Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 1

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vol xli no 3 stouffville ontario thursday march 21st 1929 a v nolan publisher j 9 nyal blood purifier reliable re- pimples ys an efficient and medy for boils eczema blotches or any illness due to impure blood nyal blood purifier cleanses and enriches the blood increases circulation furnishes you a good supply of pure lifeandstrength re newing blood and restores j diseased and worn out tissue to a healthy condition i 100 a large bottle j m storey i druggist the home of quality drugs raonb ims v product is ready for im- mediate use on the table with no cooking required and no addition of salt sugar or spice to make it palatable you will find the answer in next weeks issue of the tribune the town suffers fergus newsrecord walkerton has had a complete new set of lock boxes installed in the post office instead of being duly grateful the walkerton herald- times begins to wonder over the justice of box rents why do farmers and city folk get their mail delivered to their doors free while citizens of towns and tallages are not only obliged to walk after their mail but must pay 2 3 or 5 for a box plus 25c for each key or else grow old standing in line waiting their turn at the wicket the answer is simple enough of course in a city especially a large city it is impossible for everybody to go to the post office even if that building could be made large enough to hold all the boxes in a city a delivery is a necessity but it doesnt cost the householders anything extra with the farmers the reason is somewhat different there used to be a lot of little postoffices scattered over the province and as the farm ers in those days didnt get very much mail it was no great hardship to have the children call in when they came home from school or for the farmer himself to go to the httle store these post offices have dis appeared and so have most of the country stores the government of fered a rural route to farmers and some of them were slow enough in accepting even though it doesnt cost them anything after they buy the box to begin with it is there that the discrimination seems most apparent city and country folks are catered to and it costs them nothing the post office department footing the bill the town dweller must go to the post office for his mail and he must also put up hard cash for box rent it may be impossible to have it other wise since boxes cant be provided for everybody free of charge on ac count of lack of room but there is discrimination just the same local society urges changes jfccomineuds deep ditches filled and curbing started at the last meeting of the munici pal council a deputation waited on the members on behalf of the stouff- villo horticultural society when a petition was presented prayiug that certain improvements be made in our community this spring and summer all with the view of making stouff ville more beautiful and a more pleasant place to live in if the council gives an ear to this proposal and carries out at least a portion of it they will earn the approval of the majority of ratepayers the petition as presented by the president j r hodgins reads as follows the stouftville horticultural so ciety in addressing this appeal de sires the cooperation of our council in an effort to improve the beauty of our town the society feels that without yourassistance they cannot accomplish the success which they desire to obtain the society would like to offer the following sug gestions which we feel the citizens of stouffville would greatly approve of namely a start made on the curbing of our maiiistreet the deej ditches now in existence tiled and levelled so that the citizens living opposite these ditches would be en abled to keep the boulevards in good condition a systematic way of keeping the grass and weeds cut on our streets frequent attention to this matter is desirable more iigts placed on vbe main street a view being kept to the arusticness it greatly improves the appearance of the street the parnting of welcome signs and adjusting of stop signs a new tailing along sidewalk opposite the dr ira free property some improvement to fire hall in the way of painting tower window frames etc and the placing of a row of coolored lights around top of tower the society will furnish win dow boxes filed with mowers for the two upper windows facing the north if she council will undertake to keep them watered this would be required to be done once every seoond day a survey made of ifbe town streets and trees planted where necessary dogs kept on leasli bo as not to destroy flower beflb public health nurse in markham lemonville we are sorry to report sickness again in the home of mr and mrs john brown mr brown and walter have suffered an attack of the flu we hope they may soon be out again we are suffering again from muddy roads but if this spring wea ther continues we shall soon see the ust flying the young people held their social night under the direction of miss mildred tarr last thursday evening and a pleasant time is reported during the pabt several months the provincial department of heailth has conducted a public health nursing demonstration in the municipalities of richmond hiil markham village and markham township one of the objects m the demonstration is to ascrtain the area and papulation to which one public health