Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 10, 1925, p. 7

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g t e rheomatc people now find rhijef gtme along- boys her a church once a ship was wrecked on a coral j reef in the south seas the crew got ashore as best they could using any- thing they caw afloat as a life belt by driving the poisonous acid sot knowing the island they were from the svstem afraid togo inland for aught they j worn jne system i m be nia hheumatlsm attacks people when bals and they had no desire to furnish the blood is thin and watery or forth a cannibal feast charged up with impurities thus set- presently one of the company cllmb- tlng up inflammation of the muscles ed a nearby hillock and risked a look and joints cold wet weather or over the island having won the sum- sharp winds may start the pains but mlt he began to wave his arms exclted- the cause la rooted in the blood and ly beckoning them as they got near- to get relief it must be treated er to him they heard him shouting through the blood as a blood builder i come along boys its all right heres and nerve tonic dr williams pink j a church pills are unsurpassed and for that the story is told by the famous aus- reason do not fail to give relief to trallan preacher rev henry howard rheumatic sufferers when given a fair who recently visited america the trial among the rheumatie sufferers church to those men was a symbol of who have proved the great value of security they were no longer afraid this medicine is mr n m foley because the good news had been pro- windsor ns who 6ays my trou- j claimed there those shipwrecked sail ble started with a bad cold the result i ors felt safe without that symbol of working in a heavy rain storm they knew that their lives would not from that it developed into rheuhave been worth a moments con- matlsm which badly crippled me and sidoratlon kept me confined to bed for upwards of six monthb the doctor who treat ed me did not help me and every friend who called to see me had some- the church in the midst has made a difference it has been the cradle of amazing securities and liberties of philanthropies and literatures and en- thing different to advise some of llghtenments the modern world all these remedies i tried but with no bet- 1 too often takes these things for grant- ter results my legs were stiff from the hips down and every move i made caused intense pain and con stantly i was growing weaker then a friend from falmouth who camcto see me asked if i had tried dr wil liams pink pills i had taken so ed without recognizing their origins christianity has made all the differ ence and often we know it not the church for instance has liter ally grown good samaritans and be cause of them life has taken on kind lier and more humane aspects they tke name rehroie- been a guarantee of quality for 30 years if ig jlls good tea the orange pekoe k extra good try it i sun is small fry beside stars rauch medicine without benefit that i have been found in every age some vas skeptical undsald so myfriend of them known most of them un- however had so much faith in the known in the middle ages for in- pills that he got me a supply and to stance the friars established them- please him i began taking them i selves in the pestilential quarter of had not been taking them long when towns ministering to the lepers men i began to feel a change for the bet ter and i gladlygot a further supply boon i was able to get out of bed and walk around on crutches still tak ing the pills i used in all seventeen like st francis and st hugh of lin coln would minister to lepers with their own hands overcoming all re pugnance caring tor them in the spirit and the name of christ wherever boxes by which time i was a well j christianity has gone there have man and at work every day now i j sprung up homes for lepers orphan- always keep a box of dr williams ages hospitals schools for the un- pink pihs in the house and if i feel an ache or pain i take them and al ways with good results i believe i would still be a bedridden cripple but for these pills and i shall always praise and recommend them you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont seven years have passed when seven years ago the world realized with a great thankfulness that armageddon had actually come to an end flanders fields were vast tracts of land laid bare and desolate by the- invader covered with mud and debris and dotted with struggling weeds and scarlet poppies now they have regained much of their normal aspect atst elol zlllebeke st jean boe- slnghe and in the district of the yser cnal reconstruction work is all but completed and everywhere newly- built shops houses and churches pay striking testimony to the industry of thebelgian people here and there it is true certain wartime features have been pre served as for instance the trenches at nleuport which have been liiade permanent by fortifying with cement at ypres the town is entirely re privileged and dispossessed life has come