Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 7

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v taoctors are busy t during march ill ness b rampant long winter months lower vitality blood becomes watery and the body grows susceptible to colds and illness march however can be made a vigorous happy month dr wil liams pink pills are a genuine aid to health and stamina microscopic tests show a remarkable increase in the blood count after treatment this world renowned remedy discovered by a canadian doctor defin itely enriches the blood and ensures more oxygen for the tissues increase your resist ance to disease bring back your strength if run down buy a box of dr williams pink pills to day at all druggists and dealers in medicine or by mail postpaid a50cents from the dr williams medicine co brockville ontario body of death men always go to war among them selves for all earths mortal feuds ate civil war not waged among say martians and the elves what north and south have known what they fought for states rights or slavery was there ever quarrel well understood by gray or russet squirrel it all were one sedan or waterloo austerlitz gettysburg ypries or the maine border vendetta or an interview on lines disputed by a colonial barn for any feud on earth beived bro thers must be a civil war there are no others simple window lock the holdfast adjustable window lock will holil and lock any bizo of window open or closed no weights required rtops nil rattles and draurtltts any lady can install one in five minutes at leatini- hardare and large dept stores or tend 25c not stamps money back if not satisfied goldsmith co 11 bunlas st west toronto scotch city has j fine womens club broke record frank dupuis established record but lost the race world he estab- aberdeen scotland the women of aberdeen seem to tave been parti cularly successful in their achieve ments in 192s particularly the aber deen business womens club this club is unique lu great iiritain out side of london and deserves the ad miration it has aroused in other scottish eities its example may well be followed by aberdeens neigh bors as the need is great miss bet- tina clark the warden of the club welcomed all inquiries and miss it j walker who was its founder was enthusiastic over its possibilities j it was felt miss clark said teat aberdeen bad nany voting business women who needed asoca center and residential club but the difficulty was bow to get it financed help has flowed in from all sorts of quarters but the chief support came from the i ywca which generously supplied the initial sum of 2000 at a small rate of interest two beautirul old houses in one of the best squares in the city were purchased and on these there is a bond of another 2000 1 over 700 business women have joined which gives the club 350 in subscrip tions alone tho letting of their beautiful dance hall also is a source of income and altogether the finances of the club are in a most satisfactory position the residents have charm- position the residents have charm- j lished his record when on the first ins rooms and pay for room and full day he covered the initial 41 mile lap hoard only 1 a week for a north 0 the eastern international dog sled room and 22s a week for a south j del at quebec in 3 hours 22 mill- room which seems unbelievably 1 utes secomls 0a the two succeed- cheap in these days everything however seems to work out profitably in such a large family- tho restau- alaskan musher succeeded in over- rant is charming the food appetizing taking the lead and carried off the but all help the venture to pay its honors but duiiuis time for the first way tho girls miss clark said day has never been excelled were keen on having the club free i and are constantly devising new ways and means to clear the debt splendid aberdonian trait as the visi tors remarked what is this miss clark was asked pointing to what looked like a model of a norwegian saeter a present from one of our work men she replied at the time of our sale in the music hall we were touched and pleased to receive from every man who had been employed on the reconstruction a contribution made by himself this beautifully made model presented by a joiner was won by a wellwisher who return ed it to the club as a gift this atti tude of the workmen was typical of the interest and goodwill our venture aroused in 192s aberdeen also appointed her first policewoman aud during the year tire soroptomists appeared on all citys horizon aberdeen has also one of tho best industrial womens clubs in the country the st kather- ines club in addition the cowdray club caters for its professional wom en in the city and in the country the womens rural institutes have had a wonderful year of prosperity alto gether at the present moment the women of aberdeen seem to be lead ing in the club movement in scotland and everything points to real growth and development in the granite city owl laffs by ow i on with laughter j climber would like to be rich for just one reason he would carry a mechanic along with him to keep his cigarlighter in trim blending red rose tea is an art to obtain the find flavor and fullbodied richness required years of experi ence every gackage guaranteed 61 the dentist was telling about his pluckiest patient ho came into the surgery and be- san to tell me he had no faith in gas i ether or cocaine the tooths been j red rose orange pekoe is jgxtga gooct giving an awful iot of trouble he i said and all youve got to do is to s hunk it out hunk it out i con- 1 at manchester the guard finding gratulated him on his pluck and ased i without either ticket or money him to sit down in the chair oh grabbed him by the arm and put him no he exclaimed its not for me j the train with a wellplaced kick i its for my wife shes in