Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 5, 1926, p. 2

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i you cannot buy 110 at 111 a t63 in bulk sold only in sealed packages babts comforter efforts are still being made to abolleh it ft deal- the babys comforter has been for bidden in italy by signor mussolinis government on the ground that it ifl not hyblenlc whether however the italian dictator will be able to enforce the new law remains to be seen some years ago a great effort wa3 made to do away with comforters in this country welfare associations and other similar organizations were circularized meetings were held and a million posters were printed and dis played outside town halls and other public buildings up and down the land the results so far as could be judged were negligible certartnly there seem to be fully as many com forters in use today as there ever were and this despite the fact that medical men are practically unani mous in condemning them the comforter 1t is pointed out has a way of rolling about the floor and col lecting all manner of disease germs which the baby runs the risk of im porting into its delicate system an other sourco of possible infection is when the comforter is placed in some one elses mouth and then into that of the baby equally objectionable is the prac tice of dipping the comforter into con densed milk or sugar and water be fore giving it to the child when baby lets it drop out of his mouth flies are apt to settle on it and contaminate it and when baby retrieves it and starts the radio detective s x turned and smnk into the shrubbery that ran down to the waters edge jjllimi j climbing to the cliff trail and hs- fubsi nraamml- ilmlfflcf by arthur b reeve appeared chapter viii shanghaied the story of the story so far to solve the mystery of the miuion- doear jewel robbery at jtho radio dance given by the gerrards ken adams boy scout calls in his uncle craig kennedy scientific detective a strange craft the scooter has been anchored in the harbor and ken has been watching it as well as another scout hank hawkins not a good scout kens pal dick gerard has chapter ix footpkints kennedy ken easton and i huri i tied down the path from the gerard house to the boy scouts camp s eagles nest we did not see hank who bad slunk back of some bushes and was watching us closely congrat ulating himself on his promptness in making his getaway chittenden- we soon reached the camp for- jthefirst step to success elliott school and employ ment departments have started thousands on the road to success you too may succeed take your first step by writing dept s tor a copy of our catalogue today euuott yonge and alexander sts toronto fine radio sot i for mr former partner of ruths father was craig was anxious an enthusiastic radio bug and he ui someones been here cried ken i was who was known as k903 i look at our radio that we were as- but dont you think thats a lot sembling smashed ill bet it was of money for a young girl like you that goodfornothing hank but how to want ruth mr chittenden ob- are you ever going to hang it on him j jected j it looks to me rather considered you wouldnt think so if you craig as if there had been a fight know sir but i cannot teli you or at least the beginning of one that can take my word for it though that camp stool is overturned come lets it is necessary and i will give you look around a bit a note i will agree to pay it back i we began a hurried search ken to you within thirty days lamenting the ruthless tearing out of mr chittenden looked earnestly atjtho inductituhe in the radio i felt l to the elector of hanover but he be- tho young face surely there could that hante would pay for this in some came dissatisfied and quitted the ser- handels successful scheme before handel went to england he held the appointment of kapellmeister taken up shadowing hank while kjnlfct be anything wrong about a girl way before he was through has been off on another cew with uh f uke that amj ho ktow theres thing up hero de- cweraon kennedy and the rest now they aro forme purtlw h was a hard cided craig after his hasty search i on the way to rejoin dick at the scout man that was why he j become lets go down the trail to the shore simple yet attractively designed frock two inverted plaits give tojhe skirt of this attractive frock both the smart flare and the practical freedom vice of his royal patron without leave ceremony not long after handel had become rich one we climbed dotthe precipitous well intrenched in the good graces of tt so you need money eh wemisldo of the sand cliff on the height of the english court and aristocracy the nter with ken hank a rf ht rutlu m et you have it they had located eagles nest elector of hanover became king i r wi ss w hj teamed over but you will have overlooking the sound from it one j george i of england and the late o promise me to quit this sporty could get a wide sweep of this arm queen annes music master began to crowd of young people ruth there of tho sound between the headlands fr f mg royal pension handel is no percentage in it only disgrace thatmade