to have new securities and new succourers the worlds elizabeth frys john howards stephen grellets and shaftesburys found their inspira tion in the christian gospol the world is still sadly imperfect in a sense it is true that christianity so far from having failed has never really been tried yet it has been a leaven at work and in deep and wide- spread ways often too little acknow ledged or recognized it has made all the difference to our life the church in the midst is the symbol of what christianity has done for us tlners it is gradually being brought home uncontrollable sea on the canadian to mr average man that the dlscom- pacific liner montcalm recently a pas- fort associated with ocean travel is senger became dangerously hi and an but a bad dream of the past travel- immediate operation was thought ling across the atlantic jn five days in necessary at the time a fierce storm was raging commander slbbons rnr ordered the ship stopped for two hours and dr girvan frc8 ships surgeon aided by dr d e ross of montreal performed the operation the woman is now fully- recovered dr glrvan remembers occasions when conditions were not so satisfac tory during the war in mesopo tamla he cut out the appendix of a na tive with a penknife when he could not get the patient to the hospital on time in the wilds of scotland performing an operation for appendicitis the man holding the candle fainted dr glr van summoned a woman to carry on the patient recovered a luxurious cabin with hot and cold water lights music dancing news papers radio and every desirable con venience of the day it is hard to think of the time when it took weeks or months before a tiny schooner would reach america after fighting its way over each wave threatened with dis aster by every high wind ocean travel has reached the point of perfection where even invalids and those taken sick suddenly can be given all the medical advantages of shore hospitals the ship hospitals are as modern and uptotheminute as those on shore but of necessity are more restricted but even the finest of mans calcu lations are sometimes upset by the but earth would melt like snowflake if thrust in it chilblains wash the feet with warm water and rub with mlnards quickly stops the pain hospital for sick children children like babys own tablets because they are tasteless and are easy to take one of the strongest points in favor of any medicine for children is that it is so agreeable that the mother does not have to force it down the- little ones throat babys own tablets have no drug taste may be crushed to a powder if desired and babies like them they are perfectly safe for they contain no opiate or narcotic they sweeten the 67 college st toronto 2 ont 3 christmas 1926 dear mr editor this is the fiftieth year the semi centennial of the hospital for sick children it is the golden awniver- sary of an institutiou which started out in 1875 with a sixbod equipment to curejdiildren medically of their ill- f a i i was mrcorfi embarrassed when the electrician told him that story built and reconstruction work onthe j stomach and remove the cause of cathedral is being pushed forward at a rapid rate only the runsof the wonderful old cloth hall remain and will stand stark against the skyline for ever a memorial of suffering and heroism fretfulness mrs arthur charlebois pawtucket ri says i have found babys own tablets to be a gentle laxative and a safe remedy for stomach disorders in children our little boy had been amid nil this newness two striking i given harsh cathartics but these tab- exceptions are hill 60 and houthulstj lets worked more effectively- without forest the latter still remains a the severe griping i can recommend group of blackened treestumps just i them to all mothers of little children as it was after that devastating gas- babys own tablets are sold by attack in which thousands of french medicine dealers or by mail at 25 soldiers many of whose bodies still he hidden in the denst undergrowth were overcome by the fumes at hill 60 the visitor may see old shells cartridges boots socks and other pathetic remains here today more than at any other paco in the baulefields is it possible to realize to the full what the war meant the work of completing the rever ent orderliness of the cemeteries and raising memorials is also nearing its end in fact the country has now all but settled down those who contem plate a visit to the battlefields should make it as soon as possible nesses and to rd them surgically of thetr disabilities fifty years have passed and the tiny hospital has grown into one of the greatest insti tutions of its kind in the whole world the peopleof this province demand ed this service and they have made it possible by their christmas time gifts they are rewarded by the knowledge that thousands of ontario children will grow up into manhobd or womanhood blessing the little blue cots wherein they were restored and i strengthened to play a full part in the battle of life to win back health for six thousand boys