Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 17, 1926, p. 6

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dft mm djjv-mucfra- 1- jfj ii i rots hfltmat8 wjjsjj vlii sj allk ii svi3 wo gh3 t 2 friend ffkfee yoytvabeen buying m hostess no my dear lve been slusinmlishtjsq0p i cunlight the ahbure laun guarantee sunlight will do your washing quickly more thoroughly iub 3eilike the lardesfsmmilaibarijsbapin theworpi qwafm9 vi sivjjin ajjiyatjqtb 3i -lever-brothers-limitedj-teronto- uu4 1 4 j v jv i 1- r t ji h 1 t j i j t j mfrvj is c3 bylesieqorbon barnard 1 i r pabtvh seau relics some ofthetthingsrof the manipaiisquaftriand went her- real trousseau x mry scboles had out she yatch hjmywith sullen told her to bring nothing but i neces- yes as he drove hfjong w car sarjes theyeouldibuyimore it was down the dusty street hreading the better to leave nbmeans of tracing traffic harrycame beside herwetj readtly-r-tr- fej jftfejo with toililiiut ho 3 1 1 1 her treasures filled a bag easily patience myra he encouraged- enough things sheicoirtd opt i leave r a4ttle whats this her nervousnessmadepacking doubly- the banee ofthe iron iteelf stepped rays frightened fviwaf d arid pressed the seariri g trieil salad a toronto for free sample smiling at her they say about rome tafeihg a while difficult thunder always- frightened to build hsr and the growing dark was sul- adchveryrmrncameinwithasuit phurbus and in the distance there was gauss smitners a teacner lnnoftlt china was keenly alert to acquire nevfc ssid usefuttnilnese phrasestsne ri weed dyrjrigibejeral outingsthaj the ipn imsfrij donkey jait jiway clearedtheswayuefore them 3fy shout- lggctfmausm lai jg ff5romr sje cqmmtlted jthe wprds to memory toj be usjdgji jccasidn whafe-oocuf- 6d whefftlj occaslonjaraseihas ro rcentljbeenjojsun ourny dntfij ork fho w aai he little srocmslon of girls walking 9mjsjfgllt3cg 6oijiijlete jjljow was the time fining jnerhamlvforftjrtion k tfzf jjgu lal l lu lai la lobody gave -way- insteadthere aiaarsbf llgtiera preeseiictosjs- aiigrjj litundls ir iayediislieitrfed again i lv v gilalla4ljillaijaji iehejnob ltp rjgjgj- anoht rtertrestgiioitttcliej lngw0ftllgtenclier misshonor jfc i am saying wear the patnma s ijjiy the saffixfe hotrcahre3each i witcasjlguife slilchryjjsu3jdenl tbe pr6sed- sriidled of the stable she hurried intotheiworkchoptho mirror tod her the mans paid not undeservingtribute to her shestkhad outh iyouth rome was not built in a thi iwelj and- youth did not fast jpri everl mrs smith hadiwriitedforher rome and the foundations were not in yet and age had marked her face and resignationhaddulled her eyes harry came in with the suit xnck aispovige andipress hesaidirush jobcicouid youstart offvive got thtsofnbtenckeis to finish surehy tod hrnv idi ovei- i shoi took up tho coarse gray suiftn wrinkled and shabby i5he began lijer work mechaniouey it revolted her iharry i finished hisaown race against tho cock andhuwed lawaysit was inhis nbsecethatjthedooropeaeid withillswarning bell itjbimjj scholes 3hiseyeswero eager olsbyerytnings alliijight ihsusaid 5jiookiiiddoi heiheld twoyel- low slips printed in red ourbeths for tonighthetoldher every things fitting trightinroreraembor gsntral stationiafcso hesgoing bffiywith smith againctornightso jfcil beieasyvi-rfai- yivcr- ovrq ii she shook her beadrherlips manj aged b l ccsnk w jni af raid j jjni afraid i vy hiit ocj j ypujmusntjberrnpiw its the heat and yournerves and the sniell hji confounded holeyoujd turn any one siqkj he picked up the offensiesuit over which shehad been labringl itsa darn shame hecried- grimace making you sweat over kindof y poor litt kid he did not attempt to caress herjust gripped hier hand for a moment j courage he whispered life oyres j you a whote lot and were going to makeher payse j he