what was called a bay but i dar0 not appear personally at the and worse was rather a miniature gulf with a fl k he contmue1 lu but i am not a sportand be- little sheter far off on the hazy former natron sides some of them are not as sporty water one could see boats plying up s braces of his rormer paron as they seem still im promise and down the sound around one whom ho had so discourteously de- mr chittenden i know what you headland to the west we might if weserted for fear of the kings displea- mean the appearance of evil is j had strained our eyes have seen a sure but he had a friend at court who often as bad as the evil itself thank converted scout cruiser disappearing j told him that on a certain day tho king you ever so much i can assure you that had we only known it carried was to take a ride on the river sir you will not regret letting me with it a mystery dick thames so handel set about to corn- torn and then happened to glance at th money and j can fur hecjo exclaimed craig almost as- fe f d h d hfstenrwrtinftvnnj- k is sy s as ta ne starred it was ximt wne moan be sure it will be paid back to shore whats this fijf mi fn on the fine radio set on the table nearj and then you in j j footprints cried ken bending j ooat followed camp eagles nest after his encounter with ken hank had slunk away he came in the rear of his own house he did not care so much once he had gained this haven of refuge for his mother and father were away on a little cruise on the sound having left him behind the fact of the matter was that a good deal of the trouble with hank had been the neg lect of his parents hank got into his own room wash ed up stopped the flow of blood from has nose changed his coat which was the royal his window in fact part of the at eagcs nest on the sound i down by jingo those are the boy barge promise he had made for money he j han s ws e a looked off scout shoes of dick ill be sure i pleased at this attention the king had received from the people on tho enough now he could see the i dont recognize the others theyre inquired who the author of the plan scooter had been that ho wwud scooter not far off shore watching not scout shoos was and learning that haudol was and wa f a signal from fiim craig was down on his hands and the composer of the music ho receid kank made himself at home knees examining them almost like a the repentant musician at court han- from a vantage point where he was j hound del was soon appointed the instructor watching hank dick now could see all wtesj you the princesses in the royal house- hank makmgh lmsejf at home mak- cant make much cut of these ing free witli whatever it was that hello laddie boy it was ken old and was granted a pension of a took his fancy at eagles nest j overjoyed as at tho sound of tune in on a certain wave length twice a day at a certain hour ho twirled the handles sure enough he was just in time some one was trying to get him out on the sound not many miles off shore on the scooter the cap tain and the wireless operator were talking see if you can get that boy hank now that ken adams is a danger ous kid to have loose just as they aim yruii uauj ilwo m ov r i t cuieu uy me uiuooing jven naa given sucking it again it is probably loaded highly desirabe in a dress of this ln to hank iget that kid ken him besides dick was slighter and wirelessed us from the shore in the have that th on the bum with his new hiding pace of the car you j con fooling ssis a dick stepped out id thank you to with his fine nw set hank was t hank signaling back that he was in touch so hank had not been n5a m t b tl bbing ken had given it was too much for dick when he voices his collie came briskly running caught a glimpse of hank twisting at up the beach the homemade radio set that he andj ken had been assembling as sure as the sun was sluning hank would our thousand dollars a year more or less with harmful germs sort which can be appropriately ohcourse fthecomforlert kepti f pjsf as afternoon always scrupulously clean and never wear it is delightfuvy comfortable used by any child other than its own- its neck and trimfitting the sleeves may be long or a collar er little harm is ever likely to result welfare workers generailvdiscour- j short a matter for chdice a strip age its use as tactfully as may be and p material matching the collar in most childrens hospitals it is bar red whenever posslblo even in these institutions however we adams alone over at his camp we hank was bu enough to believe hei want him and wul be standing by i the lighter boy i do hank shot back a signal indicating j he had had good reception he did u ad do it he kave another it too with a certain amount of sat- tvigt which rf pad out the isfaction no message that lie coulu i another moment and dick with think of at that moment could have come through that would have been is folded lengthwise and set under the more his liking here was a chance outer edge of each inverted plait ex- j to get square with ken for that drub- tending from the shoulder to below bing itwnotbels foundpmibte todo the hips and is button trimmed the hank lost no time i the