m btouffville tribune provinces given publish very thannlir rrovultes vjivcfl 309 pr year 50 to tk united sutea business carps medical dr s s ball phyiician and surgeon office cor obrien and mai ri phone 19s w p rs ira herbert freel consultation hours or ira frel water powers parliament grants the neces sary motion without going to division ottawa following many days de bate on the question of the ownership and disposition of the water powers under the control of the federal gov ernment parliament finally carried without division a motion 01 h h stevens conservative vancouver that the water powers of manitoba saskatchewan and alberta shall be administered by the respective pro vinces under powers to be granted by 3 to 12 am mon wed 4 frl 6 to 9 pm saturday tue thurs saturafternoom by appointment only herbert freel a to 12 am tues thurs bat parliament similar to those granted the railway s to 9 pm tuea sat mon wed frl afternoons by appointment only drntab s barker lds dds tffonor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto otuce in grublns block phone 8301 markham every tuesday ofllce in wear block dr d c smith ffonor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toront dr neil c smwh- jfonor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital lofltce standard baok up trail phono office 1011 resldonce 101 dr patterson dentist beat work lowest fe stouffvillk ontario boadwats drug store stouffville iegaii harold a sanders jarrister soucitor f public conveyancer eta offiob biivb8tbrs bixk3k phone 1s0oj mccullough button barristers solicitors oontey- sneers c button block stouffvillo money to loan a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffvllle monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 atu to british columbia in belt as set forth by the railway beii water act this net gave the pacific province full administration over the water powers in the belt and therefore the prairie provinces will be placed in the same favorable position in this regard after they have passed the necessary legislation the motion originated in one sub mitted by j s woodvorth labor de manding that natural resources should not be alienated without the consent of parliament hugh guthrie con servative amended this to water pow ers only after meeting considerable opposition from all snues mr stevens ttbved his subamendment which the prime minister v i mackenzie king declared the government was prepared to support believing asthcy did in the r ghc of the provinces to the administration of their own re sources mexicos troubles as seen by calles the mexican gave an interview to the ny time3 and extracts from this are as fol lows it may emphatically be de clared that no armed movement in mexico ip recent years has less real justification than the one headed by foimer generals aguirre and manzo with the pretext of f utare inten tions of imposition in the coming presidential sectoral campaign and invoking as heir solo apparent reason tho violation of tie popular vote which has not yet been cast the mlitary chiefs mentioned using the forces placed in their hands by the government of the republic to markets produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay- expresident ins uw following prices delivered to ronto eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 34c fresh firsts 32c seconds 25c pulle extras 25c butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 42i to 12 l no 2 4ui to 41 c churning cream special 47c no 1 40c no 2 45c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 21 provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing tho following prices to the trade smoked meats hams med 28 to soc cooked hams 35 to 43c smoked rolls 25c breakfast bacon 24 to 34c do fancy 27 to 40c backs icameal- cd 28 to soc do smoked 30 to 40c cured meats ixmg clear bacon 50 to 0 lbs 21 70 ti 90 lbs 19 90 to 100 lbs and up 1s lightweight rolls in barrels 1150 heavyweight rolls s3850 per barrel lard pure tierces icic tubs lo to lie pails lcc prints 10 to anne lehman a t o m toaclier of pianoforte puylng and theory studio lehmans block phone 4301 carrying no insurance 1 unwlso you aro taking groat chances livperienco is bought with cheap insurance and c03ts dearly proper protection i3 what a fully qualified agent recommends and good insurance is wliat ho sells you will consult him in tho long run why not today t birkett general insurnuco agoncy 1iione 18201 stoupfvimie george keay altona ont licensed auctioneer livo stock ana general sales promptly attendod to terms moderate bono 0003 stonfffui aumkrs we want all your liti kowl beat market price paid dont sell until you consult us riione sam oolden at pennooke llvery stouffvllle boadways drug store stouffville mrs a griffiths spirella corsetierc stouffville and vicinity phone 15303 r wedding bouquets and funeral designs hvittston sons wholesale florists stouftville ontario phone 7001 says agriculture facing body blow hon j s martin states hoover law amounts to embargo toronto canadian agriculture is facing a real body blow as a result of tho promises made by president hoover 10 the farmers of the united states hon j s martin provincial minister of agriculture declared at a recent meeting of the conservative club farmers throughout tho dominion must come under the shadow of tho new tariff wall he said tho hoover law coming on the heel of the ford- neymccumber legislation virtually would amount to an onbargo and tho market to tho south would be shut to canadian exports i do not blame tho americans mr martin said we have been meek so long they probably think they eau get away with anything we are not speaking the language they can understand i think the timo has como when canadians must assert themselves the government at ottawa must frame legislation for the protection of our farmers and if it is not equal to the situation let it step out and have some one take over