ti stoufgwff january 31st 1929 lome reld former blacksmith with the late b e beebe is leaving claremont to locate in toronto thrifty people would take advant age of our boot and shoe sale now on tor at the slaughter prices an extra pair of boots wont come amis geo saunders the revival services at dickson hill mennonite church are being well atended by stouffville church goers of the mennonite chufch the non- attended by stouffvlke church goers high school skating fart on wednesday february sth expupils invited the next public holiday 1e he good friday march 23th mr andrew dlmnarand familt of cedar grove spent as day last week with mr and mrs kcg tare dr williams has been reappoint ed medical officer of health for the township of whitchurch those who never have to pay any income tax cannot understand the complaints of those who do walkerton has a reduced hydro rating just issued a little competi tion is a good thing for even the hydro electric commission of on tario despite the rather keen weather thus far this week turnips are being loaded in car lots at the local depot and farmers are receiving we un- derstand around itc a bushel ross brown is the shipper high school inspector collis spent three days at the stouffville contin uation school last week assisting to get the new staff in best working order possible for the spring and summer course of the years work mr john madill left by cnr on tuesday to deliver a lino pedigreed animal for mr robt miller to some point in muskoka john and his charge occupied an entire box car to themselves this week mr and mrs j l bas- singthwaite of the 9th concession of whitchurch moved to copetown near hamilton where they have taken a 200 acre farm in exchange on their local property their friends wish them every success over in the garden section of ontario mrs a s collins of the east end anticipates remodelling her house recently vacated by john mcmullen and being two doors east of the present collins home the property is an ideal lot with excellent drain age and the house although in need of repairs is well proportioned and capable of being made into an at tractive home the second annual concert of the stouffville choral society will be held on friday february 15th and will be thebig event of the season a wonderful program of exception ally fine choral work has been pre pared and the sensational young polish violinist antony remouch will appear three times the stouff- ville male quartette misses lehman and hoover pianist mr noah stouf- fer cornetist the heintzman co of toronto are sending an 1s00 grand piano for the occasion auditorium theatre stolfrville friday and saturday feby 1st and 2nd the canyon of adven ture ken mayard also charlie chaplin in a dogs life friday and saturday feby 8th and 9th her wild oat colleen moore s g schmidt prop mr john button who suffered a fractured hip a couple of weeks ago through a fall on the slippery pave ment is getting along very well at the home of his son f l button miss mildred barkey who also tell suffering a compound fracture a week ago is resting nicely and showing signs of improvement walter davis of whitchurch has received a cheque for 10 from the township council of his municipality as a bounty tor killing two dogs found destroying sheep thats much cheaper than having to pay out a large bill for sheep destroyed by these dogs and probably the same mutton eating canines will continue to pursue their expensive killing live l ash unlonville elizabeth e annis scarboro share equally in the 7700 in mortgages 3065 in promissory notes 2737 in cash and bonds 7 in 51 shares standard re liance assets 1000 shares financial and mining trust of canada of no value a house and lot in unionvile valued at 1000 30 acres of land in markham 3000 10 acres in scarboro 3000 the estate of their father thomas oliver harding uo died in unionville dec 6th leaving no will mr and mrs a h lyons of good- water sask who have been visiting friends around goodwood and stouff ville since last november expect to return to their western home this week after a very enjoyable holiday mr lyons is a native of slielburne district but his wife is a daughter of eli storry of goodwood they farm 1000 acres at goodwater and had 100 acres of crop this past sea son and they have their- property mostly fenced with plenty of good pasture land in the enclosure the old glass milk bottle a fea ture as characteristic of modern civi lization in its way as the skyscraper may be doomed new york dairies have introduced ajnew cardboard container this affair a glazed water and moisture proof coneshaped arrangement has the approval of the state of health is mucn cheaper than the glass bottle and can be thrown into the waste basket after the mils is used according to early reports it seems to be giving com plete satisfaction both to customers and dairymen life wont seem the same if we dont have the early morning clink clink of milk bot tles to penetrate our dreams and warn us that it is almost time to get out of bed a man in milton was sentenced last wsek to three months in jaii for cuttng the tail off a cow with a large butcher knlfei dr marcus h crosby town clerk of uxbridge for many year has just been appointed as town treasurer as well to succeed the late w- hamil ton the treasarers salary fe 35 per annum mrs james rldavt has- returned home after spendlac six weeks- here with her parents mr and mra t holdea boots shoes rubbers cue below cost prices we