wireless tss5 my other u- wi s your appetite poor perhaps by dieting or ocber mean you hare been treating the symptoms rather than the cauje los of appetite heartburn tout atoeaach are symptoms that the blood is impure thi explains the successful use of dr williams pink pills in all such cam here is a typical example i began to feel easily tired writes miss margaret white of parry sound and when i sat down to a meal i felt i did not want to eat a doctor told me i was anaemic but i made little progress with his medicine when i started taking dr williams pink pills x soon noticed that my appetite was improving that the headaches came less frequently and that i was not so easily tired now my weight has increased my cheeks are rosy and every ache and pain has van ished start today to improve your appetite buy dr wil liams pink pills from your druggists or by mail post- paid at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ontario send for free book what to eat and how to eat bustion motor as well as telephones and all the man practical uses of ylectrkal energy wu certainly make prodigious advances be- j fro the year 202 i the best scientific opinion believes j that before 202 physicists will have j solved the problem of supplying thej t world with limitless amounts of cheap power at present wo derive tin- 1 energy which drives the wheels of j industry from coal and oil both these substances are won from nature al i the expense of much money and vast i stores of muscular energy nor are their supplies inexhaustible a pound oi coal can only be made to yield one horsepower for one hour yet locked up in the atoms which constitute a pound ol water there is ten million horsepower hours there is no question that this colossal source of energy exists but as yet physicists do not know how to reease it orj having done so how to make it per- j form useful work this problem will be solved before 2029 some investigator at present in j his cradle or unborn will discover the match with which to light this bon- fire or tho detonator needful to cause this terrific explosion the consequences of tapping such stupendous rourcei of cheap energy are almost illimitable for the first n optimism time in his history man ail be armed i with sufficient poer to undertake operations on i cosmic scale it will i of the human body be open to him radically to alter the an ordinary t geography or the climate of the world matter of a fe injection- at appro- by utilizing some 50000 tons of i priato intervals water hte amount displaced by a large before 20211 biologists wil have liner it would be possible to remove solved some of the mysteries of liu- irsland to the deeper portion of the man heredity heredity is determined atlantic ocean the heat obtainable by certain genes or units minute bo- fiom the same quantity of water dies so small that if a hens egg were would suffice to maintain the polar as to the size of ue world one regions at the temperature of the i of the genes in it w uld lie on a fair- sahara for a thousand vcais sited diningtable when biologists the liberation of this energy naean control thee they will be able to turally will revutionize travel and control heredity transport concerning the nature of i most probabl tho vehicles it is rash to prophesy young man will con passengers will travel in enormously swift airplanes which will scene and cunard brings lucky 13 are 13 in number look miracle landed their plane overnight this is i by j pike of beading cunarler iancastiia they luck iu canada with why should wu teel unlucky just because at litziiiaiiiice ami his two german pais who by in labrador on a friday the lath and became famous the joint argument of the family seen above fathereil kngimid as they landed at halifax from the bit told cunard immigration officials that they will try their the amazing l mechanical man wamted slvr snolvn ice1105 kajtli vietoraii stamp u a vait urkc yorm out i iviitc igm ar juml w doling recent months tho medjaal cat inau has been inceragias bij y klit repertoire a short time ao he apcuav paia 3id saiop anil rejuvenation will be an ordinary and wellrecognized perfect medicine for little ones pearetl iu the rolo of keener k turned on stove operated a vacuum cleaner and blew a hiitlu wheu the threeminute viss vere iljue tiraduatiug frou his doacitiu duties he now serves is a dcorman who couts the yuests as they arrie a auhiuui a traffic policeman or a iireiaaii iu the last capacitv i cot only sounds the alarm but actual puts out the blaze elaoiu shriilu citifuyp vbguiij mfwyp on the lecture platform the robot appears quite manlike iu form es- pccially is this true of eric tho eng lish gentleman who looks like a suit of medieval anuor suddenly resurrect ed televox who grew up and learned his tricks in the wcstlnshouse labora tory will even talk while his arms and legs respond instantly to the proper bidding offstage they appear in a different guise in his working clothes tele- vox is no more imposing than an ordinary radio set irou mike who steers a ship at sea with greater ac curacy hum any helmsman who ever stood a watch at the wheel is dis closed as a glorified gyroscope thus one perceives that tho business of j dressing up machinery tc resemble men as merely the iuveutors joke the important thing is the constantly i increasing range of ie tasks which this selective purpose machinery is capable of