Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 17, 1926, p. 2

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fitouffville lodqe no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the- oddfellows hall visit lug brethern welcome bdw llntner w b sanders n grand recsec archie stoter financial secretary ss lesson loyal orange lodge no 1020 btouffytillel out resular meetings fkuay at 8 p m on or before fall mooa flowers wkddixg bouquets and funeral de81gk8 on liortt notice we also have a boautlfol selection of roses floral designs for all occasions muston sons phone 7001 stouffviee london tube station and benjamin were sons of rachelto prfsfrvf rfai1tv judah assumes that joseph is already v marda cii i o dead or in bondage somewhere and ur nlajjaka fajlls as gcod as dead june 20 judahs plea gen 44 18 to v 25 and our father said see 43 international board is ad- 45 15 golden text a broken and 114 n a contrite heart o god thou wilt not v 32 thy servant became surety pojlteg by canada and despise ps 51 17 see 439 judah feels the sacredness united states of the pedge which he gave that he analysis i woud bring benjamin back in safety ottawa an international boardis i judahs intebcession 441834 to his father to study preservation of the scenic ii joseph makes himself known n joseph makes himselk known beauty niagara falls agreement 45115 j 45115 to tms e has been reached between intkoouctwn the intervening y doth father t ive the governments of the united states chapters between our last lesson and as jn m ot par the penta and canada the board consisting of this tem of the imprisonment of two teuch th5re seem to be a combination canada j t johnston director of of pharaohs officers in the same prt- of two anc s tho whole of water power and regulation dr son with joseph and of his iterpre- c 44 s taken from ons of these charles campbell deputy minister of i tation of their dreams then of rjhar- stor the flrst part of chap 45 from mines aohs dream two years ater an jo- other this accounts for the q unted statcs d c jones sephs summons to interpret it of his h w h dxs not take t united states corns of engineers 1 astonishing exaltation to high rank t the fact tlat judah in the s urps engineers li frvnf his drenaration acc vf f c juuan ui int buffalo j horace mcfarland for- anu power in tgypt nii prcpaij previous chapter has spoken of his j of stores of food for the years of fa- j as yet living mer pr of the american civic mine and the beginning of the fy y 5 u no grieved the brothers association the story then turns to jacob and his ar no doubt both dismayed and conj the board will not consider tho isons who were also in the midst ot sc joseph treats them questio of allocation as between can- j famine conditions in canaan the magnam an unreserved ada and the united states of any ad- brothers come down to lgypt to jmy f ivenss he declares that god had ditional power which could bo mado w vh drnorrtcognize nim on overruled what they had done for avai t is a matter reserved theirturn jfurntyxt are much g itlotjb puzzled and alarmed at finding their ff ac j 7914 the investigation which has money returned to them hidden in 8 a father to pharaoh the ex- b agreed upon by the two govern- their sacks of corn they are also dis- pres used means simply a couii- nients has primarily in view the study turbed by the fact that they havo seior co isaiah 2221 tho of the conditions which have been and been taken for spies and have been fe qf egvpt here ment is ken are auvers affecting the scenic told tha to prove their innocence erauy believed to have been one of the beauty of the falls with a view to hrino th brother ben- called hytaos or shepherd kings designing such remedial works as are js josephv fuu bro1he with isssts feasible for tho protection of the fals them some time hunger they come benjamin this time uej egypt from the east their capital present of the products of their land i iu t a lfw city was somewhere in the delta the on into the total amount of water for the ruer of egypt and a double northern t of the country they which in conjunction with tho restora- supply of money they are treated recognized in the hebrews hon and maintenance of the scenic with unusual consideration are enter- i race and may have wecom- beauty of the falls could be released has new escalators misfii s a show vt the development of power the london travelers to and from tho i judahs intercession 441834 go v 10 was in the north v 18 tvien judah came near the eastern corner of egypt not far from tube station at trafalgar square have t previous verses show that judah the asiatic boundary where there is had to walk some distance in the subi convinced of benjamins guilt jo- said to have been some of the best terranean tunnel to reach their trains j sephs silver divining cup had been p land in egypt for over a year past but now the found in benjamins sack he at- 1 sound of hammers and pneumaticjtempts no excuse but admits that the drills has ceased and the fine new hall 1 jord of egypt whose hospitality they mlbblnu jpkubrlc 1 urb and escalators have been opened thifc 2ss discovered in woods lifts which have been in use for 20 them all as bondmen joseph insists upon keeping benjamin only had years havo done their last trip and brothers been without natural porcupine si wi- a fw h ijfeeijng w rerar to their aged father and benjamin his youngest and much loved son they would have consented to this glad to get oftso easily judah however speaking both for himself and tho others showsgen- uine and very deep feeling the station when the finishing touches have been added will bo right up-to- date tho bakerloo was one of the first of londons tube railwaysand though trafalgar station now deals with 4- 000000 passengers yearly tho new arrangements are capable of dealing with double that number another great convenience which is in course of construction is a public subway from the station to cockspur street under the very wide maze of traffic crossings which goes on above and chipmunks had furnished subsistence for two weeks to remove fat from soup or gravy strain through a cloth that has been soaked in cold water lindsay weatherhead and solo mon the two missing toronto pros- in a pectors who have been lost since may speech of singular pathos and beauty 24 in the woods of haliburton were remarkable not less for grace and perl f by a trapper george boyce suasive eloquence than for frankness near hollow lake they had been and generosity he makes a personal subs on wild game and also on appeal on benjamin s behalf explain i y iij ing how all had happened from thel food j an abandoned beginning he entreats joseph to have p near the lake th are both in compassion on the feelings of an aged good condition although worried with father and to allow him to remain as being lost and very tired with tramp- bondman himself in