stouffville march 11th 1926 home town store pay less for more cheese pimento cheese in bulk per lb 40c- kraft can stilton french roquefort swiss cream plain cream limburger and old ripe canadian cheese new cheese per lb 20c special in prunes new fruit good size fine quality special 2 lbs for 2oc dried peaches less by far than present wholesale price extra special per lb 20c washed smyrna table figs k- lb pkgs oniy 10c our extra fancv chocolates very special per lb 30c loaf sugar 3 lbs 25c fine bulk macaroni 3 lbs for 25c bulk cocoa finest quality per lb 10c talcum powder tins each 10c hallowi dates per lb 10c see our small family size can tomatoes per tin 10c celery lettucespinach other green vegetables in season extra choice quality of bulk roats once used always used fish smelts haddie fillet salmon and ovsters ratcliff go deliveries phone 7112 rhe tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publuher stouffville ont jbekal women commend the king government editorial comment attention it will soon be time to wear leather boots just a word to the wise wisdom goes a long way therefore a wise man will buy his boots where he can see them and know what he is buying we have no 1 boots all solid leather price from 325 and up when in need of a good pair of work boots or a real fine boot drop in no trouble to show goods repairing right up to date x f s glehm footwear of merit stotffvillle ont phomte 4301- ntt1 we have a car ofventon smokeless coal coming in few days this is a coal which makes a hot fire without smoking you out of the house it is a coking coal and after burn- for a short time forms a coke fire we also have a car of no 1 dry hardwood put in your as it is going fast either short or cordwood we carry a line of feeds of all kinds shorts bran five crown flour o shell grit sampson feed standard screenings and oil cake s w hastings proprietor successor to w s cook sweet clover hulled and cleaned at our seed house telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 investednot spent the best investment you can make is by adding i n one or two cows to your herd keep more cows and ship more cream it will pay you stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 highest price paid for alsike sweet clover red clover alfalfa and timothy f t hill co limited ffick phone hoi house 189 l e todd managing director the farmers sun paper predicts a june election for the ontario leg islature despite the fact that the town of walkerton had a 31 mill rate last year that municipality had an over draft in their general account of 2900 walkerton will have to hit the peak of tux rates this year if they are to overcome their expendi tures although the- telephone girl gels more rings than most of them do they do not always get the sort of ring they want this of course ex cludes the stouffville exchange it now looks as if it will soon be legal to speed the auto at 35 miles per hour in the country it may as well be made legal for at present practically all of the auto drivers are breaking the law for they re gard a speed limit of 25 miles as ridiculous very soon too cles will be compelled to carry lights and the sooner the better the ontario womens liberal as ociation held their february execu- ive meeting at the prince george hotel toronto on wednesdayfeb 24th strong resolutions were pass ed expressing their confidence in the leadership of the rt hon w l mackenzie king and their admira tion for the dignified manner in which he is conducting affairs at ottawa they also congratulated him upon his return to a seat in parliament other resolutions were passed approving the course adopt ed by hon w e n sinclair pro vincial leader during the present session also one expressing regret at the resignation of rt hon geo p graham as minister of railways and canals delegates attending from the local association wore misses edith f saiigster hattie ratcliff and mrs jos borinsky mmkham township notice to dog owners oairxurogik clydesdales the advertising rates of the lon don daily mail for the first page have been raised to 575 an inch or 536 an agate line this is the highest advertising rate in the world all the space for 19 26 has been sold and contracts are being made for 1927 tom bell conservative candidate in north ontario for the provincial legislature has announced that he is not a follower of premier ferguson on the liquor question mr bell stands by the ota which was en dorsed by ontario electors by a majority of 34000 in the plebiscite of 1923 if more conservative can didates in dry ridings would take mr bells attitude the curries me- causlauds weigels wilsons et al would be forestalled in their wet propaganda tiie work of revising the statutes of ontario is now going on air mckay of st thomas editor of the municipal world is in charge of the revision of the municipal act he has stated that the law in regard to assessment for county purposes will be made clear and that only real es tate will be taken into consideration in other words that business and in come tax will not be included this is a big victory for the representa tives of towns and villages for it means there will be no change in the basis of assessment and the townships will continue to bear the burden of county rates the dispersion sale of high class clydesdales comprising the entire stud of graham bros ciaremont out will be an event of very great interest to clydesdale breeders gen erally cairnbrogie clydesdales have all vehi- made clydesdale history in canada graham bros for many years were the chief exhibitors of clydesdales at the chicago international and animals of their breeding have help ed to build up several of the big clydesdale studs in the united states they were always winners of high honors at any show at which they exhibited both in canada and the united states and it is safe to say- that no other firm has done more to advance the clydesdale business on this continent mr rich graham father of graham bros was one of the first importers of clydesdales he made his first importation over eighty years ago messrs graham bros have been in business since 1ss0 and have brought to the country the best specimens of clydesdales and hack neys imported in tnls and in other ways they have aided materially in making the clydesdale the leading draft horse of the dominion the sale will be held at the cairn brogie farm ciaremont on march 13th and applications for catalo gues should be made to graham bros owners and barborers of dogs in the township of markham are re quested to have the money ready to pay the license fee and procure tags for 1926 from the assessors roy h crosby east half and j a