Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 30, 1926, p. 3

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bank of mon an meeting air yiaeat ittttoitt rmidattt to fumr eft general managers addrees eobditlccu hm to lk i slr jrtorfcck wuiixms taylor ctaml ujur a fccod mr trd condtttocita tba to hu nlw im to puts- rr u4r ti1cw finds much to heart tad j ji dwurttl tht ttcr wcrt vtrj t- kul te 41jcour2 la uwt rary dcpanoacnl ajxa iwki tctd to lcadta durtox tte wt f cobucr artlittj 1 ratr tad semi yeij ma ptrxtjy thcr la little prwpert of o eoxsprtltloo profit art urgr ccamtnc finla tvaoxrj to tht marluc lie added howler practical vffioastraticn to tocreaaed capilai to- lmtax to dtlosaciu of natural reaourcta aad to a kuc catcot expaska of tnanufacturtoc plant ouuuadini la tma rtapoct ia th growth of tfc pu3p and tir toduatrr tn exploitation of min eral drpojin and the narnatof of watrr powera closely aliivd lndourtm uidlfcfloui to canada aad in rwt of wlchi maj be said to stand ua- rlhd survey of conditions the preament proceeded to auncr condition in the latier and footwear industry to textile iron and ateel and pointed out the pojaiollitj of a ilawlcr down to tho building tradoa foiiowlns a wry anlie period tfca notlceablo improttment of hoalneu haa hrought with it a decllno to tmeflplontnt th azcrrxata of canadaa fcrelgn trade tul irandff baring had a value of j12903c00qo in the wren months ending october 51st or 12- 0ooo0q more than to ui corrx5pondtng period ut rear tho character of the trade howcter li chinrfuf lmporta hating increated and exports decreased as a consoquence of which the faror- abla balance has diminished trend upward describing present conditions in canada the president drew the conclusion that tho dominion has emerged from tho shadow of restricted bust new unsatlfcactor earnings and indifferent bal ance sheet j and the trend of busineu ia now dlitlnctlr upward in practically all lines of trada t cannoi sco any- indication that this period of prosperity is toon coming to an end i be hero the underlying conditions ar sound and the fu- turo can bo tiewcd with confidence that american capital coattouea to cow into canada outstanding facts tore ouutlodlag facta regarding caaada ara atreawd to tho report with a clew to informing potential tofeators to great britain who b tha elfar of the empire at heart firstly it la pointed out that less than 30 yean ago tho three prairie- province were uninbabltd to day on tba fertile- plains it a population of two million prosperous peopl with millions of rich and idle ircs awaiting wttlrra in 1900 tho taluo of tho field crops of these protinces is glrra at 32 million dollars now it is ciom to 700 millions secondly although canada la known aa an agricultural country it may not bo nallael abroad that tho gross value of our manufactured products in 1324 the last obtainable figure was lio5- 000000 nearly twico tho agricultural production cr the tamo year thirdly mi a progret has been made in harness ing water power that canada is now the second country per capta in this resptvt to the world when dctelopmems now under way art complete canada will hate to use 4500000 horse power reireentlng a caplul lntrstrcent in jxiwvr plants and transmission lines of ssi million dollars these three facts alone the general manager says siiould bo enough to attract the notice of british engineers promoters imestors manufac turers and intending emigrants sir frederick rvtlered tho rarlous sertlces rendered by the bant to the interests of tho general public and that of canada such as the crop reports during the crop seaton the monthly business analysis and the various pamphlets issued to farmers in canada and in fomgn countries from tamarack blue somehow the valley was uncommonly serene and lovely following the rain the mellow benediction of the sun candleu ght the evening started normally the msht of a 40watt electric lamp came with the correct elant over the read- the beaverponds that held upon their ers left shoulder illuminating with glass the clean clear blue of noon the peb bly brook meandering its twisted silver rope staring brilliancy the black letters on the white page of a magazine then the lights went out firmly and un equivocally went out they refused to through hemlock arches loitering in coaxed back and the evening look- pools ed like a lost thing until the top shelf clearhued as brimming morning- j in tu6 pantry came to mind and on it glories placid a b marked candles save when a trout would put a slow there among bent slumps of fes- round kiss upon the wate ful the rustle of winds among the aspen- trees the frasrance on the air when my sorrel mount the finest in radio rogers batterytjess a fine night in winter this night of sweetlyperfumed air should not have fallen to decembers share this is such sweetness as young april breathes when violet girdled spring her gar- i can make a night of spring a star map all of heaven in my hands with one finger i can turn till i sink orions bands and the lyre begins to burn j tlve leftovers were four that stood these were beautl- vroaitiy perfect albeit of various col- ors soon these wero grouped on the readingtable flanking tho patient left shoulder and revealing the back of the magazine left open face down to keep the place a story bad just been loping upon the trail flung down her star it was the tale of the homely h j heroism of a woman a skippers wife upon the wiutergreen and left it m sa solug around cape horn bruised ln winter and dripping these were very clean under tiie 40watt glare it had seem- anu cool ed unnatural by candlelight one was and i was glad for the wild pluma w the oid wlfe shui u ln tl18 oabn crimsoning i lamps swinging overhead water among the leaves and for the frail ping in steadily and creeping high- blue millers er v on must swim swim swim glinting above them chips of a splin- 0ue comes to clinging to ones chair tered sky i as t ro01 seems to list to starboard thrk mtevmm glad for the blossoming alfalfa fields and the asters bobbing xo electric filament could have so bridged that gulf of time and space and chuckling at the whimsies of the between