Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 6

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mm conditions at noranda look fc very promising to mr moore a personal visit to the quebec mining areas is basis of this j- weeks article amulet situation reviewed hudson bay by l j moore noranda mines limited noranda mines limited is making steady progress in the direction of large scale production during the time since the smelter came into op eration the mine lias been ahlo to keep up with the demand for smelter feed in spite of the limited existing capacity of no 3 shaft when the writer made an inspection of noranda on march 1st excellent speed was being attained in hoisting ore tie last day of february showed a record of 1593 tons of ore hoisted in addi tion to waste rock tho smelters re quirements amount to approximately 1100 tons daily it is therefore pos bible to do a considerable amount of development work through no s shaft and continue to hoist enough ore in six working days to keep the smelter going for the entire week no 4 shaft was at a depth of about 550feet at the beginning of this month it will be equipped with u new hoist which was then on route from the atlantic seaboard within the next few days the shaft sinking work 13 ahead of schedule tho 1000- foot level will ho reached and stations cut at hundred foot intervals by sep tember a long crosscut is being driven from no 3 to no i shaft lu all probability the crosscut will reach its objective and the station cut before tho shaft is finished however a dec ision may bo made to contiuuo the shaft to a depth of 1500 feet no shaft will have a much greater hoist ing capacity than no 3 it will be no great task to handle 3000 tons of ore dally from the two shafts and to con duct an intensive campaign of mining development no 4 shaft is several hundred feet away from any known ore hut the same was said concerning tso 3 shaft when it was at the corres ponding depth there is fairly delinite assurance concerning the extension of important pre of average mine grade to a depth of 1500 feet the unknown factor is the extent and importance of ore oc currences below the 1500 foot lu a general way diamond drilling results lielow the 075foot which wire con ducted at one hundred foot intervals along the llofoot drift in ii orehody yielded gratifying results the copper content may he expected to vary at different horizons generally speak ing however the drilling downward from tho 500 foot as well as from the 975 foot level indicate bigger things for noranda than are appreciated by the general public it is not looking toe tar ahead now to visualize norandas production run ning rrom 3200 to 3500 tons daily tvith two reverberator furnaces and three converters such a production is quite definitely assured there is juo justification at present in looking ibeyond that point but it may bo re- luemberod that norajdas develop- stent has been crowded with pleasant surprises which have far outnumber- fed the disappointments the develop went work of tho next eighteen inoiulis should tell tho major part of the story when no 1 roveiberatory furnace was closed down for repairs u few veeks ago the performance of no 3 lurnuco was rather disappointing a few adjustments corrected its short comings and everything is now run- iilng smoothly the smelter has reach ed a stale of high efficiency the re- lining of no 1 furnace is proceeding ind provision has been made for the erection of a third converter which will provide enough capacity to take jcare of tho output of bctl rcverbera- tory iiiiiu in other words each fieverberatory furnace is capable of tyihiklling approximately ilou to 1300 tons ui ore daily without being crowd ed unduly three couveters work ing lo capacity can handle the entire bulpul i obviously much importance is at tached to the refinery puns of nor anda mines limited it is still too early to iiiak detailed announce ments of policy in this connection it uiay be staled however that nor andas control and its association jvlth british metals corporation and nichols copper company gives as surance of the success of the enter- price british met is is without rival in the british umpire us a mar keter uf copper and its ores nichols copper company of nsv york is one of iho ost important organizations of lis kind in the united stales with nbuudum technical skill at lis com mand and a worldwide mining con nection the location of tho nor anda refinery at tidewater on tho jlower st lawrence will place it in n position to caudle export business i the noranda picture is beginning to be tilled out and the next two years will accomplish much in this regai d wo recommend the stock as an outstanding purchase for sub stantial enhancement pointing to its probable earnings as justitlcatiou for lnuch higher prices for the shares than iavc yet been attaiued amulet mines imited amulet mines limited proposes to conduct an energetic progiam of dla- juoiiic jjllllnjs and underground work durius tit coming season there is sunday school lesson by lloyd j moore member standard stock and mining exchange reason for believing that the attempt to secure further ore will oe quite as earnest as in tho- summer of 1027 when discoveries followed each other with remarkable rapidity there is a great deal of new ground to bo explor ed which holds quite as attraclivo possibilities