Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1928, p. 7

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1 financial news r expose ore in railway grade the pas man the dominion con struction company appears to bo at least six weeks ahead of their contract time for finishing the flln flon rail way a pioneer track layer began on the last 20mile stretch of the road on friday the grade is alrcadybuilt to the upper end of the schist lako practically to the now townslte of flln flon there are one or two tressels still to ho completed and a heavy rock cut to bo torn down at milo 49 on tho shoro of schist lake last week n blast said to con tain about 3500 pounds of blasting powder and dynamite was put off with devastating results to the rock this greatest obstaclo should he surmount ed thi3 week the trip from cranberry to flln flon is 35 miles by boat by the new railway it will bo 22 miles and a trip of surpassing beauty overy foot of tho way as it cuts across points and bays and closely follows tho shores of schist and athapapuskow lakes with their thousand islands at the present time the grades and rock cuts present a romarkablo ap pearance every blast which is fired and the air is always resounding with the explosions at several camps re veals highly mineralized rock the traveller by boat can perceive tho iron and copper pyrite as ho passes by out in the lake the pedes trian who care3 to walk the grade can llck up highly mineralized rock at every cut- is there anywhere else in the world where railway grade3 aro built with such costly material luck some companies have all the luck it is now said that mining corpora tion has made a rich new striko on their recently purchased mcklnley- darragh property and that this may pay them for all expenditure in ob taining the property nickel the leader it is a marvel to what an extent international nickel has become a favorite both in montreal and toronto since the stock started its wonderful rise from around the 50s for a long time canadian interests were practi cally dominating the market for the issue latterly however some new new york groups have been especially active in it and to some extent they had the word about what was com ing in the way of the new stock some what ahead of the time when it be came known to many of the canadian interests there is also some divergence of opinion as to bow the market would take the new stock issuo around go slid it has been a pleasant surprise to almost everybody in the stock to see he favorable manner in which even the man who is carrying nickel on the margin viewed the opportunity to get additional holdings the market especially welcomed a leader like nickel at the present time in vlw of the setback that has been sustained by the various paper issues which for so long had held the centre jf hie siage financial times rnportant new developments re ported at noranda it is reported that tho noranda crusher ore body which on surface showed only fair grade have been licked up on the 100foot level and is now massive high grade ore the b ore body has been opened up at the 600foot level and is also high garde ore the h ore body has been proved by drilling to the extent of 1300 feet where the grade is better than on the 975foot level plans are nearing completion for the sinking of the new 5compartment shaft to 2000 feet tills shaft will be located about 700 feet northwest of tho present shaft it is understood that one of tho nor anda officials is at present in sudbury british american nickel co it is pre- to purchase some equipment of tho old burned tliis equipment consist of con verters larger results expected from lake shore the completion of tho new shaft at lake shore mines to 1000 feet will enable tho management to multiply development work and tho company is expected to work towards an objec tive of 1500 tons daily at the mill which is now treating 1000 tons dally one day recently the mill treated 1133 tons according to the northern miner another tube mill is being considered tho north shaft which is the now one is being carried down to 2000 feet and levels at 1800 and 2000 feet should be in ore by next summer at tho 1000foot level preparatory to sloping across the property boxholes have been built along tho two main veins in oro fora combined length of 4c00 feet tho oro is practically solid tho grado is tho best la tho mino to that level tho north vein workings at 1000 feet aro now within 200 feet of tockhughes lino and oro has widened to between 30 and 40 feet very rich oro has been opened up at tho 400 and 300 horizons on no 2 vein where 25 oro is being broken down over feet width this is ono of ilia various offshoo3 of tho main no dlfuouy in maintaining recovery at around 15 per ton one thousand tons dally of jig ore suggest output of 450000 monthly or 5400000 per