women of middle age need rich red blood to main tain good health after passing the age of forty every woman has reason to grow anxious about her health this time of trial with its attacks of falntness and fits of depression its often violent head aches and back pains is rightly dread ed by women but if reasonable steps are taken to safeguard the health no serious illeffects will arise at this taming point in life dr williams pink pills have given a helping hand to thousands of suffering women who were fighting a hopeless battle against poor health and waning strength hollands color thj glory of holland is its color everything seems to be painted up house doors barges window sllli bricks th best laid in the world all but the blue eyes and flaxen hair- of the girls and children so as finally to give a mingled impression of raiaty and repose such as no other country i know seems even to try and yield for many passing years this national genius for color centred in the art of painting and the tradition is by no means dead today we have cany fine dutch pictures in this country but it is necessary to go to holland in or der to see how the most exquisite things in their art flow from the daily life of the people and are the expres sion of the ordered ueatness of their lives it is material and overprecise maybe he found that he could paint anything from the human face i to a sheet of paper or a pbt of basil wing earth looked lifeless that was when only microscopic organisms existed the very best help for any- woman j 1 color it so divinely as to make of middle age is the health help given mens handiwork eeem almost as good by dr williams pink pills these i f natures nothing was common to pills reinforce the blood supply en- s artists a mans house rlcbing and purifying it in doing this might be his church and its anteroom they nourish the starved and over- setter like a jewelled altar nor was taxed nerves and give new strength spirituality wanting x an art which and vitality to the whole system byj a iio this natural process dr williams pink j pills completely dispel all pains and weakness and a better happier condi tion of health and spirits arises every woman of middle age should take advantage now of the wonderful healthhelp of dr williams pink pills they are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by the dr williams medicine co brockville ont hell land on top no matter how little hes getting no matter how little hes got it he wears a grin and trying to win he is doing a mighty lot no matter how humble his job is if he6 striving to reach the crest the world has a prize for the fellow who tries the man who is doing bis best today he may be at the bottom of the ladder to wealth and fame on the lowest rung where hes bravely clung in spite of tho knocks deadgame but slowly hes gaining a foothold his eyes on the uppermost round its a hard climb but he know in time he will land and be looking down the fellow yho never surrenders and is taking things as they come who never says quit and exhibits grit when the whole worlds looking glum tho fellow who stays to the finish that nothing can hinder or stop and who works like sin is the chap wholl win and some day hell land on top view of it seems the most christian in the world there is no more religious picture than nicolas maess endless prayer and the por traits of terburg and vermeer come little behind it in the power to glorify the simple life and ennoble the refined one dutch painting is no cele bration of poverty and dirt as so much or ours is maess praying peasant is none the worse because she is asking a blessing over a salmon cutlet or holland because its broadland is a neat and peopled countryside while ours is a lonely and halfcultured marsh or morland a greater artist than jan steen because the english man is a gloomy painter and tho dutch a merry one h w massingham j the nation london gholfatnfantum driftwood each stick and spar and battered keel that comes to rest upon tho shore holds prisoned ghosts of other days and chimes from far off seas and scenes of war and death from barque and brigantlne and tro pic isle they bear strange memories of youth and life and love and gallant deeds those restless ghosts within their bleached and saltencrust ed walls await the torch to set tbem free to rise in iridescent flame and join the storied romance of the sea herbert greer french theitfrst istepto success elliott school and employ ment departments have started thousands on the road to success ton too may succeed take your first step by writing dopt s for a copy of our catalogue today elliott yonge and alexander sts toronto tho upper sketch shows the eightarmed cattlefish or octopus the lower sketch shows the tenarmed cuttlefish or squid capturing a fish the cuttlefish are molluscs and represent the greatest development of the back- boneless forms of life music as medicine a medical journal has recently an nounced the results of some experi ments made to ascertain the relation of music and medicine j one curious piece of news obtained is that if a lively air is played on a harp or mandolin a mans tired mus cles regain their original vigor the music- of a vlolincello on the other hand has a precisely opposite effect in temporarily lessening the usual strength and vitality of the hearer in nervous and impressionable peo ple sad music in a minor key such as chopins funeral march actually weakens the pulse and makes the beat ing of the heart feebler and more irre gular a doctor stated not long ago that almost every mental trouble could be cured by suitable selections of classi cal music regularly administered jealousy grief overwork homicidal mania nervous breakdown all had their corresponding air cholera infantum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood it is a trouble that comes on suddenly especially dur ing the summer months and unless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond aid babys own tablets are an ideal medicine in ward ing off this trouble they regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent the dreaded summer com plaints they are an absolute safe medicine being guaranteed to contain neitheropiates nor narcotlcsor other harmful drugs they cannot possibly do harm they always do good the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brock ville