the waiting at t llext station he found isaac again and repeated tho expulsion ac- is good tea classified advertisements 1 room inn tough luck smith he filled the stove coal and then he closed it tight poor bill is now without a fire his stove blew up thatnight with several of torontos flappers are i wearing heavy mansize suspenders the only way we can explain this fad i stand it j is that the girls realize tho desperate 1 need of anchoring in place what little raiment they still wear eentuating the force of the gesture at the third station the conductor was completely astounded to find isaac yet again heading low isaac attempted to jump off quickly enough to escape at least part of the violence of the attack how far do you think youre going to get like this asked the guard s far as london re plied isaac if my constitution will baititliu rock cockehbls tltoji qualified record of performance and lieglstered breeders canadas old est hltth layin strain unpedikreed s3 st pedigreed s5 so 25 years a breeder hatebiw ekc ciiieks clark cedar row larm calnsville ont al baby chicks vb hatch four varieties price 9c up write for tree catalogue a it- swltzcr iraiitbn ontario hemstitching and- picotixo attachments tits any maki of ma chine price sv instructions wjrjt eacia attachment if kinrtad 31 sprue court toronto what am at uncle ambitious i family reunion a benevolent who had made his money ia ing days however seppala veteran hardware asked his young nephew well johnnie what do you want to be when you are a man oh ive made up my mind uncle the boy replied promptly im going to be a retired merchant minards liniment for coughs colds a dangerous month for the baby the scientific results well warrant ed the hardships commander byrd mothers always dread the blustery march days no month of the year is so danger ous to the welfare of little ones as is march the monthof quickly chang ing weather one day is line the next cold and blustery one day dry the next wet and disagreeable in spite of all precautions the little ones will take colds and these colds often lead to more serious troubles mothers when the first symptoms ap pear sneezing redness of the eyes running nose babys own tablets should be given at once they will rapidly break up the cold and prevent the more serious complications mothers who keep a box of babys own tablets in the home always feel sate just like having a doctor in the house the tablets are a gentle but thorough laxative that sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels thus driving out constipation and in digestion and relieving the baby of the many childhood ailments which are the direct result of a clogged condition of the bowels or a sour stomach babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont these bulletins and pamphlets were prepared and printed for your use they contain n great deal of very valuable information- worked out by the staff of scientists employed by tho dominion depart ntent of agriculture if nny or nil of them would help you in your work or in improving your home surroundings you may secure copies without cost simply by marking with an x the ones you would like filling in the coupon below and mailing this advertisement to us no postage is required pmrhi no 79 producing gear milk practical and helpful information for svery dairyman bulftln no 92 manure sntf fertillrera cm pagea of facts bout barnyard manure green manure ncj fomroerdel fertiliz er ferdliter recommendation for ill standard crops circular no 62 mosquito control in gnifi tails hoi to treat tho braiding plaa of thcte nests 0 they cam ot multiply bulletin no 60 annual flowers lists and de scriptions of all tho tnnuals that trill grow in canada- vaciedea f acorn otended for different oecdont publications branch department of agriculture ottawa please send me free of charge the bulletin or pamphlets which i have marked with an x name r r no post office province clip out end nail th whole ad in flying for all london news and westminster lib one of the most valuable ic- sults of the establishment of flying clubs has been an increase in the num ber of private owners of aircraft and il within two years a situation can be brought about which will provide land ing facilities within 15 miles of every house in the country then indeed we may look for the dawn of the flying age the provision of private hire services cheapened and speeded up from one end of the country to the other will not only appreciably arid to the public amenity but should have a beneficial effect upon business in a few years indeed if this scheme is successfully carried out as we hope and believe it may be there should be an enormous development in air travel what is now brormal an infrequent luxury may become no more unusual than travel by pullman the accused judge it aint no crime to be poor besides i work mighty hard sometimes findin jobs for my wife the judge youre right it is no crime to be poor but it is to run an employment agency without a license twentyfive and costs judge before i pronounce sen tence have you anything to say exbarber yes your honor id like to shave the prosecuting attorney just once more a made friend is better than a born one gert did you get your husband a surprise on his birthday sadie ill say i did you never saw a more surprised man in your life gert what did you get him sadie breakfast if you dont believe surgical opera tions pay ask the undertaker progress or no progress men will always prefer the womanly woman to the manly one is your wife an excellent cook tho best little canopener in america ever hear ot anyone knocking inferior what to do in an emergency in case of an earthquake jump into the nearest airplane announcement that tjc prince st wales will keep tho horse that never threw him disposes