who can the situation let it step out and have mr martin referred to tho agricul tural situation in canada prewar prices never had returned he said costs were high the dominion had become tho country of scientific farm ing that was why the ontario gov ernment was spending so much in junior farm organizations schools and winter falrds difllcult times were being experienced student strike against rivera spanish undergraduates pro test on closing of segovia artillery school defy ing orders to desist madrid spaiish sludoits in sev- eial university towns recent went on striko in protest against general prime de riveras action in closing tho artillery school at segovia and against his punishment of certain students the students arc demanding the liberation of the undergraduates as well as several university instructors who were imprisoned for political olivines general de rivera has peremptorily odored all students to retun to their classes threatening to shut down all universities and academies if the older is not obeyed the students in violation of the dictators order absented themselves from classes and paraded in the uni versity grounds in several cities de monstrating boisterously against the dictatorial noasurcs safeguard its institutions and honor have rebelled in order to substitute a luic shortening tierces 13i to 14ic tubs 1411c pails line tins loic prints 15ic pork loins 2cle new york shoul ders 19c pork buus 23c pork nana 25c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car lots man wheat no 2 north 1s3u no 3 north 130 no 4 wheat 5126 no 5 wheat 110 no c wheat 99c feed wheat 89c cif godcrich and ay ports price on track lc higher than above man oats no 1 feed 57vac no 2 feed s5 cif godevich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow kiln dried 111 no 3 yellow kiln dried 108i no 4 yellow kiln dried 10g de livered toronto millfeed dek montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3425 shorts per ton 3fi25 middlings 4125 out oatsr good sound heavy oats in ear lots 52 to 55c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat f ob ship- piif points according to freights 130 to 132 barlev malting 70 to 79c buckwheat 88 90c bye no 2 105 man flour first pats in jute 770 toronto second pats in jute 1670 ont flour track montreal car lots 90 per cent pats per bbl 570 livkstocr heavy beef steers 950 to 10 butcher steers choice 950 to 975 supposed future electoral imposition by an actual political present impo sition their purpose is the prevent mex ico entering a period of government by institutions a goal for which we have been fighting and whijii we have just reached it is their purpose to establish in mexico a military dicta torship headed by leaders cf little prestige and most corrupt ftlorderjto drown all thi social and economic con quests that the mexican revolution has made and to substitute for a consti tutional regime lospectful to the law a hideous military dictatorship which could not hava before the public con science even the excuse of the strength the genius or the mistaken good inten sion of the leaders stouffvillo lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at oclocic in tho olliikliidw8 haiit vthrg brethren welcome ims cook w it sanderi jvotlo grnd beo aiciii stovor via sec a few good jobs for canadians league of nations has some golden opportunities for our talented young ottawa april 1 opportunity for young canadians who wish to live in the beautiful city of geneva and to become associated with the work of the league of nations is offered by a notice from the civil service commis sion of canada circulated for the authorities of the league which in vites application for one important and two lesser positions competi tions are open to mn and women the chief position advertised is that of secretary of th narcotics division of the permanent central board of the league applicants must speak both french and english be under forty five years of age have had knowledge and experience of administrative and secretarial work and be trained statis ticians preference will be given to those having experience or knowledge of the narcotic problem and any fa miliarity with the languages of east ern and far eastern counbvies the salary attached to this post is about 4500 per annum a statistician at n salary of ap proximately 1700 a year is also re quired for the same division who must also be bilingual and well qualified in commercial statistics a secretary shorthand nnt typist is tho third job which calls for an experienced steno grapher with some knowledge of draft ing filing and translation this post carries tho salary of 1700 per annum annual increases of 50 are gi anted for the two last jobs up to a maximum of 2500 n year those interested arc requested to send their applications not later than april 1st to tho secretary of the ap pointments committee of the league of nations at geneva it is pointet out by those in charge of the central hcadquartei3 of the league of nations society in canada that quito a number of canadians have made outstanding reputations in the work of tho league at geneva nn1 that positions of this kind offer a splendid opportunitw to nmbitious people from tho dominion 3 promo tion or transfer to more important woik is practicallj certain if those getting tho appointments how spe cial npptitude in the leagues activ ities a serial is indexed hell come homo in six parts from which wo gather that another of thaso races for tho railroad gradocrossiiig has re sulted in a tie do fair to good 850 to 9 do com 750 to 8 do choice 750 to 8 butcher heifers choice 9 to 950 do fair to good 850 to 9 butcher cows good to choice 750 to 8 do com to med 6 to 675 do eanners and cutters 375 tc 5 butcher bulls good to choice 75c to 8 do com to med 6 to 675 do bolognas 575 to 675 babv beef 950 to 12 feeders choice 850 to 875 do fan- to good 7o to 850 stockers choice 8 j25 do fair to good 750 