accomplishing the man in need of a shave may scoff at the idea of intrusting his whiskers to a mechanical barber i mats vamtso so fi ylaa tr1 iiic setina at acoie waolo ot apare b wi ry ti2k it custance iox parti- miner-bouse- j co the electi ie a 5 tltjee cjj uusa la vs en velope jaric 2ycci mcntral qaclee iuiexd to id la i iry ci- easier 223 uucku hocic ccckliltixs fkoji uatlucil kcvrd of terxornrauv- aiu heshftered ureeciers citiatlab old est iiisn laying hunt uiipcdltirttj 54 leuiyrecd sj z5 yeia a breeder ttatctniik ksg chlcus clark cedar kow tarm clnsviue oat btbys own tablets should be in every home where there are children littlo ones evc ough he knows that the robot the miracle of next century birkenhead looks ahead for a hundred years and visualize progress equal to past nothing impossible the past century has witressed so many and such marvelous changes among men that we are disposed to nccept calmly whatever predictions may be made for the nexi one so when the earl of birkenhead tells us in hearsts internationalcosmopoli tan february that in 2029 we shall have cheap atomic power on a cosmic scale that there will be no more farm ing and that wo shak even breed off spring by laboratory methods we merely remark yes yes as likely as not and when he ei ds up by saying that after all some daring investigator may start an atomic catastrophe that will blow up the universe before any of these things comes to pass we just sigh and trust that this form of rash ness may in some way be averted the karl has been secrctnry for india since november 1021 was ixrd high chancellor of great britain from 1913 to 1922 and is an authority on mod ern history and international law he has visited america several times and has written two books about the us of his article on mankind hi 2029 wo have space onl for the earls main heads he writes the child of 2029 looking back on j 929 will consider it as primitive and quaint as 1829 seems to the children of the present day our means of travel our sources of wealth our medicine and even our ideas will change as drastically durijjtthe next century as they did in the course of the last applied physics which has given u the steamengine the internal com- descend vertically goods will be car tied cheaply and rapidly by land or sea propelled by motors whose fuel bill will be almost nil but if this source of energy is not tapped by 2029 we need not worry others are available as we are re minded some authoritative scienists do rot believe that the solution of the power problem will be reached along thes- lines they consider that either the winds or the tides will be forced to yield up their energy waterpower is too unevenly distributed ever the earths surface and b o much affected by seasonal variations ever to become the principal source of the worlds energy but the winds are lever still and the tides flow and ebb with un varying precision if the winds were harnessed they could produce a s jperabundance of cheap wore during storm weather their surplus energy could be stored in a variety of ways and so be avail able during calms the exploitation of tical energy presents difficulties which have yet to be solved in a satisfactory manner these difficulties however are not those of principle but of technique and if the wealth and the serious en gineering attention of the world were focussed on the question for ten years there is no doubt that they would be overcome tho tides of the bay of fundy alone could supply the whole of north americf with electrical energy during the next hundred years pre dicts the earl applied physics will de velop wireless telephony and television beyond our present most imaginative expectations by 2029 it should be possible he says for any person sit ting at home to be present at no matter what distant event such de velopments must influence the future of politics by 2029 the spokesman of each party will be able to address every voter as effectively as he now can address a legislative body we ar assured and so the electorate itself rather than its representatives may decide each political issue within twenty minutes from the end of tho las speech its will could be ascertain ed and announced we read further and developments in physics and chemistry which reasonably may be predicted to jeeur before 2029 do no more than alter the accidentals of hu man existence in biology however developments may be predicted which will change the whole natural life as we experience it today the abolition of epidemic disease by 2029 is fairly certain as is the discovery of cures for such scourges as cancer and tuber culosis complete and prolonged local anesthesia will become practicable so that not only will operations bo pain less but tho patient will feel no pain afterward as a result of them such an advance also entails completely painless childbirth biologists by 2029 will have learn ed the secrets of the living chemistry by 2029 a clever ler his fiancees hereditary conplexion befoie propos ing marriage and the young woman of that day will refuse him because he has inherited a gei e from his father that will predispose their children quarrelsomeness by intelligent com binations of suitable genes it will be possible to predict with reasonable certainty that truly brilliant children shall be born of marriage it is possible howevet thsu by 2029 the whole question of human heredity and