as tho section of no 4 area which brought in additional ore over a year and a half ago the year 19- s was really an off year so far is significant developments are concerned although it was by no means negative in its consequences an effort will ho made over the next six mouths to double the present re serves of around 10000000 it is quite within the range of possibility that this will bo done tho property may not be very far from the produc tion stage particularly it coming de velopments meet the hopes of the management the refinery plans which have been advanced but which are not yet known in detail may be of mucti im portance to amulet especially it it seems likely an electrolytic zinc plant is erected this would provide a splendid outlet for amulets concen trates tho sterling mine lu cape breton promises to he an important source of zinc and it should bo re membered that this is under the con trol ot british metals corporation which is associated with noranda and nichols copper company in ouo of their relinery projects it should not be overlooked that amulet pos sesses a great deal of ground in which oremaking possibilities are at tractive tho stock may bo consid ered as lairly attractive at around the current price of 330 for a hold possibly six months hudson bay mining and smelting hudson bay mining and smelting company directors did not give a great deal of new information to shareholders at tho annual meeting held in woodstock on march oth the aunouuceiueuts thoy did make were decidedly reassuring tlio ore reser ves were placed conservatively at eighteen million tons it is thought this could havo been increased con siderably without undue nak pro- ills are estimated to run at around 5350 per ton without allowing for depreciation and depletion with a production of three thousand tons a day il is comparatively easy to ligure out probable earnings per sharo per annum on the capitalization of 3500- 0uo shares all of which are issued it is estimated that the prolus 01 the lirst six years operations will ho sut- licieni to meet tho entire capital out lay the mine has a long me ahead of it without counting upon tho un doubted udditlons to ore reserves that will bo mado as development pro ceeds the power development at island falls saskatchewan is proceeding it will provide about 44000 hp and power will be delivered about the end of this year a temporary plant will deliver two thousand hp at tho mine within the next few week and this will be dismantled when tho main construction is finished the com pany has current assets ot 129ls109 consisting of conservative iuvestuient securities and cash the ore content is estimated ai 171 per cent copper 315 per cent zinc 071 oz gold and 106 oz sliver sawaclory arrangements with the cnh havo been reached concerning freight rates to apply a soon as the raiiwa is luucd over by the con struction company the whitney and nowmont interests make an ex ceptionally strong combination tho company is assured ot substantial protits and the purchaso ot its shares at around current pricc3 is consider ed atlractivo for a hold of one to two years march 24 lesson xii stewardship and missions acts 1 68 2 cor 8 19 golden text it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful 1 cor 4 2 analysis i the universal mission act 108 ii the clxims or stkwakhshlr 2 cor 8 1y ixtuouicriox our lesson is meant to teach us that christianity is a world rtligi u and that ve are al stewards ot ticil to heip in the uccoiiplshmcnt of this missionary task i the universal mission acts 108 v u the chief theme ot the teach ing of jesus while on earth was the kingdom of tied and the disciples thclght that their lord wokld soon come in glory to fulllil the hopes of israel these hopes which had been defeated by his death were reawaken ed by the resurection but this ques tion shows how limited was the vision of these men they think only of their own nation and have no vision of the worldkingdom they fail to see that christ is the redeemer of liunkind his rule is universal v 7 it wus annul unit the dis ciples should be anxious to know about the time of the retur- oi- christ all through the new testament we see the signs of their eageiveit to look at the future this is espccally seen in the revelation but jesu did not while on eari satisfy this curiosity he would iot give ai y deliiite day or hour and hei he repeats his state ment saying that all things are in the hands of the father this expec tation was not to be abandoned but it must be purified v 8 though tlty are ot told about th mysteries of the future yet they are to receive the strength which will enable them t carry on the work that li- to then hands this strength was to consis in mental power in courage and in speia endowments for new work cir chief duty would be to go forth and bear witness to the gospel of christ while the sphere of their ministry is detined beginning at jerusalem they are to go to judrea then to samaria ant after wards to the farthest parts of the empire these fo- stages of develop ment form the main divisions of the acts this then is the world mission placed before the disciples of jesus ii the peinc1mes ok stewardship 2 corb lj v 1 we read in 1 corinthians of the collection which was being made for the poor brtthren in jerusalem who were much persecute by the jews now paul returns the sub ject in order