Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 28, 1929, p. 6

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i try this flavoury blend when next you order tea fresh from the gardens red house mystery school houks a sophisticated model for the grow ing girl of 8 10 12 and 14 years who adores to wear clothes that are quite as smart as her elder sisters this practical little dress of bright plaid woolen with velvet collar is chosen by the younger fashionables for school hours because it is so comfortably warm and smart at the same time it is a onepiece affair tucked at shoul ders and low waistline with an in verted plait inserted at centrefront to supply extra fulness for activities of youth it takes but iv- yards of 40- inch material with 14 yard of 36inch contrasting to make style no 306 for thejniss of 8 years patterned wool jersey plain jersey homespun vel veteen wool crepe tweed wool challis printed sateen cotton broadcloth and chambray also appropriate pattern price 20c in stamps or coin coin pre ferred how to okdek pattekns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps oi coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail how many dreams how many dreams for a penny dreams are poor fare for many flour and salt said the grocer herring and dills in a purple fen the lireless hover around a silver lotus dreams pay no bills clover and corn said the farmer horses and kine hippies of silver sequins on lazy waters tease the drowsy pools unwinking amber eyes dreams feed no swine how many dreams for a penny dreams are poor fare for many maud k uschold in the saturday review of literature i take an awful picture mrs henry 1ord the stray a slight sketch from life she was just a little thin dog with matted tangled dirty hair taught by illusage hunger and neglect to be i afraid o everything and to trust to nothing except her own little tired legs i dont know how long she had been lost in the streets but she was in a deplorable condition when i first saw her some noisy schoolboys on rollir skates were chasing her and iu an swer to my expostulations they said please miss its only a stray i followed her down a sidestreet and saw she was searching the gut ters for food with famished looks presently we came to a great build ing and through the open gate we qoiild see a school playground in it stood a man throwing com to a great flock of pigeons perhaps the sight of hungry things being fed gave her courage at any rate she crept iii at the open gate and i followed her the man was the caretaker of the school and a good friend to all aui- i mals when he saw his timid wretch- ed starved little dog he at once made kindly advances but she tied terri- i fied at that he carefully closed the playground gate and tried to catch the stray for all his coaxing he could not get near her and fear gave her legs untir ing speed wildly she searched for the way she had come in and darted to and fro finally the caretaker called his wife a kindly soul in a big blue apron together they cornered the trembling little dog and the wife threw her blue apron over her and then she was caught she was mere skin and hone and her back was badly bruished and bleeding from some heavy blow she lay trembling with terror wait ing for more cruel cuffs and blows from her captors instead she was gently carried into a warm room and placed on a mat once she must have been pretty for she was tiny and well made and her dirty matted hair was long and fine and her frightened eyes were dark and bright her new friends brought her food and tried to reas sure her but she crouched close to the wall trembling with her face hidden for nearly fifteen minutes at length the kind strokings and pats and the kind voices and smell of food prevailed she turned round towards the plate stealthily ami sud denly started eating like a famished wolf her new friends would not give her too much in her present condition when the plate had been licked clean many times over she showed what struck me as wonderful powers and memory combined once someone had loved her and taught her tricks the poor bruised starved little creature with a dim re membrance of politeness in happier days perhaps by association with kind voices and a carpet sat up gravely on her hind legs nndypeeping i through her mop o hair with her bright eyes she extended a dirty little i thin paw to each of her friends that they might shake hands with her it was all she could do to show her grati tude hunted and starved with so much from evil of man to remember she could yet call to mind the trick which had given pleasure to her friends of old days and for which she had been praised her new friends washed and fed her rd kept hei for a week ami her looks so improved in that short time that i hardly recognized her but the most touching thing about her was her adoring affection for the caretaker and his wife they hail two dogs so could not keep her but they found her a kind if humble home and i hear she is very much valued by her present mis- t ress m a wrlgley in the little animals friend vz lw w rnmjjiur begin herb today the body of chj neerdowell bro ther hooert ablett was found on the ccor of the locked office of the red aiouse and jark ablett bachelor pro- pietor of too country estate was no- wrerc- to be lounu in the eyes of inspector birch it was clea- that marl had shot robert particularly since everyone knew that mark learn ed with disgust and annoyance of rob ert s return from his 15year stay australia hut the circumstances were myster ious the shct was hea two minutes after roberts arrival and when a tony gillingharu a gentleman adven turer entered the house to visit marks guest liil beverley he found matt cayley marks constant compan ion pounding on th locked door and demanding admittance the two men entered through a window and found the body how ould mark have lock ed the door if the keys were on le outside puzzled antony he discusses some of th3 nysterious clues with bill beverley in the sunken garden and while there discover cayley who has come through a secret tunnel trying to overhear their conversation go on with the story chapter ix contd antony wanted to shout his ap plause it was neat devilish neat for a moment he gazed fascinated at that