eugenics will be swallow ed up by the prsjiect of ectogenetic birth by this is meart the development of a child from a fertilized cell out side its mothers body in a glass ves sel filled with serum on a laboratory bench the results of much research show that the connection between a mother and her growing child are purely chemical there is no valid reason why one day biologists should not be able perfectly to imitate the chemical connection in tho laboratory should ectogenesis ever become an established part of human society its effects will be shattering marriage will become wholly changed further the character of the future inhabitants could be determined by government production will become so cheap wealth will accumulate to such an ex tent that men will work as machine minders for one or two hours a day and be free to devote the jest of their energies to whatever form of activity they enjoy it is conceivable that not all these changes will have occurred by 2029 the progress of scientific discovery is checkered and subject to no ascertain able regularity or period halts in progress however are comparative and not final but it is not selfevident that all applications of scientific discovery de serve tho support of intelligent men and women because science has benefited humanity in the past there is no reason why it always should do so in tho future a biological dis covery may well plunge the world into such- a catastrophe as would destroy civilization for a thousand years as you are rending these words some dis interested researcher may detonate an atomic explosion which will involve the world and reduce it to a flariag vortex of incandescent gas the perfect medicine tor is found in liabys own tablets they are a gentle but thorough lax ative which regulate the bowels sweeten the stomach drive out can- t slipation and indigestion break up colds and simple lever and promote healthful and refreshing sleep it is impossible for babys own tablets to harm even the newborn babe a they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any otiier injurious drugs concerning them mrs earl taylor owen souud out writes i have tour children and have al ways used babys own tablets 1 am never without the tablets in the house as they are the best medicine that 1 know of tor little ones babys own tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the or williams medicine co brockville ont decadent btain ottawa journal cctsj oue can not look at the red upon the map ot the world one cannot contemplato what tue british empire means iu vaitueos and wealth and potentialities and yet believe that britain call de cay all that is required is empire coopeiatiou organization and good will in this held canada can and should play an important part with her almost incalculable wealth of re sources mineral forestry ail dagri- cultural she has an almost iroviden- tial equipment for the high duty aud mission of helping to perpetuate tho wellbeing ami prosperity of tho british races the political parly in canada that inscribes that creed upon its banner that will seek to arouse organize and direct canadian public opinion toward that goal will gamer rich dividends ill the future many students come to college just to get atmosphere says a dean at columbia maybe thats why so many get the air boundaries uliy speak of boundaries 1 can take pile wall and any shapely curve of i for you can lay a hedge and stones and build a bones can plant a row ot trees across our way yet of us all who is there that can turn tho llowin aside or break the cup wherein the valleys wide drink deep of mists and to skyspaces yearn and lo when colors glow and shadows i pass like winds across the laud what care have they for staying hedge or wall they mould their way to sweeping hills they bend like flowers in grass beneath their breath tho daunting boundary line sunk iu the rich fulfilment of design rtutji harrison jn tho sunday times about the time we thought the saxo phones were going out the movies began to talk mlnardt liniment for grippe and flu humane code of honor w f h wentzel 1 i will apply the golden rule ill dealing with man or beast 2 i will give up my pleasure or gain to aid a creature in distress 3 i will unselfishly respect the rights and feeling of others 4 anything which givespain to an other will not be pleasure to me 5 i will je considerate and merci ful in all myacts 6 i wiil seek to change sadness or suffering to happiness or comfort 7 though others scorn i will resist all acts of cruelty s 1 will seek humane excellence above selfish desires 9 i will fill my life with deeds of kindness and acts of love 10 i nil be a friend in time of need even to the humbst of crea tures 11 1 will speak for those who can not speak for themselves 12 i will seek to keep alive within me that spark of human greatness called sympathy humane 1leader england considers tunnel to connect isle of wight portsmouth eng the campaign for the construction of a rsilwa tun nel under the english channel lo link england and france has revived plans for a tunnel under the solent it would connect england with isle of wight off the outh coast you americans are fond of travel ing and 1 wish that senator borah would go parker will not talk but it brings an en tirely different appreciation of prog ress in his field to seo the british battleship centurion sailing an intri cate zigzag course