n a mining news service for readers of this page former financial editor of the toronto globe mr l j moore will contribute exclusive weekly letters to this page and will answer enquiries conservative information dv i j moore we are very pleased to tell the readers of this page that mr lloyd j moore mining and financial expert of note will contribute a weekly letter to this page mr moore had a long and successful connection in the news j paper field as financial editor of the toronto globe he is now a member of the standard stock and miuing exchange of toronto and has visited all i th chief mining centres of canada he brings to you a wealth of personal knowledge which should be of keen interest and extreme value and vur capably handled from a mr moor has agreed to answer in these columns any legitimate enquiries wining standpoint on mines and mining investment problems and we trust the readers will tne smaller issue avail themselves of this attractive opportunity to acquaint themselves with wrighthargreaves is now looking canadas vital growing industry benefit by o ur kno wle tags- our close atsaelattoa wli the mining industry and stock mar- 1 ket operation places us lu a position to bo of real helri ta you why not benefit by our kuowl- edge and communicate with lhi office when you need assistance concerning mining market prob lems wright wilson austin stock brokers i member standard stock and mining typical scene of english winter beauty exchange floor elgin si273 9 51 king st w toronto the situation today highpriced stocks have been the principal moneymakers in the can adian mining market for the last year or more the experience of purchas ers of lowpriced shares has been un satisfactory on tho whole the same situation seems likely to continue in greater or less degree during the coming months nickel international nlckel has been the most spectacular performer during january its present price has dis counted tho future several years in advance its chief sponsors notably in montreal are predicting confident ly that much higher prices will be reached recent performances of the stock lend color to their views the strong montreal group is easily cap able of obtaining its object in the meantime the frood mine is develop ing wonderfully at depth noranda noranda mines is second in market interest the news of a proposed offering of rights has had a detri mr lloyd j moore 1 membe of the standard stock and mentafralher than a beneficial effect milli exchange who will contribute on the market but this is probably t0 thls i and answer mining nrnmlnent in lake shore are exceptional- good ji to wmui jeus gat mors mining invemeiu j d these will be outlined in succeed- thought than prayer and there circles better after an unusually tempestu ous market career during the past twelve months mill heads were not much above sg00 during the final quarter of 1128 bullion returns were also low profit were approximately 18000 in october and about 11000 in both november and december the mine is looking definitely better how ever the downward continuation of the vein encountered in the north workings in the direction of the syl- vanite boundary looks like extremely good ore this vein has been en countered at both the 1500 and 1750 foot levels at the former horizon it was w- feet wid and assayed 4800 no returns are available yet about values and average widths at the 1750 foot hut it is understood that the ore looks comparable both in quality and quantity with tne level above the management seems to be sanguine that it has the makings of a new mine below the faulted zone lake shore has secured wonderful ore recently very close to the wrighthargreaves boundary all thesi- things combine tc make the wrighthargreaves sit- i uation look more cheerful especially for those who are willing to hold their stock for some time the situations at teck hughes and englands glistening glory in devon a delightful moorland lane near princelown where tle snow added much to the usual beauty sunday school lesson dry cleaning as a technical problem of these the first three concern god the father andthe remaining ones ideal with human needs the address is of infinite significance the na ture of god deiermines ail religion how different are the piavcs which t a worshipper of moloch w make l arc lt lea 00000 different from those which arite out of the as- k of spots ami preparations that surnnce that god is our father j will take off one kind of spot will not i v 10 the three petitions to bo take off another made concerning god are 1 the the expert cleaner as such is a february 17 lesson vii prayer- matt 6 513 luke 28 914 1 john imub concerning uoa are ti riiei 5 14 14 golden text if ye abide hallowing of kis name by which the in me and my words abide in you will and h john 15 7 worshipper expresses his desire that i nothiny be done to brim discredit on different technician from an expert i juct whose business st it to y ihj y w and it itholynamt theoitet understand the vy and wherefo of i every one of the 500000 or more kinds merely temporary noranda has been eni earning at the ate of close to 300 annually on cturns from a single reverberatrry unit sinking of the new no 1 shaft is proceeding it will hudson bay will undoubtedly earn be completed and equipped for hoist- j market recognition of its assured ing ore in the latter part of this year earning power in due course the shall be done unto you- analysis i true and false prayer matt v 6513 ii true and false worshippers luke is sllf iii faith and prayer 1 john 5 11 15 introduction there arc few sub- jects to which jeus gave more time at the present time no 3 shaft pro vides insufficient hoisting capacity no 1 furnace has been shut