Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 17, 1926, p. 4

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stouffville june 17th 1926 y the home town store joaf sugar 3 lbs 25c delicious sugar wafers special per lb- 35c grape nuts per package 17c kipper snacks 4 tins 25c bermuda onions 3 lbs 25c stovers health biscuits doz 15c nu jell all flavors 3 packages 25c- sugar crisp corn flakes 3 packages 29c mazola oil small and large size tins special in french peas french peas usually 2021c per tin but owing to very large import order w3 will make a special while they last 2 tins for v 25c fresh lake nippigon trout and white fish every wednesday morning ratcliff go you pay less for more deliveries phone 7112 the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publisher stoupfviiile ont new footwear styles frequently arriving our stock is complete with many new styles and patterns for women and children be sure and see these before purchasing your new summer foot wear a complete line in mens and boys i j boots also remember our repairing is up to date f s g lehm footwear of me stouffville phone 4301- man keont goal and goke we advise putting in your coal and coke now for next winter we have on hand at all times lehigh valley co and coke canada cement do your building this year as the price of cement is lower all kinds of feed on hand tile of all sizes it pays to drain your lands 6 tile 70 per thousand 4 42 3 32 standard screenings on hand s w hastings proprietor telephone 16 9 residence s 7 1 5 j cream take advantage of the accurate service we render and the price we pay mpx so this summer on account of the cream grading over 90 of the cream received since the grading started is first and special grade our prices compared with manyvihers are absolutelyc highest a dollar is just as valuable if received in the form- of the price paid to you than if received in the form of dividends or profits if you are not yet a shipper we would be pleased to have you as one stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings postponed court of revision township op markham county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of mark- ham will be held in victoria hall unlonvlllc on monday juia 7th 1020 at 1 oclock pm o hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the town ship of whitchurch for the said year 1p26 ah parties interested are re quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly g a m davison clerk of the said municipality unlonvllle june 1st 1926 wanted live poultry for which i pay lead ing market prices sam golden at ponnocks livery poultry wanted highest price paid for fat live poultry also for feathers wool hides junk etc ben rexlln stouffville phone 7821 implements at bargain prices farmers need not buy new imple ments if they come to my yard we have almost everything in the im plement line every article is guar anteed highest prices for hides wool ind junk x h herman phone 192 stouffvillb editorial comment this is the season of- the year when if it was a penitentiary offence to tell a he about the num ber of miles one gets on a gallon of gas most of our motorgoing population would be behind the bars those who are responsible for setting the date for the annual de coration day at stouffville cemetery should get busy and select it now lets have it announced well in ad vance so that interested ones who live at distant points may arrange to be present despite the cries of blue ruin when the government reduced the tariff on motor cars au the firms are still going strong and the new low prices as a result of tariff changes are meeting with general favor with the buying public gen eral motors oshawa are preparing to build a halfmillion addition to their plant the printing of canadian postage stamps in french and english is be ing urged by some quebec members of parliament we do not object to french being taught as a second language in our schools but why should an english speaking people place a second language in their postage stamps this proposal is not likely to gain much headway canada is facing a stork strike a steady reduction in the birth rate in eight provinces of the dominion as reported to the bureau of statis tics is causing serious concern since 1921 the birth rate has fallen from 253 per thousand population to 205 the death rate in the same five years shows a slight falling off from 102 per thousand to 95 the foregoing statistics include the whole of canada except the province of quebec where no such records are kept by the civil authorities were quebec included the birth rate would be higher for that province has the highest rate in the dominion its families averaging from six to ten children and in some cases as high as twentyfive m before the customs enquiry com mittee at ottawa last week the hiram walker firm of distillers ad mitted contributing money to both the liberal and conservative cam paign funds in ontario for the last provincial election this admisson ought to show the died in the wools on either side of politics that their party is just as bad as the other fellow the day of the hard shell is fast passing away and people must vote their own mind and conscience if they are to get the just laws for which the better ele ment in the country are striving it didnt matter a whit to hiram walker whether his money went to assist a grit or a tory so long as that individual supported his views on the liquor question card op thanks mr john wrjght and daughter miss wright of lemonville wish to publlely thank all who so kindly assisted them in any way during and since the fire which destroyed their home wanted calves for vealing purposes j l ogden phone 5s27 apply wanted 5 tons good timothy or mixed hay ambrose stover phone 5602 wanted vealing calves also fat calves high price j churley phone 6403 cattle for sale 20 head young steers from 700 to 900 pounds john oboyle lot 11 con 2 uxbridge phone 1107 notice to patrons as usual the mill will be open to the trade tuesdays thursdays and saturdays only during june july and august dixons hill mills 16 healthy plants for sale large supply of all kinds of garden plants for sale percy brillinger phone 185 16 pig estray came to premises of undersigned on 8th of whitchurch north of ring- wood one pig owner pay expenses isaac cook x 6 county council is in session that much debated question the best way of controlling the police of the county will be again the subject of discussion at the june session of council which opened mouay this question has been be fore the members for the past two years april 1925 saw the force reduced to six county constablesandj siderable overlapping and at times each municipality given power to organize one of its own since that time several townships especially those in the south of the county have formed their own forces and now some of the representatives from the south are not satisfied and want all constables put back as