when exposed to air tea loses its strength and flavor i front of the whole grand stand hardly reaizinsr what be was do- it was absolutolv unbearable fur- jng dan made a dash for the lore- a cowboy the roman stopped to hep by this yanvtareh fiend al morton ibe cowboy to his ft he saw it all now now that it was backie i trows whit do ou too late but there was ro way to care you uidn t bet a years wages prove what he suspectej and unless did yout lie could there was no way to et out cf the bel i it isnt to be supposed that regan sat calmly and thought out a this the thoughts ran through hs brain i like lightning like red hot darts but chuck jones was gon bursting open tho door of the fore- uiars room he found blackie on tho floor trying desperately to get on corbetts sneaks he already had the shirt on one shoe jay en the for that reason is never sold in bixlk yotir grocer sells a delicious blend trysalada- they stabbed him to madias ios- nvor dan sat down beside the fore- iiy all control of himself as he man and hurneay put on the sho icized his utter impotence against blackie was in as in a temper as the man he now knew had contrived drunken man coud possiby bs n this plot against him he made a to bo continued dash at him over tto the calgary stampede by raymond h schrock and paul gulick he made a low rail of the box but morton was ready i for that he had estimated tho regan temper and he knew how far he could go and when the fighting would begin he had friends in the box with him who caught regan and his blows fell harmlessly short j i but his tongue was unhampered and i unrestrained you vile dirty cheap scoundrel you mucker you you planned all this you crooked gambler you ord ered your team to run corbett down to get him out of tho way ill have the law on you for this the judges will never let you get away with it but not even you you swine can call i mo a welcher ill run this roman chapter xvi cont j stevens turned his team deliberately j race even if i have to stick my cookio corbett the star rider of the bar as tho wagon was making its on the palominos- and all my bets 0 was the driver of the bar 0 chuck turn stand my men can do es they wagon it was evident to the officials i f but whether by accident or inten- please and wten the race is over and to the spectators that for these cokismn was inevtabe the 100k out for mo the fin time 1 two outfits no other chuck wagons two teams came together with a crash ever see you i am go ng to gno you existed at all thev were going to that could be heard wa across the such a lacking that no one on the fight it out alone anywat th s riv- i luarter mile track the bar 0 was vv ranch will recognize you afry wa purged byssiato titol a a disadvantage it was and with that he stormed out of real reason for what happened though tumng whereas the other was the box and hurried away to the the iudizes ritrhtfullv nointed to the straight away and on all fourstabo rr fharttebigasd f the vv wagon withstood wheres bckter he demanded litfev boys left behind as evidence shoc w so much as a excitedly ho 11 have to ride the that it was premeditated b p the bar wa turn- roman race he is the onl one uho at anv rate the v driver had cal- ed completely over puking down the has even exercised that team cutcd wit tosrvicsr the me p of horses and throwing blackies drunk said a cowboy it would take for the bar 0 outfit to s assortmentof camp truck out on- turn into track the lead horses smash ed their whiffetrees and dashed down tho track driverless for corbett was under the wagon attendants rushed from all quarj youll have to sober him up and get tors to the smashed wagon and cor- j him in shape ive seen that man betts own quartette of riders hur- 4 gpehjl- round the last barrel and the track the bar 0 stuff got packed first and the team started stevens had not received the word to go from his own riders and as a mat ter of fact they were not ready they were so busy watching tee other pack ers that things slipped through their fingers the stove even was not lashed tight they must have known that tho judges would disqualify them as for the little fellow tho small boy will revel in this at tractive version of tho oliver twist i suit wo call it the little brother bluntly drunk as usual groaned regan no drunkern usual replied the cowboy disloyally well i dont see anything for it because boys and girs of a sim do you know that thousands of yards of fabrics are destroyed qjearly hy impure soaps a nd its all so needlsss there is one soap that is dependable that is sun- light the allpure soap backed by a 5000 guarantee sunlight soap prolongs the life or fabrics made by lever brothers limited toronto sold everywhere ilar age are sometimes dressed alike rnd it makes a delightful companion j do some very surprising things even to our little sister dress no 1284 riedly dismounting went to his assist- when he was dead drunk and he can the blouse fastens with three scallops ance they had to lift the wagon ride drunk or sober i at tu6 f ron and has scalloped edges off his prostrate body and when blackie had already been to d that on colar and cuffs the they at last pulled him to his feet corbett was out and he had been 1 vi 1 a a u he sank back again in a heap groan- preparing for the race the shock marked for a shorter length and the sooiafthev saw tllt even if thov in p there was aclll for of corbotts injury with its aftermath lower edge of the bouse is gathered to didnfor llvtmr the water barrel a doctor and the ambulance that is on himself had done a lot to sober a wide band the straight trousers out of the wagonf