down for repairs and no 2 furnace has been blown in as a result the current pro duction figures have decreased im provement is expected as no 2 fur nace works in it is expected that noranda will show itself capable of earning well over 500 a share annu ally with two furnaces in operation at the rate the home mine is de veloping the doubling of present smelter capacity seems justified the forthcoming annual report will be most conservative for those who have the patience to hold this stock we have no doubt they will realize up wards of 10000 a share the retire ment of the 2500000 bonds held by hollinger is a constructive piece of financing the manitoba field hudson bay mining and smelting is in very strong shape it looms up as one of the most attractive can adian mining ventures from the in vestors standpoint the shrewd and powerful group holding control of this conpany have said unofficially that the flinflon earnings in the first six years operations will be suf ficient to meet the entire capital ex penditures its ore reserves are esti mated to be in excess of 20 million are three different ways in which we i r might study his teaching on the very developments and maiket opinions of impo subject we may notice the writer meet a responsive audience j ow exiimp f which we in the meantime requests for infor- l how constantly he sought conc iliation on canadian mining subjects munion with the heavenly father would be to profane that name i that the kingdom or rule of god may j of stains and blemishes that have a be extended 3 that his will may i way of attaching themselves to the be done on earth these petitions rise finest silks and the cheapest gingham out of a sense of the sovereignty and theoretically a spot can always be goodness of god and they imply that taken off it was declared if one the divine rule extends over the earth knows just hw lo do ft howover gods interest must come first i n lnl v 11 the first of the three peti- a ma1 s that cannot be tions for ourselves concerns our phvsi- r present methods and for cal needs we cannot live without this reason the national cleaners and our daily bread and in this prayer we dyers association is pushing research acknowledge gods power and readi- in an effort to discover new prep-ara- noss to give us hat we need j tions which will reveal the vulnerable vs 12 13 tin two remaining re- traits in evcrv quests are spiritual including the it is beiev the greatest pn great ceetrine of ihe forgiveness of sins along with protection from the em facing the cleaning and dyeing stock should be held for substantial appreciation in the writers opinion this conclusion is reached after se curing the best information obtain able and after making a personal visit to the properly in northern manitoba it has been holding stead fastly around 2100 recently sherrittgordon has earned much j market attention recently the def velopment and exploratory work has j yielded some surprisingly good re- suits especially on recently acquired claims situated along the mineral- ized break sherritt will undoubtedly be productive of big tonnage it may eventually rival the flin flon iti has plenty of cash on hand for some time ahead and there is understood to be approximately 1333000 shares of the total authorized capital of 0000- 000 shares remaining in the treasury this should be approximately suffi cient to brin the mine into produc tion in a big way mandy has not received much mar ket attention recently but it is due to reach its 1025 foot objective in shaft sinking and commence lateral work on three levels by about march 1st only a small amount of crosscutting will be necessary to reach the favorable zone sufficient encouragement was en countered on upper levels lo make ex ploration at depth decidedly interest- will be cheerfully answered in order and how he consulted him on every i powerful asaults of evil ii true and false luke 18 914 v worshippers profession is to clean artificial silks and not destroy them in the process of receipt as far as space permits issue of importance 2 his mani- address vour enquiries to mr l j fol1 instruction given to the disciples moore 10 jordan st toronto and the great subject 3 his actual j v 9 this parable is found only mi prayers which are contained in matt luke and is meant to teach a definite i weie coioon gooas ana as tne result your letter and answer will appear mjp and j c 17 from the lesson on prayer a subject occupying cleaning and dyeing establishments last year there was half as much artificial silk manufactured as there an early issue of ing reflection of this program on tens the company is in an unassail- it r- i riji i ti c the market is not unlielv the stock able financing position with over 16000000 in cash to meet the de velopment and equipment require ment before starting production even aiicr an expendituie of dose to g- wio000 for power development at island ialls saskatchewan her will be left more than ample funds for smeuer construction mine develop- irtnt townshe and other lie- is the manigemch hls a farsighted pro gram it has been most reticent about mine development which is known however to bo most favorable it is estimated that there enough ore to be obtained by gloryholing a provide smelter feed for the projected j is 000ton mill for at least ten years has been dragging recently at around 125 the operation is well financed he one half of tli world doesnt negative or positive teaching one of the necessary conditions of true pray- kiipw how the other ral lives be u sincere o she no but 111 bet they suspect ue heart t1is ve strcss upon the secrecy of the relijious life dolores how are you gettl with your fiauce clara well he bought me a pearl neck- then a