Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 5

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stouffville march 21st 1929 kitty spring suitings now showing at f e raes tailoring shop schools close next thursday for the easter holiday and will reopen on april 8th hunts renowned easter candies jku tresh and wholesome now on sale at porters one week from tomorrow is good friday and a public holiday easter monday is a bank holiday the dramatic recital to be given in the united church under auspices o the womens association will be held on friday april 12th k send us in your items of news but do not leave it off until wednes day morning it at all possible to get it in earlier the hi3tory of providence baptist church which was recently recorded in this paper as written by mr jas h ratcliff has since been printed in booklet form and a sufficient number of copies are available tor those in terested to secure one through the church officials or from the pastor rev w s whitcomb auditorium theatre stoufrville friday and saturday march 22nd and 23rd garden of edex corinne griffith spoortlight comedy tuesday and wednesday march 26th and 27th one glorious scrap fred humes comedy the collegians friday and saturday march 29th and 30th carry ox comedies s g schmidt prop groceries oranges sunkist special per doz 22c ammonia powder 2 pks 15c maple syrup 32 oz bottle 70c jelly powders 4 pkgs 25c kelloks pep 2 pkgs 25c fancy biscuits special per lb 25c a w scott the grocer beautiful easter novelties in pure candy at porters including hunts famous packages readytowear and madetonieas ure spring overcoats now showing at f e raes tailoring shop markham curlers wound up the season with an oyster supper served in the rink building last week the dumb oyster was probably calculated to quiet the rock pushers down to normal for the summer season on friday last week the tribune mailing list was corrected to that date and all renewals received up to that time should be credited on the labels it you ond your labal is not correct kindly phone us and have the matter adjusted all who have not renewed their paitr are request ed to call as early s possibls to dn so 1 mr and mrs f w silvester who are spending some months in cali fornia have left san diego and are now located at hollywood where they are staying at the halifax apartments hotel some time in april the silvesters intend to motor back to canada when they will locate at their summer home near keswick mrs s s- ball mrs w j mather and miss j birkett attended the o es carnival in markham on friday night where they assisted in judg ing the costumes for the markham chapter of the oes owing to the springlike weather and the heavy rain that evening the carnival was pot well attended among the prize winners were a couple of bathing beauties who for appropriateness were eligible to a prize stouffville used more hydro dur ing the month of february just passed than in any previous month since it was installed here four years ago the peak showed 131 hp which cost 659 unfortunately our peak always occurs at night and in the day time we have a great deal of idle power on the lines which if it could be sold to some customer would be like so niiich found money some effort should be made by the municipal council to induce more daytime users of electric current the vogue hat and novelty shop come in and choose your easter hat the very latest in spring styles week end special pecan roll the kind you like miss bertie raymer one door east ot public library porters easter packages will de light au lovers of candy farmers who are in need of work horses will have a chance to get in their olds next friday afternoon when the western car load of farm raised animals belonging to william kiinck will be sold at stouffville the sale will open at 130 sharp try hunts delicious fudge in maple and chocolate at porters the band ot willing helpers of the presbyterian church are planing to hoold a sale of homemade bak ing on march 30th brathwaites hardware announce that after april 1st their store will be open on tuesday thursday and saturday evenings losiug on wed nesday at noon a complimentary banquet and pre sentation of a silver desk set was tendered exmayor j m walton ot aurora by the members ot the town council of aurora coming dr fe luke optome trist 167 yonge st torontos able eyesight specialist may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at jacob boadways drug store stouffville thursday march 2sth my frames and lenses are the best money can buy 4 a case of measles has been re ported to the local bffard of health this week there are said o be several cases in the surrounding dis trict and as the cssease is a com municable one parents should watch closely for symptoms of it there are those who thought the local funeral director was something of a scotchman but from the man ner in which he celebrated the 17th of march there is some of the emer ald isle lurking in his veins he was the only man in town to recog nize the 17th by displaying a clay pipe with a green ribbon tied to the stem it w j had only finished off with the silk hat he would have been an excellent design for one of those picture post cards all done up in green and entitled st patrick j there was a happy gathering at dickons hill on monday evening ot this week when the young people of the stouffville dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches ten dered a shower to miss agnes warkentin in honor of her approach ing marriage to mr wesley wide- man son of mr martin wideman the engagement which is to con- sumate in marriage today thurs day was announced from the pulpit in the mt joy church on sunday last according to the custom of the russian church to which the bride- elect formerly belonged and to the old german custom in the men nonite church on friday evening the newly or ganized prentice boys ot stouffville held an euchre in the orange lodge rooms at which some forty people were in attendance the ladies pro vided luncheon following the playing of games during the evening and a happy and enjoyable time is report ed mr a e weldon the wast end shoe merchant is the official head ot the