st0uff5tlle december 10th 1925 v f k ft j i proper precaution not taken by driver free demonstration every afternoon and evening baker bro the standard garage stouffville for saiie 18 piss ready to wean prank wagg phone 9 00g poultry salk number black minorca und barred rock pullets for sale marcn hatch j l green mongolia 42 wanted we are paying highest price for iwool feathers and poultry special attention paid to orders ben rexlin phone 7821 aug28p sugar aplp esauce sugar apple sauce for sale 12c per lb v nighswander phone 9021 strayed into lot 9 con 7 whitchurch 4 head young cattle owner can have same by proving property and pay ing expensss ralph baker 41 nursery stock good reliable nursery stock true to nam from ten to fifty per cent cheaper than can be bought from ether agents c raymer agent stouffville mongolia miss barnes has resumed teach ing in the local sjhoo after an ab sence of a week through illness the threshers are in this section making the second round in order to clean up ihe unthreshed grain oats wanted at brucebros mill highest price paid 42 from the evidence we are of opinion that miss davison did not take proper precautions that was the concluding clause in the verdict of a coroners jury under dr i h jlleconacll which on monday last inquired into the death of miss beriba denby aged 55 of lansing who was struck and fatally injured near finchs corners on north yonge street on the evening of nov 29th by an auto driven by miss margaret davison of unionvllte miss davison was winded by the lights of a radial car which are a public menace as many of us know why are they allowed a creit opportunity the h h club of bloomingtpn united church are holding an orien tal bazaar in a w scotts ice cream parlor stouftville on saturday dec 12th at 2 vm there will be offered for sale splendid pieces of art direct from kore inclusive of brass and needle wok chopsjcks and other articles stecure6tme of the tempting pastry ijuatfery this is a real mis sionary work as the classcontribute of their funds to a nfissionary in korea as well as to home needs church was held at w a foeklers on friday- evening the ladies aid social atthe home ol mr and mrs otto tranmer on friday evening was largely attended and a very enjoyable evening was spent for sale one set springs for farm wagon phone s410 e j cable estray ram shropshire year old left my farm in pickering about dec 4 jos hoover phone 9024 stock for sale two registered jersey cows springing also two 1yearold bulls reg jerseys apply w h leitch rr 3 stouffville 42 wanted j live hens chickens and ducks geo rosser phone 3708 stouff ville 49 poultry wanted live geese ducks and hens for which j quote highest market price bee me before you sell sam golden at pennocks livery buy sell exchange every line of implements used on the farm is to be found in our yards we buy sell or exchange call and see our sleighs many sets to choose from also wagons etc highest prices lor hides junk and horsehair h herman i phone- 192 stouffville stouffville lodge no 384 meet ever monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcome 8am mckuen w r sanders- n grand recsee archie stover financial secretary wood wood just arrived car load of hardwood dry and cut 12 length price 15 a cord 4 lengths jos borinsky stouffville creamery old mr carter helped by simple mixture after taking adlerika i feel bet ter than for years at my age 60 jt is ideal so different from other medicines signed w w carter adlerika is a simple mixture of buck thorn bark glycerine etc which re moves gas in ten minutes and often brings surprising relief to the stom ach stops that full bloated feeling brings out old wastematter you never thought was in your system excellent for chronic constipation j m storry druggist sixth line mrs perkins from victoria square is visiting at ernest ratcliffs misses vera and delia steckley miss lemay and mr frank steckley spent the week end in toronto mr and mrs robt ratcliff and family also miss marjory nicely visited at thos ratcliffs stouffville on sunday the ladies mission circle will assembletor their monthly meeting at the churoh on wednesday after noon at which they intend packing a christmas box mrs fred steckley spent the week end with her parents ralph bruels mr clark and david harris were guests of ross ratcliffson sunday tt- lemonville school report for november jr iv ruth flewell 75 alma baker 72 sr hi john richardson 86 ross hall 64 herbert hood 62 jas wishart 52 jr ih merlyn baekr 59 sr ii