with its band play ing all the while although there is not a single person n board this robot of the sea is controlled by radio from vessels several miles distant in many cities a mechanical hello girl is at the beck and call of tele phone subscribers the country is rapidly becoming familiar with the dial apparatus which with a few quick turns selects the desired num ber from the thousands listed in tho directory telephone engineers de clare that the new system has practi cally eliminated the phrase wrong number from centrals vocabulary so tin robot is learning to tell ripe oranges from green ones to put white beans iu one pile aud black beans in another to operate electric substa- tlois to watch the waterlevel in res ervoirs and to pilot airplanes erie and televox were never intended even by their inventors really to re- plaje men jut they hope tqiifl an increasing amount of the detail and drudgery from human tasks and thus release men for endeavors of greater scope and originality- christian sci ence monitor bus u75 wit trttjm trr lnd fc 1to tr heti- wiw ceo nj dws uchoco unrj anj utlt rock r l rnl iu v uomoi buk ontn vhh walu uc nj up k 1 jlv f uriinrj f wu tojv ff free chick iook schweelrs hatqhery northampton bulfalo ny vtsmueenas ont can 25c in stamps or coins will bring you five highclass toilet preparations trial sizes by return mail dept w chamberlain laboratories toronto 3 free book about cancer tjitj indianapolis caiiuvi uobiuuj in- ulamiijolis indiana 1ms nubiimicti a booklci which kivw interest my lueta about tlio cu- ot cancer aiau tells wlia to do for pain bleeding odur etc a valuable kuide te management of in v titthr write or it nwiuy nintlon- ny case write irp thin natter claims many victims in canada and should be guarded against guards england gilbert baby not gaining look to hisdigestion babies cant gain when souring waste in a clogged digestive tract is forming gas making them colicky constipated and miserable just try the method doctors endorse and mil lions of mothers know and ike how your baby improves afew drops of purelyvegetable harmless fletchers castoria makes the most fretful feverish baby or child comfortable in a jiffy a ew doses and hes digest ing perfectly and gaining as he should to get genuine castoria look for the fletcher ignature on the wrapper tho disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth let us lope that the heritage ot old age is not despair benjamin disraeli minards liniment prevents flu civil servants in jugoslavia have been forbidden to curse the public tho killjoy spirit appears to be spreading scientists are wondering about the age of the earth while an author wonders why it orten is referred to as she oue question should answer the other is a cjreal preventative being one of tho oldest remedies used mimirus liniment lias relieved thousands of cases of grippe bronchitis sore throat asthma and similar diseases it la an baiemy to rms thousands of bottles being used tiy day for sale by all drukkists and general dealers blin araa muiment co ltd yarmouth ns children like it so will you at tlio first sicn of o cold buy buckleys the first dose does two thincs relieves the couuh instantly nnd delights the taste different from all other remedies for coughr colds bronchitis prevents flu jneumonin and all throat and lung troubles sold everywhere under moneyrefunded guarantee w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 buckleys a mixture ad sib acts like a flash a tingle sip proves it 75c and 40c women dont dread midde age warners safe kidney and liver remedy helps preserve youili by toning up kidneys comes what many people call indigestion very often means excess add in tho stomach tho stomach nerves have been overstimulated and food sours tho corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acids instantly and the best alkali known to mcdicalsclenco is phillips milk ot magnesia it has remained tho standard with physi cians in tho 50 years since its inven tion one spoonful ot this harmless taste less alkali in water will neutralize in stantly many times as much acid and the symptoms disappear at once you will nevci uso crude methods when once you learn the cflicincv of this go get a small bottle tj t- bo sure to get tho genuine phillips milk ot magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in eorecting excess acids each bottle ntains full direc tions any drugstore klduoy trouble la responsible for many or the 111b women dread at this time of life it often causes salloacss wrinkles rob3 women of tho heilvh naa joy of youth makes them look aid feel old so keen your kldueya luncioniiie properly lot tho body poisons miss oil as they accumulate thousands of wo- laon durincf the past half contuvy have discovered that warners safe kidnoy and liver kemedy helps originally n doctors prescription purely vegetable pleasant tasting- safe it costs little by starting to take it now you may ward otf illness nnd worry get a trial bottle from your druggist today note your improved appotlte nnd freedom iron rcstlesa sloop warners safo itomedlei co toronto onta lo warners safe kidney and liver remedy every day 100011 women buy a bottle of lydia e pinkhams vege table compound they know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervoupiexs back ache headache blue spells and rundown condition lydia e irianis vegetable compound 5 issue no 9 29