ont the first vaccinators although vaccination is indlssoltibly linked with the name of jenher there is ample evidence that it was prac ticed by farmers and others in the rural districts of england long 1 efore his day it was common knowledge amongst these people that an attack of cowpox immunized the sufferer against traall- pox and h was quite usual for farm workers to infect themselves and their children with the former complaint to protect them against the latter indeed twentytwo years before dr jenner made his first vassination a farmer named benjamin jesty of downshay england openly advocated the practice but not being a medical man ho was laughed at for his pains plane types reduced standard types of army aircraft have been reduced from 15 to 5 the british museum contains books inscribed on oyster shells bricks tkes bones ivory lead iron copper sheepskin wood and palm leaves secrets of science by david dletz lhe first great step in the evolution of life upon the earth was the origin of life the second great step wasthe divi sion of the first microscopic globules of living matter into the two classes plant and animals but both the first plants apd the first animals were onecelled organ isms the third great- step was the de velopment of manycelled animals and plants an organism which we find on tho earth today gives us a clew to how this happened and lead us to believe that there was a halfway step between onecelled and manycelled organisms in canals and streams we find a microscopic organism which has been named the volvox it looks like a little green ball in reality it is a colony of onecelled animals all living together all the microscopic cells forming volvox are alike but there are other colonies of or ganisms which show different kinds of cells here we have a division of labor as it were this probably marks the beginning of the many- celled animals and plants today we find microscopic many- celled animals and plants therefore of we may assume that for millions years all life was microcopic the earth was teeming with life but it looked lifeless gradually as time went on organ ism increased in size gradually more complex forms ot life evolved all of them however ffih i l0 may hn were backboneless animals tetanus lockjaw is something wo have all feared since the days when as small children we were warned to tell moth er every timewe ran a rusty nail into our foot and the fright the whole family got if any one cut bis hand be tween the thumb and first finger wo are still anxious when a little foot has a rusty nail run into it why because we are afraid of what may happen meaning poisoning of the whole system and perhaps death we have particular reason to fear any wound which has touched any culti vated soil or road dust the chief rea son for our fear is that the spore of tetanus or the germ causing lockjaw might have entered with the soil or dust in which manure was present at some time this is true too of any injuries from fireworks firearms etc when therefore any one in your family is suffering from a wound into which there is the slightest chance frank a man who wanted to reprove a boy for remaining at the table too long said now you see that when i have fin ished eating i always leave the table yes sir said the boy adding un der his breath and thatis about all you do leave ono of those writers who forever use the phrase as clean as a whistle ought to see a smal boy pull one out of a sticky pocket eeal economy is not saving money kb al real economy is spending money wisely wardaw milne mp entered take no chancesask the i doctor to use tetanus antitoxin which is a sure preventive tetanus anti toxin is supplied freo for use of per- they included sponges jellyfish and round and flat worms all of these are very inactive forms of life sponges are entirely fixed l hv 1 province jby the de- growing on one spot just as plants do j pment of health of onta jellyfish are only feeble swimmers i at the mercy of tidesami currents keep mina lini handy the sea worms are only feeble crawlers i wise egg layers only one form of backboneless ani- j little reggie having had an egg put mal has developed any great power of before him for breakfast said mam- locomotion in ail the millions of years ma where did you get this egg- from the time of their first appearance from grandmas chickens his upon earth up to the present mother answered this is the squid well- said reggie how do gran- the squid has a spindleshaped body ny chickens know the size of our egg- enclosed in a muscular fold known as cups the mantle there is a space between the body and the mantle known as the mantle cavity the squid moves backward by draw ing water into the cavity through a funnel just below the head and expell ing it again violently by a muscular contraction of the mantle british thrifty before the war there were only 400- 1 000 holders of english government securities altogether today 14000 new holders of government securities lare being registered every week which the nexlgreat stepin evolution was eluais abo oooonew subscribers the development ot the backboned p6r ann animal the first one was the fish agents wanted men and womn wanted in unrcpraienled territorial with ialt ability and cood community ttsndin to repnitnt moit extsnilve ration of knitted good old direct from manufacturtr drtnei wort suite iweten bithlne tuiti iijt 1lnoerl hoittry under war and woolen equal to thi mohait srada im ported llntt all uno made completely in oar own factory from raw mittrtili llbtral comoileilon bonus tytuta wihni entflt wppllid pteailn and profitable latlifjctfon tiutranlted our rtprevnu tivel make ccod wi wr for full parttculcri st mci british knitwearcompany slmeoa ontario tourist casv1ps tourist camps and refreshment booths along the highways and roads of ontario are now inspected by the department of health and each pro prietor who maintains his premises nnd the necesfary equipment in a sanitary manner is granted an approval sign when you ore motoring look for this sign motor tourist camp approved ontario department of health it will help you to locate water rafe to drink and proper accommoda tion for rctt and camping away ircni lome youcannot afford to take chances with your food and drink an a tuck of typhoid fever following the ue of infected water or milk or swimming in a