must- turn- them over so its yourr chance george saunders ratclift block quaaaty service twentyfive years ago the stoaff- vllleand beshesda telephone co started operations as a local cooaera and the report presented last week at the annual meeting was gate- of the most successful wr hanied to the shareholders it is reported that mr- henry brillinger- will build an uptodate bunglo as soon as he can purchase a suitable lot mr brilliiecv it urttl be renumbered recently sod his fine brie residence in which he now lives to mr win ratcllut tom i5ait is playing okey on thu forward line this season for the st andrews college teauiyonge street ris team is eutsrid iu to interscholaristic league with picker ing college auitira au3 bradford high schools grandmothers meeting held last week at the home of mrs george t lee under auspices of the stouffville institute was well attended the meeting was a success a merry time was spent and the costumes were funny one of them dating back to the time of napoleon the stouffville junior womens institute are holding a short course in food values and cookery start ing feb 4 to feb 15 each after noon starting at 2 oclock at porters ice cream parlor members 2c non- members 50c bring note book and pencil the question was discussed at the last council meeting as to the necess ity of a license being procured for the fire truck- these licenses cost 200 and no doubt the council will seo that one is placed on the truck at once as in case of accident the town might be involved in unnecess ary difficulty a post card from dr ira freel in dicates that he is now in paris look ing over the big european metropol is when the doctor returns we hope to favor our readers wih his im pressions on the latest paris fashions and possibly something on his ex periences in getting about in a great city handicapped by a foreign lan guage and not too good a knowledge of the streets laco mazda lamps at the annual oratorical contest by the toronto womens liberal as sociation last week mr norman bor- insky youngest son of mr isaac bor- insky of the stouffville creamery co won the second prize for his essay on liberalism mr borinsky is nearing the end of his law course at toronto university and is to be congratu lated on his ability tostand so high in this contest which is quite freely participated in toy young liberals earl a gritbim roi eyesight specialist at sjmiffvllle eroia wed nesday to saturday ot each week and every eveiing- phflna- 25 free accommodation as it is call ed is to be a thing of the past with locacl branch banks tn ait towns the bankers association has been care fully considering the question for some time and the result of their findings are gradually being felt by patrons of these institutions the municipality of stouffville will feel the stiffening up process right away when they will be asked to pay more than double the old rates for collec tion of hydro and other accounts give the and lower very best service prices are now in effect they give more light and burn less current than other makes try them keep our radio dept in mind our machines give entire satis faction and sell at low prices watch our window for weekly suggestions on articles for winter use buy stoves and heaters now the death of win- h musselman at aurora last week in his 7sth year removes a former resident of ring- wood who farmed for years on the property now occupied by mr waller jacobs on the 8th concession north the deceased is survived by two sons and an only daughter his wife hav ing predeceased him by many years he was a highly esteemed farmer news of his death came as a shock to his many old friends the re mains were laid to rest at the baker hih cemetery on monday this week beside those of his departed wife dr spankej reeve ottwotfe island says that fcontenac comity council meetings an- the mast sympathetic loafing i evarr saw mr jonas lewis ha rented jos barkeys firm on the ztb con whltr- church mr bartay is moving to a larger property ai yux lake the members ot the womens in stitute wish to thank all who contri buted clothing a-x- money toward the box which was sent to needy oaes at hymens the- noon hour interruptions on tin hydro two days this vcek were necessitated while work was being done on the high tension line neaif markham success to the new president of the stouffville horticultural society john r hedging looks promising at this distance mr lloyd turner whose condition was serious last week owing to pneu monia is making satisfactorily re covery ninety one hogs shipped from aurora netted the farmer 10 per ewt for selects grading 30 percent the grading was done by a govern ment inspector the maple leaf dairy has discon tinued the staurday afternoon milk delivery and will deliver seven days the week from this out clayt baker the feed bulletin ii bell cow bran and shorts are cheaper schumacher feed and gluten feed same price corn feeds are a little firmer the- the stouffville horticultural so ciety wishes to thank all those who assisted in the program or in any other way helped to make their an nual meeting a success the stouffville horticultural so ciety wish to draw the attention of the citizens to the special premium the canadian horticulturist free for one year in addition to regular premiums to those becoming mem bers not later than feb 10th hand in your subscriptions to the treasurer mrs thos rae since the clerk of whitchurch is now a resident ot the northwest corner of the township