peered down to look into her jokhepiretloftly j- what the price if shecouii esoiips satisfied young scholes slipped out low rumbling hot of the liroady traffic herbest dresswhatafool she was jriotto haxxj thought to press itl itwas ii perfect fright sheleftit untivlastf perhhps she would have time when evorythiiig yvag packed and teady she had seven -mimibes- before the hour iwhen he had said to be sure toieaye xshe ironed hastilya crnshirig sense of terror upon her terror lest she be late terror at the thing shejwas doing terror atthegathering storm hehadsaidtp lejyeaijgglit orwo on itvouw save neighbor eius- pecting 9 it cvas jquite darknpw the street was quietcwith the early cos- ing7fgure3gathered before the cori- feotionery and softdrink stores that ema s shirts seeve men arid blpwzyvpmen sat on low doorsterils chatting ih s ubdued tones as if the approaching storm had quieted them aridoalyjecomiiig quer- jjlpusyn reproof of thejchldren play- jngabput a litigejatel hehadsaidi 83atthestati aridto wait pyffljej door of the ypirieris room asshej 3yent doyri thetstreettiwfyihgwith her bagfpthe tram line and avoiding notice a jjitte gustof vind made her seize her hat it was ajoyoristittel giist a stormy petrel cool ynfitfpromj ise it gave her iourage it seemed an earnest of thethihgs to wmch was going away frofhthis drabriess and heat shebegarto speculate al most calmly- on the chance- of beating therairi to the 1 q habitifiurig itsef uporijher halting herl j sf cirodj ifllsnnq srii i ihad bacfc window she had putdt down a little andidrawji the blind sherkhewias she ironed- she gave aquickflittloicryi fassisi it thejrojiinshe hadileft- itonan4 the light jvas going-r- there wpuldobe ai fire-hand- gasoline around hjaorjy -ffh-arry- would- lose oh he cpujd noleavqit thatwayl pihpre wasstill tijjjptifisheiran- a y yr a people stared at her as she hurried along did not mind the iron got hot so quickly always whatifshe get in buifor- harry was back harry was saying mpatvitjcp tamu jj tunatelyshe had teft the key in her make isgii splcasehonqrablei misstejcb1 tnis is ithe jcvplof sports fjxxikj 4 tw is w weariiufoidislibtle injvworlsi a hen earchalkujf that agai nsl blenckel wi it yoii m yr a cos bufnosa tightwad siiy whatsthe matter w f ivfothiftg f a v iypuvedeen crying say wish 1 could iake you somewheres to-niglit-r- earlycosinafd all only t got to go with od mansmit1v again its a j sharhe too anyiyay the snbpll jie closed you can foigef work and visit sirs smith of read thirig inliy nofetobeiate and well t6 early ydupget a good 5 yes fsaid a good rest tohightt viq 9rij hue i0bta ii surev thats tight why you look- betteralreaoy jshotgav attention toapileleft overfrbm lastiilghts againsttthe iptriidirig hand yas a scream of pain rattle of oa overturried can in the courtyard theri silence myrafled out intb the sucphurbua irjighti my drtcriedslrsrsniitii opening her door to a pariicstrickeri girl myra dear what is it is it the storm thats frightened you v 3 j someone lwbs breaking j in rat the back5she breathed 3jiiiiji j 3reakingin2eaid jmrst smith there now i tolid i harry- he was a fool to- keep all that money tereno matteishowhe hid it hed lpstjri that central bank smash and nothing would do r said slowly fl the capital hes been scrimpiri arid scrapin for the hew store deariei that hinr and sriiiths fittiriupin ap blatheriri m was tobea stirprise hehasaf raid to disappoirityduiif you krieand ft didnt go thrbughltkeyre up there paperiii tfwayitonight again its the grandestplace dearie did you lock that window there neyer mvndlu r i jcan c f rom our wuhr pprhl i wisht mf chple3 hvdrit gone hed haye seen to things tjll bur pwrifolks feutlontof a downpour sh9 could see two igures running in thv rain mr smith and harry her hurry hittryiiigome i l j9tulpkiyed ittw