of the popular idea that there was no such animal a washington wife shot at a wo man and hit her husband but a hus band has to expect little mistakes like that religion by mail is offered how much of it will go to the deadletter office farmers requiring british help single men women or families to assist with farm work should write rev alex vlacgregor 43 victoria st toronto i have been on the train for seven years proudly said the conductor of slowmoving train passenger is that so where did you get on some fellows asked si if he was run ning a truck farm si replied aw quit your kidding im not very smart hut i know they dont grow- trucks on farms they make them in factories a medical writer pleads for the ut most care and control ot sneezing in these glum influenza days when i witlt dumbbells jerks and such tjontrive resistance so to raise as will defy the thoughtless wight in restaurant carriage lift and street who dares to cast to left and right the germs i strive so hard to beat my glowing health which im so pleased at is not exactly to be sneezed at daily chronicle t do you want bksx american illustrated selfhelp magazine you ever saw seat l tic for 4 months trial the ualunce 20 no claremont ave chicago wanted canadian postage stamps host nriees paid for vic torian issues on or off covers collections and olid lots bought g i thompson b broadway avenue toronto list of wanted inventions uiiti tull information sent fret on reouest the rtamsftx co deptw 373 banlc st ottawa ont readv duff letsoens eitrt j irj whit blu r l kejs ariptit wkv minowvj i buitcjitinttobslutcwyuulcne ijej nj up loot tlnjrfivifr cuunlli f wri tosk- i hue chick booxj sciiwprs iwjcberyl 22g northampton buffalo xy bbidgebubg ont can clear wohv sjtin of disfiguring klemlslc use uticura sample soap ointment talcum free adduut cuticura box 2616 montreal canada i i i l j a bright little miss who always has a ready answer started in to take a bath tho other evening when she dis covered that tho soap was missing so she climbed out of tho tub and dripping wet and without stopping to throw over her small body even a bath robe pranced downstairs to get some soap when she returned her older sister took her to task thats a pretty thing to do said she what if tile minister ha dhappened to come it the minister had happened to come well id have pointed my finger at him replied tho youngster and id have said mr you just look the other way this is private rochester courier minards liniment prevents flu a few days ago a lady went into the glovo sdepartment ot n largo store and askd for a pair of gentlemans gloves when shown a pair priced half a guinea she said oh no 1 want a good pair theyre for my fiance she left with i pair costing two guineas about half an hour later another lady came in and asked for a pair of gentlemans gloves this time these people will be arriving after u 8aieswonian produccl tho tw0 jl- i8inea gloves first what two n boyds bicycles at lower prices tirt coaster brakes whteiiinntrtubr lamp belli cyclometers saddles equipment and parts of bi cycle you can buy your eup pile from us at vhoictal price s catalogue free t w boyd 6 soh mn said the prospective pur- no no i want something about flvo shillings theyre for my husband j guineas chaser when your children qy for it paby has little upsets at times all your care cannot prevent them but you can be prepared then you can do what any experienced nurse would do what most physicians would tell you to do give a few drops of plain castoria no sooner done than baby is soothed relief is just a matter of moments yet you have cased your child without use of a single doubtful drug castoria is vegetable so its safe to use as often as an in fant has any little pain you cannot pat away and its always ready for the cruder pangs of colic or constipa tion or diarrhea effective too for older children twentylive million bottles were bought last year jcslror a health saving reminder dont wait until you get the influenza use minards liniment at the first sign of it its healing qualities are amazing the old reliable acts like a flas in relieving colds thats whr so many people buy buckleys to end coughs bron chitis nnd nil ttiront chest and lung troubles its insuint pleasant jtunrontccd youll note its unique powers in the very first dose and there nre 40 doses in a 7gcent botue i ask your drueeist for buckleys w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 mixture acts like a flath d single sip proves it 75c and 40c omen lue nervous run down and unable to do their work properly have improved their health by taking lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound by accurate record 98 out of every 100 report benefit you can be almost certain that it will help you too ib8ip the acid british dramatic critic says where women dominate an institution they ruin it indicating that man is some what ot an institution issue no j 2 29 sick stomachs sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid the stomach nerves are overstimu lated too much acid makes tho stomach and intestines sour alkali kills acid instantly tho best form is phillips milk of magnesia because ono harmless tasteless doso neutralizes many times its volume in acid since its invention go years ago it has remained tho standard with physicians everywhere take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes then you will always know what to do crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you go prove this for your own sako it may save a great many disagrecahle hours be sure to get the genuine phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 60 years in correcting excee acids each bottle contains full direc tions any drugstore i j i i i 1 i

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