pmbffi hflnbier issues statemeot on paruamentary suhation ottawa nov 4 it is officially an nounced that premier king will meet parliament parliament will be called at the earliest possible date premier kings statement reads the latest official returns having made it apparent that as a result of the general election held on october 29th no one of the participating pol itical parties would of itself have a clear majority in the house of com mons when parliament assembles it became my duty as primo minister to acquaint his excellency the gover norgeneral with the situation and to advise his excellency as to the course which should be pursued- after sev eral interviews with his excellency at which the position brought out by tho recent general election was fully ffisoussed and nil alternatives pre sented i have taken the responsibility of advising his excellency to summon parliament for the earliest practic able date in order to ascertain the at titude of the parliamentary represen tatives towards the very important question raised by the numerical posi tion of the respective political parties his excellency has boenpleased to accept this advice after careful consideration of the constitutional precedents and their bearing upon the situation which has arisen as a result of the general elec tion the cabinet decided unanimously this afternoon that it was their con stitutional duty to meet parliament at the earliest possible moment re gard being had for the legal require ments with respect to the time neces- 2 that his excellency be asked to call upon the leader ofthe largest political group to form a govern ment 3 that his excellency be asked to summon parliament at the earliest practicable date for the purpose afore mentioned with respect to an immediate dis solution it wasfelt that it wan not in tho interests of the country to occa sion the turmoil and expense of an other general election until at least parliament had been summoned and the peoples representatives in par liament had been afforded an oppor tunity of giving expression to their views parliament to decide with respect to the leader of the political party having the largest de finite following in tho house of com mons being calied upon to form an administration the cabinet holds the view that responsible selfgovernment in canada rests upon the principle that the majority are entitled to gov ern the majority so understood mean ing not tho political party or group having the largest number of mem bers hut the majority as determined by the dulyelected representatives of the people in parliament far from indicating that mr meighen is in a position to command a majority in the newlyelected house of commons the results of the electon appear clear ly to indicate that he is not in such a position i ain not aware of any pre cedent in great britain or in canada of recommending before parliament mfi ukiiu wj 1c i that tho leader of a party not sary for the return of the wrts and mee jhat the i a p the official ga of the members commanaing a je j who have been elected j house- of commons should be called iv in j iiiwi to form a government in the interval until parliament parliament and to assembles it is the ntention of the cobhsibt to disclose government to refrain from pjg u division is the pro- appointments beyond such as are lls awiuu- iff slor the proper carrying ensure warranted of the public business three courses open by constitutional precedent and by the present circum stances to take any other course would be to fail to recognize the su- in the present situation there are ri ht of the s to r three possible courses of procedure in the manner which the f u fu j carefuh con constitution has provided namely ex- sldered by the cabinet pressmg ther through their duly 1 that his excellency be asked e in parliament to grant an immediate dissolution of an in accordance with recognized parliament parliamentary practice autoist sentenced weighed with his lordship was the to year in prison i fact that the accused had served for four years overseas and i view of cornwall jury finds driver guilty on charge of manslaughter a despatch from cornwall says james blanchard who oiiithe evening of aug 4 while driving on the east this he was let off with one years imprisonment britain recognizes new regime in persia a despatch from london says front road ran into a coupo belonging j the british government has givei to dr w c mcguire mrs mcguire provisional recognition to riza khans being killed was tried at the fall assizes here before the hon mr jus tice wright on a charge- of man slaughter and was found guity by a jury his lordship in sentencing the ac cused said that people who drive automobiles recklessly causing in some cases death have to be dealt with severely a feature which harry red batstone whose bril liant play aided the winning of queens fourth consecutive title- at the university of toronto stadium packed with 18000 football fans shot while sitting near her window ford woman is seriously in jured by an unknown assailant windsor ont nov 6 a bullet that smashed through the window at which she sat resting seriously wounded mrs conychupy 34 of 231 cadillac street ford tho bullet splintered tho womans left jaw bone and pierced her neck according tc attaches of the hotel dieu whero she was taken sho declared that a man had fired the shot physicians say that the womans unusually strong constitution may save her life o threshing proceeds w- under difficulties pep leadley famous running half of queens dominion champions who