Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 9, 1926, p. 6

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use the best gmeeni tea finer than any japan or ckina green a the radio detective by arthu b b reeve chapter xxix chapter xxviii contd do you feel better dickt ken the radiopiane bene over him and pulled a great coat easton evans was at work over a closer about him peculiarly marked switchboard ken- yes- geoi but i was grad it wasnedy was guiding the sea scout as you fellows coming along not the she rose from tho water again shak- others he nodded toward the do- ing off the salt spray like a huge sea parting scooter he seemed to have- bird preparing to rise and swoop down in horror of- them after the treatment on some luscious fish that it might see they had given him i was afraid t swimming near tho surface uniform everlasting power operates from your lamp socket will you use here are ail sorts of stations come stop up and choose 1397 school smartness for the young girl the frock illustrated gives you an idea how smart a school frock can be when made from flannel with just the right touch of contrasting color used for collar cuffs and bolt there write your own ticket writ your own octet young follow they were going to get ma back after ken pick and myself huddled there wrue your ou uv an whftt thc w have donojm our narrow spaco with laddie in and state tome the stern coane1 forward eagerly your name and address your dirtn boy claimed ken dick watching every move of easton and end the date wont your mother be glad when she kennedy how far would you travel what sights sees you a what is it asked ken would you see j i wont i be glad to see her how i did not expect evans to answer what is it youre anxious to do and to is s and vira dick was fast j but it seemed to relievo his tension jj recovering but his teeth chattered be- to use his lips as he worked feverishly r ifr ada are all onon wlilch oue tween stila blue lips i knew youd testing out a connection here making help me ken old scout but 1 j it more certain there never expected youd come down out this is one of tho newest of of the sky to do it say im aciences terutomatic3 ho muttered hungry above the wind rush it was then that i knew dick was tel automatics the syllable write your own ticket state plains a rigilt- whan a boy begins to think 0 the word came back from ken your dream of his stomach ho is not badly off i self moving at a distance eas- w1u you drift with the current or pad- had known dick and ken to make ton was nodding i sit here safely de up stream cruises up and down the sound and turning switches pressing buttons fair name or shady good habits or como back with not n word to tell miles away perhaps an automobile j save of the food here and the eats a boat a submarine a torpedo an o oli tir th thnvro hore there and tho swordfish they regaled i airplane obeys me as if i were in it step up and pick them tne ro uora themselves on at block island ken turned to dick it was an to be had down laddie stop rocking the idea that fascinated them thev had where would you be when youre fifty v ad ken to the dog yesi about such things oh dick lets say dick wait till i get you home hot wireless control tell us that now and got btarted to- cakes and maple syrup even if its rotj thats it easton was pleased to day winter and mo across the tabje count- have a mind as quick of kens to grasp ing how many you eat old scout things it was why he had wanted control apparatus a little teoltale sukan crew and disarm ihem such write your own ticket theres none it was an alluring picture and ijhim as patrol leader he pointed over- light as it was called gleamed over- a colection of gats and knives i had to deny think it did something that only real head to the affair that we were carry- head he swung another switch an- never seen s was mid out there on your right to whatever youre willing food might have been expected to do ins which had interested ken vastly other signal changed thatwas test- your rignt to wnatever you re u to t them norma dick from the very moment when we rose mg it out the first had been as it radio without batteries i the rogers operates direct from any tight socket on alternating cur- rout no batteries chemicals wires or attachments you just iub in then tune in it costs about 4c a week to operate dally anu you got uniform everlasting power from the day you plug in for ever more many ot the mo3t prominent and particular radio patrons througnoui canada are proud owners of rogers sets an interosung bookiet evidence will be sent yoti free upon request any rogers neaier will install a set on the easy payment plan write for free illustrated booklet no chemicals no aerial s qrs music co canada ltd 590 king st west toronto ont saaaaggabga to try whore are you going to what is your put was better for the mere conversation i about eating p i easton and craig had been dividing would you be known as a fool or a their attention between the boy and