wonderful new kind of cro quet ball which had appeared so dra matically out of the box and then reluctantly wriggled himself back there was nothing to be gained by staying there and a good deal to be lost for bill showed signs of running down as quickly as he could antony hurried round the ditch and took up his place at the lck of the seat then he stood up with a yawn stretched himself and said carelessly well dont worry yourself about it bill old man i daresay youre right you know mark and i lont and whats the difference shah we have a game or shall we go to bed bill looked at him for inspiration and receiving it said oh just lets have one game shall we right you are said antony but bill was much too excited to take the game which followed very seriously antony on the ether hand seemed to be thinking of nothing but bowls he played with great delibera tion for ten minutes and then an nounced he was going to bed bill looked at him anxiously its all right laughed antony you can talk if you want to just lets put em away first though they made their way to the shed and while bill was putting the bowls away antony tried the lid of the clos ed croquetbox as he expected it was locked now then said bill as they were walking back to the house again im simply busting to know who was it cayley good lord where inside one of the croquet boxes dont be an ass its quite true bill he told th other what he had seen im never too tired to sleep now restednmes makeall hie difference your doctor will tell you how chewing relieves nervous tension liow the healthful cleansing action of wriglcys refreshes the mouth and tones you up wriglcy8 docs much costs little wrigleys after every meal issue no 929 speeches in the house ottawa journal cons the real work of parliament is not done through set speeches in the commons these of course are necessary and when well done when informed and authoritative are of service the trouble is that usually the leaders say all that needs to be said and that what conies afterwards is little more ilia nfiitllo repetition elucidating nothing and helping nothing the member who is of real service in tho house who earns his indemnity and helps his party and country is tho member who works on committees who is willing and ablo to dig for facts who equips himself to apply to all measures a degree of constructive criticism i i use mlnrds liniment for the flu worth 3285 an instrument of tremendous ranffo has sovojj tubc3 tliroo gtntren of radio frequency detector two stages of andto frequoncy and octlflor au three stages or radio froquoncy aro fully tuwd with four condensers operated by a sinfrle illuminated dial and cali brated for wavo lensrth and fre quency only 14950 terms shipped express prepaid on receipt of 10 cash with order balance cob radio sealers and experimenters write for our parts catalogue and discounts we have hundreds of new and slightly used battery sets at bargain prices ask for circular our policy each sale must satisfy wentworth radio and auto supply co ltd toronto 1187 bay street hamilton cor john king win ut arent we going to have a loolt at it asked bill in great diiappont- ment im longing to explore arent you tomorrow and tcirorrow and to morrow we shall see cayley com ing along this way directly besides i want to get in from the other end jf i can i doubt very much if we can do it this end without giving ourselves away look theres cayley they could see him conting ahng the drive toward them when they were a little closer they waved to him and he waved back i wondered where you were he said as he got up to them i rather thought you might be along this way what about bed bed it is said antony bill left the est of the conversa tion as they wandered back to the house to antony he wanted to think there seemed to be no doubt row that cayley was a villain bill had never been familiar with a vil- famous for economy and healthfullness pome apology for dis turbing her lain before it didnt seem quite fair of cayley somehow he was taking rather a mean advantage of his friends lot of funny people there were in the world funny people with secrets look at tony that first time he had met him in a tobaccon ists shop but what on earth had miss norris got to do with it hiss norris who had proposed to catch an afterdinner train at the junction in the obvious hope that she might have in this way a dramatic crossexamination at the hands of some keeneyed detective was encour aged tactfully but quite firmly to travel by the earlier train with the others why well that question was not to be answered offhand but the fact that it was so had made antony interested in her by sheer luck as it seemed to him he had stumbled on the answer to his question miss norris was hurried away be cause she knew about the secret pas sage the passage then had something to do with the mystery of roberts death miss norris had used it in order to bring off her dramatic ap pearance as the ghost possibly she had discovered it for herself possibly mark had revealed it to her secretly one day never guessing that she would make so unkind a use of it later on possibly cayley having been let into the joke of the dressingup had shown her how sho could make her appearance on the howling grceneven more mysteriou- and supernatural one way or another she knew about the secret passage so she must be hurried away why because if she stayed and talked sho might make some innocent mention of it and cayley did not want any mention of it why again obviously because the passage or even the mere knowledge of its existence might provide a clue i wonder if marks hiding there thought antony and he went to sleep chapter x antony came down in a very good humv to breakfast next morning and found that his host was before him cayley looked up from his letters and nodded any word of mr ablett of mark said antony as he poured out his codec no the inspector wants to drag tho lake this ftcrnoon oh is there a lake there was just the flicker of a smile on caylcys face but it disappeared as quickly as it came well its really a pond he said but it was called the lake by mark thought antony aloud he said what do they expect to find they think that mark he roke off and shugged his shoulders may have drowned himself know ing