nevertheiss they s at a stampede came up him up at that in somewhat crest- open at the sides and button onto the started at the same time that tho bar o t double quick the doctor gave fallen manner he did his best to blouse no 128g is in sizes 2 4 and corbett a hurried examination he assure the boss that ho couid do- q years size 4 years requires 1 the largest selling laundry soap in the world ganrabpbgsbambkbjhmbb s and while not 0 started the bar 0 had a longer loop to make to round its barrels but shook hs hea1 when they were passed the second ono they wore virtually in the track only having the width of their outfit to go tho vv wagon had a shorter loop but a longer run oh the track how ever stevens had calculated all this as well as the probable speed of the two teams as stevens got started a great shout went up from tho audience informing him of the water barrel left behind and as tho team turned around the first barrel stake the stove fell out of the wagon but stevens did not stop as he rounded the second barrel he was seen to rein in his team make tho turn at such speed pos dr ralph was a i just as well as corbett corbetts yard3 36 material for the suit friend- of both regan and alberta shoes shirt and trousers had all been j p 2 cents and he knew what this would mean taken into blackies room at the to them both as corbett was placed in a st j our new fashion book contains though he had been hiding from many styles showing how to dress stretcher regan himself came up the law all day and had been remark- j boys and girls simplicity is the rule panting he had seen the danger ably sucessful in dodging tho two re- j for welldressed children clothes of 1 a suspicious man he presentatives who were so anxious to character and individuality for the was very strongly of the opinion that come across him dan maloy had j junior folks are hard to buy but easy it was an intentional accident but his main anxiety of course was for corbett whats the damage doc gasped regan dr ralph put his hand on the other mans shoulder before he spoke and regan read in his eyes that it was possibly he was afraid to ser im sorryod man he said eibly he had another thought in mind corbetts leg is broke anyway when he had stopped down sufficiently he urged his team on to chapter xvii the uttermost of their speed using the substitute rider his whip for all he was worth i corbetts accident was a terrific now of course the track at no blow to regan it made no matter place was wide enough for eight camp about the chuck wagon race though wagons to drive abreast it was diffi- of course he would protest it but cult for four though there had been no amount of protest would mend o race when four chuck wagons had corbetts broken leg regan went run a dead heat at the stampede and over to the stretcher on which tho in- had divided the money accordingly jured man was being carried to the but it had never happened that moro ambulance he was in a daze than two or three were ready to i how did it happen corbett lie swing into the track at the very same asked im awfully sorry are you instant there was always some bad hurt difference in the speed of the men j couldnt be worse for us boss packing up the wagons j dont mind about me call off your tho great advantage that any team bets on the roman race if you can enjoyed by reason of a quick pack and jie sank back on the stretcher was to secure the pole position on thei call them off could he do that track the track was long enough with anyone else he could but with jo that a good driver could easily hold morton that was hardly possible it at the turns and it was not neces- but he would try morton had been ary to swing very wide to stay on seated right in front of him in the aul four wheels g stand and he had taken this jt seemed to everyone that stevens seat on purpose to enjoy the others was bending every energy to get in discomfiture regan slowly made his not missed anything of the entertain ment in the arena he had seen the chuck wagon race and had been in a position to assure himself that it was no accident that had put cor bett out of the roman race dan knew as well as everyone and better than most what the lack of corbett little as he liked his tech nique meant to tho palominos all unknown to anyone about the ranch he had ridden each of them separ ately and he knew just how speedy they were he knew too that for the best results on a circular track that corbett did not have them hitched up right then he thought of regan losing that splendid ranch and of little alberta going hungry and dowerless and as he thought and thought shuffling toward tho stable the same high exalted feeling that had possessed him as he watched the i to make with our patterns a small amount of money spent on good ma- i terials cut on simple lines will give children the privilege of wearing ndor- able things price of the book 10c tho copy how to order patterns writo your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in amps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 73 west ado- laido st toronto patterns sent y return mail a considerate husband davy mcdonald and his wife molly lived on an abandoned lumber tract in procession of the brave and hardy texas in a small comfortable cottage men who had made possible the settle ment of calgary and the great north- vest came over him again tho mantle of their splendid spirit and achievement fell over him mke a gar ment this pole position until he eased his team up then it looked from tho grand stand as though ho was afraid of a collision with the bar 0 team ho had made tho