ceremonies for edinburghs 600th anniversary end in colorful pageantry edinburgh the season of pomp and pageantry which this city has en- commlssloner closed on may 2stb with the unveiling of statues to the national heroes william wallace and robert the bruce it was exactly coo years ago on may 23 1320 that edinburghs oldest existing charter was signed by the bruce the duke ot york as lord high commissioner unveiled the stat ues at edinburgh castle and the duchess who is a decendant of the bruce also took part the ceremonies began with a ser vice in st giles cathedral after which tho lord provost magistrate and representatives of publie bodies proceeded on foot to the castle beautiful sunshine lit up the gayly- colored robes ot the dignitaries and knights ot tho thistle the heralds and representatives of law art arid natural sciences and added variety to the red robes ot edinburgh and other scottish corporations messages were received from fa mous burgesses who were unable to attend among them one from j ram say macdonald which said either tho bruce or mr baldwin is much to blame the oue for dating your royal charter may 2sth tho other for having fixed a general election for may 30th v autaf shower afttisun east give in fragrance fresh ssrom the gardens ejections afternoon or dance frock no moro flattering fashion has ever been created with its snugly fitted bodice and full circular skirt the smartest debutantes are wearing it youll find it very economical to make too as it doesnt require any trim ming just 3 yards of 40inch mater ial for the 36inch bust measure pat tern no 377 comes in sizes 1g years 36 38 40 and 42 inches bust measure it is stunningmade of black sheer crepe printed sheer crepe lacquer red chiffon blonde crepe satin or of beige lace princo 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred how to order patterns write your namo and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin prcfered ivrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail not made in canada toronto mail and empire cons it is apparently the determination of tho government that no tariff aid shall bo given to any new industry what is not already made in canada will stand little change of being made here so far as government policy is concerned it not made in canada now a given article will continue to bo admitted fieo of duty so that the setting up of works to make the article will bo hampered by unrestricted com petition from outside countries for sunburn apply minards liniment an interesting editorial in the christian science monitor explains the chief difference between british and american electoral systems it reads as follows one of the most interesting fea tures of the british election at least to americans is the shortness of the perio dallowed for the active cam paign the electoral laws niake it certain that the struggle will be over quickly on the eighth day after the proclamation of the election is issued nominations take place the poll is held on the ninth day after nomina tions parliament assembles not less than twenty days after the date of the proclamation summoning it thus this year parliament was dissolved on may 10 candidates are nominated on may 20 the election takes place on may 3d this timetable is in striking con trast with the timetablo of ameri ca nelections tho british election is an express train which runs as rap- idly as possible an american elec- tio nis a local train with many stops from february to june of presidential years is the period during which dele gates to the nominating conventions- are chosen after the conventions four months are given over to the presidential campaign the election takes place in november the elec toral college meets in january and the votes are counted by congress in feb ruary the president takes office on march 4 unless lie calls a special session congress does not meet un til tho following december there has always been a tradition in the united states that presidential years were disturbing to business the statisticians have shown that this is not the case fluctuations in- busi ness activity between 1sss and 1921 have been exhaustively examined by col leonard p ayres vicepresident of the cleveland trust company me found that business has improved in election years more often than it has declined in seven of the twelve cases the year closed with business at a higher level than it held when the year opened in the remaining five cases the ievel of business was lower at the close of the year than it was at the beginning but it is doubtful whether the election had any effect the speod with which british elec tions are conducted makes it impos sible for the effect on business activi ty to be marked great britain la par ticularly favored it should be noted by the fact that only parliamentary elections are held the poll for mem bers of the house of commons is un complicated by a simultaneous choice of local governmental bodies in tho united states tho chief executive members of two branches of the na tional legislature governors state legislatures mayors and other officials are voted for at tho same time in addition many laws go before the people of different states for a popu lar referendum the american system of nomina tion furthermore seems extremely complicated in comparison with the british practice a candidate may run tor the house of commons if ho is proposed in writing by a registered voter of tho constituency and as sented to by nine other voters freak candidacies or candidacies by those who have no chance ot polling anyl considerable strength are prevented j by a provision ot the electoral lawi requiring a deposit ot 750 this de- posit is forfeited it the candidate falls to receive oneeighth of the votes which are polled this year however more than 1000 candidates havo pre sented themselves for the 615 seats in the house of commons it is likely therefore in view of the many three cornered contests that thero will be a number of forfeited deposits this device however is a safeguard against too many nominations and enables the case of nominations to contribute to the quickness with which a british parliamentary elec tion can be concluded that congressman is sick suffer ing from exposure so didnt know hed been in vestigated how times do change talking about christmas reminds me that my better half gave me a book last year entitled a perfect gentleman this year she agve me another one entitled wild animals i have known it is recalled that mr bernard shaw i was once in the salvation army no doubt that is where he learned to beat the big drum london star tho former is a unique prepara hon which applied to either ladles or gents hose prevents in sect bites of all kinds thereby eliminating much dlscomllturc and runs in hose does not affect color or fabric tho latter skeetiskare may be applied to tho face arms and band or any part of tho body without injury to tho skin it does not possess the unpleasant