diamond ring and now he is ho llr a r have a total v wrong conception of going to marry me ah i suppose goi um rcp jmpv thgt iod ho wants them back n exac ruler demanding iiii 7ti t i i ienance but if god be our loving the little man along the j fa pvayer mufit be form local representative wanted responsible representative want ed in this community to repre sent an incorporated ontario company to the right man who has the proper connect ion a very attractive proposition will be made apply by letter to w e smith manager 1106 cpr bloc toronto 2 we infer that this is one of the most much space in this gospel we are the country over are being swamped important subjects for our considcra- told in this introduction of the spe- with materials that present the most tion a revival in the art of prayer cial fault here condemned it is self- complex and difficult problem of would do more to revive our church confidence combined with a severe cleaning yo f than anything else prayer is the i artificial silk is manufactured from v 10 the pharisee does not really i v pray at all there are four elements wx1 fiber- when this fiber is moist- in prayer thanksgiving confession e it becomes tender and has a intercession and supplication but tendency to full to pieces in many none of these is included in this case cases it takes an expert to distinguish his supposed thanksgiving is a form between real and artificial silks one of the most indelible stains confessing his own sins hecnticses that the dean ami iyei fos v 0 f a sio ha beenable to remove is lo l he puducan stands at a distance from on whom ho regards that which forms at the nape of tho as a very pious man and ii his case neck thus coat collars tend to be- we see illustrated one of the primary come dingier with continued wear conditions of true prayer humility strenuous efforts are being put forth and a sense of unwortliiness he does to develop a chemical preparation not think of the faults of others but tn will remove this stain only of his own and he places himself in the class of sinners pleadingno i itorarv irnnnclacu v 0 jesus here gives the positive ne ll llc puts all his hope literary iconoclasts statement his method often included n mercv cf god j brigance in tlie north am- v 14 this despised man goes erican review wc have efficiency ex- away justified that is justified in the perts in industry we have them in siglit of god while the pharisee re- government we have them in tho ceives no blessing of soul at all thus trades we have them in the profefl- we have the examples of false and s we have them in our schools i we have them in ourchurches ituwi prayer 1 john 5 inevitable sooner or later that they should invade the fields of literature v 14 in these verses john writes- was ally inevitable that arriv- on intercessory prayer as the natural th th h jn fruit of faith he who believes in i j t v d u christ has the assurance that what- thc cty of rome find strwh ever he asks of god will be given to the tapestries of art which way by which we get the power god j i tpue and false prayer matt i 1513 i v 5 in tlie earlier part of this chapter four verses are given to of sdu and instead of thanksgiving three to fasting and i i eleven to prayer so that from this i we may measure whicli is the most important in these three acts of wor ship first of all wc hrve a warning against the danger of hypocrisy if i people make a parade of their prayers jin order to win the reputation of be- jing religious then they may receive the reward of human praise but they do not get the reward from god tne secrecy oi me renjious nie have ule ox ing on v 7 the second warning is against t u warship very unreality if people repeat a formula ckiicp i without putting any heart or soul into 1 i i if iklo ii u ii iu 14 lo v ratlici uiaver iiiunb ue a 101 111 oa i- platform as the train was moving out comim or conversation in which i him if it is aecordnig to the will of or centuries have lieen treasures of and made for the last carriage at the our souls find true delight god we must notice this condition the literary world which is here laid down if in our s tlcally wavering her handkerchief i order to inform god of our wants i ignorance we ask for anything that the future of the empire le was about to grasp the handle otprayer is the human side of ihleul 9x c tel lovc wickhnm steed in the review at the door when the porter pulled him back you musnt board the train while its moving said the porter besides that compartment is engag ed engaged shouted the little man dancing about in his rage as he watched the train disappearing of course its engaged i engaged it my self and thats my wife at the window off on her honeymoon praver is the human side of inter- iricniihm oieeu in cno ncviow i communion with god we thus learn i 1 to ffant io u sce reviews london england and the to see how dependent we are on him- f whole british coninionwoalth form a and how blessed it is to know him l wht w7 for m th ceas to v 9 now begins the best known of ftfjss jtsn 1 v j 4 if fulfilledon they will perish no polity ha all prayers fwmjjn tl had stronger reon to fear sssst til r stagnation tho stabuity of the brit hindthtf c se a 1 t i y ish empire is not the stability of lr vaver it consist levceni b ne monument it is the stability of fences the first is the address while io i he help w ant- yroscope swimy nn noiselessly r- ihe remaining six fall into two parts column volving in a free atmosphere t and jeff bud fisher jeff should be more original this k jgrfs brthdat 1 ujamt to cct him a mkc safcty ta20r amd it costi fwe d01lars aso lve onw ot thrce i uhmil 1 do 1 cant bdrrou 17 i from him to buy his v own prescnt hcd aiave tne laogh otj mm w