annum or approximate ly 140 per cent per annum on the 2000000 it average costs are allowed of 7 per ton teckhughes 8lg earning power should assure 60 dividends for present and more later on it is expected that one of the bright spots in the annual statement of teck- hugbes gold mines for tho year just ended will bo a marked reduction in operating costs taking this in rela tion to tho onormous growth in output and tho showing should bo remarkably good this is already indicated by an lncreaso in tho dividends to a rato of go per cent per annum costs of around g and recovery around 18 per ton with average output of 850 tons daily suggest an annual output of 5goo000 and not profits of 3750 000 equal to approximately so por cent on the stock the report for tho past year will not show such earnings as tho 300- ton second unit of the now mill did not get into production until after tho first four months of the companys fiscal year had passed another fac tor that must bo taken into consider ation in the outlay on tho enormous developments now under way in spite of this tho company should bo able to pay go per cent on tho stock annually pay all capital expenditures for deeper development and added substantially to liquid surplus whon tho mino is developed below 3000 feet material increases in output profits and dividends may be hoped for gentlemens agreement the financial times in this weeks issue will say some of the inter ests close to the newsprint industry are much in favor of a merging of the various companies together with the premiers of tho different prov inces tho view they tako is that much good could como from such a conference because it might result in a gentlemens agreement respecting pries such an agrement they feel would be lived up to much more scrupulously by tho various com- companles than if it were made just among themselves because of the fact that the premiers being present and a party to the deal it would be the endeavor of all the companies to re spect it it is for this reason that so many of the different companies iiave been in favor of having some such meet ing because at a time like the pres ent theyvbold to the view that every thing is to be gaiued and nothing l03t by having it more power than pleasure death dealing tornadoes spread over north america from porto rico to south dakota weeks storm take heavy toll in life and property florida hit again friday last saw northern us i from witnesses who fought their way states suffering from a severe tornado visitation when two tornadoes wiping out lives and smashing buildings and homes had left portions of nebraska and south dakota virtually in ruins eleven persons were known to be doad broke speedboat record ceorgo wood loft and his mechanic orlln johnson in miss amorlca vii after making nearly 93 miles an hour on tho dotrolt rtvor prince of wales on african tour trade better for august advance of over 31 million as compared with 1927 with younger brother he is to traverse jungles of nyasaland and rhodesia london the prince of wales witii ills younger brother henry duke of gloucester have left on a 1500mlle tour through the heart of the wilds of central africa accompanied only by alan f- lascelles groomlnwaitiug brlggen g frederick trotter and equerries maj piers legh and maj kerr they go via kgypt to the east coast of africa- thence cutting inland from mom basa through kenya colony where the prince of waless former private secretary sir edward griggs is gov- western wheat nearly all cut grain moves earlier and in greater volume than in 1927 to tho capital over almost obliterated roads it was learned that many faced famine while it is still impossible to form any accurate estimate of property damage it is feared by many that it wi oxceod 100000000 manager tho town of davis south da- k of the hydroelectric plant kota community of peopto was 1 which supplies san juan and most of mass of wreckage more than 100 j the nortn t of the is said u t were mjured many seriously from ioss to his py aione would twisters that cut two separate strips at ieast 3j of destruction both storms travelled the authoritie3 fcj actei iftl to northeasterly crippling commumca- chock the prfitccrlng rise m p catmns so that only meagre reports necessitiesi whk had alrcad doub for some commodities governor towner has ordtred out national had come from many outlying sec tions early today east hit too providence ri chain lightning rain that was almost a cloudburst hail stones as big as marbles and a galo of tornado fury btruck rhode island in separate areas friday night guardsmen to augment the police forco of the capital to protect the scat tered property from possible looters estimated damage san juan porto rico sept 1c some hurricane insurance is carried and left an erratic trail of destruction on and buildin and n freak