odor of preparations formerly used and positively cannot injure tho skin stores and dealers fleaso write grulmore sales service 1 345 klnar st w toronto t am enclosing 75c for antimos for the hair aslt your barber he knows or 5jc i namo i i i aimress l write for our latest catalogue on sporting ooodo plahlntf tacilo camp supplies tho biggoat and rlnest evor xafttma in canada toronto radio co 211 vojt0je street a georgraphical inexactitude london frco press cons tho saskatoon starphoenix received a letter from tho assistant editor of the national geographic magazine wash ington dc in which reference was made throughout to saskatoon british columbia if all the other in formation published in national geo graphic is equally as accurate as tho above it is no cause for wonder that then the liver spucn and pancreas tho americans picture canada only as j suffer and in their turn tho muscles i a laud of igloos and england as a finafiy a call is made on those vital country of ber mugs a pluslour organs the heart and brain minards liniment for sick animals tom has your amateur gardening taught you anything plct yes j ul never again bollova that wo reap what we sow magistrate what is tho chargoi djiflng while in th state pi ej tremo infatuation nurses wanted the toronto hospital for incurables in affiliation with bellovuo and allied hospitals now york city offers thrco jearb course of tralntne t young women having tho required education and desirous of bocomlnr nurses this hospital has adopted the eighthour system tho pupils rccclyo uniforms of tho school a monthly allowance and traveling- jraponscs to and from now york tor further information wrltn tha superintendent every fibre insulated with kubbcr to give most miles peu dollar f you want to know whether theres any difference in tires just remember that firestones nro tho outstanding choice of tho big bus truck and taxi fleets who demand the greatest safety for high speeds supremo endurnnco for uninter rupted service nnd most economy in cost per mile your nearest firestone dealer saves you money nud sencs you better see him today firestone tire rubber co op canada limited hamilton ontario the worlds strong box untold riches lie in the depths of the sea treasure has been accumulating on the sea bed since the ancient cartha- genlans sailed out to scour the then known world day in and day out men sail over treasure trove that would make theni rich for life and the treasure may only be a matter ot thlrtyforty or fifty fathoms beneath their keel it seems incredible that science should not yet have found a way to- this treasure chamber armed with th newest and latest diving appara tus men periodically attempt to sal vage the bullion ot some famous wreck but more often than not they return broken in heart and pocket once in a while perhaps one suc ceeds in wresting a treasure from tho caverns of the deep and inspired by the news others come forward to fill the gaps in the treasure seekers ranks left by thoso who have fought and failed a forlorn hope in 1911 a british salvage company attempted the salving of the lutino treasure held since 1799 in the grip ot the treacherous ylieland shoals for nine months they labored and in that time sucked millions of tons of sand from the wreck and built it into a barrier to divert the sea cur rents finally they uncovered th wreck a mass of cannon ball ratted to gether then barred their way they smashed through this and found one ball that had been in actual contact with the gold then a storm drove them off and buried irretrievably the wreck the gold off the canon- hall weighed six grains not always is it the storm however that sets at naught the salvors ef forts the bullion lying in the lusi tania is a case in point this great liner lies at a depth of forty fathoms off the old head of kinsalo eleven years of tide rip and cor rosion to say nothing of the tremend ous pressure of the water at that depth will have reducer the once fine ship to a mass of tangled girders and grotesqenly twisted platework what staterooms are still whole will be the haunt of gigantic conger eels and the breeding ground of tho loathsome octopus but shattered steelwork and danger from deep sea denizens would deter no diver worthy of the name dyna mite can remove the stoutest iron work and there are means for the dis couragement of the stoutest hearted of finney foes j the trouble is that men dare not fro down because of the pressure at half the depth at which the lusltauia lies a man in ordinary diving dresi would be called upon to bear the tre mendous pressure ot about 172000 lbs under such stress no man could go down and live let alone work allsleel diving suits to cope with the pressure special allsteel suits were constructed and in these because ot the tremendous weight divers were lowered over the side of the salvage ship by means of a crane a special nontwisting cable being attached to tho helmet but the sea had still a trump card to play at forty fathoms the dark ness was so intense that the most gpwerful of artificiallights failed en tirely to penetrate tho gloom and without light it would be madness to attempt tho exploration of a majs ot shattered plates many of them rust ed to such an extent that their edges were razorlike in sharpness but despite tho terrlblo risk and losses involved the luro of the worlds strong box still continues to draw men away from their comfortable and secure businesses on land war major k a bratt in the itcvlew of itevlews london the advance of dictatorships at the presont tlmo af fords a premonitory hint of what is to come they spring up like mush rooms not only in the earths bloor- drenched swamps and feverstricken areas but in the chill shadow of tho new warfare tho reaction to this development and tho psychological changes which it implies will result irt a rovcrsal of tho social progress ot the last fifty years such progress is the child of democracy if that falls they fall together thero catt bo no doubt but that this progress to wards a wavlike and dictatorrlddch community must end in war it can certainly not lead to peace it will plunge into warfare the whole of thd western world or moro probably the whole earth with its present tondentfy towards unification and prccipitalo world revolution the prosperous indian victoria times lib our indian population is fairly stable- at about 100000 s among tho less clvllizorl tribes according to tho department of indian affairs the high birth rale bal ances the high death rato but in thj civilized tribes who havo met and withstood the first shock of contact with civilization there is an appreci able gain not only in numbers but in physical standards these latter people havo long ago proved their worth and only need to develop and mature under protection until they reach their destined goal full brit ish citizenship a man as he manages himself may die old at thirty or young at eighty

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