and girls was the measure of the hospitals wardservice alone this year besides that there were over half a hundred thousand attendances in the outpatlent department where the less serious cases are treated all this cost a great deal of money even though the doctors give freely of their skill and the nurses ottheir care there yes he was shocked upset stomach sluggish liver and acid condi tion cause bad breath seigcls syrup gets at the cause try it and have a wholesome breath any drus store how you should breathe not one person in ten knows how to breathe to breathe perfectly is to draw the breath in long deep inhala tions slowly and regularly in crder to relieve the lower parts of the lungs of all injurious accumulations shal low breathingwont do this a doctor says i have overcome nausea headache sleeplessness seasickness and even more serious threatening by simply going through a breathing exercise- pumping from my jower lungs as it were all the malarial inhalations of the day by long slow ample breaths try it before going to bed making sure of standing whore you can inhale pure air and then darken your sloep- ingioom completely we live too much in ad electric glare by night if you ere mashing potatoes bo sure the milk used is hot cold or luke warm miik will make the potatoes heavy and pasty cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont 0- the watch maker muses there it is fixed at last its done how beautiful to see it run for cogs obedient to law are intercaught without a flaw and with a calm unhaurried speeding a steady strength the springs are feed ing how delicate and gossamer the little springs and spirals whir till wheel and coil and cog and catch with mightier wheels and spirals match and all this ticking and this beating are but diminished sounds repeating the movements of- a greater clock the thunder of whoso tick and tock foreverrolls without a pause reverberating heavenly laws the strength that stirs from out these springs goes leaping on in planets rings this spring thats bit by bit unbctid- ing is hurling constellatlonsrsendlng what spinning suns forever wending this coll winds out into the sky to spirals of the nebulae about this balancewheel with ease are pivoted tho pleiades this llttlo watch will but rehearse- the ticking of tho univorsef poos some one coll tho cunning springs of all the whirling starry rings does some one wind beyond recall the greatest ticking clock of all what springs and spirals docs ho trace aa i do oer this watchs case louis ginsberg britons growing shorter sir arthur keith conservator of the royal college of surgeonsi museums is board and lodging and laundry to and englands bestknown anthropolo- be provided bebldes the best that can s says the average height of the be procured in the way of all the medical and surgical supplies re quired to treat the myriad ailments altd accidents to which children are subject in order to malntalr its high itand- ard of efficiency and also to widen the scope of its service through clinics conducted all over ontario the hos pital is compelled to borrow heavily during the year on the occasion of its fiftieth christmas an appeal is made to the public for the funds which will allow the hospital for sick child- reft to enter upon us second halfcen tury of service with its courage re newed by a credit balance in the bank it is indeed a noblo cause which i feel sure you will cordially commend to your readers faithfully yours r irving e robertson chairman appeal committee note this hospital does not re ceive an appropriation from tho federation for community service drive silence when ono small touch of charity could lift them nearer godlike state thon if the crowded orb should cry like those who cried diana great and i too talk and lose the touch i talk of sure after nil tho noblest answer unto such is perfect silliness when they brawl tennyson no ticket the new sorvaut brought the visit ing card to her mistress theres two of em sho said ono in tho drawlngrcom and one at the door but why didnt you show thom both in eskod her mistress they only had one ticket answer ed tho servant modern englisman is 5 feet 6 inches it was previously supposed for many years that the average was 5 feet 8 inches sir arthur said also in a re cent lecture that the brain of modern europeans is smaller today than form erly keep mlnards liniment handy material in oldest stars weighs 22 tons to pint the oldest stars known as jwhlte dwarfs are made of the heaviest sub stance known to science according to an interview with professor herbert dingle noted british astronomer pub lished in tho daily mall it has been computed that this substance is 53000 times heavier than water and 10000 times heavier than iron a child could not lift a piece the size of a penny a pint of it would weigh more than twentytwotons secrets of sclonoo number three by david diet the sun wojearn from astronomy is not the lordly monarch of the skies that it appears to be it only appears so to us because this earth of ours is