the skippers wife and tho i reader flickering candles wrought breeze glad for the far jangjangling cattle- m meeting bems so when the reader had closed his that intimated a land of deep wet magazine and candle in hand started to mount the stairs to bed noting the fasciating shadows cast by the banis ters as they caught the light one by one and then receded into darkness he knew that the price of modern il lumination does not appear in fuli on the bills sent in by the electric light companies grass and lazy water a valley of contentment lew sarett in slow smoke read these features a canadian achievement no batteries of any kind no chemicals or charger single dial control volume control oscillation control a c power tubes exclusive super a c power tube genuine walnut cabinet land wreathes when wrilfldwere crowd the borders and inthe sun hyacinth beksr are opening oneby one and tulip buds are red stained at the tips ami pear trees are like full rigged sail ing ships in such a place on such a day stood i and watched fine weather walking in the sky through pearly clouds threaded the azure day and winter seemed a thousand years away here are no flowers and overhead 1 see tho quick stars leaping in a leafless tree not to decembers iron share this night of perfumed air sylvia lynd saved babys life mrs alfred tranchcmontagne st oiichei des salutes que writes babys own tablets are an excellent medicine they saved my babys life and i can highly recommend them to nil mothers mrs trancheman- tagnes experience is that of thousands of other mothers who have tested the worth of babes own tablets the tauletspre a iire anl safe medicine for little ones and never fall to regu late the- boweisand stomach thus re lieving all theiiiinor ills from whlcn children suffer they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts r box from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont o celebrated heirloom perhaps the most celebrated family heirloom is the lee penny which has beer in possession of the lockharts of lee in lanarkshire since the cru sades a silver coin it formed part of the ransom paid for a saracen chief it is supposed to be capable of curing miy ailment for this purpose it was hired in 16g5 by a plaguestricken towu in exchange for securities of 25000 minards liniment for distemper shivering spica white altair and above me i can swing slowly berenices hair winter evening autumn dawn manhas charted i can see how midsummer night moves on tranquilly and terribly light lost in light death lost in death time without end space without bound i whose life is but a breath turn infinity around sara teasdale history tell me what you have loved the land of your desire nothing of where youve traveled shall i enquire what beauty you have quested that i would know would see in that lies fill the substance or history the roads by which you came the life you knew are naught but i must learn the beauty your soul has soughfc- george elliston expensive game do you find pool playing expen sive well something is being taken out stomach trouble due to thin blood it usually disappears when the blood is made rich and red thin blood is one o the most com mon causes of stomach trouble it affects the digestion very quickly the glands that furnish the digestive fluids j are diminished in their activity the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force in this state of health nothing will more quickly restore the appetite digestion of tlle po all the time you play and normal nutrition than good rich it j it red blood i dr williams pink pills act directly- on the blood making it rich and red politeness and this enriched blood strengthens the housekeeper was going out for weak nerves stimulates tired muscles the day she had to leave home he- and awakens to normal activity the fore the grocer and baker paid their glands that supply thedigestive fluids usual morning calls and accordingly this is shown by an improved appetite she hastily scribbled a note and pinned and soon the effect of these blood en- it up on the front door it read as rlchlng pills is evident throughout the follows whole system you find that what you am out dont leave anything eat dees not distress you and that you having done tills she went her way are vigorous instead of irritable and on her return she saw that the front listless if your appetite is fickle if door was ajar whereas she had left you have any of the distressing pains it securely locked and symptoms of indigestion yon going inside she found that the should at once take dr williams pink house had been ransacked and all her pills and profit by the better condition most valued possessions had been in which they will put your blood taken these pills are sold by all dealers in another glance at the note on the medicine or you can get them by mail door revealed that an addition had at 50 cents a box from the dr wil- been made thus we took all we hams medicine co brockville ont could carry thank you qrs no batteries no chemicals wust think of it radio for christ- fc mas without the usual discouragement and inconvenience of a b and c bat teries or chemical chargers its really very much cheaper and convenient in tho long ran for you to decide on a rogers first and have no regrets later on x remarkable batteryless set operates from your light socket at o cost of less than 4c a week it is all complete in one cabinet single dial control and convenient wave length dial see your nearest rogers dealer youll be glad you bought a rogers music co can ltd 690 king street west gykgciab3smaq contest winners one of the most interesting cam paigns ever held in canada to select a nam for a new product has just been completed by sheet metal pro ducts co of canada ltd in toronto this firm invented a splendid new- stovepipe which is extremely easy to put in and has three locks in each sec tion which prevent it bulging and make it very rigid a name was wanted for this product and aeontest was held among cana dian hardware merchants contest ran from april 24th and ended novem ber 30th and the lucky winners of the prize money were 1 c m farrow co g a gardi ner ltd sarnla ont 2 w