heavens and upputhe eartnl it did riot frighten her j lioty- she veirihiiied her jdarkatr moistened by the rain arid jlatteried against her white face tulping in the fresh coil air that blew over the city abonedietion it seemed from thewest end to the east- itheeni taoj tenolivi y i s si the road hpme i thlnkofvyou in a weowhlte house j at theeud of a slim green lane j in a land that is free of careariddoubt 3and that knows no pain i think pftpuitnbfue butybiif riibutli has a wistful line avlfft ibngsh i know it dpes- tor a fleeting touch of lriirie rrj w uiilj eidjrove oioir sljju 1 think ypii work in tlie little house thai vlio wails- iriay be bright and b1 locilaiar b and- t thirikthat you hurry to spreoblj soft rugs ei il sliiybsojs on the chan t j tired feet mayfaltpr the lpwjdoprsjljji jjr i may jspund on the narrow stair j aftd knptyfhaypu7ll stendwithyouj rc it tas sppna3 enter there i jia opens det fffl xjtm th rcv trlifl uapitothat can b smaft fastened about ssjssssmsss byou aprtay tfit- cabe smafty fastened about auffocatingserfee bffeah-aridiplty- w strangle- desire and hoijeimtdyouutishelefchor cheek upward from the tower jbrushhhtfpiieshe inhaled thoftesh plaud a goodhjngljbscucrjtjs gpodiedgclnaiafeithdistarting point forscentjof cleanliness srtj 3s iswodi an a bad thhig becausousow thj n vpit w ties in loops aitpvcouldivouv harrys aesitant j j the ceiitreback fulness iriskirts islvoicotfametp henr forgot about this so large is tho damofott the new n necessity thesejdays and hero wpudarnidfoss sufeifprjthatichaps-mas- buiming of th piftjdfalotilon aritff 4 exptreailyifiverted plaits injqueradeorheh any time jcouuj ority that a sslni4jiajrhas been mhvfronc thtrlkirt is joined to kiyou fimflh up thatsit fomthp dejiyory built round the outside of itto sim- camisole top no 1243 is for misses fellow dye ithipk jniik loriu- i pfl the cleaning of its jsindows and small women and is in sizes ljriisurevshfiieftmthe pileof jinenl 18 and 20 years or 84 36 and sfyxwolittlo spots ficowgkwedln her inehes bust onlyjsizo 18 years 36 palocheeksrv this would bo the last ibust requires 4rivc strlped nam iia dm- p camisole harry had goneagainrrfor the last topwituir 1 viynrds h lining time snow if only had known how pricejm ccnte m ilittlo a thingwouldhavo turned the w w- iwstfftlng the tddc but his hasten to get away had wpkirf t pricffcal styjesp will prevented anything her frantic de- moment to grasp his ergo she had gone nd liked because of ipe initwns stilled when ho hurried off after a brief kiss for her the last kiss she thought of judas his footfall again but ho only called from the outer shop i came back for my umbrella guess itll rain after all dont forget to lock the shop floor her feet seemed impotent to move hex voice to carl the door closed be- j hind wm the sky had almost a lurid look it hung now kko an angry pall above the j city it frightened her as if a flami htg angel threatened to come between her and her escapo into paradise she hurried in there was her bag to pack a sobbing laugh rose in her 1 after every meal brsi3tv0 jlil lftoiis jt doesnt take much toiikeepyou in trim nature only asks a little help v wrigleys after every 5 benefits teeth breath appetite and digestion a flavor-fa- every taste write your name and address plain ly giving number and siio of such patterns ss you want enclose 20c in ttmps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address youc order- to paturn dept wilson publishing co 73 west ad laidest torbato patterns ssnt y 1 return mail hi ttheowl when cats nin home and light is come and dew cold upon the ground and tho faroff stream is dumb and the whirring sail goes- round and the whirring call goes round sim purse 1 eritered asusual through the storejsnd the f aetthat the outer shop wastclosediup tightly