man ithe scooter which seemed to have lite sttll has much for its stout hearts sevenleague boots on so fast was she to do putting the trackless ocean between which task will you tackle its all us and her up to you edgar a guest over the quiet waters of the harbor were a signal to get ready atrockledge i gq thats the real active end of it easton put in words the second im- up there the radioplane j pulse the little propeller of the though the conversation was be- i radioplane spun tween the boys and easton i was as he pressed a third switch tho deeply interested in it as they their radioplane toolc off from its nest over- questions were much the same ques- head not like a bird as the sea tions that i would have asked i had scout the mother ship to it did for the last few moments and now and been very much intrigued by tho sec- when she started it was like a bolt they had left dick to ken and me again easton had been adjusting and testing out something in his fuselage dick was feeling better every min ute now he raised his head and look- resignation trouble is part of the common lot tho sacred writer averred that man ed about it showed his resiliency that was born to it as inevitably as the he shoum have thought of anything sparks fly upward nevertheless i except his own recovery hold- that it is a big mistake to regard oh uncle craig easton dont iit nrolet them get away he cried lief as a troublous sea with which we nw les were turned once he had been ready to undergo any ret activity of craig and easton that from the blue summer out at rockledge and while ic was a long torpedolike thing of i had not been taken into their conn- aluminum with wings and pontoons donee i knew by their very secrecy just like the big plane in which we that something big was afoot so this were only in miniature was it and it was going to bo put to- it was flying like a hornet only wo the test now could not hear it buzz above the noise there flashed through my mind as l which we ourseljes were making listened to these boys for easton was i easton pressed another lever still not much more than a bov j the radioplane changed its course what a difference there was in this easton was leaning forward him- the deck them craig ordered alt hands forward while we stayed aft on guard over the miniature arsenal we had relieved them of hastily now craig ran over the sul len faces of the men it did not sat isfy him there was one missing easton and i had them covered and even ken and dick joined in doing so to bo concluded worlds cleverest thieves human nature presents few more interesting studies than the criminal tribes of india says a writer in tho wide world magazine they number about a million aud live entrlely by or ganized crime boamins the length and breadth ol the country they prey upon native and british society alike with a clover- aro doomed to battle without cessa tion there is much resplto in life many i v is havens under the hill in which one slowly returning strength to get back that had engaged boys for gene ations young hand i most ingenious ad resourceful rogues can find peaco and rest i to it boys stii were bovs and interested in 1 can sit here and send my little i the wor so much so that all the ot all these sure havens the surest why if they get away ve have them but there had been an expan- david anywhere to strike down forces of law and order are incapable peril to get away from the scooter j generation and the past in my day self spoilbound it w as if hewere j t w nevertheless the now he was ready to push even his had been much interested in things jove hurling the thunderbolts from his uneducated they are neert i i- i w- tn t- uul- i i r i i imost ingenious at js an inverted plait at each side of l th most calnl and rtful is the failed he cried the skirt front and the back is plain j u of reajgnaltlon that word does the narrow belt fastens with a button not mean rt each plait while the long sleeves down it means rather faclg things capture of the criminals nre gathered to cuff bands no 1397 3eren6 standing spuarely upon two j is in sizes 6 8 10 12 and 14 years fert many styles of smart apparel may depnods almost wholly upon the man- be found in our fashion book our ne ln wu ita met the spirit in designers originate their patterns in ch it is ondured tho courage with sion of life to them life was so full goliath wui r couid not hein sm the boy a number of things now that fas- we were moving as kennedy di- tf rvi liz iz had t in hm to v thc maln w icinated boys hcr was this very reeled us in unison with the scooter just talt tad been dick to him it was the ra with which our present adven- following it up tho scooter was ture was concerned it was a toy for trying to escape us now it had some- the boy as well as the most recent of thing else to escape something un- sciences and what a toy surely escapable again the scooter zig- the present generation the kens and ragged its course dicks and eastons was a wonderful j easton pulled a