that he busy urge upon his friends the duty of completing this work we note now careful lie is in laying upon tlics converts the duty of viving he appeals first to the gifts of tne churches in macedonia by which we are t understud the churches at thessalonica philipi and berea and he calls this giving of money a grace of god this charity is not a severe duly nor a mere policy oi wisdom i is a real evidence of the presince of cods griee giving en riches the soul of the git and be stows the qualities which bclon to god vs 2 3 several further facts in tht macedonian situation are given olthe people thee were not rich nor were they able to give large sums but they gave beyond their ability at tention may be calcd to the widows mite her coin worthless ir the eyes ot the id pharisee was ir ie eyes of christ transformed by her love into the gold of the eternal city we must never neasure gifts by their hank value attention is also called to the joy with which the mace ion- inns gave there was no grudging spirit in their service v 5 but the most important fact was that they did not stop with the granting of money they gave them selves they recognized the truth that all their possessions and life itself were the gifts of god and they would not keep back anything it is so easy for us to think that it have fulfilled our religious duty oi givine when we have contributed onetenth hut all life is meant to be ai offering we arc to present our bodies a living sacrifice v 0 paul replied much upon h helpers and titus had an honorable place among these he had begun the work some time before and he is now commissioned to complete it v 7 three motives are now men tioned to stir up their henits i ho appeals to their own past record which is full of excellent achievement they excel in fnith and knowledge and in love for paul let them now add this grace also to their character it is so noble a quality v 8 2 paul uses again the ex ample of other churches t stimulate the corinthians he would not use arthority nor lay down nnv order which they must obey he rather would use hie persuasive method of emulation v tnp most inspirinj- motive is hnst himself he came to our world surrendering all the wealth of the skies and ho gave himself for us we have been bought by the price of christs death and therefore we be long to him and all we have should he his thus- the appeal to sacrificial stewardship reaches its noblest ex pression in the ross a great eng lish leader has sail it is the absenc of the christian motive the motive ot selfsacrifice depending on the christian faith which is the real source of tho deplorable conditions with which we have to deal the prin ciple of service in which self-sarri- inew wrapakound you must include a sheer woolen in your wardrobe in smart wraparound styling is design no 371 the bodice is ultrasmart with broad bands in yoke effect that taper to points to waistline tho skirt and bodice are joined with shaped belt the inset vestce can be of selffabric or con trusting it is mos fascinating in lus- ttt us biack crepe satin using- the dull sin face for bands of bodice bcit ves- teo and culls an cntrely new idea is natural colored featherweight kasha with the bands ol bouice vestee anu cutis of dull black silk cepe with huge black buttons fastening wrap utturr skirt silk crepe canton crepe and wool crepe also chic design ed in sizes lb 18 20 years so oh 40 and 42 inches bust the 3ginch size takes 3i yards of 40inch material with i yard of 13 contrasting as sketched pattern prico 20c in stamps or coin coin is preferred wrap coin carefully how to jrdeh patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilscn pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail c lice i i fundamental principle by whicli life all history is simply human nature work and conduct written large it is a great pageant hated dls- curious interesting and most agreeable tho study of it will educate you and tit you for tho gen an essential element is the whit- should b dad whats a symposium in sort o meeting my boy eo called cral business of life au5nli1a biri realise a lot of simpletons usually ri pose at it limerick corner joyous jingles by gifted rhymsl irs here are this weeks winners that have be n selected publication for nw stylc ji n iviiiimuiu guy noleu beauij 01 tho paris revues shows now eastei mil linery in avon garaf model of horse- halr and gold braid ante heleimi- iwisawa there- was a queen in treblzond whoso golden hair upon tro wind outspread like sunlight on a pond wotted ail else from mind her voice upon tho ear full sweet as lovey lute at sundown played in darklng gardens cro tho feet of ilian tcuch the glade ant she wus dead a uousa1 years ere lietis beauty proved a prey and lived a song amid the spears tlu fushed at thermopylae w krayer mitchell cobweb and mustard seed try a pessimist you say there are a great many trial marriages 1 dont think so well however regular a marriage may be it always becomes a trial he who loves goodness harbours wrigleys cum wrigleys oh mammy auj pappy rue flavor is certainly snappy just take it from me if you chew it with glee youll live a long life and die happy mrs s k iutman uk 1 bixmaick out solomons fur fsrm have you heard yet ot solomons kur farm which in winter keeps both him rnd her rarm quit your fortune chemes silly invest in chinchilla and start as it were