a ss lesson january 24 jesus and the samaritan woman john 4 142 golden text with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation lsa 12 3 analysis im now a real pow farmer but my conversion was a slow process by- jims fathek ive ulways believed that there was i where we were going to grow the ex- nothing like good horseflesh for farm tra feed for these cows and hogs he power and i still believe that there was yolng to buy he asked me if will r introduction 16 will alwiys be a place for some good tibbets still wanted to rent that n the diadocue 72g horsese on a farm i hope i never twenty acres of creek bottom land will live to see the time when horses whats that got to do with us i hapter j but admit this much ive why well rent that from will and changed my ideas somewhat on the grow most of our corn down there in pharisees at jerusalem impehed i subject of farm power and while i the bottom thats a good piece of j to turn northward and he pass- j am still a great lover of good horses land and when weve got a tractor we es to galileo by the usual route ive come to beieve that theres no- can farm that much extra land with- through samaria this prominence thing that will carry a man through lout ever knowing it he said of tha place in john shoud be com- the pinches and the rush reasons of well talk about the optimism of pared with matt 106 where the m- farmg like a tractor 1 youth here ive been si it all came about the year after jim naier for more than twentyfie ears so wjti lufce 9 io 17a8 came back from the agricultural col- 1 on my place and ive always managed w 8 how little love was lost lege hod bean up there studying a to keep tolerably busy too and along between these two people john in lot of economics and farm manage- come3 this young sprout and want3 tentionally introduces this narrative ment and farm engineering and every to rent more land at an early stage of the gospel in griddle cakes 1hat the menfolks like charmingly simple whether for service or occasional wear this childs bloomer frock has the appeal of simplicity the raglan sleeves set into the neck are an at- summer when he was home on his va- i talked the whole thing over with order to reveal the true attitude of j to feature while the fulness in o w w w thinnthar thnt nloht shes nrcttv cool jesus towards those who were outside active xeature while the fulness in he is an cation hed keep harping away on this mother that night shes pretty cool tractor idea and usually has a few good ideas but the the jews at first i just laughed at him he the minute i started talking with her e acted like a kid who having seen a i knew that jim had been there ahead l iikouuctios it new toy wanted one like it but after of me she didnt say so gosh she there was a plentiful supply a while i saw that he was in earnest didnt have to i knew it i of running water near sychar or askar and the fact that the woman ao i tried to argue him out of the idea now jud she said you must j k all the 0 to draw from the many an evening we would sit and remember that they do thing a jittieigp w moy j cx hy reli- argue the subject for a couple of differently these days than they did associations with their father hours hed tell me about fellows who j when we wero kids look at the way jacob who probably digged this well were getting rid of their horses and j wo travel now and the way we visit in order to be independent of the hos- tising tractors altogether and id try with each other over the telephone and to show him that i could do more j all these new things that we have to- work for less money in a year than 1 day that you and i never had when we the fellow with the tractor we had i were young you remember you and some hot arguments every once in a i used to ride to dances in a buggy or while and i remember one night i got a sleigh we used to have to walk mad and told jim that if they couldnt j five miles for a doctor and when we teach him anything better at tho col- first moved into this house wa had lege than to come home and try to coal oil lamps for light and a base- upset the whole system of farming i burner in the dining room that heated that id been following for years he j the whglo house today wo dont could just stay home from school next think a thing about going forty miles year to the fair or to some sale weve got well jim didnt stay home of the car to ride in weve got electric course he went right back and fin- 1 lights and a furnace and neither one ished his course and his mother and of us has carried a bucket of water for i went up to sae him graduate we so long weve forgotten how maybe went up a couple of days before com- 1 jim has a good idea if youll give it mencement and jim took us all over a trial the place he took me down to thej well i knew right then that there machinery building and kept me was no use talking to her i was lick- there for about half a day showing ed and i knew it and the next morn- me all the different tractors and trac- ing at breakfast i sneaked a look at tor tcos that they had down there that young monkey jim and he had hed explain all about the carburetors j a look on his face that told me that and disk clutches and drawbar horse- he knew id been licked too power and such stuff until i got dizzy we got the tractor the next week i wanted to get over to the barns and and jim used it to pull up most of the see some