stouffville december 2nd 192g j the home town store special advertising offer of p gv soaps and criscoe see our window display of these offers extra quality white enamel dish pan and 8 bars p g soap 1 pkg large chipso 2 cakes guest ivory 1 cake ivory soap 6 oz regular value 248 all for sl49 one wearever aluminum french fryer with new drain- mg feature and a recipe book with 3lbs criscoe 285 value for only 175 only a very limited number to be had quick quaker rolled oats with china per pkg 35c choice greening apples in bushel baskets 185 see next weeks christmas list ratcliff co we deliver phone 7112 seasonable goods at your service everything that belongs to a shoe store leather boots rubbers heavy and light lumbermans sox in mens and boys felt boots all felt and leather foxed for men and women mens womens srirls and boys fine hosiery in mitts and gloves we have the best assortment in town for men women boys and girls come in and see for yourself no touble to show goods the above lines are at live and let live prices repairing as usual a g lehman stouffviiie the v peoples shoe store good coal is vooro warmest fraen j on whom wma coal the coal we sell produces a friendly heat that will add a note of cheer to your home our fullweight ton will add a note of satisfaction to your sence of saving s w hastings proprietor telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 v more money for the farmer can be had this winter by -v- keeping more dairy cows your cream will always fend a ready market and best results at the stouffviiie creamery co we close at 6 pm daily excepting saturday nights the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year inadvaact 250 to the united states a v xolau publisher 8touffville ont editorial comment although most of their business is done in toronto gunns limited moved their head office to harrlston and thus escaped income tax on an assessment of 100000 at court of revision toronto attempted to have the income tax stand but the judge ruled that the company had legally removed to harriston by a will made on sept 24th last robert alex andrews hotel keeper of markham who died on oct 11th left an estate valued at 35 793com- posed of 47404 lent on mortgages 3241 in bank personal effects valued at 1350 and the franklin house property valued at 4000 the widow is bequeathed a life in terest in the whole property on whose- death it is to be divided equally between his two children ross and alma w m cobalts tax rate this year is 81 mills for public school supporters and 7 for separate school support ers in south porcupine the rate is 77 mills the porcupine advance says the people are not making any fuss about the rate they re- alize that if a town is to be made uptodate and convenient the imj provements will cost money and tax es will behigh rates hereabouts may seem high but we may be thankful we do not have to pay 77 mills in nearly every urban municipal- ily ratepayers are finding the tax problem a burdensome one in some instances where tiic municipalities foolishly guaranteed debentures of now defunct factories the taxpayers are paying through their pockets for theirs folly in some instances municipalities to keepmlown the rate of taxation boost the assessment while this doesnt ease the stran on the purse it fools intending pur chasers of property whose first in quiry before buying in a town or village is the rate of taxation very few inquire about the assessment when a municipality has 45 mills or thereabouts on a fairlyhigh as sessment it means that those who own properties are paying a fair rent in taxes it should be the aim of municipal men to steadily lower the rate of taxation to about 30 mills and enjoy the privileges that stouffviiie ratepayers have y this she walked through the ground with a word to president klinck her majesty stopped and while she balanced herself by placing her hand on his arm be stooped and removed first one and then the other of the queens shoes to empty the dirt and sand that had found their way in side whitchurch tp council the regular meetiug of whitchurch township council was held at the tbirn3hip hall vandorf saturday nov 27th members allpresent reeve mor gan baker in the chair minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed communications were presented from mrs m spenee regarding removal of water fron ditch in from of her property at wilcox lake h wilder soliciting financial relief for george ellis now suffering from a malignant disease mrs alice case regarding dog tax resolutions were passed authorising the iteere to have george ellis of vivian placed in the hospital for treatment instructing the treasurer to accept the sum of 600 from hwlddlfield toad supt being amount of excess error in account of c connor dlv one a number of bills and road ac counts were presented the following bills were ordered paid h pogg valuing sheep 200 w botham dragging road 310 j walker cutting weeds 4 so e madill repairing culvert 430 g w baker rep culvert etc 1000 g l bingham grading etc 1020 e n penrose cutting weeds 492 w coppin dragging roads 1710 a heise dragging roads 630 i l stouffer hauling culv c40 w h chapman placing culv 2250 ii widdifield 22 days 13200 council adjourned to meet again according to statute on dec 15th t 10 