prentice boys of stouff ville earl a grubin r o eyesight specialist at stouffville from wed nesday to saturday of each week and every evening phone 2405 any person whose eyes i have examined and supplied lenses or complete spectacles enjoys the privilege of calling on me at any time to have their glasses straightened tightened and eiqpertly adjusted free ot charge providing no parts are missing the trames and lenses that i supply are the best obtainable and the prices are reasonable on monday night the young peo ples society of the stouffville st james presbyterian church was at home to a number ot guests includ ing the markham young people the event took the form of a stpatricks party under the capable direction of miss luella holden and miss mary brodie an enjoyable evening was spent playing irish games and con tests after which luncheon was served by the members of the local society agent for 57 mccormickdeering lines of farm machinery also international trucks peter hamilton machinery and r a lister engines letz alfalfa grinders and melotte cream separators mount forest buggies and cutters repairs carried in stock second hand buggy no 7 wilkinson plow cutter cockshutt tractor plow good 1 hp gasoline engine real estate handled at reasonable commission phone bakers garage or 15204 frank baker phone 15201 stouffvdlle mr t miller who travels for the scarboro gardens happened in the pursuit ot his work last week to call at the greenhouses of muston sons where he encountered one ofthe workmen win gower when both men gasped and then heartily shook hands they had known each other when small lads but had not met since the days they played marbles together at the age of 12 years this was 36 years ago but old father time who changes even the land scape hadnt changed these two in dividuals to the extent that they did not recognize each other the best investment i ever made thatswhateveryonesays who uses a buckeye in cubator the big hatches the fine husky wonderful chicks the absolute cer tainty of always getting a good hatch make it a real investment safe and profitable instead of a gamble buy a buckeye the in cubator that is fully guar anteed by the worlds largest manufacturer and used by more than 700000 prosperouspoultry raisers come in and see these wonderful machines 65 to 600egg capacity big range of prices hatch every hatcha buckeye and royal brooders 300 500 and 1000 chick sizes mr root curtis received word wednesday last week of the death of his sister lydia jane wits of w b martin of roland man both mr and mrs martin were taken seriously ill while visiting a married daugh ter near their own town after only a few days illness mrs martin passed away in her 75th year she was born at mongolia eldest daughter of the late r curtis at one time her hus band taught school at almira but some 20 years ago the family movei to roland where they conducts 1 a farm three years ago mrs martin visited the old home section she is survived by six children besides her husband and also by one sister miss ruth icurtis of toronto and by three brothers arthur curtis of kent county david of regina and robt of stouffville interment took place at roland the many friends of the curtis family will be sorry to learn of their bereavement mrs samuel kefferin lifelong resident of stouffville and a sister of abrain and jacob yake who has of late years made her home in toronto with her daughter mrs wesley lun- dy had the misfortune about three weeks ago to fall breaking her right shoulder mrs kefferin was recov ering nicely when just a week ago she fell again sustaining a fractured hip on the same side as the other injury mrs kefferin is in her 84th year and the doctor has little hope for her recovery as her age is against her seed oats improved banner grown from reg seed government standard no i car on track now stiver bros new and used cars if you intend buying a new ford car for spring delivery do not delay in placing your order now we have siened orders now for most of our first four months alotments of 50 cars for this year we are behind now in our tudor cars for delivery and cannot get them now what will it be like in six weeks from now we have the following used cars for sale 1928 ford tudor 192 7ford tudor 1926 ford tudor 1926 ford touring 1923 ford roadster 1925 ford too truck 1926 chev ton truck auxtle axle 1921 ford touring 2 1923 ford ton truck 1923 ford tudor 121 ford tudor 1922 special gray dart 1922 standard gray dort 1924 ford tourinp 1923 ford touring 1924 ford touring 1924 ford touring thieves at the point of a gun se cured the pay roll meant for the workmen on the metropolitan church toronto and a city youth identifies one of the suspects as a party to the robbery a few days later the youth is kidnapped and taken to the city limits where he is roughly handled and threatened villi his life if hv siv3 furtliei formation the daily press of tor- nto publshed the ads name ad dress and even his picture right after the robbery thus making him an easy target for the ruffians if those city editors were endangering their own lives as they d3 others when they hand out such information consideration would be given to the manner in which they report such cases the tact that the boys story was later discredited and that he was not beaten- by thugs does not adter the situation in which he was placed through exposure by the newspapers these cars will be all sold and guaranteed as represented or money refunded delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 buried ix stouffville ceme tery mrs a s collins was called to malvern this week owing to the death of her grandson murray mc- cowan age 17 years his death fol lowed a long illness of heart trouble the funeral took place to stouffville cemetery on wednesday afternoon goodwood todd loaded turnips this we have small electric brooder at only 300 each after april 1st store will be open tuesday thursday and saturday nights and will close wednesday noons f y w brathwaite the old age pension bill was in troduced into the ontario legisla ture last week and will likely be come law next november while the details of the act are not yet handed out by the government