polluted stream will certainly spoil the effect of the happiest holiday milk knew your milkman at least try to secure pasteurized milk the next best is milk that is milked clean and kept clean and cold meat buy meat kept on ice you wouldnt think ot eating hot dogs which has been heated and reheated for a wtok if you were homethen insist on having ycur welnors taken off the ice and boiled fresh for you water secure your drinking water at approved crmp3 and refresh ment boothi- they have safe water supplies bathing there aro plenty of safe places to ewlm bathe onlv in water which is freo from contamination safety first a htco mliliap in any of tho above may mean sickness prevention is- the beat plan for motor tourists get innoculsted against typhoid fever- beforo you start on your motor holiday vaccine is supplied free for use ofontarlo residents by the department of health ah these i own 1 own the memory of whispering trees which gossip in the wind at early dawn a roving clouds swift shadow on the leas and petals like soft snow adrift the lawn and mine the spectral cry of wild loon the gulls like silver foam upon tho bar and scented purple dusks beneath a j moon shining and crescent like a scimitar i call those mine the rocks firmset and cool where barnacles and shaggy sea weeds are token of vagrant tides this shadowy pool which mirrors back the radiance of a star mine is the clnmor in the thunders roll tossed as by might of titans from j on high mine is the splendor as the lightning scroll cleaves a swift pathway in the riven sky i own the dreaming hase on distant hills tho long pale pathway of a wind ing lane the nodding sowsllps fern and daf- fodlls the magic curtain of a summer rain mine is tho smell of freshly furrowed earth the gleam of ssnllght on a running brook mine is tho wonder of each springs new birth the autumn fields snd grain within the stook and mine- the mystery of a velvet night across whese sky a farflung jowelod i zone i arches the heavens sclntillant with light these memories aro mine all these j i own mary chase vwithorbeo in christian thrift magazine high birth high birth is- a thing which i never knew any one to disparage except those who had it not and i never knew any one to make a boast of it jwho had anything else to be proud of ment psoriasis eczema and other skin troubles yield to this now scientific skin treat- t is a combination treatment of ointment for external use and tab lets for purifying the blood in the j ointment the active ingredients of i sorbma are combined with an oint ment base that is readily absorbed into the third and fourth layers of the skin with gentle rubbing it is in these under layers of the skin that the dis ease germs work thus sorema at tacks skin troubles at their source sorema the new skin remedy is the discovery of a canadian drug- iglst of thirtyfive years experience who was for fourteen years o sufferer from psoriasis after all the usual treatments including xray had fail ed ho began experimenting with vari ous combinations of drugs used in cases of chronic skin diseases and de veloped a formula with which ho freed his skin of the disease sorema cos since been used with equal success in a large number of longstanding cases of psoriasis ecze- j ma etc numbers of enthusiastic users testify to its amazing results sorema is sold at your druggists or write us direct sorema ointment 100 per box sorema blood alterative tablets 75c pet box flash products limited 1104 bay st toronto eftfjiifte proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for colds headache neuritis lumbago pain neuralgia toothache rheumatism science monitor i plane to carry one hundred an airplane that will carry 100 pas sengers is being built does not affect the heart i the railway eecpers in centra africa are made of metal because tho ants would very quickly destroy wood en sleepers i minards liniment for cornt and warts accept only bayer package which contains proven directions handy bayer boxes of j 2 tellsti also bottles of 2 end 100 drujyial atptrta u uw tra1 mark vrftfrrm ta canada of bajor ifannffcr of mw-tt- rltotir of salloilcicld actljl sallcjiie letf a s a whit it is rl iw oat aaplrfa mn barer manafadur o anlat utt public acalnat inllallom tt 7wfi t bajcr otdj will be ataoped with taelr fcfitral trado daxlr u jvrcr croat yisippansook handsomely illustrated with plan of moderate priced homeiby canadian ar chitect maclean builders guldo will help you to decide on the type of home exterior finish materials interior ar rangement and decoration send 25c for a copy v maclean huildersgume ell adelsids bl weil toronto ont mmm sm corns remove the hard flesh and minards freely and often splendid for bunions apply also woman suffered nearly a year lydia e piakhams vegetable compound brought her health i am going to e pmk- moose jaw sask try to tell ycu what lydia bamsvegetable compound has done for trie i suffered very badly witi draggingdown pains and inflamma tion also pains in my right side over my nip and down my whole side into my leg i had it nearly a year when i went to a doctor and he said i would have to have an operation but my mother said to take lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound as it saved her life years before i took two bottles and i found i was better so i kept on taking it and also used lydia e tinkliams sanative wash i have had two more children since then and am perfectly well i used to have to lie down two or three times a day and now i do all my housework without trouble i al ways keep the vegetable compound in the house as i find a dose now and then helps me i am willing for you to use this letter any way you see fit and i will answcrlettersif i can help any other woman id be only too glad to try mrs esther houghton 712 athabasca w- mooso jaw sas katchewan lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound is a dependable medicine for all women for sale by druggists everywhere o relieve irritations by using cuticura bathe tho affected parts frly with cuticura soap and hot water dry without rubbing then apply cuticura olnmnt for eczemas ljshea itchlngs irrtitlors etc they are wonderful use cuticura soap dally to keep your skin dear suapk tn br kan amrau coai oapo ataobesa la vaetml prffoaa 3 rintmfnr 2 am cor tajnm 25 zfbf cutioura shio sick 25a j issue no 32 2