bert taylor 73 florence barkey 72 jack barkey 69 jean raker 57 jr ii floyd preston 75 don hall 71 sr i elda hutchinson 74 blake yake 73 jack burgess 65 lewis wells 62 reta wells 39 stanley hall 48 albert richardson sr pr helen hastings 85 frank hall s3 bruce- baker 74 doris baker 44 keith hutchinson 43 jr pr marion hastings alex kirby howard kirby alice rich ardson names marked with an were absent for one or more examina tions no on roll 29 average atten dance 25 margarete y thomson teacher in memoriam mcguckin in loving memory of our dear mother and grandma mary a mcguckin- who entered into well earned rest dec 11th 1923 we have no forgot ner nor do we intend we think of her often and will to the end gone and forgotten by some she may be but dear to our memory she ever will be when the days are dark and true friends few oh mother dear how i long for you every remembered by daughter alta taylor when the evening shades are falling and we are all alone there often comes a longing if grandma could come home bruce willis allan taylor grandchildren agent for international implements wagons and sleighs peter hamil ton pulpers and repairs lister elec tric light plantsengines and cream separators farms for sale some bargains 100 acres 3200 all prices and sizes 43 frank raker phone 8104 that wiring job now is a splendid fime to get your house wired let us estimate the cost for you repairing and installation of elec tric appliances on short notice chas nendick phone 2305 clerks office bloomington too late last week e fairies and friend spent sunday in pickering mrs harper of newmarket is visiting her daughter mrs booth we are pleased to report w h jones is slowly recovering from his recent illnes walter gould and miss card of locust hill were visiting at e a storrys on sunday mrs hartman jones and son earl of toronto were guests at jos bur netts on sunday mr and mrs john forsyth have the sympathy of the community in the death of their infant daughter the annual meeting of the young peoples bible class of the christian the home town store goodwood william mririion in toronto last week on business richard hynes has been taken to toronto general hospital edward sheen y and miss m ken- zie were in toronto on saturday miss bessie murison in toronto this week doing her christmas shopping miss jessie reid is recovering from a bad attack of flu and is now able to be up the women liiwiitute had i very successful night latt friday at their weaner roast taking in about 30 which pleased them very much es pecially on such a bad night and such bad roads the crowd was larger than expected all memoers and supporters of the goodwood loot ball club are request ed to meet at the king edward hotel now run by wm todd on saturday night dec 3 2th for the purpqseof disposing of some very important business by order of the president credit ale of highgrade cattle horses implements harness grain etc stouffvilles new dry good store reduced prices in winter coats womens and childrens heavy weight berberrys ti regular 1700 for 1295 regular 1100 for 895 regular 1000 for 795 candies christmas mixed 2 lbs 25c jumbo creams per lb 20c maple creams per lb 20c sponge taffy per lb 25c kisses per lb rccsuj l choice mixed chocolates 30c candy canes christmas week only let us haveyour order early raisins valencia raisins 2 lbs 25c seedless raisins 2 lbs ks 25c seeded raisins pkg- 15c table raisins in 1 lb pkgs bleached sultana raisins very fine spanish onions 4 lbs for 25c our special coffee 60c mince meat 2 lbs 25c currants our own import order direct from greece fancy quality fillistra currants 2 lbs 25c patras per lb 15c vestizzis per lb 20c special dried peaches per lb 20c nuts mixed nutslb 24c no peanuts in mixture very special fancy budded walnuts worth 50clb for 35c- oranges naval oranges unusual eating quality for this time of year 40c per doz cocoa per lb 10c hallowe dates 10c per lb fancy tunis dates in hoxes 25c orange peel lb 28c lemon peel lb 28c white honey 5 lb pails 65c triscuit pkg lie sugar st lawrence gran cwt 635 icing sugar 3 lbs for 25c loaf sugar 3 lbs for 25c cranberries early blacks lb 1 18c or 2 lbs for 35c preserved figs a dainty tooth some morsel for lunch 25 and 50c jar we- wish our many customersthe highest and best cheer of this festive season ratcliff go there will bo sold by public auction at lot 35 con 5 markham about 1 mile east ofgormlop on friday december 18th 1925 the following property of duncan bros horses brown gelding rising 5 years old