to 8 calves choice 15 to 1659 do med 10 to 11 do grassers 750 t 8 springers 90 io 110 milkers 75 to 90 lambs per cwt 1550 to 1575 do culls per cwt 10 to 14 buck lambs 1250 to 1275 sheep choice 8 to 9 do med 0 to 7 do culls 4 to 5 hogs ioeccs woc 12 to 1225 do do fed 1170 to 1195 do do fob 11 to 1125 do thick smooths woc 1150 to 1175 purchase of wives put outside law a psychologist toclarcs that single men are moro truthful than married ones but then they are not asked so many embarrassing questions sea wo are now announced tho guide passing through a rural hamlet oh exclaimed tho sweet young thing i though a hamlet was a llltlo pig the former icalscr 13 still 1 st ing that he didnt start tho war at any rate its a sato bet fee wishes ho hadnt entirely herbal workswonderson peevish stomachs and lazy bowels the old reliable gallaghers tonic and system builder all uic goodness and healing virtues of herbs natures own medicine are in this tonic no mineral drugs scls every organ working 100 brings liack the old joy of living good for the nerves clean up kccmn biis other oi- b- troubles even up sold tit il household t h stoktv stouffvllle french colonial authorities forbid traditional practice in algeria paris french colonial authorities have begun to modernize the kabyle tribes in eastern algeria by tho in stitution ot new marriage laws which will prevent women being sold and bartered about like merchandise these untamed berber people have been causing tho magistracy some misgivings because ot family tradi tions prevailing for centuries and in which civilized custom is very slow to penetrate in the kabyle tribe tho woman is the property ot father or older brother and she is literally sob to her pros pective husband and delivered only on their permission when a husband repudiates his wlfo which might be described as the deserts way of obtaining divorce she goes back to the familv awaiting what ever fate shall bring her tho widow assumes almost the same status she h goods and chat- lels and it the family establishment is disposed of the widows and di vorcees aro a pirt of the bargain tho age of 14 is considered right for the beginning of tin auctioning off ot the daughters of the family the hot french project prepared by ministers jsarthou and tardieu first attempted to introduce western customs in the icahyle family by rais ing the marriageable age to eighteen physiological and social conditions prevailed however and ihe french v n now set fifteen years as the mar riageable age as for hie baiter and sale attempts arc iade to avoid it by bavins each marriage duly registered anil investigated in advance by tho m it itcs fine ami imprisonment will b imposed on those breaking the new aw the goal ot every man is to make money fimcr than his family can spend it a few succeed the most liquid investment a saving bank account is primarily an invest ment but it is the only investment yielding a fair rate of interest that is available for your use at a moments notice emergencies car be immediately met by the bank account that has been consistantly developed your investment as such yields regular returns in interest your investment as a bank account yields constant satisfaction and peace of mind because it is always available the canadian bank of commerce the standard bank of canada bude should include provision for the regular saving of a percentage of your income whether the amount is large or small how ever regular depositing is most important th bank invites your soutngs account interest compoundwl half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1m2 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 total assets over 265000000 j a mcleod general manager toronto cooperative expriments with field crops prof w j squirrell o a college seed of field crops distributed through tho medium of the ontario agricultural and experimental union s onco more available to farmer- frei of charge those who apply first ill have tho first choice of seed wrte the secretary of the ontario agricul tural and experimental union oac guelph for circular containing a list of the material to be distributed this spring experiments conducted at the on tario agricultural college for a period ot more than half a century in test ing varieties of field crops and differ ent seed selections of these crops have emphasized tho importance of sowing only the best seed of the best varieties and those adapted to the farmors particular locality results of these experiments have ohownlhat it is possible o increase by the use of the best seed of tho best varieties crop yields by at least thirty per cent and at the same time considerably improve the quality ot the crops the fiftyfirst annual seed distribu tion of the ontario agricultural and experimental union will cover prac tically all the classe of field crops grown in ontario and will be confined to the best seed of selected varieties several of the best of the varieties included in the distribution were orig- inatd by the department of field hus bandry of the ontario agricultural college the seed distributed for cooper ative experiments in the last halt century has been so much superior to the average seed grown that tho crops grown from it had added millions of dollars annually to the wealth of the province of oitario father said little billy when a hen sits on an egg for three weeks and it doesnt batch is the egg spoil ed as an article of diet my son it is henceforth a failure btu for poli tical purposes it lias its uses c- northern stylshus tailored to fit high and low cut overahoe9 of tha nowett materials in a com plete variety of stylish designs snooard flsksllntd black or imwn tarter or cshmer6tt with sif fcolur look for the tradb mark in black pawn and qrejr with collar and color of bo1j to match a complete range of northern rubber and stylslun 3 1 la on hand to meet your need at george saunders stouffville 1 i x 01 i r