the fertile valley of santa ciara swept by mighty vave when st francis dam collapsed a drawing of the california disaster showing how country side was desolated several small towns nestled in false securitv in the vallev ot the santa clara valley fruit vegetable and poultry husbandry were followed and the country side before the disaster was a mass or bloom as inset picture over 700 were killed and the valley desolated through lax inspection and faulty construction of a huge dam over 200 feet high retaining some 3s000 water acres r over 50 million tons of water which when released swept through tha valley carrying all before it the legislature week by week thursday march 8th oratory on debate drew nearer its close t j mahony conservative member for south wentworth dealt in some detail with opposition criticisms while ho was a strong advocate of private ownership and the develop ment of waterpower on the quebec plan he was not in favor of dropping a great enterprise when it had been tho matter of municipal payment to- started he congratulated hon mr ward highway costs and a strong ap- cooke on his address and suggested pea to the government on behalf of grapegrowers in the niagara penin aula ho urged that native wine be made cheaper and said that quebec consumed 800000 gallons of ontario wine as compared with 400000 gal lons used in this province t legault liberal member for sturgeon falls got into a protracted argument with hon wm finlayson a3 to the need of assistance for set tlers in the northern districts other speakers were chris gardiner prog east kent rev a c calder con west kent a a colquhoun lib south perth f g sandy that the government might well have it printed and distributed to the farm ers of the province other members who made their con tributions to the debate were e blake miller liberal elgin east t farquhar ufo manitoulin w j bragg lib durham a d mac- iean prog- middlesex north t a thompson con lanark north d my ross prog oxford north e c graves con st catharines and a mcwhinney lib bruc9 north wednesday march 14th the ontario government is ready to provide additional relief to the 177000 could bo reached- this he said was through increased revenue from gasolino tax estimated at 1- 09705828 and 7000000 revenue from liquor sales in this way ho said the government proposed to make the people prosperous by having them spend 60000000 more on luxuries this is a new doctrine he de clared it never did work prog south ivctona h h ball r c i- i di i riiio townships and counties from taxatio con eglmton and blake miller r tj- i u iil lib east elgin mr ball who addressed the house for the first time in a debate conclud ed with a word of commendation for the securities fraud prevention act now before the house friday march 9th sanctity of the bench freedom of magistrates from political control and the circumstances attending the resig nation of police magistrate jesse bradford of lindsay comprised the legislative menu at fridays session attorneygeneral w h- price got second reading for amendments to the juvenile courts act and to the chil dren of unmarried parents act under the latter act a sum reach ing 90000 has accumulated in the hands of the public trustee provision is made that tho officers under the act are to have 5000 on hand for payments under the legislation the rest to be invested the attorney- general also got second reading for adoption act and childrens protec tion act amendments private bills obtaining second read- j for provincial and other highways in proportion to the increase of traffic which is not of a local nature but it will not assume the full financial re sponsibility of provincial highways since this would mean in fairness to all taking over the entire road system of the province and entering upon a new field in which highways would be constructed and maintained by means of direct taxation this was in effect the reply given by the minister of highways to the budget amendment proposed on behalf of tho liberal party by r f- miller haldimand that this house regrets that the gov ernment notwithstanding the increas ed revenue has failed to afford relief to local municipalities by assuming the total cost of construction and maintenance of the provincial high ways mr henrys address was the chief contribution to the budget debate on wednesday afternoon he was follow ed by william newman lib north victoria and a e honeywell con north ottawa the house finally rose at c30 pm william e n- sin- north london rate defaulter af ter lloyd george and winston havo had their bitt3 off my wages there is nothing left for rates canada and czechoslovakia sign treaty to boost business commerce between two countries now on most favored nation basis good buyers totawa a convention of commerceof 1726922 the chief items of im- between canada and czechoslovakia portance being tableware of glass and was signed thursday by hon james china glass and glassware a robb minister of trade and com hope abandoned for ocean fliers merce on behalf of canada and by almost certain hinchliffe and miss mackay have perished new york ny the monoplane endeavor which left england for the united states tuesday is still miss ing and it is generally feared that it has joined the two planes that at- indlgnant lady customer mr grocer you get dearer and dearer every day mr grocer not so tho cony loud maam my wifes very jeal- j tual exchan ous treatment the principal exports from canada interrupter to clergyman address- to czechoslovakia are food products ing openair meeting do you really the chief item being flour it is esti- believe that jonah lived three days mated that in the last fiscal year the and three nights in the belly of the value was about 480000 canada whale clergyman when i get to also sells agricultural machinery rub- heaven ill ask him interrupter j her goods canned fish etc to crccho- and suppose you dont find jonah invakia heaven clergyman then you imports from czecho-slovakia- in can ask him i the fiscal year 1927 had a total value patient doctor what are my chances doctor oh pretty good but dont start reading any serial stories ing included hills from townships of c liberal chieftain moved the ad york and north york town of col lingwood and the church of england trust fund act new legislation