iever a light flash- generation the most wonderful that ed back showing that the impulse had ever lived provided we the ken- been given and received and obeyed j yes urged ken weve got to land that radio gang size 8 requires 1 yards 39inch ma- trouble may bo inevitable but its- 1 there was tho scooter far out terial and yard contrasting 20c effect upon nerve and heart and will to sea it was plunging ahead at a great rate how were we to stop it how get it the scooter was de- of eurbing their activities the crims as they are called con sist of different sects or castes who form themselves into tribes villages or clans each sect pursuing its own type of crime there i3 a sect for in stance which is addicted solely to housebreaking another whose mem bers are coiners and neither would over dream of encroaching upon tho the heart of the style centres and their creations are those of tested which itj faced trouble may weaken but it may fiant to the last and these boyslnedys the adamses the gerards the instantaneously the radioplane province of another tribe or clan amused me what did they think we j jamesons measured up to our mark changed its course correspondingly whoso special forto might be picking were going to do if we got to it 1 and made them so we had just seen i send a boy the radio impulse to pockets popularity brought within the means also slreilgthen tho 8lutd oak of ssthsbiteteifsds of the average woman pnco of thej a lts ne usually the one ox- kot lest thc bear ti in on him book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your name and address plaiu- jy giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number sad addrcs3 your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 78 west ada- ltido st toronto patterns sent by- return matt- misleading muriel muriel mudspjasher was a posed tho most to the storm that on the scon- there was every ls the thought longfellow expresses preparation going on for a fight for when ho saye o fear not ln a world- like this and thou shalt know ere long know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and bo strong might it not be like the man who had an example of the other side tho do a mans work tho work done by hawkinses and hank we were goin tho motor power released by the boy to see other products of those on tho easton laughed joyously at the thing wrong road there was no use blam- as he played with the telautomatic ing tho young folks for things that torpedo were wrong no use blaming society j on it flew relentlessly on nearer or modern conditions when it was right at tho scooter strictly up to us the older generation the skipper on the scooter was we could not pass thcjuck terrorstricken he knew what he was this was no time for moralizing p against impotenfy in rage he ken and dick snw to that with their pulled a gun fired twice three time rapid firo of questions questions that at the thing on it came they knew that we weie not going to let them get away without putting up some kind of scrap one would have thought it was a floating arsenal to see the guns and automatics that this villainous crew were bringing forth tion to suffer even murderous locking knives that is true resignation to suffer even murderous lojkmg knives ana t and be strong it is fighting patience blackjacks if it came to a tussle even taxed easton to answer it is calm determination which cannot closehanded and we attempte- to it may carry enough tnt for in- be baffled to win joy and inspiration 0 theyww determined to stance this radioplane v was say- nnd hopa froni life dlsplte its many i so1 i d 8l to blow an to kingdom ana nopa irom iuo uibpue us many su had snatched away from yet it obeys mv wii coes discouragements and dlsilluslonments them th prizci mt6 dick wardlxs i direct itslczi onvy when hri imr tho other day she received a i when uie hero of bunyan s allegory wit whoso very life they had expect- 1 1 explode it wipes off the face of the li of mnrrlam from a man i was ung down by apollyon and his ed to negotiate with us for safety and anything i want annihilated proposal ot marrlno rrom man sword foil from his hand he did not the loot of their robberies j the boys were as fascinated as i queer vhom she hail always regarded as a brother rattier than a lover m muriel he bepin you know i j have always turned to you that i have always thought of you may i that h would you- ei- oh hang it muriel will you be my- wife good gracious exclaimed muriel what a- start you gave mo george at first i thought yon were trying to borrow some money i was waiting momentarily for tho explosion tho skipper waved gave orders hbs surrendering cried ken easton touched another lever just in time i the radioplane circled thc scoot er deflected and started back to us on the hydroaeroplane easton pnll- ing levers controlled the coming hnckj could bolli eov man though prostrate was not beat- kept control of them- he was resource- that was going to give a new twist to j of tl10 radiopane as kennedy taxied