thomp son west half when they are called upon the license fees are as follows for each dog the sum of 200 if only one and 400 for each addi- lional dog 400 for each bitch if only one and 600 for each addi tional bitch under the provisions of the act an tra charge of 25 cents will be made for license tags if payment is not made before april 15th and fur ther owners or harborers of dogs not reporting same to assessors are liable to severe penalties for not tak ing out licenses tor same and the dogs subject to be destroyed the assessors are now on their rounds mount albert mrs james lawson of toronto is at present with her son here miss marjorie moore of toronto spent the week end with her par ents miss v hodgins of stouffville visited a few days with her aunt mrs mclean mr henry french attended the funeral of the late mrs l c wide- man of stouffville mrs w w shioicrs of toronto visited with her mother mrs john ston who has been ill for some time the vps on monday evening was presided over by the missionary department the vocational talks will he continued by mr george price on the dairyman the womens institute march meeting will be very interesting at the home of mrs davison a paper on the girl and her problem a read ing also a demonstration of setting a table and decorating it for st patricks tea wilbert lawson who is employed at davis bakery met with a painful accident on thursday morning last he was carrying two pails of boiling water up a stairway when he fell backwards and was severely scalded about the arms and body dr car- ruthers was immendlately summon ed and he is now recovering mongolia school report names in order of merit those marked were absent forone or more examinations class iv dawson wagg pearl zeller norman reesor ilert silver- thorn jim harris clifford wagg charlie brown sr ill alma zeller garnet van- zant alta zeller albert brown jr ill muriel spofford jack bar- key rowena browr t vine wagg ipo footo minnie fayior andrew fountain sr ii edna gresn evelyn green jr ii laura footo velroa brown percy brown reggie rennie jr i ethel wagg gladys green sr pr annie wagg elva taylor kenneth taylor jr pr willie brown jack brown bruce foote ernie taylor no on roll 33 average atten dance vera barnes teacher roa 1 the tribuaj and keep ported mongolia on friday evening last no less than 72 friends and neighbors of mr and mrs ic g tarr assembled at their home where so many had in the past been hospitably enter tained and presented mr and mrs tarr with a handsome gift as a re membrance of their sojourn and friends in mongolia the affair was stealthily planned with the shrewd ness of a sherlock homes so that mr and mrs tarr nor clayton never guessed the party was underway tiie address was read by miss ruby rennie and the presentation was made by miss j baker with a suit able reply by mr tarr it is 30 years since our old neighbors first located here since which they have steadily made many friends after the sale mrand mrstarr will spend some time in markham before tak ing up their home in stouffville the address read was as follows to mr and mrs tarr and clayton we your neighbors and friends of this community have gathered here this evening to express to you our sincere regret at your departure from among us we shall miss your kind helpful ness in many ways in sickness you have been ideal neighbors for your willing hands and heart have al ways been ready to give assistance your cheerfulness and unfailing good humor have done much to help many of us on the road to recovery in sorrow also we have found you ready to extend sincere sympathy and comfort you have always been ready too to help along any good cause either in our own community or elsewhere we remember especially mr tarrs untiring efforts as superintendent of our sunday school here mrstarr faithfully labored as a teacher in the sunday school also we bslieve that our community and its people have been much benefitted by your efforts there we know that the master will reward you for your work because you did it in his name as a slight token of appreciation for your work among us and also as a small remembrance from your neighbors we ask you to accept this fern stand we foel that it cannot fully express our feelings yet we lust want you to know that you have ft good friends behind you at mon- ln who will always have kindliest thoughts of you now we wish you every success and happiness which it will please the heavenly father to give you and we hope that he will yet spare you to live many years as happy and un selfishly as we believe you have lived here g a m davison township clerk send the tribune to absent friends but sell exchange every has of implement used on he farm is tc bo found in our yard we bay sell or exchange call and ee our sleighs many sets to choose from also wagons etc highest prices for hides juak nd live poultry h herman phone 192 stouffvills a bargain 195 acres good loam 7 roomed house bank barn driving shed on stone wall plenty of water four miles from town price 8500 7 roomed brick house large garage electric lights fine location price sttooo 7 roomed frame house near main street very large lot with small fruit price s1h0 yake and co real estate office in adam yakes jewelry store j doors west of railway tracks phone 15d stouffville noc o 30b0c aocaoi hosiery a o o 0 o 10 doz ladies and childrens cashmere hose in plain and ribbed in black brown and greys reg 100 thursday pr 39c 9 ladies and childrens cashmere and silk and wool hose jf also worsted to clear per pair at 75c new spring ginghams new spring prints new spring broadcloths new spring silk broadcloth new spring figured crepes new spring dresses new spring coats for ladies new spring suits for men new spring overcoats for men new spring wall papers d o o n o u o 0 o staunton semi trimmed wallpaper saves time the selvages are partially severed in the process of manufacture and all that is needed to accurately trim the rolls is to tap the ends on the table these papers can be hung quite easily and successfully by folks who do their own papering and paperhangers find that with these papers they can do the work much more quickly and that they always give complete satisfaction you will enjoy choosing wallpaper from our new stock the patterns are so novel and varied the colour harmonies are so effective that you will soon find an ideal paper for each room that needs renovating that will make your home as charming as you wish it were now f w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville this store will remain closed every night excepting satur day daring the winter months d o i 0e30e 30exoe aoe 30e30e o d o xoe30