wind of barely two minutes but this probab did not exceed 10 grades are good winnipeg sept 10 with cutting nearly completed nnd weather condi tions favorable for threshing of crops in western canada the movement of grain is now on a large scale not only i3 the grain moving much earlier than last year hut it is going forward in much larger quantities than when the movement was equally far ad vanced in 1927 wheat receipts are already running at 1500 cars a day and country mar ket at five million buhols of 1500 duration lifted roofs and chimneys off houses hurled piazzas in the air up- rootod trees and felled telegraph poles in sunny south san juan porto rico sept 16 a steadily mounting death list stood to day at moro than 200 with estimates that it would reach 1000 when com munications are restored as the hu man toll of the hurricane which swept over tho entire island on thursday and continued on to the northwest governor horace m towier estim ated that half of the population of 000000 in the whole island itemized estimates of losses includo coffee crop 10000000 coffee trees 10000000 sugar cane crop 20000000 sugar centrals 5000000 citrus crop including loss and dam age to groves 5000000 tobacco 5000000 minor crops 5000000 porto rico railway light and power company 3000000 telephone and telegraph 2000000 total 65000000 canada reports no severe storms nearly 200000 was homeless and any place within her borders brought in to the west to harvest the hugo crop of tho prairies provinces moro than twico as many as were em ployed last year this is the biggest slnglo movement of labor ever record ed in canada or any other country so far as known practically all of tho mon were drafted and moved to tho harvest fields within a period of two weok3 to this number must be cars inspected friday 1000 wero ott 2 men regularly employed ernor they will traverse thtjungles of the thre to grades marketing of f bringing the total of work- over five months ottawa sept 16 tho total can adian trade for august exceeded that of august 1927 by 31358243 the total imports for the past month being 112757256 and exports 112- 493026 there being in addition ex ports of foreign produced goods val ued at 1411196 wheat exports in creased from 18584164 in august 1927 to 30347597 last month news print from 10675536 to 11473052 flour from 3566282 to 5626107 cheese from 3040916 to 3500113 and automobiles and parts from 2 241826 to 4465373 while lumber decreased from 5793997 to 4614- 049 and furs from 2328601 to 1- 545003 for the five months ending august 31 of the fiscal year there was an in crease in tho total trade from 925 085483 to 1041078933 imports amounted to 518937386 and exports 522141547 leaving a favorablo trade balance of approximately 3 200000 as against 6000000 during tho 1927 fivemontu period foreign produeo exported during these com- paratico periods was 8218582 in 1927 and 8879476 in 1928 during these fivo month periods wheat ex ports increased in value by 36000- 000 newsprint by 6700000 flour by 4500000 cheese by 3500000 and automobiles by 2800000 increased wheat exports havo been the chief fac tor in preserving a favorablo trado balance expansion of revenue revenue shows remarkable expan sion for august tho customs revenue was 1694254304 compared with 1289364846 in august 1927 an in crease of 404889458 excuo taxes decreased 341270 excise duties in creased 46551 and sundry collections 4663451 for tho fivemonths per iods tho revenuo returns wero 1927 1928 customs duties 65083500 76617588 exciso taxes 37887655 32059838 exciso duties 23514254 25977633 sundries 597318 530293 nyasaland and rhodesia to cape col ony where they will spend christmas with their cousin the governorgen eral the earl of athlone returning home by the atlantic there is to bo very little formality about the tour which the prince of wales wishes to be more in the nature of a holiday than an official visit when they arrive in egypt they will visit the pyramids cairo and the sites of the homes of the pharaohs and then join the malda a boat of the british india steam navigation company for tho voyage to mombasa for months past tho princes have been studying maps and plans for their journey once they reach nai robi the prince and his party will travel in fivo cars without seeiug a hotel and they will have to put up with such rough comfort as there may bo in rest bungalows and veldt huts they will carry with fliem collapsible market reports froduce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing the following prices delivered eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 39 to 41c fresh firsts 37 to 38c seconds 29 to 30c butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 40 to 40hc no 2 37v4 to 3814c churning cream special 36c first 35c second 32c cheese no 1 large colored para- durunis is