county constables under high con stable r w phillips the question ofc putting all con stables under one chief from what can be learned will meet with con siderable opposition all southern re presentatives with the exception of those from york township it is un derstood will favor it york town ship which has the largest force of any municipality with a chief and 21 men and york representatives are satisfied to remain as they are it is thought that if york is de termined to remain as they are the majority of council members will not urge that tliey go back under the old system even if the other municipalities do although it will be suggested that york constables be made county constables and al though being under their present chief will work in cooperation with the county force it is understood that members from york will be agreeable to this at present with so many police forces in the county there is con- county men are sent out to do some thing that has already been done by the local police a report on the police question will be submitted in accordance with the resolution passed in january on policing the county as a whole the question of building a bridge over bathurst st at cedarvalewill be brought forward by members of forest hill and york township council and it is thought will cause considerable discussion another matter to be debated will be that of appointing another school inspector for the county at present there are four inspectors nd some members feel that they have too many schools to look after several applications for the position have been received by clerk r wphilllpd and if the council decides to appoint another inspector the divisions aa af present will be changed and five made colts estray two bay colts 1 and 3 years old white legs and stripe left lot 6 con 6 whitchurch about june 6th finder kindly notify frank steck- ley phone 2904 16 farm for sale 100 acres more or less all workable also new dwelling house and first- class barns and outbuildings spring creek crosses the farm and farm contains good orchard with abun dance small fruit apply owner p e ferguson lot 4 con 9 whit church mile from stouffville and close to lake for sale i am in a position to buy hides wool poultry and any other arti cles pay the best prices i have a lot of working boots the very best for sale smocks and overalls khaki shirts and pants at a very low rate it will pay you to come and see it you want to save money come and see me first ab brown 9 th concession cf markham phone 4708 there still remains plenty of work for the foolkiller evidence of the fact is being given every day the other evening in western ontario a lion trainer in putting a lioness through her stunts before an audi ence was struck down by the brute and badly mauled before she could be driven off so long as there is morbid desire on the part of the public to see dangerous performan ces of this kind so long will there be foolhardy men and women to give them perhaps however if the public knew of the terrible and ex cruciating torture that these beasts of the jungle have to go through to render them submissive for stage and ring performances that they would not so readily extend patron age towards such exhibitions the late jack london who had visited almost every menagerie and animal training school in the world says that these beasts ferocious by na ture are beaten whipped prodded and even iburued in the most merci less manner to make them amend able to handling but that at best they go through their performances grudgingly and sullenly real lovers of animals much prefer to see them in the majesty of their natural prowess rather than as subdued and craven things tenders for coal sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received on and up to friday juno 23th 1020 for one car load not exceeding 40 tons of virginia pocohontas coal egg size to be delivered on the tracks fob stouffville for stouff ville school board j s dougherty secy stouffville administrators of sale farm lands n the undersigned has received in structions from the administrator of the estate of matilda morgason to sell by public auction on saturday july 3rd 1020- at the hour of 2 oclock in the aftep noon at the mansion house in the town of stouffville the following lands all and singular that certain par cel or trace of land and premise situate lying and being in the town ship of uxbridge in the county and province of ontario and being com posed of the east part of the east half of lot number 9 in the second concession of the said township ot uxbridge containing by admeasure ment sixty 60 acres of land more or less terms the property will be sold subject to conditions ot sale which will be read at thetime ot sale ten 10 per cent cash on day of sale and the balance ot purchase money on the 20th day ot july ad 1926 dated at stouffville this 10th day of june ad 1926 for further particulars apply to f w silversldes auctioneer or to obrien lundy solicitors 18 toronto st toronto births brown in markham township on saturday june 12 1926 to mr and mrs jas brown a son in memoriam brown in memory ot our dearly beloved wife and mother mrs james brown who passed away june is 1925 what peaceful hours wo once enjoyed how sweet the memory still but they have left an aching void the world can never fill husband son and daughters send the tribune to absent friends tenders for coal sealed tenders addressed to the purchasing agent department ot public works ottawa will be re ceived at his office until 12 oclock noon daylight saving tuesday tunc 2f 1020 for the supply ot coal for the dominion buildings through out the province ot ontario includ ing the city of ottawa forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob tained from gw dawson purchas ing agent department ot public works ottawa and r winter 59- 61 victoria street toronto ont tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied bythe department and in accordance with departmental specifications and con ditions v the right to demand from the successful tenderer a deposit not exceeding 10 per cent ot the amount of the tendr to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract is reserved by order s e obrien secretary department of public works ottawa june 1 1926 june special ens suits 50 only mens spring suits in tweed serges and unfinished worsteds special 1250 tweeds 50 anew tailoring service a service that you have looked for waited foi needed custom tailoring backed by canadas most expert clothiers is now offered to you snptj rshion- made to measure qkp our knock out worsteds s 50 all the skill of fash ioncraft tailors a limitless rangeof new and uptodate mod els made to your measure from pat terns you select your self these popular prices we know will please you w r shaw phone 9512 during summer we close each wednesday at noon open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings

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