Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1928, p. 3

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red rose tea is guaranteed in every way order a pack age today use any portion of it and if you are not en tirely pleased you may return the balance to your grocer and your money will be refunded e dolling up trader horn for his visit a hat made for a dutch predikaut or minister crowned the noble brow of the old buccaneer pioneer big- game hunter and what not when he crossed the atlantic to the laud of noisy fame it was the best mrs ethelrada lewis could do in the stores of johannesburg south africa old gentlemen are very difficult things to dress she confides to us in her introduction to harold the web bed or the young vykings simon and schuster trader horns sec ond book when the trader set out are 0u rundown lewis his literary sponsor knowing well his casualness with clothes un- rcmain afloat and no more with the deck and coamings the only protec tion between the gunner and the deep blue sea obviously such boats can not be used in rough waters the boat itself is nothing but a simple iscow made to fit either one or two gunners the large wooden deck and tho side wings serve to steady the scow and are practically awash at all times one government building had 200 different types of door knobs said c lo maistre secretary of the british engineer standards association at oxford readv camouflage is essential successful duck shooting from a sink boat depends upon just one thing 1 camouflage camouflage so perfect ly done that the boat will fit into the urrounding water well enough to fool the wariest old duck afloat or awing the sink boat is almost but not quite exactly what its name implies for it la sunk to the point where it will just dertook to supervise his wardrobe then she found out all about the dif ficulty although as she continues she allows exceptions not perhaps with the english mili tary type or the strong silent ag ing hundredper center of new york there is a formula for such types easy to follow but an old gentle man with a beard a literary old gentleman well of course he must have an oldfashioned inverness cape such as all the literary victor ians wore so effectively a cape made if possible of rough gray irish tweed wit ha doggish suggestion of a big chclik woven in it a victorian old gentleman with beard well of course a soft black hat of poetic build such as tennyson yes and a wide shep herds shawl or plaidie for tho shoul ders to enclose the beard in winter weather i saw it all and then i looked at the golden city and felt that the vis ion splendid could never he brought to reality in such an environment after a weeks search i began to despair i then entered a store which eventually did try to solidify my ideas with some deree of intalli- gence i found the wire soft plaidie i found a black hat not the tenny- jonian hat of my dreams hut itll it was a soft black hat i ipokul at it thoughtfully as the young manheld it out what did it remind me of not tennyson it missed the poetis rake of the brim not an english par son that jolly adaptive headgear not it looked more smug than any of these closer less frank of out line if i were you madam said the thoughtful voice of the young man i would perhaps not mention to mr horn for whom we stock this shape to tel ou the truth we sell them to the dutch predikans ministers our eyes met guiltily thank you i said fervently thank you yes the only sin i feel iconscious of at present in my entire dealings with aloysius horn is that i let trader horn buccaneer and big- game hunter and the author of a successful book go home to england in a dutch predikants hat it was this same young salesman a tall goodlooking boy of twenty or so who vastly enjoyed tho fun of clothing aloysius horn who when i first tried to explain my sartorial vision to him said rumlnatingly an inverness madam a black hat a soft one why madam you mean like thomas carlyle do you not my quest was over here was one of the cognoscenti smiling under- standlngly at me who says we are philistines in the golden city all that is needed is a tonic to build up the blood there are many people who have been semiinvalids so long that they accept their condition as a life bur den they have endured nervousness broken sleep and a generally run down feeling so long that they have given up hope of again enjoying good health in most of these cases a well chosen diet fresh air and a tonic to build up the blcod would do won ders and as a bloodbuilding tonic no other medicine can compare with dr williams pink pills there is scarcely a spot in canada where you to visit england and america mrs will not find some formerly ailing per children cry for it baby has little upsets at times all your care cannot prevent them but you can bo prepared then you can do what any experienced nurse would drpwhat most physicians would tell you to do give a few drops of plain castorla no sooner dono than baby is soothed relief is just a matter of moments yet you have eased your child without use of a single doubtful drug castoria is vegetable so its aafo to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away and its always ready for tho cruder pangs of colic or constipation or diar rhea effective too for older children twcntyfivq million bottles were bought last year son who has round new health through the use of this medicine the experi ence of mrs thomas ahearn st malo que bears out these state ments she says i have the great est reason to be thankful forwhat dr williams pink pills have done for me i was in a very weak and rundown condition frequently i would faint and my legs would swell badly it was almost impossible to do any housework it seemed as if my blood had turned to water in this weak and despondent condition i began taking dr williams pink pills a few boxes proved that they were helping me hut i continued tak ing the pills until i had used a dozen boxes by which time i found myself a completely restored woman able to do my work without fatigue a better appetitie and a sense of cheerfulness where before i had been despondent for all this thanks to the health- giving qualities of dr williams pink pills if you are feeling rundown give