accentuated the familiar odorsatouch of ithe stable stillolirisirig oiilynowthey were like th day haunting hernsshe hurriedthrough within aivacridsmel- confirmedrhe hgarscbut the riictaistaub had saved the worst the wood belpw jvssipijjy beginningtoftcprch frq 117 ij jo i heej legs faiingher shesank wpakiy upon as chair tlie last few minutes had held heriufl the emotio afterm came now she wanted to cry she yantedalsp tofrunnwayfrorii all this the train did not leave uhlil j imew- wouldwait for her is she wasto waijt fbfhirri hayojust -a-moj- rrifent though- just a iiirfriierito catch -her- breath- 1t nitisom 52 her heart xfrns beating sfiffocatihjr- rooiw wasplosef thanerbr thfc window wavidownalj- riiost theigill rtndsthp blind drawhl 1 she niufct not forget jxfi elosevthe ivinr l wheirsheftvenbdllf dticomecon tojstdrmf trzd sillvbubils siitj m whathadfhappeneditorthe storm how still itilvaslj she must gets away ntonceorheriner would iftftercftll tij ec -jj- a ocjijnhu licjwhat was theripiatterwjtli t wiind ijtiyvasatying nrjrm hcrecoiged ipjqulckterrbi amans haiid was hrust j through the aperture feeling for the shade the firigefs gropsd jfor it vainly thettnjgrippedtne wirir dojv then and started to push it up some brie was breaking in harry was always afraid to leave th place alone- for secpnds she watchsd the hand struggling to ictth yin dow it was stiff- ithen it begantp move up she wanted to tftfryaalotfdj sridcould not there was rioonenir to help she could see a sleeve behind tho hand she arose to hprfee put her arm back to steady herself j she touched tho hot metal of the stand- and it stung- quick as a flash she seized ago- im sorry hes gone such a nice young fellow to have in the house she hurried off i vx try invn vs jv v-a- rumbling peal of thunder shook tho place the flaming angllseemed to sweep lowand jlash a blazirigj sword aong the street instantly a jagged crashlrolftf tlie rpomentaryj silence myra crouched irisier chair rairibegan to fall in big spattefirig drpps- she riiust close the- wiriclbw mrs her ear f j ohyburelbbkirigafiter itl i rerceriibered the window suchatbri ribethirigs lhehasnt gone af terall mr i scholes 1 he was rout side waiting f of aiaxi and hishand wfis againstfhe metal postrwhen that first flash camehelsi terriblyr burned butjeinsistsjngoing jis burned myras flesh wascreep- ing with horjor j his handdearie across the back fcrifid to her mouth to choke back he- cry lrintness seized her she piopjcd to the wiirdoyirsill and sucked greedily for airp the flarriirig srigei hai doiie ils worfi passid onleivirfgthebene- 3 1 1 v and oyer the bronze sundial that- murmurs as ever the hours lt rs t it is only for just a while s and yourhands will train- tlierii- with tender carei- i though everyourgaze will roam dowti the road that winds throughthe vu ihappytrees ii e5c rj- the roadthatwillbrlngimehomo -ii- sfi1iihrimargaretjbsahgster ml thil ttrairi of kolceng oliil ihb t fvsk 9 w j bvl climin- 4ta withufchotpoinlron be- fcusej6 jftpatcrited thumb rest and heel stand over six mil- lion women have found in the 5 hotpomt iron affrccdom from tired i wrists ndtaclung back y al the present low prices jou sltoulilno overlook ihe comfort xthjmhotpouitiroiiw- 3hotfolnrltbnil z r j j alone and warming ate ave wits lio white 6w in to bmfry kits j tennyeon i a trousseau eho took with her trous i tnjoat at tho thought of how meagre curses tb trbto hotflul far toafslc in filiation vlh bcllrrai end allu hoipiuli ktw yrk cy tttfa a tftrca yian ccort- f tnlaloa u yaoaa woat btvisa tftc rulrd jcollv tfrcji of beeeaui mrtu tftu hwjttii liu at3catc4- no boar rrtico tfca nplli rasofv anlfrni cf to 6ctl ft esthly aiwacm and fml n ixonoat to m4 tnm new yort ftr fartrr iahratk wrttt tbo sj3rut3i

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