his brothers ing stead driver v 19 even as pharaoh ho regards joseph as like the king in authority and dignity v 20 of his mother both joseph fireproof wallfcoard nailed in large boards direct to studding right jover damaged walls or faded wallpaper easily quickly applied without muss at surprisingly low cost gyproc will not burn it is heat cold and sound resisting makes a continuous wall of rock that is very light in weight drop in and we will gladly explain gyprocs except ional advantages for sale by stouffville planing mill the two men existed for two weeks and a half on porcupines and a few chipmunks according to their own story they must have tramped over 500 miles to the camp at boundy lake at tho edge of hollow lake where they took shelter in an abandoned lumber camp owned by mickle and diament nevertheless they were only 10 miles from the camp at greazie lake from which they wandered on may 24 it took a day for them and their guide to brush their way out through the dense forest as there are no roads their alarm of rifle shots could notbe heard and fires would be dangerous in the thick forest allocation as between canada and the united tsates of any additional water which it may find could be made avail able this is a matter reserved for subsequent negotiation canadians ratify four conventions a dangerous character on the road the car with defective brakes lights or steering gear carelessness in keeping your car in good order increases your liability to accident it makes your car a menace on the highway a dangerous character you are not safe and other motorists are not safe if you drive with brakes which wont operate instantly lights which dont shine or steering gear which is not dependable ontarios highways are of ample width danger spots are plainly marked curves and grades have been made safe the enjoyment of the- highways by the thou sands who use them depends largely on you and the other motorists keep your car in perfect mechanical condition drive carefully avoid excessive speeds on the motor owners of ontario largely falls the cost of maintenance of our roads excessive speed is one of the chief agents of destruction of some road surfaces speed restrictions are there fore in the interest of all motorists see that you observe them the hon geo s henry minister of highways s l squire deputy minister issued by the ontario department of highways to secure the cooperation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads of the province london the canadian govern ment has formally ratified fourcon- ventions relating to seamens welfare adopted at different annual sessions of the international labor conference of the league of nations these being ago of employment at sea at 14 and the payment of unemployment in- the first formal ratifications to be rei demnity to seamen in the case of loss ceived from canada it is announced j or foundering of their ship the other here two were adopted at the third session two of these conventions were i in geneva in 1921 and referred to the adopted at the second session of tho nxn of nimum age foemploy- conference held at genoa in 1920 andi as trimmers and stokers at 18 referred to tho fixing of the minimum the c medical examina tion of children employedon board ship the last three conventionswero ratified in march by great britain honors are like a crown heavy with jewels they are likely to oppress the head they are meant to adorn no more chicken thieves when the fedekal huhglah alarm is attached to your chickenhouse your lions are safe nobody can steal them tho federal is a very simple springsteel device that works like a trap when a chicken thief opens any door or window to which it is connected the alarm makes a very loud report scaring the thief and awakening your whole household nobody can beat this alarm but in spite of tho absolute protection federal affords it is quite harmless it cannot harm even the burglar but it thoroughly scaros him protects your chickens and awakens you the federal caxxot fail absolutely glaraxtekd to last a lifetime tex day money back gimraxtee the federal hurgar alarm is returnable if iirtcr ten days you find the federal burglar alarm unsatisfactory in any way simply mail tho federal burglar alarm back to us collect and your money will bo cheerfully refunded plane trip to contintent popular with newlyweds london flying has become so popular with the newlyweds that face tious observers of the tendency of the justmarrieds to take to the air are suggesting it soon will be necessary to add a honeymoon special to tho continental airway schedule two or three couples patently not long since at the hymenal altar are not infre quently to be found traveling in a plane to tho continent tho men are usually the more back ward in boarding the air expresses airdrome officials say the brides sel dom show any signs of balkiness at essaying tho experience federal sales corporation hi victoria st toronto 2 please send mo postpaid one federal bur glar alarm for which iencloso my postal note for 165 on the uihtcrttandiiig that my money be refunded should i find it un satisfactory cutworms are menace to crops in- saskatchewan regina sask serious damage to growing crops by the pale western and ordinary red back cutworms aro reported from various points in saskatchewan tho full extent of the damage done is not clearly known at presentbut k m king federal ento mologist has returned from a visit to kronau and lakeport lajord dis tricts and reports that about 1000 acres of wheat have been wholly or partially destroyed in those districts other outbreaks of cutworms aro i reported from abernethy bacarres tregarva young and richardson to get the same performance in any other car the same comfort dependability beauty and refinement as the new star car provides would be an expensive undertaking to all who appreciate bigcar quality at smallcar cost the star car makes an irresistable appeal the new star is supreme in the low cost field the star emblem on the radia tor of a car four or six is your guide to unquestionable quality and outstanding value name address death of missionary brings eventful career to a close regina sask by tho death of rev r hyde at the- home of lis daughter mrs dockray here can ada loses one of its oldest mission aries at the age of 83 the life of a man who took part in the fenian raid traveled manitoba in an pxcart as a missionary pioneered in saskat- j chewan 1901 and lived for 75 years in canada was closed among the sur roundings he loved so well in his last years durant motors of canada limited toronto leaside ontario as- for a demonstration standard garage baker bros c stil waters run deep but there is ro music like the laugh of a swiftrun ning brook over tickling pebbles phone 60 1 new campktemto line stouffville ont oios oflvurs azid sixes

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