closest possible turn around his last barrel and when he hit tho track ho was on the very edge of the track ho did not turn out one foot to let the bar o team havo a chance to swing instead of that corbett later asserted that jp keeps teeth clean breath swcet appetite keen and digest- good way lack to his seat all- tho elas ticity had gone out of his step ail the confidence out of his heart and his face someway seemed older and moro careworn i as ho entered the little box morj ton turned around to him a mingled look of fear and satisfaction on his face by no stretch of imagination could anyone say there was any sor row there however he tried to put a little in his voice a3 he said that was a tough break for you andy is your boy much scratched up j couldnt be worse under tho cir- 1 cumstances i guess ill have to cal1 1 off my bet with you on the roman j race and im goin to advise am my i men to do the same oho so youre a welehor too as well as a piker ill be damns jif i cvir thought that of you tefore and ive known you all these yeais welch2r welcher thj real reacca why rogan had been invoijei into the huge bets was that he hated to be called a piker he had always been cautious it i had always paid him to be the only j times ho had ever lost wjre when i h had allowed romooncv speculative instinct or advice to sway him as a boy ho had been calccd a piker be cause ho hated to bet and when ho did it was such infinitisimal sums that tho other boys laughed at him the same thing had happened nt college and one of tho worst battles he had over had had been with his j chum whin ho had half in earnest and half in fun caled him a fokor that tho real reason that hv had fall n so easily for mortons bfi tho iprrion of piker to a lei a piker was bad t r-ncii- his blood boil u in valclrcr and in next to nothing mr3 gassaway she cholly nobraine you know her position in life mrs stabb next to nothing dear married whats teach health it is a part of the nations duty to teach health as thoroughly as regular ly as universally as it teaches read ing and writing education without health is wellnigh useless and educa tion gained at the expense of health is wasted effort dr emmet holt minards liniment for backache presence of mind the picnickers were obliged to cross the railroad tracks little bob bie ran on ahead and saw a train ap proaching eagerly ho shouted to hia father who was still on the track hurry daddy or else give mo tho lunch the difference between tired strained wmta and ironing casa depends on this exclusive hot- pont thumb rest which per mits the hand to rest in n eacy naturil manner instead of tho tense grip needed with ordinary irons ask your dealer about tho new low prices 550 special hotpoint iron jl extra the their homo was several miles from the nearest neighbor they worked a small truck farm and kept a number of cows pigs and many chickens wko many persons who live much by themselves and havo never learned to make companions of books they al ways retired very early in the evening and rose correspondingly early in the morning davy found the nights long and tiresome and was glad of an ex cuse to rise even before the proverbial lark he was much like the man re ferred to by john g saxe in early rising who cannot keep his precious head upon his pillow until its fairly light in speaking to a fisherman who was spending a few days with him davy onco said i like to get up in the morning i long about half past three or four oclock i wako up and cant go to sleep again so i get up nnd go out in the barnyard and look at tho pigs and cows and food the chickens and putter round till breakfast is ready now tho old woman is jest the other way sho never wants to get up and i never wake her i let her sleep jest ns long as she wants to now davy had the reputation of be- j ihb not overkind to or considerate of his wife and his visitor was net a lit tle surprised at this expression of con jugal solicitude ha davy good for you he said to himself i did not know that you were so thoughtful cf your wife ye resumed davy i never cull her or wako her up as long as she has my breakfast on tho table by 6lx oclock i let her sleop jest as lato as sho wants to pipers and dancers when march the gay piper has vanished with his song then comes april skipping the green lanes along she cries her silver tears laughs her golden laughter then with a happy step may follows after prances higglns 100 mites per gallon of gas on the now single harleydavidson motor cycle less than one cent per mllo to operate write for catalogue and prices walter andrews ltd 146 yonga 8t toronto how toads climb tho troo frogs or troo toads are bo named from their habit of climbing trees to which thoy adhere by means of mai expansions at tho extremities j of tho toos they havo tho power to j chango their color to hnrmonlzo with their surroundings ha7k a canadian general electric product rinards linmnt for burns i it with c stops shorp longer j cuts easier saws faster alkgkss catcada caw co lti mewrnrju vaucourai or nun us toxerxto d fill an 8mp enameled tea kettle 3et it on the stove no kettle will boil water quicker that means con venience time saved too all snip enameled utensils are very fast coming to the boil and in their job of cook ing not only quicker to cook with but easier more quickly cleaned after the best any way you look at it think this over enameled tea kettles save fuel dont limit your enjoyment ot mustard to occasional use with cold meats it feivssmprv flavor to hot nieat3 too- sharpens thvappetite rteuiraitee8the richness of fat fooda and rnaketthem easier to digest f