t ss lesson december 13 paul in melita nd rome acts 23 ml golden text i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to every one tha be- lleveth romans 1 18 subject paul deuyebs h testimony to the jews at kom introduction to see rome and to deliver his message there had been for years the dream the crowning ambi tion of pauls life his faith that jesus was the universal lord carrie with it the hope that he might pro claim the gospel in the worlds capital as all roads led to rome he was con fident that in spite of hindrances god would open up the way and give- him the great joy of being though not the first at least one of the first evangel ists to visit the eternal city in ro mans 1815 written from corinth during his third missionary tour paul informs the christians at rome of the high hopes with which he look- ed forward to that visit he had prayed unceasingly that the way might be opened up and that he might be able to impart to them some spir itual gift that is his contribution to their piritual welfare paul did not however then know that when he finally reached rome it would beas a prisoner as an ambas sador in bonds the fact that he does so adds pathos to the circum stances of his work in rome never theless his spirit rises above his cir cumstances and his contribution to christianity at rome was a notable one in our lesson today st luke refers to the opening episodes of that work the rest we can only infer from sundry statement in the letters which paul wrote from rome such as philemon colossians ephesians philippians and certain passages in 2 timothv v when paul and his compan ions reached rome he was handed over to the authorities but under privileged conditions he was permit ted to live by himself under the cus tody of a single officer while this did not allow him to go abroad it left him liberty to see nis friends and others whom he was anxious to meet vs 1719 pauls first act is to in vite the leaders of the jewish com munity at rome to have a conference with him the jews at rome were very numerous the edict of claudius referred to in acts 18 2 having rer- mained a dead letter paul is anxious that these jews should be under no false impressions as to the meaning of his atrest and delivery to the auth orities at rome he is hopeful of finding them less prejudiced than his fellowcountrymen at jerusalem ac cordingly having got the leaders to gether he calmly reviews the circum stances leading up to his arrest he points out that he has never in spite of rumors to the contrary denied the special privileges of the jewish people or the divine authority of the law and the customs of the fathers as a matter of fact the jewish authorities themselves here paul is referring to the attitude of festus nd herod agrippa acts 2fi 3032 intended to acquit him of any charge deserving death and but for his own action in- previously appealing to caisar he would now have been free from fur ther trial or examination paul points out that the law has now to take its course but that in appealing to the privy council at rome he is not mak ing any charges against the jewish nation v 20 he trusts for fair considera tion at the hands of his fellowcountry men at rome if they only knew it it is for the hope of israel that is for the messiahs sake that he is wearing his chain vs 21 22 the answer of the jew ish leaders is that they have heard no adverse reportsofany kindeoncern- ing paul they wish to heatihis own version of his history though they frankly declare that the christian sect to which paul belongs has a good deal to answer for if all the re- ports which have come in on every side are true vs 23 24 the jewish leaders agree to convene a general meeting of jews to be held at pauls lodging on a fixed day this takes place in due course and for a whole dav paul explains to theroman jews the gospel of the kingdom of god the centre and heart of the argument is that jesus of nazareth is the divine messiah promised in the law of moses and in the prophets some of the hearers re convinced but the attitude of the maiorily brings home forcibly to paul the hopelessness of trying to win the jewish nation as a whole to christ once lmore he sees that god intends their spiritual welfare vs 3031 the closing verses of acts refer briefly to a period of two years during which paul carried on missionary work in rome and during which he kept open house for all who desired to see him ii these visitors would mostly be gentiles meantime the authorities put no obstacle in the way of his freely declaring the gospel of jesus christ and the kingdom to all who come preventing cockfights the most effective way to handle a tuo htghandmighty lord of the flock is to tie a string of buckskin between his legs just above the spurs make it loose enough to give freedom of movement but short enough to make him take short steps when an ugly rooster is treated this way he soon learns that he can not fight by tho time he takes several tumbles just when he is making n charge on some other male member of the flock he is so chagrined that he limps off with- as much dignity as he is able to command and gives up all further attempts after which he contents himself by giving forth a any ford model may be purchased on easy payments from your local authorized ford dealer the mod erate down payment entitles you to take immediate delivery of your car and you can pay for it at your convenience during the year your local ford dealer will gladly show you the ford christmas gift certificate which enables the giver of a ford to announce the gift in the most fitting manner delivery can also be arranged for any de sired time on christmas morning nearest authorized ford dealer iii ili mm how and when to prune fruit and ornamentall trees and shrubs while the pruning of any tree or shrub may bo conducted at any sea son of the year the dormant season especially