nurse can give the maximum of satisfactory service and to show the practicability of an area partly rural and partly urban the work of this demonstration has been followed closely by parents and others interested in school and public health work many favorable comments concerning its effective ness have been heard and some who at the outset were avowed opponents of a public health niirse are now numbered among the most en thusiastic supporters many others of course look upon such an un dertaking as a bill of expense quite unnecessary ultimately an effort will be made to have the two villages and townships pay the salary of the nurse on a yearly basis miss vrooman public health nurse of the dept of health has had charge of the work sine last november high school tax increased ocording to the figures just com piled by h e beckett and other members of the york county edu cational committee a considerable increase over last year is shown in the amounts to be paid for sicondary education by municipalities in the county which are outside the various high school districts the increased tax to be paid by stouffville this year over last year is 55 markham twp is increased 1120 whitchurch twp 676 while othe- places may be figured out from the scale below this increase is due to the more active interest in educational matters throughout the whole countycoupled with the increased school attendance noted during the past year one new high school in north york was open ed during 1928 the following figures represent onehalf the entire cost incurred by york county pupils from those mun icipalities outside the various high school areas the county paying one- half of the total cost and the various municipalities the remainder figures for 1929 are etobicoke 156s451 north york tsf417 york 1204958 vaug- han 859102 markham tp 7- 00620 scarboro 311601 stouff ville 127 whitchurch 423131 king 564261 new toronto 6- 49706 swansea 249376 forest hill 148927 georgina 106323 gwlllimbury east 375744 west gwillimbury 147915 aurora 1796 holland landing 22352 sutton 17875 leaside is2 east york 9058 home acres home acres a rural three act play will ba given by melville young people in melville united church thursday march 28th at s pm uxbridge twp council strange municipal financing the liberal patronage bestowed upon our bread is sure proof that ur output is satisfactory then folks tell us so as well we want you to try it today phone n and our rig will call buns cakes brown bread car ried on our wagons ambrose stover baker stouffville the board of education in simcoe has a surplus of 20000 the same town council has an overdraft of 20000 tills is a case of where the municipal act should he changed a school board can ask for any amount it desires and can refuse to take less a3 did the board of edu cation of simcoe this method of financing appears foolish to the out sider ratepayers in simcoe would do well to see to it that trustees who act in this manner were left at home when they come up for reelection also the council should sec that ap pointed trustees are of the type that will work in harmony with the coun cil the council has no say in the preparation of the school boards budget yet are forced to collect the taxes to meet that budget it doesnt seem just exactly like a business deal miss mary daly returned this week from port hope where she spent three weeks with her brother the rev james daly uxbridge township council met on saturday at goodwood with members all present alfred haynes wrote declining to act as poundkeeper iw m morris seatreas ontario school trustees and ratepayers as sociation gave dates of annual con vention as april 2 3 4 requesting council to appoint one or more dele gates and send registration fee of 200 no action by council dominion bureau of statistics ottawa requesting statement of no of tons of stone sand and gravel used by township in 1928 handed to road supt department of health loronto re garbage disposal in township 3eft to olerk lewis pickard richard james was appointed poundkeeper for ss no 7 in lieu of a haynes om alger supt childrens aid society oshawa having been ap pealed to re certain children in the township came before the council giving them information and advice pertaining to cases of that kind mr catherwood having been ap pointed at last meeting of council to investigate the circumstances of mr tugwell reported that he had done so mr tugweli said that if council would grant him one dollar per week till spring opened up he could get along mr catherwood also interviewed mr wflumerfelt re account of sup plies furnished mr tugwell mr flumcrfelt stating council could do as they liked about ipaying the ac count but he would not see mr tug well go hungry council willingly agreed to pay the former account and to grant mr tugwell the one dollar per week w smalley twp treas reported that he had made arrangements with the canadian bank of commerce whereby our cheques will be honored and cashed at par at the stouffville claremont goodwood as well as at the uxbridge branches of said bank which makes a firstclass convenient service along that line for the farm ers mr davies gave notice that he will at next meeting of council move for leave to introduce a bylaw for the protection trimming crmoval plant ing and preserving shade and orna mental trees upon any highway with in the municipality the usual annual bylaw was pass- od