the office in stouffville has been discarded and the stouffville council will cease to draw 50 per annum for allowing the clerk of whitchurch to share the municipal chambers with clerk j s dougherty the lease expired the first of january gc 44000000 the program rendered at ratcliffs hall last saturday night by the vic toria park ave christian church choir toronto was spoken ot as be ing splendid every person present before leaving the building gave a hearty clapping of their hands is an expression of appreciation the choir manifested a very friendly spirit to ward every person before boarding the chartered bus for toronto the north york plowmens asso ciation will hold hn important meeting at the stouffville tribune office on saturday night- next at s oclock sharp all farmers are urged to attend especially those who are anxious to see the association con tinued in existence the fact that you have not attended previous meet lugs need not keep you away on this decasion as all plowmen are needed on saturday ross e ratcliff president we have a big rangs in axes for the woodmen mitts cold weather and a nice line of sport skates for f y w brathwaite store closes each evening except saturday at six oclock in dividends to mutual life policy holders in 1029 the new year marks a further ad vance in reduction ot costs of in surance in this great pioneer mutual company the 9th reduc tion in 9 years unexcelled policies courteous service start the new year right by safe guarding your future and the wel fare of those you love h o klinck district manager the daily prejrveports that rachel sanders widtsv late of the village of stouffville who died december 29 192s leaves estate valued at 7219 and made up as follows do minion of canada bonds 3069 cash in bank 1000 real estate in stouff ville 3000 under the terms of a will dated september 16 1927 she leaves to her grandchild luella sanders creighton 150 and in structs that the residue of her estate be equally divided between her throe sons william r edwin g and john blake sanders the tribune is indebted to mr c c graham for a fine desk calendar and memo pad richly gotten up in leather binding it is the gift of the western manufacturing co limited reglna of which firm mr graham is secretarytreasurer this is ono of western canadas most successful manufacturing concerns that has ad vanced with leaps and bounds until today their large plant does most pf the mlllwork on all large and im portant building undertaking in the canadian west mr graham is a son of our mr andrew graham an visited among friends here u courlc of years ago we hate a quantity of extra heavy mixed grain afe less than 2c a lb fulopep egg mash the same price more by the ewt but cheaper by the feed dt and w hard coal oto auto nut coke stiver bros fresh groceries lowest prices what better combination could you wishfor at your grocers phone us your next order and let us prove our claims a w scott the grocer notice to new model a ford owners prospective owners and public as a whole there is no change in the new 1929 new ford car but what can be installed in the 1928 model so the man who got a 1928 ford does not have to buy a new car this year to have a 1929 model he has not an old model nor has he an o car on his hands the 1929 models are standardized now- the main changes made are any 1st a new starter that can be adjusted and installed on car at a small cost 2nd the houdaille shock absorbers are available now which were standard equipment when the car was first put on the market but through unavoidable circumstances we were not able to get enough of them to equip all the cars produced so the ford company had to use the hasler absorbers much inferior to make delivery of the cars otherwise they would have to had held up production for a still longe period these houdaille shock absorbers can now be installed on a car that has hasler absorbers at an exchange price which is small when you consider the better performance and the stronger sturdier abso 3rd the three point suspension spring on the front of the engine instead of the engine being bolted solid to the iront cross member of the frame it is suspended on springs which does away with 60 per cent pf vibration and noise in the car when driving the question is being asked quite frequently by those who do not know anything about these changes why are so many of the new ford cars going into our garage well you must remember that there is in the vicinity of stouffville about 75 new ford cars which is considerably more than any other new car and the majority of these owners are taking advantage of having these new improvements in stalled on their cars at the exchange price in which they are given only a limited time to make the change in the last two months we have installed about 40 new starters which takes two hours to install and wehave installed about 25 sets of houdaille shock absorbers which takes one man 2 and one half hours to install we also grease and alemite all new cars twice without any charge which most owners take advantage of also minor adjustments that owners are not yet familiar with in the new ford i think that you will all agree with me that it is better for you to be able to put these new improvements on old ears and have the latest model than to have to buy another car to have the latest model ford does notchange his model every year to make people buy another car to keep up with the jones delbert holden ford dealer phone 184