that he couldnt get away and knowing that he had compromised limsclf by trying to get away at all yes i suppose so said cayley slowly he added dryly from what ive read of detective stories inspectors lwavs do want to drag the pond rst is it 4ccp full size biscuits thoroughly balked ith hot milk a faowsm of warhseii energy for cold days made ty the canadian shredded wheat company lut quite deep enough said cayley as lie got up on his way to the door ho stopped and looked at antony im so sorry that were keeping you here like this but will only be until tomorrow the inquest is tomorrow afternoon ho amuse yourself how you like till then thanks very much i shall really be quite all right antony went on wiih his breakfast perhaps it was true that inspectors liked dragging ponds but the ques tion was did cayleys like having them dragged as cayley anxious about it or quite indifferent he certainly did not seem to be anxious but he could hide his feelings very easily beneath that heavy solid face bill came in noisily bills face was an open book ex citement was written all over it well he said eagerly as he sat down to the business of the meal what are we going to do this morn ing not talk so loudly for one thing said antony bill looked about him apprehensive ly was cayley under the table for example after last night one never knew is er he raised his eyebrows no but one doesnt want to shout one should modulate the voice my dear william whilo breathing gently from the hips thus one avoids those chestnotes which have betrayed many a secret in other words pass the toast you seem bright this morning i am very bright cayley notic ed it cayley said were it not that i have other business i would come gathering nuts and may with thee fain would i gyrate around the mul berry bush and hop upon the little hills its a touch of the sun i suppose sao bill shaking his head sadly its the sun and the mocn and the stars all acting together on an empty stomach do you know anything about tho stars mr beverley do you know anything about orions belt for in stance and why isnt there a star called beverleys belt said he masti- sating reenter w beverley through trap door talking about trapdoors dont said antony getting up some talk of alexander and some of hercules but nobody talks about whats the latin for trapdoor mensa a table you might get it from that well sir beverley and he slapped him heartily on the back as he went past him i shall see you later cayley says that you will amuse me but so far you have not made me lugh once you must try and be more amusing when you havo finished your breakfast but dont hurry let the upper mandibles have lime to do the work with these words mr gillingham then left the spacious apartment bill continued his brerkfist with a slightly bewildered air he fid not know that cayley was smokhf a cig- aret outside the windows behind him not listening perhaps possibly not even overhearing but within sight of antony who was not going to take any risks so he went on with his breakfast reflecting that antony was a rum felow and wondering if he had dreamed only of the amazing things which had happened the day before antony went up to his eiroam to fetch his pipe it was occupied by a housemaid and he made a klite apology for disturbing her then he remembered is it elsie he asked giving her a friendly smile yes sir she said shy hut proud she had no doubts as to vhy it was that she had achieved suh notoriety to be continued minards liniment for coughs colds economic slavery toronto mail and fmpiro cons our pulpwood our pulp our minerals in the primary state are gladly per mitted to enter the united stales thre to provide material for mamifac- turing industries which will return a percentage of trie finished products to our consumers should the country which denies canada a market for its farm products ai 1 for the finished product of canadian labpr be allowed to grab twothirds of tho huge buying power of our natural industries and thus so deluge our market with manu factured products as to blight the growth of our own manufacturing in- dustries no other couutry gives the united states a market of such mag nitude no even freetrado britain wrt is the secret of the united sutes power over the canadian mar ket why does the king government continue to make tho united states with which wo havo no commercial treaty the most favored nation to the great injury of canadas own progress i have no acquaintance with opera houffe but i occasionally come in con tact with low comedians winston churchill faiksvlhs requiring british help single men women or families to assist with farm work should write rev alex macgregor 43 victoria st toronto these people will be arriving after march 15 the protective association of canada ist xa07 csats iyywit7viu buxlus to uiityaoitii over sjajuuqooo uian uomxiihif issuing feickucba auu actuuent insur ance to 2aeinbeia 01 the ma sonic traxetuuy inclusively asvvit in all irineipa cities and towns in canada b wjj son j o puiieb freo gen marr secy ab mgr mead onice gbanbtf que machine knives hiv mannlrimimciulrn im you cant dye a dress no matter how careful you may be without real color thats the idea behind diamond dyes they arc made to give you real service they contain from three to five times more aniline than other dyes on the market next time you want to dye try diamond dyes sec how easy t is to use them then compare results note the absence of that redyed look of streaking or spotting sec how soft bright new looking the colors arc then observe how they keep their brilliance through wear and washing if you dont agree diamond dyes arc f better dyes your dealer will refund your money i the trinv package of diamond dyes is the original allpurpose 1 dye for any and every kind of material it will dye or lint silk wool cotton linen rayon or any mixture of materials the blue package is a special dye for silk or wool only with it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest pro fessional work when jou buy remember this the blue pack- dyes silk or wool only the white package will dye every kind f goods including silk and r dealer has both packages iatt tfwbbb easy touse perfect results jtxnxg jskits

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