oclock am or general busi ness bloomington mr tt a fockler has had a new radio installed mr pearson of durham was a guest of mr r burnett miss kennedy of buffalo was visit ing her grandmother mrs kennedy mr and mrs bert yakes and fain lly of aurora spent a couple of days with bis sister mrs law mr and mrs ecrl anthouy of toronto spent sunday at mr m smiths a number from here attended the weiner roast at mr talbots sirs watson fairies spent a few days with friends in toronto the annual meeting and election of officers of the happy helpers class was held at the home of their teacher mrs e a storry on satur day afternoon births kirk in stouffviiie on nov 28th 1926 to mr and mrs harry kirk a daughter v altona on wednesday dec 8th regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held at the home of mrs j and h slack after com munity singing prayer and the usual business of the meeting the following program will be given paper the night before christ mas by mrs j meyer music by mrs dunkeld and mrs melton reading mrs e lehman report convention this is candy day and there will be the annual exchange of christmas gifts you are wel come president klinck in sir walters class keep warm overcoajs neckscarfs heavy rubbers for fall wear in new stock just in see our assortment the prices will please you jl little next bank nova scotia stouffville phone 177 ontario when queen marie of roumania was on her recent tour of canada she was royally entertained wherever the special train went and no less a reception was given at the pacific coast than anywhere in canada during che stop of the queen there she visited the british columbia university where she was escorted about by l s klinck president of the university and son of mr and mrs thos klinck of stouffviiie the daily province published at vancouver describes the visit as follows as the six cars bearing the rou mania and canadian flags and pre ceded by two motorcycle policemen whirled their way out granvillealong fourth and tenth avenues and into the university grounds pedestraias and motorists observed that it was a queen who passed cheers of young and old were re turned by the smiling sovereign as she glanced out of the rain spattered windows it was not a drive that did justice- to the famed beauty of van couvers scenery but it was thor oughly enjoyed by the queen and her party briving through the university grounds the party met president l 8 klinck and hie royal car stopped while tie quen spoke to him a stop is made later at the adm4nis- tratlon building president klinris entered the ear the party deriving to the botanical gardens which tho queen was anxious tp see here a group of students had ga thered and under the guidance ot a cheer lender gave their yells with rim and vigour the queen waved to the gathering remarking on the one appearance of the students j it was just here that an incident occurred that placed president klinck in a class with sir walter raleigh who among other things gained fame for his gallant estr of lflylng his cloak in the muil that a queen might remain dryfooted the ground that had to ba traver sed to reach the gardons is a mix ture ot sand and clay most unpleas ant walking especially on a rainy day t queens feet were clad in brtcaded silver pumps but despite kktuiixkd soloikk hea1kd of xervols trouble his luiikhtcr healed of leaking valves or hvvut after years of suffering you are specially invited to service in mission hall stouffviiie sunday december 51 h at 3 pm first door east of fire hall mr kknight and his daughter who will tell story of his life ot sin his salvation and the healing of him self and invalid daughter speaker rev o e crockford of toronto some hindrances to people receiving and enjoy ing some blessings as enjoyed by people in bible clays will be discussed and removed by teaching of scriptures others healed will be present and testify one young man whom lord healed after he was scalded by boiling taffy will tell his experience speaker will be glad to answer any questions and explain any difficulties any may have regarding truth of healing this is not christian science if you cannot attend meeting write cedarvale gospel tabernacle cedarvale ave toronto and tracts and papers telling of gods healing power will be gladly sent free shaws gift specials for christmas linen dept a great variety of irish linen guest and bedroom towels white and colored borders bath towel sets in pink blue mauve and gold cluney centerpieces beautifully hand em- broidered luncheon sets real irish linen colored bor- ders and all white hand embroidered we have a large range of ladies scarfs in ail shades at exceptionally low prices pure siik rose bitex in all the new pall shades mens ties in all the newest designs and shades at very popular prices a large range of mens 4 neckscarfs plain silk wool cashmere in scotch and swiss material mens ahwool sweaters in red white heather camel navy and brown our china department is complete mens overcoats in a big range of colors and prices see our grand display of ladies and mens linen handkerchiefs in all styles colors and prices just twenty more shoping days until christmas shop early to avoid the christmas rush and whiffihthe assortment is new store opens tuesday thursday and saturday evenings