Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 28, 1929, p. 5

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stouffville february 28th 1929 local happenings between the actsms a wonderfully entertaining 3actpiay given by markhani talent in ratcliffs hall march sth dont miss it local talent always proves popular thats why markhain people have been secured to present between the act in stouffville march sth it is many years since easter has occurred as early as this year palm jmday will be march 24th good friday march 29tli and easter sun day march 31st rev e orser armadale will ad dress the young peoples meeting to be held at mount joy mennonile church this sunday afternoon mar 3rd at 230 pm all are welcome x placard was placed on the home of w carr at vivian last saturday r diphtheria a disease that had visited this family on a previous occasion the reeve of raglan township renfrew county has been elected for the second time by one vote he has the satisfaction of knowing that he is at least holding his own in the affection of the people at the midwinter examinations of the conservatory of music the following pupils of t w eagleson passed their exams primary louis ashton elementary ruth rogers 1st class honors charles nolan and dorothy wagg it is currently rumored on the street that the dominion stores will move this spring into the building adjoining boadways drug store and now used as a chinese cafe on making enquiries the tribune un derstands nothing definite has been done in the matleif but the proposi tion is under serious consideration mr boadway who recently purchas ed this property from the urquhart estate will remodel the interior and put in a modern store front with dwelling above where the manager of the dominion store might reside shquld that concern lease the pre mises when the new chemical fire fight ing apparatus arrives for the stouff- ville brigade we ought to have an uptodate equipment for fire fight ing for this year the municipal council has expended 55s to re plenish the rubber coats boots etc at the fire hall and also 540 for chemical apparatus a total of nearly 1100 we hope that the town will be as free from fires in the future years as it litis been in the past but we must beprepared for emergencies auditorium theatre stoufrville mr alf hill a local boy who is principal of unlonville public school entertained the pupils of his room to a skating party in the local arena on thursday evening last bradford village council has gone on record as opposed to municipalit ies being saddled with any part of the proposed aid age pension and have so notified their representat ive in the ontario legislature mrs james mowat was the recipi ent of many congratulations last week when she had occasion to tele brate another birthday mrs mowat is unlike the younger generation in some respects when they cease to have birthdays after they leave the flappers stage the rose excelsior mills a former pickering industry have made an authorized assignment for the ben efit of their creditors of whom ac cording to lists just issued there are a few in pickering township but mostly for small amounts most remarkable case of ready wit was pulled off in a local restaurant the other day a customer found a small button in a salad which had been served him mentioning it to the waiter that individual said the button must have dropped off when the salad was dressing mrs elizabeth j gilroy 79 widow of george gilroy of forest ontario died on thursday last at the residence of her son george e gilroy 309 rushton rd toronto after a long illness she was born at whitchurch and lived many years at forest on the death of her husband 15 years ago she located in toronto surviving are two sons morley and george e gilroy both of toronto friday and saturday march 1 and 2nd american beauiy billie dove charlie chaplin in easy street tuesday and wednesday march 5th and 6th lone eagles a universal special with raymond keane barbara kent comedies friday and saturday march 8th and 9th rose op the golden west s g schmidt prop people who wish to be informed on world events as it relates to dis armament of nations and all who are opposed to war should take the opportunity to hear the speakers in the united church next monday evening at a similar meeting in oxbridge two years ago 1400 people turned out there is no admission fee but a collection will be lifted to defray expenses tlie remains of the late charles wsweet a veteran of the great war was laid to rest in stouffville ceme tery last week beside those of his departed parents the late mr and mrs benjamin sweet who were re sidents of this place only a part of one year in 1917 the late chas sweet died in london ontario and is survived by a wife and only daughter he was engaged as a branch manager for a well known in surance firm in london the sweet family came to stouffville from toronto in war days owing to ill health of mr sweet who died after a residence here of less than a year his wife later passed away the late chas sweet who was burled last week was a nephew of imrs gerrow church street miss bertie raymer annouxces the opexixg of her store the vogue hat and novelty shol thursday march 7 at 930 am ax uptodate showing of new sprixg hats silk hosiery gloves handkerchiefs notions lingerie xovelt1es also a special week exd special ix candy delicious homemade pecan fudge just one door east of public library on and after march 1st mrs me watts will have her millinery par lors open for the season 1 the march meeting of