bay mare aged brown horse aged cows regholstein cow lulu keyes fayne 5199s calf by side dam grade keyes23556 sire king fayne rocker 2101 red cow full flow b w cow due jan 3rd holstein cow full flow bred sept22 white cow due dec 20th holstein cow full flow black heifer due feb 10th b w cow calf by side white cow due dec 12th black heifer due dec 12th b w heifer bredopt 20th black heifer 4 heifers 2 years old 6 yearling heifers holstein bullson of lulu keyes fayne 2 years old implements c masseyharris binder 6 ft mccormiek mower 5 ft cockshutt 11 disc drill mh corn cultivator no 6 masseyharris springtooth cultiva tor 13tcoth noxon cultivator 13tooth mh rake 10 ft i national gang plow no 8 fleury walking plow no 21 wilkinsonwalklng plow no 7 set harrows 4 sections land roller 2 drum mh cuttingbox 12 fanningmill stock rack gravel box hay rack masseyharris hay tedder wagon and box open buggy 1horse sleigh sleigh and box- mclaughlin cutter nearly new set platform scales 1200 cap mh cream separator 750 lbsnear- ly new cockshutt scuffler and other articles harness set brass mounted team harness set plow harness collars etc grain and feed a quantity of ensilage 500 bushels of oats 100 bushels of buckwheat positively no reserve as the owners are giving up farming terms grain feed ensilage and all sums of 1500 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes or 4 per cent straight off for cash sale nt 1230 sharp 3 h k g prentice auctioneers christmas groceries rf orange and lemon peel 27c ij seedless raisins 2 lbs for 25c if puffed seeded raisins 15c u try our bulk tea lb 35c f c rowbotham phone 5601 town orders delivered blacksmith shop at almtra i have reopened the smithy shop at almira thoroughly experienced in shoeing and genera work john ninnis 42 for sale general store and hardware 20000 yearly turnover fine brick store and dwelling on a main corner three miles nearest opposition dandy loca tion this business and property can be bought for 10000 for quick sale 41000 cash will swing the deal take mortgage for balance death reason for selling anyone wanting this must hurry we also have other opportunities from 1000 to 3500 x list your property with us yake and co real estate 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 159 stouffville good steak sirloin porterhouse round or tbone always satisfies a healthy appetite and the more tasty and tender it is the hap pier it makes those who share in it that is the reason you should try our specials h leadbetter v butcher v phone 0701 sooaffville wanted agents and salesmen for our and shrubs- we have a full linn wt everything all government inspeo- ted stock free equipment ana real liberal v terms to the right kind sst man start in now welland nursery co wetland ont notice to farmers let us hull and clean your sweet clover and put it in a marketable condition ready when the market opens as there will be a limited amount wanted we are also in the market for alsike alfalfa and red clover seeds we carry a supply of tile all sizes oyster shell grit ok laying mash scratch grain five crown flour for bread jubilee pastry bran shorts and all kinds of seed coal all kdstds and sizes s w hastings proprietor successor to w s cook telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 s stouffville planing mill stoufper and schell windows doors and frames joisting studding sheeting shingles lath and special maple birch and oak floor ing also storm sash and doors save their price in fuel many times shingles make wp rm siding xfor poultry houses stables etc at low cost masseyharris farm implements repairs aibo see ns if you are thinking of buying an ensilage cutter w have a new box but that is a whirlwind we also have the beat engine that you can buy our new quebec sulky plow has so equal on the market every bnyer of one is a eatisfled customer and no one has been able to make a suggestion of an improvement on one order one early as we can sell them faster than we can get them call and se if yon have not already seen one and if you ever try on yon will never part with it we have a complete line of repairs always on hand and handle shears for all makes of ppws repairs strictly gash by order of masseyharris co we also have a number of second hand machines on hand including all kinds of plows binders drills engines wagons etc we are also agents and handle re pairs for john deere co canadian potato machinery co ontario wind engine and pump co and o k potato co d holden agent phone 184 stouffville is