authorizing the reeve and treas urer to borrow money by temporary loans until such time as the taxes for the current year are collected the following accounts were passed mrs middleton caretaklng 1200 h millard endorsements on in surance on twp hall 750 north ontario times advs 450 j clyde repairs to grader 1180 nchapman repair to culvert uxbridge journal ptg cont w redshnw work on road w redshaw shov snow fred redshaw shov snow 0 davies att g rds con 1 catherwood att g rdscon 1500 r pickard att g rds con 1500 w g cassie att g rdscon 1000 h roach att g rds con 10 00 w whlttlcton attgjrdscon 1600 w whittleton road supt 1000 j e wagg shov snow 375 uxbridge hardware co nails 150 h hall lights at culvert 200 t a wilson shov snow 700 w flumerfelt supplies 1159 council adjourned to april 6th social personal porters is headquarters for eas ter novelties mr and mrs fred johnson of pickering were guests of mr and mrs thos williamson last sunday rev herbert thornioe student pastor at ballantrae about the year 1s10 died at niagara falls last week capt corson wife and son of to- onto were visiting their parents mr and mrs jacob yake over the week end mr and mrs ezra clubine return ed home monday after spending three weeks in toronto with their son dr i s clubine mr and mrs bert colson of tor onto were guests of mr and mrs j mckinnon on sunday- miss s pollock of kincardine ex perienced milliner has taken a posi tion in mrs watts millinery store for this season mr john atkinson who was taken down last week with pneumonia is holding his own and making satis factory recovery so far mr atkin son was in a weakened condition when pneumonia set in mrs anna barkey formerly of stouffville now resifling with her son at 403 carlton st toronto will hold a reception in honor of her s9th birthday on the afternoon and evening of friday march 22nd 1929 from two to four and seven to ten evervone welcome dixon hill family is bereaved mrs feur kaynfer answered the great cab j ballantrae mr dan baker section foreman at derryville was visiting his daugh ter mrs g wright who is recover ing from her recent serious illness the ladies aid met in the church last wednesday and made plans for an easter gathering on wednesday evening april 3rd the social department of the yp s under the direction of mrsmilford rose held their social night at the home of mr and mrs w cockerill last friday evening after a very nice program under the chairman ship of reeve herman kidd games were held and baskets were sold by jess pollard there was a large at tendance and everybody enjoyed a good time we were sorry to hear that mrs jakeman is not so well again we hope for a favorable change the temperance service was held in the church last sunday when the following received prizes in this order of merit marjorie jakeman phyllis cockerill kathleen connor diplomas were awarded senior honprs marjorie jakeman senior pass elsie jakeman carl rose junior honors phyllis cockerill kathleen connor daisy jakeman norman fockler edwin fockler junior pass grace beach myrtle eose school fair as usual in response to the enquiry of the stouffville school board regarding likelihood of discontinuing the school fair hero word comes from the department of agriculture at newmarket hat such a step is jot contemplated hen e the fall is likolj to be held next september as usual mr mcphail the district repre sentative since the resignation of r j rogers gave up the position on monday last week having been ap pointed assistant director of the on tario dept of agriculture at toron to imr white has been appointed to the vacancy for york county mark maynard leaves a big estate 200 8100 500 1650 650 1500 the will of the late mark maynard formerly of unionviile disposes of an estate valued at 53875 made up as follow fifteen paivjls cf real estate in unionviile markham twp pickering and innisfel valued at 26000 interests of 6457 in the unionviile elevator company 6- 378 in olympic oil company 877 in the markham planing mill 12- 2s6 secured by mortgages and 1877 in other personal estate mrs annie maynard sole beneficiary has been granted probate of the will a new advantage for creamery patrons the stouffville creamery is inaug urating a new advantage in the mat ter of arranging for farmers to test their cows milk or cream the local company has made in arrangement to procure the babcock success tester these simple light machines are especially adapted for use in farmers dairies the locnl creamery will sell these at an attractive price of 850 each because they buy in quantity lots but to their own patrons they will furnish them at a still lower price 425 each thus saving the customer half the regular price by fts aid the dairyman can with small expense know just what each cow in his herd is doing in the way of paying for her board he can de tect losses in the skimming of milk with hla hand separator tho suc cess tester is a fourbottle tester and comes complete with glassware and full sot of directions send the tribune to absent friends following a long and serious ill ness mrs peter h raynier passed away at the late home near dixons hill monday morning of this week march isth in her 61st year the funeral on wednesday afternoon was largely attended and following a short service at the bereaved home the remains were borne to the dicksons hill mennonlte church where divine service was held by rev henry goudie retired