ran back is plain and a narrow bet ties to execute tnese orders in loops at the centre back no 1207i wharc k was away with it in every case forter is a solace to tho baby much in the same way as the pipe is to the father and a oup of tea to the mother and the habit once cultivated is dif ficult to discontinue a well try to deprive a baby fond of its comforter as induce a lifelong smoker to give up tobacco for this reason when ailing children who have been accustomed to the comforter are admitted to hospital no attempt is made as a general rule to take it away from them but to babies who know nothing of comforters they are never given the mothers point of view is of setting but he had no but he would 41 and 42 inches fmd him and on one p or an 40 and inches him to eagcs nest a be of interest to every home dress maker price of the book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept course that the baby cannot cry while i wilson publishing co 73 west ade- the comforter is in its mouth and for j st toronto patterns sent by is in sizes 34 36 38 m bust size 3g bust requires 3 yards p rfjaplpnelwas already thererle figured material and yard plain wou try that as a starter color for trimming price 20 cents he did not think to look any too our fashion book illustrating the closely as he went out so intent was newest and most practical styles will he on wreaking his vengeance on ken this simple and sufficient reason com forters will in all probability continue ln use despite all that may be urged to tho contrary clms return mail good english form the habit of using good eng lish at all times just as yon do good manners choose words with a clear but down the line of shrubbery dick gerard had been waiting as prear ranged with ken if ken should miss hank to pick hank up at his house to which they knew he returned for some purpose twice a day at least dick started on the trail of hank dick was pretty good at tracking and trailing but hank was naturally a cagey boy he was suspicious of everybody even himself it was this natural suspicion on his part that be trayed his essential dishonesty of character but now and again it stood him in good returns this was one of those times shiftyeyed hank had a habit of looking back of him now and then and it was on one of these glances 1 back that he discovered that dick was i following him s hank was too wise to betray his this was a piece of good fortune quite unexpected by the composer the possession of the royal favor was of inestimable value to him for as went the king so went the court and all tho aristocracy and tho time came when handel was in need of the support of all his aristocratic friends righteous wrath was on hank gome on down on the shore dared hank avoiding him this is no place up here on a cliff he scrambled down and as he did so he forgot that glasses were trained on the shore from the scooter a small boat put out from the cruiser i pulling toward the shore and in it were a young man and a girl j on tho shore the boys lined up for the mill dick was blazing with right eous wrath hank was more insulting- prof vilhalm bjerknes than ever was he not the proud pos- j who h been awarded by the na- scssor of a new radio and of a flivver j a ot sclenc6 the agas he had more brains than both dicku and ken together and he did not hesi- i medal one of the highest honors in tate to say so dicks answer drew the o american science his the first anger from hank dick had father was a famous investigator of told him the truth about himself the the physical properties of water and opinion of the other boys in the troop other liquids and when ho died ho to say nothing of evans the scout- passed his problem to his son who master hank saw red i i continued in the same field and it was just as battlig bohunkus made contributions which as ken had named him was getting h nad importattt resuus jn de- into action and showed a prospect of getting the worst of it that a diver- vel ot modem oceanography sion which he himself had forgotten and meteorology as well as in- the occurred r more purely theoretical physics of the the tender from the scooter had laboratory beached j suddenly up the beach ran a young i i t man and a girl as a sailor kept the my horse and i on deck bug lover isnt it nice and roman tic up here on deck my dear cleaning top of car ah the cleaning the top of a car is said to need isa brisk rubbing with idea of their meaning when in doubt discovery he kept right on as though a slightly oily rag never use a brush i look in the dictionary i he had seen nothing but in the mean- since this chips the top and makes it the best w t0 ot iaree stock ot his mind was busy on what ad- porous the oil treatment not only w is cleans hutpreserves and makes theh day for a few minutes from a good it over is head stifling his screams top more efficient as a shedder ot author such as buskin s evenson d jjvick were ke two brothers together they hustled him struggling water to prevent collection of dust qulncey emerson hawthorne where there was one the other would down the beach and into tno boat wo left the city far behind