en though down was not out f never nn emergency which would tho next war revolutionize life nearer and nearer the scooter he stretched out ills hand clutched th sodden brains hut kennedy was flying tho sea scout having given- orders to surrender i fall- ho had a plan and a clever oner- low now mid sowmg up a bit for it the skipper muffled turned and went j give up the field thought ho had tho the muffled skipper was issuing was as easton said that hore was but the orders and it was easy to see how ho i a modern miraclo of scienco a thing the members of one trlbo devoto their time exclusively to jowel robber ies in railway trains carrying out their thefts with almost inhuman stealth and dexterity again many of the sects will on no account commit viol ence others on tho contra ry do iiot hesitate to murder some rob only at night others only during tho day these eccentricities of conduct are so strictly observed that they have as sumed the nature of rites and are ad hered to most religiously thouahtlessof him jirs whats this thing dear nowwed its a pawn ticket lioncy mrs newwed why didnt yon get his sword again and crying getic means of meeting tho crisis now seemed that ho had covered the intor- but i riso again sprang to his feet they wc 0deying him with an a veiling space between us and the and put the fiend to flight r that almost amounted to worship 1 scooter in a matter of seconds wo all have to bo up and doing here kennedy easton was key- come down to tho water easton j with a heart for any fate if we would ed up iikeathoroughbrcd nervous directed jwlu through life resignation then j hunter toko these controls ill kennedy depressed the sea scout the real damage tho policeman after the cxamlna- tlou of the victim ot motor accident is not the whining cry ot tho weakling j take the radioplane jwo taxied along thc scooter the folded hands of the conquered oni thats the stuff easton all right changed her course zigzaggimr as if resignation defies all i turn tho sea scout over to me to motorstthis is goln to bo serl- j slln and a f oul double f of controls our for you youve broken his arm fortune by refuoiugto be slain by out his head sprained his nnkle hem it w tho spirit that smiles even j tsfu jiu the face ot death and says ba ctj the motorist yes thats all vcr cv wll heros ilto theres woll lthave you seen jrh hes done rm to niy cur 1 rrom ihe tree of despair aid finds lowers or hope growing on the -mar- gin of- lifes rcigheitroals it be- j lioves in the happy endings ot tho mesi sombre volume of expsrlejco kennedy seized tho other of the ible set of controls now go to it and get them that might make it more difficult little did they realize what was in store for them easton swung a switch of his rndio- strenuous what makes you so tired i dreamed all night that l wa waiting in lino to get tickets for a football game iminards liniment forsore back below easton managed to regain the radio- plane nnd roplaco it where it could be sent off immediately again kennedy brought up close to the scooter ho called for a rope and a sailor covered by craigs gun pass- ad ore to us dees then with guns drawn we swarm- mud ed ubcard craig first then myself j no but i often get stuck in a gar- easton nnd the boys i ilgei the first thing was to lino tip this worse your car oier stick in thfl not so serlout youifgmnab waswonlcsl im fesrfive made an nwfri mis take he confided to mpherson ive got engaged tuo it ln3 in auchter- michtyittn no 1 hoarih3s a terrible flirt an has beoii kstd by every man in the toou ah weol said mphersou comfort ingly auohtormuchtys no soe vorra big a place after a money wanted 12 paid or amount from 100 to 99000 beit of bmurky tot fall information addres mmoontlfmm bond corporation 331 day strast toronto a eikrolriov treated contldeoually sense of value thu icachor had boen telxng uin children nlxut the various human faculties for hearing seeing etc and how they frequently testified err ronoously having finished she asked the class now what are the flve senses for j little marilyn aged- alx replied i to buy th lceoream cone with long trip by motor intending to make the whole of the s000 mhos- journey by motor car mr liwrcree braber has sot off from man- cluster to calcutta issue no 49 26 i mifiards liniment for colds not before salesman this is the type of waslong machine that pays for itself sir piospotvei as oon as it haji j doho lhat you caiihavo it delivered i lit my limisb mmm scenu or ontaftios only gold fish hatchery somewboro tn slmcoo county i ib i spct which compris 19 ponjs for the broodies a cl cuctureot gow fish last year about l5000c9fl3h rxlucci ct tha p5ace i 1000 other prizes if yw eia jtue lm oaai ni will imi 74 ffalcn rfcki ft 0c tli i tn enc cl th abov j irlz i will ymtf thtit 1 li rr eaty ii to i ictt nik santa with tn x and vni it u at h 4 zr i it trrct v 1h kkd yau tht pertont i iv ii rit y selfast specialty co jdsk u watcrford oat

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