minister of markham assisted by other minis ters of the district the late mrs raymer was a beau tiful christian character and al though not a member of the church was a devout supporter and believer in the mennonite faith attending the church at the hill she was born in markham her maiden name being sarah catharine dresser and 3i7 years ago united in marriage with peter raymer who with eight child ren survive to cherish the memory of a kind and loving wife and mother the children are mrs ambrose stover of stouffville mrs orville brillinger of markham imisses viola and alma at home and messrs arthur elmer chester and roy the late mrs raymer spent her entire life hi the township of mark ham and the rev henry goudie who performed the last sad rites united the devout couple in marri age 37 years ago sale register friday march 22nd i- extra choice carload of 20 horses weigh ing from 12 to 1600 pounds all farm raised animals clydes and percherons belonging to wm klinck will be sold at stock yards stouffville sale at 1 pm f w silversides auctioneer saturday march 23rd choice dairy herd of jersey cows and other cattle belonging to m kusher mile west of vivian sale at oclock fw silversides auctoneer saturday march 23rd credit sale of farm stock ana implements at lot 6 con 7 whitchurch the property of milton gilham no serve sale at one prentice prentice auctioneer tuesday march 26th at lot 13 con 3 whitchurch white rose extensive sale of stock imple ments and dairy herd belonging to walter robinson sale at 1230 silversides farmer aucts wednesday march 27th 60 head choice dairy and store cattle horses hogs hay grain imple ments belonging to john thomp son lot 18 con 4 uxbridge sale at 1 pm geo keays w f marquis auctioneers wednesday march 27lh reg jersey herd and high grade milk cows belonging to wm sellers lot 28 con 6 markham cashel no reserve sale at one 6 mos credit prentice prentice auc tioneers thursday march 28 th large list household goodsvehicles and other chattels belonging to the estate of late mrs menno burk- holder at north markham sale at one oclock fred postill auc tioneer saturday march 30 th com bination sale of horses cattle hogs sheep implements motor cars and household furniture will be sold at mansion houes stouff ville commencing at 1 pm ani mals and articles should be listed now to be included in sale bille phone 6914 or interview george kaays auctioneer i among the churches presbytebjax church rev w h fuller pastor sunday march 24th 2 pm sunday school 3 pm evening worship christian church e morton pastor sunday march 24th the best way to gain admiration is not through powder or paint a fine new car or speed houses or lands or any such thing but in being christ like head 1 peter 3 3 4 a true worshipper is always admired even by god faith and truth temple first door east of fire hall d mcdonald worker in charge thursday 8 pm prayer service message on divine healing sunday march 24th 11 am subject fellowship 3 pm sunday school 7 pm hell and how to escape it bible students especially welcome come and bring a friend baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday march 24th 10 am bible school 11 am subject a friend in an insuental place 3 pm service in the 9th lino baptist church 7 pm subject the experiences of two tmen at church remember the sunday 615 pm prayer service and the regular midweek prayer meeting wednes day at 8 pm mennonite church stouffville s s shantz pastor sunday march 24th 11 am subject superiority ot love continued 7 pm the judgment of the na tion pastor la charge mr pike will be at altona in the evening m m united church op canaba rev h s warren ba pastor sunday march 24th 11 am behold the king 230 pm sunday school 7 pm the cross of christ the darkest night that ever fell on the earth never put out the stars the womans association will meet atthe home of mrs mowat on tuesday evening march 26th at 8 oclock baker hill and sixth link baptist churches w s whltcombe pastor sunday march 24th sixth line church am the work of the holy spirit baker hill church pm why ichrlat died melville bethesda peachs united churches dr e h gray pastor sunday march 24th peachs 7th line markham sunday school at 10 am public worship at 11 am melville oth line markham sunday at 130 pm public worship at 7 pm bethesda 5tli line whitchurch union sunday school at 2 pm public worship at 3 pm young peoples meeting every tues day evening at 8 oclock there was a large crowd at hugh clarks saile at the rear of the public school on monday when prices ruled a good average new spring goods pure silk full fashioned hose in new spring shades suntan allure nude militaire champagne mirage also black little bo peep prints in very dainty pat terns at 50c yard fine quality rayon vests each at 100 bloomers to match pair 145 we have a new stock of prints ginghams shuntung pongee in a nice range of colours we invite you to see our stock now that the spring season is approach ing you will be thinking of redecorating your homes see our new spring samples of canadian manufactured sunworthy wallpapers that will retain their freshness and richness of color under the most exact ing conditions in patterns to meet all pur poses at prices that will not exclude their use even when it is necessary to restrict the cost of repapering at a very low figure prices range from 8c up f c rowbotham

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