of the fine horses that they fence posts along the lines that he had at the college wanted to move it sure made me one morning he took me into the sick to see those posts pulled out in farm management department office five seconds when i remembered tho and showed me a lot of charts and sur- i way i had sweat for hours digging the veys that those fellows had made holes to set them but out they came showing labor income horse hours and jim turned three or four fiields man hours and a lot of stuff that into one j sounded good but about which i could make neither head nor tail i did have a good talk with one tile tribes of the district gen 3319 time some writers think that the jewish reckoning from 6 am to 6 pm is followed hero which would make it noon but others suggest that john is reckoning from midnight as wo do and in this case it would bo 6 pm the latter is said to suit the circumstances better see ch 139 452 1914 v c sat thus on the well wearied by the long and dusty journey jesus throws himself down as he was the human aspect of jesus is prominent in john 1135 1928 ii the dialogue 720 this instructive conversation con sists of seven sayings by jesus and six by the woman v 7 jesus saith givo mo to drink it is a most natural request rising out of a common need v 9 then saith the woman g j writer thinks that it is banter on the womans part but it is more probably astonishment she would know by his clothing and accent that he was a jew and that rabbis never condes cended to discuss their teaching with women of her nation v 10 jesus answered jesus for gets his own thirst in his desire to help this woman if thou knewest she is within reach of the greatest of discoveries if only she could recog nize jesus as the gift of god john 816 then the greatest blessing was possible for her how often we do not know vs 11 12 well is deep she is fixed everything up regarding tho renting of that piece of creek bottom young fellow there though he was a and the next thing i knew he was young instructor who had started outi down there plowing it up he worked three years before the experiment pretty late the first evening and i got with a crop of corn which was motor- a bit anxious thought maybe the ized from start to finish he carried j tractor had acted up so i got in the his experiment over three years and i car and drove over there gosh i struck an average he plowed the ground worked it down planted it cultivated it and husked it by ma chinery pulled by a tractor this follow had some interesting figures on the average cost of doing the work with horses and with it trac tor and he showed me in cold dol lars and cents that the work was done for less money in less than onethird of the time with tho tractor than with horses that set me thinking some but i didnt let on to jim that id been the least bit impressed by the speech this follow had made law hed have started in on me than and there and id come down to tho doings to forget my troubles rather than to engage in more arguments on the tractor ques tion with that kid but when we got back home and jim got his trunk unpacked the whole thing started over again ho had bul letins from ottawa and clippings from a dozen or more farm papers and advertising folders from all of the tractor factories in the country youd have thought he was a tractor salesman ivo had these birds work on me at a fair but i swear i never had a fellow put up the talk that jim put up to me any tractor factory could afford to hire jim and pay him 5000 a year to go out and sell trac tors if he talked as long and as hard ns ho did to me ho had charts of our own farm that hod made up in his spare time at school showing a plan of operation he had gone down to tibbets and confused and like nicodemus becomes painfully literal vs 13 14 a well of water spring ing up jesus carries on the thought of v 10 the woman had been seek ing satisfaction at false springs and had found out that these fountains had dried up and any hope that she might obtain an enrichment of new life had vanished jesus starts these anew he is to be a continuous spring of fresh life and love darned tractor went fogging around 15 neither come hither to draw ri u til e i i the real woman speaks here she had never saw so much plowing done in one day in all my life the way that oiten rebelled against the tedious work of drawing and carrying water she does not comprehend this strange man but she now asks him for that which he had asked her v 16 call thy husband she had implied in her request that others were dependent on her service and jesus makes this connection with her thought to awaken her conscience confession must precede the full ac- ceptanceotchrist v 17 i have ho husband there the field was a caution blamed if he didnt plow the whole twenty acres in two days i watched the way ho worked that ground down pretty carefully thought maybe the machine would pack the soil too nuich but it didnt at all and jim worked the whole twenty acres down in a day id been used to putting in at least a week or ten days getting that much land in shape for corn and here this young snipe had fixed it all up for was no joy in her home life there is planting in three days no joy in her home life the laws of we didnt sell any horses that marriage were often broken and di- spring i wanted to see how things vorce wasjverv frequent this was a were going to