also on a largo scolo and era fa 75 000 they are grading well i j j climated that 40025 harvest- thc larger amount of grun in stot- were brought from eastern can- fined and government graded 23 to age in country elevators is ono of tlo ada 8320 from great britain and 24c remarkable features of this years 7200 from british columbia j provision prices a few of the british harvesters toronto who dealers are quot- drift back from tho fields daily some the f prices to the trade of them are willing to tackle harvest- smoked meats hams med 33 to ing again while others declare they 35c cooked hams 50c smoked rolls sun and musquito proof tents which j j storage movement at canadian national country elevator points there are 7 380000 bushels in storage a3 com pared with but 1209000 bushels for the same period last year saskatchewan leads other provinces in marketings with 8783000 bushels marketed since august 1 at canadian national points alone its loading fig ures aro 5622000 bushels and stor age 4981000 manitoba is second manitoba ranks next with 3251000 bushels marketed 2780000 loaded and 1330000 bushels in store the movement is not so far advanced in alberta but up to september 13 there had been 1181000 bushels marketed 551000 bushels loaded and 1066000 havo had enough andyvish to return 27c breakfast bacon 35 to 43c do homo thoro is still a shortage of fancy 44 to 45c backs peamealed 32 harvesters at some points 35c do smoked 39 to 42c cured meats long clear bacon 50 porter did you miss that train to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 sir passenger bitterly no i to 100 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in bbls 1150 heavyweight rolls 3850 per bbl i lard pure tierces 1714c tubs theres muchlo bo said for tho p 18 p 19 to slmplo dignity of fundamentalism and we wish adam bad named tho pull man cars while naming tho animals didnt uko tho look of it so i chased it out of tho station i people who live in pleasant places always act as if the weather was thoir quotations for car lots shortening tierces 15c tubs 1514c pails 15c tins 17c prints 16ic grain quotations -f- grain dealers on the toronto board of trade aro making the following will include a bathroom nearly fifty thousand men have been cormlck own personal achievement elsie mc- strange mllure of east and west irh totals 127082727 135185352 ineomo tax collections for august were 822100 and for august 1927 765589 for the five months lle total inccmo tax collected was 51080223 these shoots are of consider jcnglh and are adding largely to oro resources tho company is reported i o have klgncd up for power at tho j doortodoer canvasser is the doortodoer canvasser rate of 0 per horsepower as against master of tho houso in young rr previously in view of current de- alher wearily yes bos nsleop man wheat no 2 north 118 no 3 north 111 no 4 wheat 108 cif godorich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 59 vic cif goderich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow 121 no 3 yellow 12031 toronto freights millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3125 shorts per ton 3325 middlings 4325 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 43 to 45c fob shipping points ont good mil rg wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 108 to 110 barley malting 62 to 68c buckwheat not quoted rye no 2 90 to 95c man flour first pats in juto 720 toronto second pats in juto 600 ont flour track toronto car lota 90 per cent pats per barrel not quo ted seaboard 5 live stock heavy beef steers coico 12 to 1225 do fair 11 to 1150 butcher steers choice 11 to 1175 butcher heifors choice 1075 to 1150 do com 8 to 950 butcher cows good to choice 850 to 9 do fair to good 650 to 750 do com 0 to 650 oanners and cutters 4 to 560 butcher bulls good to choice 750 to 8 do med 7 to 750 bolognas 050 to 7 baby beef 12 to 1460 feeders choice 9 to 1050 do fair 850 to 875 stockcrs choice 9 to 1026 do fair 8 to 860 springers choice 140 to 170 milch cows choice 90 to 100 calves choico 1550 to 16 do med 10 to 13 do grassers 750 to 860 lambs 11 to 1425 bucks 12 to 1225 sheep choico 7 to 850 do heavies 650 to 650 do culls 3 to 6 hogs selects woc 1425 do fod 1385 do thick smooth woc 1375 do fed 1335 jy an alarm clock la all right if a por- son likes that sort of ting times of india 1 pretty girl 13 to become japanese bride volopmcnls iake shore should havo p in tho cradle tho survival of matter without prominent in thu pioure h vf matsudalra who 0 wedding 10 prince chlchlsu of japan is of much intorost svnttvntable utntrovlt s the american nation is like a farm hand who has suddenly come into a business worth a million pounds mary borden 1 her smado western attlro contrasts with that of hor friends national costume- watcrhouso

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