included bills re windsoressex and lake shore rapid railway st catharines vwca and ymca monday march 12tii fourteen bills were given second reading 17 passed committee of the highway costs by the government tho whole house and 16 others reached j nin motion was carried on the same that state of advancement third division journment thursday march 15th with all the progressives but threo voting with the government the bud get was carried by n vote of 67 to 16 the only division took place on the amendment by r f miller chief lib eral financial critic favoring the pay ment of 100 per cent of provincial the convention will be submitted to tempted the perilous western passage parliament at the present session in i last summer and were never heard of monsieur frantisek kvetl consul of the meantime the present temporary again really the czechoslovak republic in mon- trade agreement is continued this hope flared fitfully fanned by ro- treat on behalf of czechoslovakia j temporary agreement was put into current rumors and rose high when iontion provides for the mu- j effect on the first january 1927 and persons on the beach in maine report- lange of mostfavored nation was to remain in force for 15 months ed seeing a yellow object and two hut by an exchange of notes in feb- 1 waving figures on an island two miles ruary of this year it was arranged off shore investigation by the coas-t- that it should continue in force until guard established however that no iifjlo new convention could be put into plane had landed on the island n vnn rejiltv the chief item being hour it is estii uo jou reaiiy n n force charles nungesser and francois coli frenchmcnt were the first to try the western passage of the north at lantic which never yet has been cross ed by an airplane they left france in their white bird and have never been found next the princess lowenstcin-wert- heim set forth in the st raphael with two pilots and nothing more was ever heard of them- t on tuesday morning the honorable elsie mackay daughter of an english viscounf and captain walter hinch liffe flew off on their great adventuro in the endeavor and disappeared rumors were so persistent that they raised false hopes in tho breast of mrs hinchliffe in london and twice she cabled john gillespie her hus bands american representative that she had word he had news of the en deavor landing in newfoundland both times gillespie had to cable back denials that he had any good news for her and reassure her as best he could with promises that everything possible would be done to run down every clue brave raging seas in daring cape cod rescue i reading where now only royal assent stands between them and actual law amendment altered the government agreeing to a sug gestion from liberal leader sinclair altered its amendment to the public service act so that a civil servant must be 25 years in the service and at least 60 years of age before being entitled to pension instead of 55 years of nge as stipulated in the original draft of the measure tuesday march 13th tho central featuro was furnished by hydro when hon j r cooko in o twohour address replied to tho at tacks which havo been mndo by the opposition members and reiterated again tho policy of tho government that the water powers of the province belonged to tho people of the province and must he developed on their behalf support of tho ministers address tamo from the front ranks of tho lib eral cohorts when j a pinard lib ottawa east in his first address in tho houso this year declared that the three progressives who threw in their lot with the opposition voting for the amendment were christopher gardiner kent east f g sandy victorai south and w- g medd south huron the other progres sives including the lenlcr j g lcth- bridge and tho one ufo member who was in his seat at the time far quhar oliver south groy voted with tho government wants declaration mr sinclair declared that the leg islature and tho people were waiting for some definite pronouncement from tho government this session on the st lnwronco waterways offering suggestions for future economies mr sinclair declared the civil scrvico commission should bo abolished tho salaries of members of the liquor control board should be reduced nnd n purchasing agent should be appointed for the province looking forward to the year to come the liberal leader could seen only one way in which the estimated surplus of storm takes toll when ship goes aground near plymouth rock the coast guards paid the supreme penalty in their daring efforts to rescue passengers and the crew of tho grounded coaglfwise steamer robert k lee totalling 263 when the ship was driven on the treacherous mary ann reef in massachusetts bay during a 70raile gale one lifesaver was lost at sea and the second died of ex posure ftr their surf boat overturned throwing nine into the water the others were rescued captain wil liam h cimiiiian left and surf man frank grvvold right shown in insvts wero the victims th upper shows the lee aground and lower is one of tho attempts to launch the surf beat into the aigry watora dogs to rescue while searchers scour tun dra huskies bring voyagers home holy cross alaska lost on the windswept wastes of a fiftymile port age between the klskokwlm and yu kon rivors southwest of here two womon wero guided to safety by tho load dog of their team of huskies word of tho safoly of mrs earl for rest and miss b leake the object of searching parties which wore organ ized was brought hero from pimuto lake by an indian known as sergio tho womon he said wore suffering from cold and exposure ns a result ot soveral nights on the shelterless tun dra of the portage the pair left bethel recently on a hazardous drive of more than 100 miles to holy cross soon nftcr cross ing tho klskokwlm river thoy lost tho trail on the unmarked portage aftor wandering helplessly over tho uninhabited and treacherous wastos they ceasod trying to drlvo their toam of nine dogs and left their falo to tho leader ot tho huskies not knowing where they woro being taken for seyr- sights th women faced strong northorly winds nnd low temperatures until tho dog jed tiora into tho little settlement at pimuto lake long friendship ends in map rtogc headline in new york papea i pity it couldnt havo continued v