certain con ditions in regard to it are fairly well known it is expected that those who are eligible for government aid will bo persons over 70 years of age without visible means of support persons with partial assistance such as one who ownes a house but has no income will receive less just what the government will grant is not certain but whatever the sum the dominion government will pay 30 of the amount expended the on tario government 30 and the mun icipality in which the person receiv ing aid lives will bo compelled to contribute the remaining 20 last summer the government sent out a questionalre to municipal clerks as to how many persons in the munici pality were without means of sup port and the roply was sent back by the local clerk mr j s dough erty that there were none so far as was in his knowledge probably on a careful canvas of the local situa tion there will ba found those right in stouffville who would come under the provisions of the proposed act but if not then so much the bettor for stouffville there are in mark ham and whitchurch townships and in uxbrldge township quite a few who will likely qualify for old age pensions the stouffville womens liberal association held their regular mon- thly meeting at the home of the pre sident miss sangster on tuesday evening 12th inst with a goodly number in attendance all enjoyed the splendid program a most inter estlng and instructive talk on avia tion was given by miss c wideman the musical numbers rendered by mrs geo lee and miss agnes kiinck were greatly enjoyed the associa tion are expecting their april meet ing to take the form of a social ga thering of liberal men and women with- their provincial leader mr w e n sinclair as the guest of honor and speaker ths meeting to be held early in april please watch tor fur ther announcement mrs w h shaw mrs borinsky and miss edith sangster were delegates to the out womens liberal association execu live held in toronto the last of feb ruary the womens institute of ontario have beeu an active body ot women doing much for the communities in which they carry on their operations by urging for better living condi tions better surroundings in the way of having towns and villages beauti fied old cemeteries cleaned up that greater respect may ho shown to the memory of the pioneer and in a hundred other ways seeking to re medy little matters that by most peo ple are overlooked now the kitch ener record suggests that they take up the matter of protesing against the cruelties attendant upon the shipping of live stock it having been discovered that animals are being mercilessly beaten and bruised and starved and tramped to death by thoughtless and indifferent men even in stouffville we have seen cattle poundod and bruised when driven along the street by heartless persons as though the animals had no feeling while others will drive them in trucks on the coldest days without proper protection from the weather geo week harold crapper and wife are holidaying at his parents home the womens institute met at the home of mrs d mcdonald on mon day last wm henderson occupied the pulpit in the baptist church sunday afternoon mr croskery will hold a potato demonstration here in the town hall on marcli 27th tis village witnessed the biggest flood in years with many cellars filled and water over many part3 of the roads in the country the supper and play at the united church last friday night was well attended tor the condition of the roads and the night was very bad edgar slack is moving to his new home near victoria corners and e mantle has rented tha gourlie farm moving is the order of the day with many farmers it is understood that a new road superintendent will be selected by council which met here last saturday dr darling was called to the bed side of his mother at warkworth who underwent an operatioori she is 81 years of age but came through the operation well and hopes are held for her recovery p baston and r sellers accom panied the doctor in mr bostons car and they report some trip on i account of mud the final three miles was made in a wagon used can a ford two door 1928 model ford two door this car has all the latest improvements small mileage could not be told from a new car essex coupe 1928 essex icoupe paint and uphol stering exceptionally good mechani cally excellent ford coupe 1923 ford coupe good reliable car good appearance chevrolet 490 chevrolet 490r small mileage first- class tires etc ford touring 1922 ford touring in good condi tion also several other ford and chev rolet cars which would make good light trucks all the above are priced to sell quickly and for those who wish ex- 1 tended jfayments we have the lowest rates available repairs if you need any repairs for chev rolet or ford model t we can sup ply you good used parts including complete engines rear and front axle assembles etc fourthline uxbridge mr and mrs roy copplns were visiting geo jones on sunday mr clayton hill visited mr and mrs harold dickinson on sunday orval roach was the guest at ross watsons on sunday mrs ivan geer is spending a week with her parents mr and mrs geo redshaw w llcorish has rented the eagle- son farm south of claremont and is now moving a number ot farmers from the fourth line attended wesley slacks sale last thursday one of the many games played here is hide and seek among the young men ivan norton son of dan norton was very sick last week suffering from the effects of whooping cough miss elva redshaw was visiting her aunt mrs russel dowswell a few days last week hillany redman of glen major has engaged with wm coatcs for the season also moses norton jr with his uncle moses norton sr mr roe is busy these days haul ing wood j r ringwood mckenzie phone 167 cloicup of rib roll shewing stdelap handsom est most per- mancntmetal roof ing sold cornea in biffflhects forms tightfitting fire jtrooflowcostroof or barns sheds houses summer cottages made to council standard quality send ridgo and rafter meas urements and find out about our specialspring offer freo coat estimate gladly given eastern steol products j2tnittl preston ont montreal toronto

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