r finlay travelling sales man for northern canada supply co cobalt ont 3 laz l brlssette co j 6 pa quettes hardware 790 st catharine st b montreal que 4 walter klinck hardware mer chant elnijra ont and the name selected was self made pipe which also embodies the principal letters smp used by this big firm classified advertisements gramophone v ictrola style full cab inet plays all records 48 selec tions- automatic value 9500 for s3500 guaranteed poisson 340 mount royal east montreal sld chinese eczema remedy for oteriul ult only for cenluflej lure rtliwf tor eimdh itcb ftmplct ulcerated left ind nr ikla dumie no matur bow ion r bow bad oit it l trial genrroui jar 210 poitpald geo y lee po box 1422 victoria bc snowshoe trails in northern woods skim milk the blast of a small horn followed by a shrill latte scremato awakens i the sleep rs and sends them scurrying down the stone stairs for skim inilk for in this sunny winter resort on the italian riviera there are thousands of visitors and prices are high so tho ordinary residents must use skim milk if i k until the summer conies again changed tones husband impatiently is ft pos sible my dear that you cannot keep those children quiet for a moment wife soothingly now john dont be harsh with the poor httla innocent things it is natural for them to be full of spirit and theyre doing the best they can husband well if i could have a moments peace 1 would sit down and write that cheque youve been bother ing for wife sternly children go up stairs at once and if i hear another word from you tonight ill punish you severely gis btiioiikiicss heartburn dyspepsia and wmiiiar illg will not trouble you if you takes scigels syrup any drug store i five years on one meal fish which will live contentedly on one meal every five years are some times found in subterranean caverns in their natural state they are pale in color but turn black if kept in tho light explains the simple methods of treatment in your home for the re lief of pain aud the restoration of health by violet ray with the bra ns ion voilet ray generator any home equipped with electric lighting may have the hranston generator ready and handy at all times for immediate use and relief drop us a post card send mc a copy of your booklet free and tign yow name and address chas a branston limited uanefaftiirrri electro medical apaaratd 126 wellington street west toronto 2 indicative mood teacher explaining the tenses my father had a car that would be the past tense now betty diane bcc trails a new outofdoors feature which i- will take the visitor out into the forestsjrf north- cm ontario and quebec under the juidance of experi enced woodsmen and trappers will be operated this winter by several outfitters in the northern sections of these two provinces it is announced by the tourist department of the canadian national railways these have been arranged to meet the demand for facilities the forests in winter time present am uttnctive appearance photojrrapha aiioir upper left trplcal inter seene after snow fall lower one of the intellienl hosier dots of the northland upper rlfht lonrh lime in the boah lsser do- team on th trail for spending a winter outing in the woods and the men who will operate them are outfitters who haw had vide experience in caring- for hunting and fishing parties travel will be over trap lines on wellbeaten trails by dog team and snowshoes and the visitor will lie able to make woods trips of from 50 to 200 miles under conditions which will provide for the com fort and convenience of the inexperienced woodsman vfansfbr tioms last word in builders aid practical rtio iw gardening profusely illustrated uptodal suggestions on planning building furnishing decorating and ning profusely illustrated ores of actual douarsaving sug gestions send 23 cents for current issue maclean bnhdera guide 311 adelaide si i tcronlo ont it was weeks before the writer dis- j it yoll sa fatil6r hil8 a car what covered where the milk came from i would that be she had never seen a cow about buti betty pretense there was always plenty of milk fori sale at the lallerie then one day j the plain country feiow ig on6 th t on the hills she saw a woman washing manurcs m grm w but tolz vf 0luy a m2 nd untilledrohn the bhini milk woman tracing back- 1 e ward she came to a cowshed a closad j room on the ground floor of the hous j containing a line alderaey a calf and same rabbits there are seven hills i all dotted with farms round the town and every farm keeps its hidden cows j so the source of the inilk supply was no longer a mystery j the italian peasants are wonder fully industrious and the women work side by side with the men in the flehls as well as keep house hake tho bread and tend the children it is part of their work to look ufter le hestfe and as thels includes cutting every mouthful of fodder with asuiall sickle they must toil up the hillsides glean from along the muletracks and on the terraces under the olive trees in or der to provide sufficient for them sometimes the load which almost con ceals the head of the bearer is a frag rant bundle of wild thyme sage and rosemary to bo used as bedding for the animals among the neighbors the skim milk vendor is welltodo for does not her husband guard sheep on the hillside aided by a friendly woolly dog and a daughter who leads the flock while the mother 6ells milk in the town she keeps her savings in a stocking va bene signora for did not one of the bank fall in the long ago no harm in a hum j car owners might do well to endure a slight humming for a few days after new timing gears have been put in the cor it means the gears will flt bet ter after they have worn in the motor owner who demands quietness in this part of the car frequently makes his appeal so strong that a smaller camshaft gear is installed to humor him when tho gears begin to wear they make more notee than ever if you have a good opinion of youi- self keep it to yourself keep mlnarde liniment in the house frost bites minards- takes tho sting out of them v quickens circulation aud prevents complications irtceqsei i i8sub no 62 26

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