turn out but after id s on yiiich jesus spake with turned two of my good teams out into he was no fender the pasture day after day all through j vs 19 20 our fathers worshipped tho summer i realized that they might some suppose that tho woman wished as well be earning their keep some- to divert the conversation from an un- where so i put them into the town welcome theme but probably she is sale that fall got a good price for more serious if this man is really a them too they were nice and fat prophet ho will be able to settle the and i got more than half tho price longstanding dispute between jews of the tractor out of them j samaritans where should god 1 be worshipped the samaritan said i had bought seven more cows that in gcrezim the jew in jerusalem she summer thought i might as well be felt it was the burning question of having home producing livestock on religion the place that was one of jims no- j vs 2121 the true worshippers tions right from the start he said jesus gives to this ignorant woman that we could get rid of some of tho one of tha sublimcst of all messages horses and use our land for producing- no concession to her position feed for stock that would bring us in pcaims tha ha the di- u vine revelation saivation is of the somo cash i jews but ho lifts u he went over to a sae and bought a time whsn the oi controvorsy a coupe of witslnre sows that had will pass away in the light of the per erttlio trim sf fnnair narliivmad linliind fn4 v u t 1 t the front and back is arranged in two rows of fine shirring the frock opens far enough down tho front to slip on over the head easily and tho round collar is finishad with a demuro little bow quaint pockets adorn the front tho bloomers are in two pieces gath ered into a straight band at the knee and finished with an elastic casing at tho waist the original of this model was developed in brown velveteen with tho lower section of the sleeves collar and pockets of tan crepe de chine no 1263 is in sizes 2 4 and 6 years size 4 years requires 1 yards 36inch 1 yards 54inch material for tho dress and 1 yard 36inch or yard 54inch material for the bloomers price 20 cents our fashion book illustrating the newest and most practical stylos will be of interest to every home dress maker price of the book 10 cents the copy how to order patterns write your name and address plaln- lyi giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to pattern dept wilson publishing co 73 west ade laide st v patterns sent by return mail warm water for layers inlaying hens must have an abun dant supply of fresh pure water and during very cold weather it is impos sible to keep this before them without freezing unless somo effort is made to keep tho water warm if you have only a few birds a vacuum water fountain so constructed that warm water is put in it in the morning and lasts all day gives good results there are also on the marret several types of heated fountains equipped with a small kerosene lamp placed below the water container a low wick is kept burning continually under the fountain many ways are available of heating the water electrically by using a hot point immersed in the water or by a carbon bulb suspended partly in the water there are also a number of small kerosene stoves which can be placed under the ordinary water pan or water choose the heating method that best meets your individual needs but re member that ice in the water pan means a loss in egg yield which is occasioned by compelling the birds to drink ice water or compelling them to go without water at all when it is frozen by nell b nichols snowstorms and pancakes have an affinity for each other in my homo whenever i ask my family what they want for breakfast on a cold wintry day the reply is pancakes topped with melting butter and maple syrup sau sage and coffee i always add fruit to the list i used to think there were only two kinds of pancakes those made from wheat flour with either sour or sweet milk likewise i believed one was completely out of luck when the sup ply of maple syrup was exhausted necessity has taught mo that there are many varieties of griddle cakes and that syrupa may be manufactured in the kitchen pancakes are relished in cold wea ther as a dinner dessert at my house when spread with a luscious fruit butter or jam rolled neatly and sprinkled with powdered sugar they aro delicious when i make pancakes i pour tho batter on a hot aluminum griddle from a pitcher the aluminum griddle like those of soapstone need not be greas ed if tho cakes have a tendency to stick i scour the griddle surface when it is washed and rub it with the cut surface of a raw potato if grease is used on griddle3 i find it best to apply only enough to pre vent tho food from adhering griddle cakes are to bo baked not fried the surplus fat causes smoke and spreads the batter over tho iron among the collections of foods which i cook on my griddle are tho following combinationsall of which havo been tested in the kitchen i am also passing on a few recipes for syrup3 x bread crumb pancakes three cups sweet milk 2 table spoons fat 3 cups bread crumbs 1 cup buckwheat cakes one cup buckwheat flour 1 table spoon shortening 1 tablespoon sugar vt teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water 3 teaspoons baking powder hi cup milk sift dry ingredients together add the melted shortening water and milk bake