a new fur farm jr3 h j dean uk 2 glanwortli out dr williams pink pills what slogan rings out from yoa steepler fry williams pink pills for palo people they do what they claim the effect is tho same whether took by otoole or von tiepel mrs e mills box 37 elora ont bcechams pills there was u young man named job sliver asked teo doc to prescribe for hl3 liver he said beechauis pills will cure all your ills and will x up your liver young sliver mrs d g uussel box 153 alliston ont keens mustard a woman named deans who sang ballads could find 110 good mustard for salads until she tried keens and now all the deans eat it in all of their salads d e mowat it ii 2 selkirk ont pinkhams compound there was a young maid from ken- lucky who thinks herself awfully lucky she was sickly and pale now shes hearty and bale pinkhauis she said its just ducky mis harvey nivins box 113 wingbam ont alberta coal there was au old man from dranoei who wanted to purchase some coal pennsylvania says he will never suit me ill havo nothing but alberta goal mr wm mcquigge ilk 2 ilavelock out stanfields underwear there was a young gem here in tara who got himself froze to the mar row now be wears stanfields draw- era whio hes doiiij his chores and sings as he shoves his wheel barrow mr ralph hills tara- out snowdrift flour young brides who are starting housekeeping if luck with your baking your seek ing just use snowdrift hour for luck any hour for i know of what 1 am speaking mrs percy 1olmateer steenburg out simonu s saws a certain wise man up the num ber was equipping a mill to cut lum ber tho simonds said he is iho right saw for uie any other is sure a back number a k cole 100 paradise ltd n hamilton wrigleys gum there once was a man ot high station who published abroad to the na tion wrigleys spearmint is best just gire it a test now its won the whole worlds commendation miss grace gordon glenelin quo diamond dyes a lady well known as miss merlon ot tho shades lu her colors was certain when her nelgjibors did vio si10 said use diamond dye this expert in tinting miss merton mrs w b fletcher paisley ont questions answered seii and cw lack of rhythm in one or more lines is your chief fault mr cp 1 yes 2 we can not give list head all tho ads and get ideas for tho limericks from them a sun lift a isuranc vo there was u yo lug fellow named amos for turelhougu he ever wai famous lie insured in sun life to provide fit- bis wife case anything happened to amos mrs chx t wctherald blenheim oat lux we have a veo baby named bobby and keeping him cleeau is our hobby tis lux llial we choso o wash his lieo clothes now spotlessly white is our cobby mrs itob allen brucelield out shredced wheat there onto vas a girl who was puny she was frail she was weak she was incony she ate shredded wheat soon put ou some meat and now rhes a belle is misi ltoouey mr3 a p knight parkbill out rietchers castoria there was a young wife in vic toria whose name like her mothers was gloria twas her grandmothers name and they all did the same when the tid howled for fletchers castoria ellsworth ft toll 11 westinouut ave toronto royal yeast cake a lady called mrs joe skinner at fairs on her bread was a win- ner youll make no mistake with itoyal yeast cake she said though youre just a be ginner airs k kettle smithville out salada tea said a say little cockney front dlijhtly who was true to his wife tho qute flighty wot mkes 1110 ike back is er lino fresh ot black salada tea its the cats nighty mrs t w hicks kr no 2 niagara falls soutti wilson pattern service for thoio women who do their own sowing theres a service thats well worth your knowing wilsons patterns by mail will fit without fall in favor each day they are grow ing mrs wm ii day bradford ont sherriffs vanilla a jolly fat man of manilla fell in love with girl nanie4 aquilla for tho custard and cakes and the pudding she makes are flavored with shorriffs vanilla mrs t sv hicks rb no 2 niagara falls south out westclox there is a fine range ot the westclox big ben baby ben aro tho besf clocks to keep the right time vhcrever they chime ben hur pocket ben too ars westclox mrs ijob allan bracetlelil out red rose tea ttoro was once a lady named bantry who made frequent trips to her pantry to get ited rose tea sho liked it you see and she drank it with gusto did bantry mrs j p fisher paisley ont dr hess stock tonic if your horses and cattle are fall ing your hogs and your sheep ah failing i say without guess that tonic by hess will set all your troubles asalt- ing mr ii b wilson colborne out any nationally advertised article r service found lu this or any pre- rlous issues of this paper may be made the subject of a limerick ono dollar bill will bo sent for every limerick uccepted glva name and address and name ot this paper write limerick editor as sociated publishers rooms 421s 73 adelaide st west toronto 2 wife i think i hear burglars are you awake husband no angels with go angry mother now william dont let mo have to speak to you again everos reverence and lives willie helplessly how can i pre- l- kilpi waldo emerson i vent you mamma a man would do well to carry a pen cil in his pocket and write down the thoughts of the moment those that come tnsought for nie commonly the mcsl vali able and rhtuld he secured because they seldon return francis bacon y

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