stouffville municipal council will be held on friday evening the junior series of the big local hockey tournament will conclude on friday night when the final game will be played just what two teams will survive to meet in this last clash is hard to pick at this juncture 500 sample ends of cretonnes and curtainettes have just arrived at shaws store theso ends will be put on special sale at from 10c to 50c per end this tnursday come early and get your share for this is an unusual bargain w h shaw miss gertrude clark daughter of mr and mrs elmer clark has been successful in passing her introduc tory piano examination with honors at thejtoronto conservatory of music gertrude is a pupil of miss l atkin son the regular meeting of the hor ticultural society will be held in the municipal building on friday mar 1st at 730 oclock be sure and come on time as we have some im portant business to bring before the meeting secretary good felt mattress slightly used for sale locks like new tribune office earl a grubin r o eyesight specialist at stouffville from wed nesday to saturday of each week and every evening phone 2405 all membeis ind those interested in tennis will please be at council chambers on thursday feby 27th at 7 pm sharp important meeting secretary the junior womens institute will hold a sale of homemade baking at goudies hardware on saturday march 9th at 2 30 pm doiiatiyns by members must be in not later than 2 pm members are requested to hand mrs b tait their quilt blocks on or before saturday march 2nd auditorium theatre stouffville coming attractions carry on a big british production wings with full sound effects regular prices uncle toms cabin a universal triumph the street angel mother knows best the blood ship nomads of the north all regular prices on friday evening march sth there will be a 3act comedy given in ratcliffs hall by markham talent entitled between the acts mr max reesor and miss margarite young who are so well known local ly play the leading roles be tween the acts comes to stouffville under auspices of the eastern star tickets now on sale at tribune office or from members of the committee adults 35c children 25c last week reynolds pratt sold his 50acre farm on the 7th concession of whitchurch just north of lemon- ville to wm spence son of the well- known john spence of the 6th con cession of the same township this is the first venture for william in real estate of this nature but he is looked on as a young- man who will make good on this place the sale price is reported as a little on the shady side of 3000 mr pratt who intended to return to his old haunts near collingwoodhas rented a vacant house on the james phillips proper ty for the present w e morden has purchased a new ford truck for the local work many a gardener plans more work in march than he does in may wood flrstolass green hardwood for sale 4 ft lengths at 10 or 2ndclass wood ss0u 3rdclas3 7 a cord 150 extra for cutting to any length delivered wm f ratclift phone 990c tf49 card of thanks we wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their very kind offers of help and for flowers and other good things sent during my illness we also wish to express appreciation to our former neighbors who so kindly drew our wood this winter we appreciate this very much mr and mrs lloyd turner on tuesday mrand mrs c stouffer moved into heir handsome new buiigalo just opposite the house on obrien ave which they have accu- pied for nearly 12 years the new stouffer bungaio is modern and up- todate in every particular and the friends of mr and mrs stouffer wish them long life and happiness to en joy iu the home of mr and mrs john forsyth on the 9th concession of whitchurch was alive with music and good cheer one evening last week when the neighbors and friends from the countryside gathered to wish them goodbye on the eve of their moving over to the townline to the home of mr forsyths father john mclaughlin edgar and delmer kidd provided the orchestral music which certainly kept the party alive to the evenings enjoyment laco mazda lamps give the very best service and lower prices are now in effect they give more light and burn less current than other makes try them keep our radio dept in mid our machines give entire satis faction and sell at low prices watch our window for weekly suggestions on articles for winter use one fine afternoon last week dr f a dales walked into the tribune sanctum with a face as ruddy and fresh as a young babe the doctor was making his first social call in three months tor in all that time he had been confined to the house and was in a serious condition about christmas time he is not by any means recovered but friends in towrt will be glad to know that he was able to be out for a cutter ride on sunday evening in the united church a laymens service was held which was very well attended mr a j ward delivered the sermon and dr dc smith a- short address while mr gr w thomas led in prayer and read the scripture lesson mr edw davey was chairman and a mens choir rendered the music lay preachers are not common to day among many of the denomina tions such as they were 25 years ago in the former methodist church the mennonites have been able to retain the unordained speakers to a greater extent probably than any of the other organizations in the christian work wm harper has lost one of his valuable grey horses from the fine team which are so much admired about town we havent learned whether death was caused from too high living and too little work or from some other