immediately oir a hot griddle southern pancakes one cup boiled rice 1 egg 1 table spoon melted fat 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk vs teaspoon salt 1 cup flour mix together rice fat milk and beaten egg sift salt baking powder and flour together and add to the rice mixture bake at once sour milk pancakes one cup fiour 1 cup sour milk hi teaspoon salt teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter mix the flour salt and soda add tho sour milk melted butter and beaten egg pour onto a hot griddle and cook until puffed full of bubbles and thoroughly cooked on the edges turn and cook on the other- side servo immediately sweet milk pancakes use one cup of sweet milk and ono teaspoon of baking powder instead of the sour milk and the soda in tho sour milk pancakes banana pancakes to tho batter for sour milk or sweet milk pancakes add ono banana cut in thin slices bake on a hot griddle corn pancakes to the batter for sour milk or sweet milk pancakes add three- fourths cup canned corn bake im mediately scottish cakes flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons bak- j sift one cup flour into a bowl and ing powder 3 tablespoons sugar 2 add onethird cup milk one and one- fourth teaspoons baking powder and eggs scald the milk and add the crumbs let stand a few minutes and then beat to a paste add tho salt sugar beaten eggs and melted fat sift in flour and baking powder beat thor oughly and bake utility cakes one cup milk 1 egg beaten 1 tea spoon baking powder teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cups flour stir milk and eggs into dry ingred- beat into this one egg and ono table spoon sugar drop oy tablespoons on a hot griddle servo with jam honey or syrup english muffins when kneading bread dough pinch off a few biscuits and let rise thirty minutes then roll to about one- fourth inch in thickness and bake these biscuits on a hot slightly greased griddle brown on both sides tents to this batter add one cup split open and butter generously cooked and chopped meat vegetable toasted muffins aro especially good or fruit brown on a hot griddle and 1 the cold biscuits aro split open and serve with syrup i toasted who began it by m p handy harry wood was really a very fine not look like a mirror at all to harry boy bright and handsome but ho who had never seen such a one be- had one great fault he was terribly fore and he saw as ho supposed in quarrelsome at homo ho was for- j the dim light another boy coming to ever disputing with his brothers and meet him sisters and at school ho was constant- 1 ho looked hard at the boy- and tho ly getting into squabbles which not boy stared at him infrequently came to blows with hisj how are you what is your name school fellows i do you live here he asked but the for these ho had always ono and boy said not a word tho same excuse to offer they be- then harry frowned and the boy gan it first an excuse which he had i frowned back which made him angry learned was very likely to be accepted j vh are you making faces at ho ho had put the hog pasture in with some kind of fancy pedigrees behind feet truth tho clover meadow and had moved the them last year he entered one of brought a christ has come and has new revalation of the cow pasturo all over to tho timber them in a ton litter contest or rathar father who is n spirit the real instead of having a dozen fields as he entered her litter and ho beat the ba of universal religion and id always had jims plan called for ton mark by almost 400 pounds that f the sc p in only three or four fall jh soul can lcai drcctv wlth what the deuce are you going o oh yes the milking machine hej yl do with nil tho barbed wiro youre got ono of those too soma fcllow foiowiiimibutfaltabncvon going to tear down i yelped j over near toronto wns closing out his the thought that tha future will make uso tho most of it to fence in tho dairy herd nnd going to florida to all things clear jews and snmari- timber wns his comeback speculate in real estate tho poor tans expected the messiah ho showed mo how we could sell simp and at the sale jim bought n- v 26 i am he to this dis- milking machi no dirt cheap ractcd and confused woman he makes j l this stupendous reveation he had a mans clothes mav mako him but l fnse of deep discontent his wifes sometimes break him hor om lfo ha1 started marketing poultry co operatively experience leaves no room for doubt that cooperative marketing based on really sound principles and loyalty is the very best method it is point ed out in a bulletin on cooperation and marketing poultry products is sued by the dominion live stock branch that the cooperative method presents great opportunities in the marketing of live poultry the great est success has bean achieved by those who have assembled ordinarily well- fed poultry taken off the run and shipped them in specially constructed cars provided by the railway com panies to distent selected markets when tho home markets were glutted this hns resulted in tisfactory re turns being secured in spite of poor homo markets last yenrsome fifty her thought cars of live poultry were shipped co operatively in the various provinces and in addition about twenty cars wore shipped locally in tho prairie provinces in the case of one car shipped from the canadian west to now york a report wns made of tho at home his father had endeavored from