dr williams pink pills a fair trial and new health will be yours you can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail it 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont afghanistan to have parliament of 150 members how many feet in a second wmsmmwm brighton council decided to ask for sanction to borrow 117000 instead of 92000 to reconstruct the aqu arium this will mean another gov ernment inquiry it mmmm canadas great illustrated newspaper uptodate rotogravure section enlarged comic section including bringing up father the gumps tillie the toiler winnie winkle mutt jeff toonerville folks orphan annie moon mullins the nebbs harold teen eleven other carefully selected comic features womens pages sporting sections financial and mining pages latest news of the world by camera and cable the newspaper to interest all members of the family rcr canadas great illustrated newspaper wmm 10c 1uc all news dealers sell it ontario sales agent ontario news company 122 richmond st w toronto ontario the proper way to judge your cars speed for safetys sake charles hopewell police magistrate of ottawa canada contributed to a recent bulletin of the ottawa automo bile club a suggestion for motorists which if universally followed would no doubt effect a marked change for the better in automobile statistics cease to think in terms of miles and hours writes magistrate hope well and think in terms of feet and seconds if an object suddenly crosses your path fifty feet ahead from whero you are sitting at the wheel and you are travelling thirty miles per hour you have only one second in which to act to avoid an accident and only half a second if the object is only twentyfive feet away illustrating his advice by figures magistrate hope well points out that an automobile traveling fifteen miles an hour is cov ering twentytwo feet a second at twenty miles an hour it is covering twentynine feet a second at twenty- five miles miles thirtysix feet at thirty miles fiftyone feet at forty miles fiftyoight feet at fortyfive miles sixtysix feet what should therefore be constantly in the motor ists thought is the time limit which his speed is seting for him should an emergency rise up before him experienced drivers will generally agree that this is good advice many might probably add that they have found t out for themselves but tho statistices show by inference a con siderable proportion of drivers who give no thought whatever to the num ber of feet that a car goes in a sec ond cars are driven both responsibly and irresponsibly carefully and care lessly the responsible driver must needs be vigilant to protect his pas sengers and himself against the irre- sponlsbie and careless a driver whose perception is trained in terms of feet and seconds is far more likely to have his own ear in constant actual control and to be quicker to judge the speed and behavior of on irresponsible than is one who thinks in terms of miles and hours it is not space and time behind but space and time imme diately in front that he may have to reckon with as things arc n good many drlvors as they come to hear of it will no doubt adopt magistrate hopewells suggestion and ono may believe that ho has thus prevented a good many mishaps that might other wise have occurred christian sci ence monitor editorial king amanullah justifies his reputation of being a bold innovator moscow the afghan popular as sembly recently convened by king amanullah made a number of import ant decisions indicating a tendency to ward modern education in the country according to reports from kabul afghanistan is now to have its first elected parliament with 150 members chosen for a term of three years per sons over 20 able to read and write are entitled to elect deputies tho literacy test in a country like afghanistan of course confines the franchise to a small percentage of the population although the minister of education reporting to the popular assembly stated that considerable pro gress bad been achieved in his field 32 primary schools having been estab lished with more than 5000000 pupils negotiations for building three rail roads in afghanistan which hitherto has entirely lacked means of com munication have been initiated with german and french companies a compulsory threeyear military service for the whole male population has been introduced and the army now possesses an increased supply of modern weapons while afghan parliamentarianism in its first stages probably will not follow european models tho far- reaching character of tho proposed changes indicate that amanullahs reputation as a bold innovator is fully justified is good tea red rose orange pekoe is the finest tea in the best package aluminum england to me england is the country and the country is england and classified advertisements a womrful tribute babys own tablets declared to be worth their weight in gold a mother has only to use babys own tablets once to bo convinced that nothing else can equal them in banishing tho ills of her little ones once used always used as long as there are small children in the home that is the tribute thousands of mothers pay the tablets among the many many mothers who are anxious to tell of thoir ex perience with babys own tablets is mrs griffith of east hamilton ont who writes shortly after coming to canada i began giving the tablets to my baby boy who was then six weeks old the result was so pleas ing that since that time i have al ways kept the tablets in tho house i have two children now and both of them are the picture of health babys own tablets are the only medicine they have ever had and v really be lieve the tablets to be worth their weight in gold babys own tablets are free from all injurious drugs and can be given to the youngest babe with absolute safety they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box by the dr williams medicine co brockville ont hill the mover ijoneek dis tance movers of canada largeit epeedy padded vans new equipment latest methods two experienced men i every trip all loads insured beyond when i ask myself what i mean by compare for skill and care before you england when i think of england wove write us or wire and reverse the ehareem head offlco hamilton ontario