caue in any event they were a team hard to beat and the lost grey wont find a better home in the happy hunting ground than she had at bill harpers the time for the renewal of post office boxes is fast rolling around again which causes people to ask why do householders in large towns farmers and city folk get their mail carried free to their door while villagers must go to the post office for their mall and pay in the bar gain 2 3 and 5 for a box which is as great a convenience to the post office as to the patron it is an in justice that has long been maintain ed in canada but probably our legislators will one day wake up to the situation and grant tlie matter of free delivery for villagers at the post office in any event the senior hockey tournament commenced last week in the local arena promises to reveal some fast hockey the opening game between danforth and richmond hill was a whirlwind game and provided all manner of thrills for the spectators there are eight or ten teams in this senior grouping and hockey will be on the agenda for three or four nights next week in order to con clude the tournament by march 8th w the bulletin boards for the draw each evening the junior game for the club bags on friday night promises to be a real battle buy stoves and heaters now we have a big rangs in axes fotf the woodmen mitts for cold weather and a nice line of sport skates f y w brathwaite tore closes each evening except saturday at six oclock last thursday at 2 oclock alex ander bruce the second son of mr and mrs edw lloyd 10th con cession of whitchurch succumbed to a disease which had for a long time sapped the energy and strength of the lad he was only 25 years of age and was a boy of kindly heart and respectful manner the funeral on saturday took place to stouffville cemetery only last july mr and mrs lloyd lost another son throu gh the same malaly and the symp athy of all goes to them in their double anxiety besides the parents two other son one younger and one oldir than alexander bruce and one sister survive one evening last week the mem bers of the horticultural society took their past president by storm when they called at his home on obrien avenue and took possession for a couple of hours over 25 were present and mr klinck although aghast with surprise extended a cordial welcome messrs f l button and the new president mr j hodgins explained in neat speeches the object of the mpeting which was to show their good will and high appreciation of the service rendered by mr klinck in the interests of the town through the society during the years he had served as president mr klinck was then presented with a fine leather brief bag when he too made a speech to endeavour to express the great surprise that was his and the high appreciation he felt on being honored in this man ner the ladles brought along cake and sandwiches it is such acts of kindness which make up lifes joys and which encourage u3 to better and greater service groceries fancy biscuits res 35c oer lb special 25c cookies 2 pkgs 25c washing tablets resr 25c two for 35r wonderful soap 6 cakes 25c cocoa 8 oz with jar 23c baking powder 12 with jar 23c candies special mixture 23c a w scott the grocer births wetheral on sunday feby 17th 1929 at richmond hill to mr and mrsjg wetheral nee alma curtis a baby toy reesor on tuesday feby 2cth 1929 to mr and mrs harvey ree sor cedar grov the gift of a son quaker sugared schumacher feed with quaker dairy ration when you feed quaker sugared schumacher with quaker dairy ration youre bound to win theyre both aces quaker sugared schumacher is a complete carbohydrate feed it combines ideally with any protein concen trate especially quaker dairy ration gives your cows a chance to show what they can do a great feed for young stock dry stock bulls and all other livestock as well we have it a fresh stock on hand now stiver bros stouffville ontario fijj spring now that the spring season is approach ing you will be thinking of redecorating your homes see our new spring samples of canadian manufactured sunworthy wallpapers that will retain their freshness and richness of color under the most exact ing conditions in patterns to meet all pur poses at prices that will not exclude their use even when it is necessary to restrict the cost of repapering at a very low figure prices range from 8c up its beauty lasts large complete batts best quality 98c ea fine quality striped flannelette 36in wide suitable for quilt linings etc at 25c yd boys fancy knit v neck pullover sweat ers special at 199 ea ers special at 199 each ladies heavy and sand at knit toques in white red at 75c ea f c rowbotham new and used cars if you intend buying a new ford car for spring delivery do not delay in placing your order now we have stoned orders now for most of our first four months alotments of 50 cars for this year we are behind now in our tudor cars for delivery and cannot get them now what will it be like in six weeks from now we have the following used cars for sale 1928 ford tudor 192 7ford tudor 1926 ford tudor 1926 ford touring 1923 ford roadster 1925 ford too truck 1926 chev ton truck auxtle axle 1921 ford touring 2 1923 ford ton truck 1923 ford tudor 1321 ford tudor 1922 special grav dort 1922 standard grav dort 1924 ford tourintr 1923 ford tourine 1924 ford touring 1924 ford touring these cars will be all sold and guaranteed as represented or money refunded delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 imtarfttl mmsms as j

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