his babyhood to teach him never to pro voke a quarrel but always to defend himself when attacked and harry cried angrily and the boy only looked very cross and said nothing harry doubled his fist and shook it at the boy who shook his in return that was enough for him more learned the last hafof the lesson far h in he more easily than the first headforemost into the great mirror to do him justee he was no cow- g0 much f ft ard so far as physical courage went au ces and never hesitated to pitch into a boy of course when ho understood how twice his size if he thought himself affronted very foolishly he had behaved he was this was bad for his temper inas- exceedingly mortified and ashamed of much as the big boys at school used to i and this added to the wounds amuse themselves by teasing him just he had received was thought punish- to see him get into a rage i enough even for such bad be- one day his mother took him with but fc was the last time for her to the city to spend tho day and many months that he was allowed to after getting through with her shopjlo homc l ping went to call on a wealthy rolaj the accident did him a great deal tivo who lived in great style j 8od however in showing him tho tho house had a beautiful garden mlv of ben so oasiiv provoked back of it full of rare flowers and his face was so badly cut that tha statuary and after lunch harry was story could not bo kept somd ex- given permission to play in the gar- 1 planation was necessary and his fath- d or and mother would permit no ova- there were no children in the famsion of tho truth so it was a long ily nnd his mother thought him quite time before harry heard tho last of safe out of her sight j it nnd whenever ho said afterward of but alas the ladies talking quiet- j anybody he began it first the ns- ly in the sitting room upstairs heard wer was always how about the boy a fearful crash followed by scream in tho lookingglass after ecrenm of pain and rage from harry they rushed downstairs guided by tho sounds which alarmed everybody sheep in northern ontario the shropshire breed of sheep has i been selected by tho experimental gain of 1000 lbs during transit this wholesale shipping resulted ir n great mirror built into the wall between tho she seams majority of the old stock being cleaned windows in the housa and found harry in th farms system as being well adapted front room cut and bleeding in tho ior experimental work utho north- midst of the fragments of tha great harry said his mother it wns all she could say she was so much dismayed at tho sight nnd two teams and buy six extra cows and somo more brood pows well and good i said but whos going to milk tho extra cow3 well get a milking machine i know just tho kind we want too ho said excellent thing to use in cleaning lint holy mackerel i said youro not fuzz or hair from woolen clothing oven going to slop vith tearing up my wholo farm nnd patting a tractor on tho place now youro talking milking machine wheres this going to end he ntwer secmwl to pay any atten tion to rc and when i asked him new longing for god now he tells her that all those blessings are to be realized moistened rubber sponge is an by faith in him he begins by asking for a drink of water and ends by re vealing himself as the water of life to your usual pnncako recipe for a the calves should not bo put on a up and was an infiuenco in making a much finer poultry market in the fall tho bulletin which may be obtained free from the publications branch harry stopped spreaming to sob dept of agriculture ottawa de scribes in detail how to organize and conduct theso cooperative associa tions for the marketing of poultry islands for birds the now england bird club has pur chased a number of islands es sanc- ctuaries for fhoro birds family of four add ono and onehalf ful raton of simmiik until they are cups of diced apples fry on the grid- 1 at east a month dlo as usual and serve with syrup j feathers sav and sold mean these aro fino for supper in the win- mone earned and it pays well to iter time mrs r j t ke tho different sorts separate i vioara in crlcklowood london and reaching from floor to cciing did church built on farthings farthlnsj collected over- a period of olghtecn yoaro havo largely paid for i the building of a church nrlsslonroora ern ontaria experimental station at kapuskasing in the recently issued report of that station now ready for distribution by the publications branch of the dept of agriculture at ottawa tho treatment given the flock at that station is described in win- he began it first tho rock fed at the ralo of 2 who when what do you mean pounds of c and ono who began it asked everybody poun1 of grain per ay an xpcr the other boy answered harry ment wa3 cot l winter to but looking around behold there was j dotermin no boy there but himself doubtless tho children have guessed what had happened tho back parlor opened through a largo bay window into tho garden and harry after strolling around for somo time had gono in to look at tho beautiful room tho largo mirror let into tho wau nine tho relative valuo of two kinds of silago for growing lambs tho silages used wero made of sun flowers for tho ono and a mixture of oats peas and vetches for tho other from this experionco tho sunflower silago gavo tho larger and chcapef gains f i turpentine will soften snoo pclfah that has become hrrd ani caked