when i am abroad england comes to canada hill the mover me through inv various senses i through the ear through the eye and 11 5 ionlmplef frs stocking through certain imperishable scents yarn mills dept 1 pri out i will tell you what they are and there may be those among you who feel as i do the sounds of england the tinkle catalogue oliver spanner co dept s of the hammer on the anvil in the 2 elm street toronto itaxidsbmist suppiies a utikicial eyes and supplies xl duck decoys etc send for ireo thats a graceful dive yeh but ive seen her in some very disgraceful ones minards liniment for aching joints country smithy tho corncrakes on dewy morning the sound of tho scythe against the whetstone and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill the sight that has been seen in england since england was a land and may be seen in eng land long after the empire has per ished and every works in england has ceased to function for centuries the ono eternal sight of england the wild anemones in the woods in april the last load at night of hay being drawn down a lane as the twilight comes on when you can scarcely distinguish the figures of horses as they take it home to the farm and above all most subtle most penetrating and most moving the smell of wood coming up in an autumn evening or the smell of the scutch fires that wood smoke that our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago must hav caught on the air when they were coming home with the result of the days forage i when they were still nomads and when they were still roaming the forests and plains of the continent of europe nothing can be more touching than to see how tho working man j and woman after generations in the towns will have their tiny bit of gar- j den if they ian will go to gardens j if they can to look at something they have never seen as children but which their ancestors knew and lov ed the love of these things is in nate and inherent in our people it mrs kolture have you bought any of the paintings at the exhibit mrs newriche goodness no wo never buy readymade pictures runnymede a black cat owned by mrs wright of charles street hat- ton garden gave a timely fire alarm by jumping on the face of his sleep ing mistress it has been our observation that very little is ever accomplished by faultfinding unless you also have a remedy that will work makes for that lovo of home one of the strongest features of our race and it is that that makes our race seek its new home in the dominions overseas where they i have room to see things like this that they can no more see at home it is that power of making homes almost peculiar to our people and it is one of the sources of their greatness they go overseas and they take with them what they learned at home love of justice love of truth and the broad humanity that are so characteristic of english people stanley baldwin in on england and other addresses goitre write for free booklet describing a home treatment for goitre which lias proven remarkably successful throughout canada during the past ten years used and endorsed by many prominent physicians the gorcur medicine limited suite 53a at 33 richmond st w toronto ont co ateits list of wanted inventions and full information sent free on request the bamsay co dept w 273 bank st ottawa out m rifles cartridges sportsmens sufplies cheaper cr lielter write far catalogue t w boyd 6- son 1 nulie dim a w mooteul veterinaries use minards liniment one is apt to wring tho wrong number when two arc on a party line he a month ago my wife left me without any reason she i felt sure someone had left you without it doctor finds smoking relief for seasickness london tobacco smoking is the latest remedy for seasickness recom mended by travelers gordon d knox writing in the british medi al journal claims to have made the great discovery by accident he said that he had happened to light a pipe after a slight feeling of nausea and the illness disappeared he urged a friend to try tho same remedy which operated this time with equal success keep your skin cier uic3 frcsci bj- kill- ue of ciificiibsa sbg sold everywhere unc a tart temper never mellows with ago and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener and sharper with constant use wash ington irving england hopes to bo free of debt in fifty years but wars alas are like cars theres always n new model before the old one is paid for leading athletes find minards ideal for pre venting stiff muscles and for lessening the pain of strain ed ligaments lgj hmm1sin when pain comes medicine for young girls i mothers endorse lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound sydney n s my seventeen year old daughter took lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound for weakness and pains she could not go about much with the other girls as she was not strong enough we got six bottles and it did nor a great turn sheis work- ing out now in a store and walks three j miles every morning and back in tho i evening mrs mary vance 41 lingan road sydney n s what many pcoplo call indigestion ono spoonful of this harmless taste- very often means excess acid in the ln wucr wl f i stnntly many times ns much cld and stomach tho stomach nerves have bymnomb nt onco yon been overstimulated and food sours y n uso crudo methods when tho corrotlvo is nn alkali which onco yon learn tho cfflcleney of this j neutralizes nclds instantly and tho go get a small bottle to try best alkali known to medical sclcnco no uro to get tho genulno phillips is phillips milk of magnesia it has milk of magnesia prescribed by physlj remained the standard with physlj clans for 60 years ln correcting excess clans hon in the 60 years since its inven- nclds tlons- each bottle contnlns full dirucj any drugstore pincwood ont i constantly had pains in my back and side and spent two days in bed every month i havo taken three boxes of lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound tablets they have done me good nnd i always have them in the house i have recom mended your good medicine to several friends and have given it to my 17 yearold girl mrs alfred oue- i iette pincwood ontario issue no 38 28

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