of course the top should be rubbed yr not long be far off suppose he could just then camea loud barking from my horse and i rbatoly into the light sea that was running on the sound before even hank could say a word they had come up in back of dick teadas situ- tho man wrapped his arms around ution here he was trailing ken and tna boy whie the gir threw a silk bag mjkmlwm viimiwe took a trip the other day my horse and i over the hills and far away under the sky we traveled through tho woods of may where wild birds fly with a clean dry rag after being clean ed with oil from a taste for the music of speech not road locate ken he might up in a clump of beach plumsr it was w8 wandered by thus fitting words to your lips you j locate him through dick dick was laddie kens dog who seeing tho w will learn to speak clearly and readily i nf raid he might lose hank but in struggle was darting out but lad- keep a notebook marked words reality hank was now ipjljf the wind of spring was soft una kind jl have found when you read a bcok might ose him though dick did not landed in tne lender and the sailor ml nolo any sentence- in which there is ar il their positions were exact- wwlwjt word you would like to use write tho where the wood paths windi and green pines sigh lie wind of spring wa tho warm sun high after every meal it doesnt take much- to keep you in trim nature only asks a little help wrigleys after every meal benefits teeth breath appetite and digestion a flavor for every taste i8suk no 31 26 but dick had had y the reverse of what they seemed presence of mind enough as he strug- 1 i so thy proceeded instead of dick g down tho wet sand to dig in his we crossed a brook that rushed along sentence in your notebook mke th 6 one hank was realily feet and cause the others to do so in where shiners ilo other sentences of your own using the urjnt dic to the camp in the hope holding him more than that he had and paused to hear the cardinals song word you have noted i of picking up ken and so carrying managed roughy to scrape the form under the sky i at the- end ot a month you will bo out his orders given from the chief 1 an arrow in the sand so that there for frienns are we the whole day long surprised and delighted to see what by way of the scooter as for coud be no mistake about the direc- this slmplo plan has dono to give you dick he- was just as well pleased at tion in which he was being carried a large stock of useful words and to the direction hank was taking for for tlw moment hank had been improve your everyday use of english he had agreed with ken to meet him stunned evidently when they had my horse and i helen e crum cjke jthdtwouldnb wear out it was an extra fiat piece of crepe it was never laun with anything but lux and luker yrarm water it wore and wore until it went out of style keep- the wardrobe fresh and beautiful nothina so aood as lever brothers limited toronto the meadow leafy with little etoiids the sky is shining clear rnd bright how the grass shines it stains alr- green ovor its own height and i could almost kneel for joy to seo this- lovely meadow now go on my knees for half a day to kiss a handful here and there whlo babbling nonsense on the way w h davles i at th enmp about neon other things i permitting y i it i was while dick was plodding along ths trail kping as ha thought i out of sight of hank that far away could not interfere besides it seen the two boys scrapping on thomlnards llnlment for rheumatism sand they had jumped to the conelu1 sion that it was ken and himsell it had happened so tjiiickly that even he j tn0 in dr park in the centre of tho island ruth adams was pleading with a benevolent looking gentleman in his study in the study was an extraordinarily cotton production increases the worlds wool crop is only five times what it was a hundred years ago whllo cotton production has increased twenty times mlnard liniment for sore fet nurses tt tonal homui far lararauu la arafhitlm lt 8llm aa4 alllad hmpttik nnr yrtt city offtn a lirtt yrn coorta t trilalaf ymj daring u raaatm idaeatlaa tid rfmuwis 1 lkaat nnu tail hawttll ku uasbd tut leht- kaar tnlnb t ntlu netlra aiitcn af oia aa awatll allmaat and tnhla azaaoam b aatf fraa new vart 7ar frf r lamraasn wtia saaarlahadut had saved hhn another licking he had not in a way wanted to interfere getting dick was all right as far as hank was concerned ken might como later here go home hank tried to bluff laddie laddie knew him had seen him but did not like him stivs the dog in his doggish mind obeyed he started off the beach but ho did not go far hank was not his boss ho turned land sat down looking wistfully off iovcr the blue expanse of the sound i hank hesitated a moment then real ized that soon it would be discovered that dick was missing he had not better be seen in thatcneighborhood or he would be in for a quizzing ho sandwiches without mustard arc insipid open them and spread keens mustard on the filling and what a difference mustard is always at its best when freshly mixed with cold water a mustard aids ttigestioa

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