so very much closer to the sun than it is to any of i the stars many of the stars which appear to i us as mere plnpolnts of light are any- where from 50 to 500 times larger than the sun 1 the reason for the difference in ap- j pearance to us is that the sun is 93- 000000 miles from ub while the dis tance to the nearest star is 25000 bil lions of miles everyone now with the exception of vollva and his followers believes that the earth and the seven other planets circle around the sun this belief is stated today as a matter of fact it is accordingly interesting to note that it once took a great deal of cour age to proclaim that fact it was an extremely dangerous thing to do in the year 1600 the astronomer giordano bruno was burned at the stake for daring to say that ths earth was not the centre of the universe but that it revolved around the sun in 1616 galileo was thrown into prison for making the same assertion the sun as has been said is rather small fry compared to some of the stars but theres nothing small about the sun in comparison to the earth the diameter of the earth is about soo0 miles the diameter of the sun is more than 100 times that or 866000 miles in bulk the sun is 1300000 times the 6ize of the earth the sun is a great seething furnace of a temperature beyond human un derstanding its surface is a whitehot boiling sea of vapors if the earth was suddenly thrust into the sun it would melt as quickly as a snowflake falling on a redhot stove astronomers believe that if all the coal fields of the earth could be piled togethef and burned the total heat would not equal ibat given out by the sun during the fraction of a 6econd the earth is protected from the rays of the sun by the atmosphere or blan ket of air surrounding the earth were it not for this even though the earth is 93000000 miles from the sun so much heat would strike it that the great ice fields at the north and south poles would be melted and within ayear all the oceans would be gin to boil life of course would be impossible under such conditions the force of gravity upon the sur face of any heavenly body is a result of its size an athlete could jump six times as high on the moon as on the earth on jupiter he could only jump half as high on the sun tho force of gravity would be 27 times as great as on the earth under such conditions our athlete would not be able to jump at all in fact if he were to lie down ifillutelfcl l i i us votfl poultry gameeggs butte ranofeathiirs we buy all year round kite iodaybrprtcosire giiarahtce tfteni for a rntek ahead pppilin co limited 36 soniocourx mo montrgpl f he would find the force of gravityso great that he would be unable to rise to his feet again next article a closeup of- the sun whats in a name sometimes a great deal as will be seen from tho following selections this compilation shows the curious and even ludicrous results of includ ing family names with the baptismal ones sponsors who read this llttlo list would do well to hesitate when they are requested to the child edna broker mothershoad marian english earle sawyer turner somer set nealon pray daily benton klllln saxage owen taylor money ima lit tle lambe broker husbands hart r u phelan goode marie a bache lor eaton growe phatto may tyms uppe betty sawyer knott worth reading mix a little ammonia with the bees wax nnd turpentine used for floor- polishing the wax wil then dissolve quickly it stopped her cough ma brought peace comfort i fa restful genuine aspirin proved safe take without fear as told in bayer package in an ounce of sugar there is suf ficient energy to produce any of shakespeares plays if it found its way to a brain as gifted sir arthur keith cither kind stops coughs buckleys 3 mixtuo strong or modified will stop your cough or cold buckleys strong is the same efficient remedy you have used before buckleys mod ified differs in taste only made for those who find medicines dis- tasteful particularly the children both mixtures act like a flash on coughs bron chitis or any affection of throat chest and lungs 75c 40 doses iixctture 1trono or modtplkd w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto2 o mlnards liniment for chilblains grays5yrup red spruce qjjm does riot affect the heart unless you see the bayer cross on package or on tablets you are not getting thp genuine bayer tablets of aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty- flvo years for colds headache neuritis lumbago toothache rheumatism neuralgia pain pain each unbroken bayer package con tains proven directions handy boxes of twelve tablets cost fow cents drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100 suffer with itching- rashes when a- warm bath with cuticura soap and applica tion of olttcura ointment will afford immediate relief and point to permanent skin health lii mosteases when all else falls iiqlrlut trjxa aimrejrcuuu dtm nww w smml priecsoap iv nsatmmt a asd toc talon me cuticura shevfot stick 28c i83ue no 49 28

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