in the case of trees is gen erally accepted as the most desirable time at that season of the year one js better able to determine the shape growth which is continually dying or going out of fruiting in old trees unless pruned frequently the old wood going out may exceed the new coming in this may be corrected by judi cious pruning the pruning in such a tree should take the form of cutting back not only the growth of the termi of the tree and to space the branches nal or outside branches but also of properly the laterals and smaller branches object of pruning the operator this cutting back should not be heavy should before commencing to prune havo a clear conception in mind as to exactly what his objective is if pruning a shade tree or an ornamental shrub his sole aim is symmetry of form and pruning then becomes large ly a matter of taste and good judg ment if pruning a fruit tree the object is mainly to encourage or pro mote fruitbearing surface and shape or form is secondary except in a very young tree when the object is largely to train it to a certain shape fruit trees it is sufficient to re- or excessive at anyone time a cer tain amount of thinning out may also be necessary this is to allow light to get at the lower portion of the tree trecs that are never thinned out fre quently die at the bottom and get bushy or thick in the top this cuts down bearing surface and may event ually lead to long barren branches with a little fruit at the top only trees in general in the pruning of both shade and fruit trees there are a few prjjieiplos that should bei borne in mind in making a cut do join at right angles or nearly so always permit the main branch to retain the lead sometimes a lateral will grow as rapidly as the leader and if permitted to keep up to it will result in a very weakened cratch and branch suppress the lateral by keeping it cut back largo wounds over an inch and a half in diameter should be painted to prevent weathering for this pur pose a mixture of white lead and oil without the addition of turpentine is recommended large isay challenging crow thus putting be necessary in an old tree to encour- up a good bluff l the production of a large amount member that heavy pruning or -cut- j not leave astiib of the branch- butcut ting back will delay the fruiting ago back to either a bud or- to a lateral of a young tree but thi practice may making the cut on the slant so that it has an opportunity to heal over of new wood try to avoid tho formation of very lie may remain the champion of thej ncw woo a lrce must produce sharp crotches or angles by removing flock b3t hv will leave fighting strictly a certain amount of ncw wood each these when possible and encouraging j season to replace some of the older the development of branches which m a pretty contest provide each guest with cork tooth picks and a ball made up of short lengths arid various colors tied the guests welding broken castings the other day when i went to use a concrete mixer that had just been returned by a borrowing neighbor i found that the machine would not run twelve cogs had been crocked off of one of the gearwheels i could not wait until a ncw wheel could be had from the manufacturer so i took the broken casting to an acetylene welder in our little town in a voryshort time he had built up tho twelve cogs to their normal height while waiting for the repair i look- 1 cd about the shop ifound that this i plan space for cleanup room many of the newer farni homes have a cleanup room opening off th kitchen or dining room where the men may wash and get ready for the meal before coming into the main part of the house such a room usually opens onto the back porch and has rows of hooks for hangihgthe coats and hats up t s a lavatory or two or a wash bsnch mirror and combs wo have found that a secondhand kitchen cupboard one of the tall sorts is a great convenience in the clean 12ard m iron cou to woodwork the shelves are re- of yjitn original state anykind of a casting- movcd and hooks scrcwc in a there was a mower wheel thattiad a the top on the insid tnia tojvahg the kitchen dust caps etc the large drawer at the bottom makes a together alternately give p therm and spokes broken out ovilc g p instructions on making an repaired and p it looked ncwl sw6atcrsi umbrella j to protect them from show- j there was a moldboard broken into ers stick the tooth picks around the pieces broken powshares cast- side of the cotk- to form the ribs and m from manurespreaders and one into the bottom to make the whatnot al made stronger than they handle cover the ribs by weaving fll 1 f the yarn over and under the tooth over and under picks starting- close to the cork and working outward tie the ends firmly leaving about a halfinch of toothpick showing all around the person fin ishing first or the one making the best umbrella should receive some simple prize 1 w b when you cut ham or bacon lard over the exposed surface guard it from mold run to parts the time saved was a- great item for all the owners many ma chines that have been thrown on the scrap heap could have been saved by this process of welding d b there are 20000 eggs in the flanks of a house fly immediately they aro hatched these 20000 maggots set to work so that linnajus says that three hone flics would suffice to devour the body of a horse or a lion fabre good place for work gloves one of the most convenient things we ever had in a home wits n-wood- box in the ceanup room next to the wall with a sloping door opening into it on the othorside opening from tho kitchen it was so placed that it wa convenient to the kitchon stove and could be filled from the cleanup room thus doing away with the necessity of carrying the wood through the kit chen it wasr large box holding enough wood to last thro or four days and there was a partition near on end so as to leave a space for kindling wood n p