gave a great display in the game with varsity face of pharoah revealed to moderns edmonton alta nov 6- another two weeks work will practically bring threshing operations in alberta to a finish reports h a graig deputy minister of agriculture on his return from a trip to the southern part of the province threshing is going on under difficulties in most sections but it is still going and good progress is being made wth the crop considering the weather conditions the snowfalls of the past few days have gone and in most cases there is only a sprinkling of snow on the ground the blanketing under which tho north is lying not having touched the south subzero temperatures continued to hold western canada in its grasp to day prince albert was the coldest point in the dominion reporting six degrees beow zero at saskatoon government in persia which in itself and north battlcford the mercury is provisional as the constitutional dipped to four below searchers take photographs of head of king tutankha men and contents of sarcophagus a despatch from cairo says further progress is reported in tho work of removing the mummy of tut ankhamen from his sarcophagus a communique just issued states when the linen covering and bouquets were removed froritthe second sarcophagus there was revealed a further sarco phagus bearing a representation of tho god osiris covered from head to foot with painted designs and glass of various colors and a layer of gold on a marble ground the body of the sarcophagus was painted with the wings of tho goddesses nekset and buto after the second sarcophagus was scientifically examined and lifted from the basin of the first the cover was removed and revealed a giltcovered human shape but important details were covered with linen which was adhering closely the shape has a necklace of flowers tied to the head bandage and reposing t the breast tho face which is uncovered repre sents the young pharaoh after photographs hadbeen taken of the contents of the second sarco phagus the necklace and linen shroud cm 0deiectric coach crosses canad in six hours travel records broken in run from montreal to vancouver at average speed of 43 miles without engine stop ping demonstrates possibilities of latest develop ment in transportation on its transcontinental trip expressed themselves as being thoroughly satis fied with its performance and in their opinion it is within the realm of possibility that this journey may mark the opening of an era which may be the forerunner of a new epoch in motive power as applied to steam roads the oilelectric car is in its infancy they point out just as the steam locomotive was in its infancy a century ago with its wider appli cation and further development they believe it may develop along similar broad channels and this may bring about the passing of the steam locomo tive and prove as important an ad junct to the future cf industry and society as was the conversion of the old woodburning engine to coal tho new oilelectric car which made its initial trip across canada has a body with an overall length of 60 feet and is set on two four- wheel trucks it is built to carry passengers express and baggage it will seat 57 passengers of which ac commodation for 18 is in the baggage compartment situated at one end of the car the engine is oilburning and operates an electric generator which provides the actual power to move the car and the principle al though a simple one is entirely a new departure so far as rail transporta tion is concerned a car similar to this one has been in operation about a month between hamilton and guelph in ontario and has given excellent servicethe new- car will go into regular service in british columbia a despatch from vancouver says all records for transcontinental tra vel were broken wednesday morning when the new canadian national rail ways oilelectric car no 15820 arriv ed in vancouver after making the trip from montreal in hree days tho trip was not only a recordbreak er so far as actual schedule was con cerned but it wrote a new chapter in the railway history of the world as marking the longest nonstop run ever made by an engine for during the 2937 miles covered the car engine did not once stop running there is also the aetual running time which again provides an unequalled passage in dominion transportation annals for eliminating detentions due to meeting trains and other delays incident to modern transportation njethods which came to 300 minutes the actual run ning time was slightly under 67 hours from tho first to the last the trip demonstrated the superiority of the new oilelectric car arraigned prim arily as an endurance test for the engine not onry did i prove this point but also it showed the spesd possibilities of the car over long dis tances which previously had not been proved at one point on the western region 22 miles were made in less than the same number of minutes and one of the steepest grades in the rocky mountains was climbed at an average speed of 40 miles per hour the aver age speed for the entire trip was slightly under 43 miles per hour officials of the canadian national railways who accompanied the car the markets toronto man wheatsno 1 north 5141 no 2 north 138 no 3 north 5134 man oats no 2 cw nominal no 2 not quoted no 1 feed 48c no 2 feed 45c am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 97c millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 528 6horts per ton 530 middlings per to 5626 do med 5475 to 5525 do com 375 to 475 butcher heifers choice 5625 to 5675 do good 575 to 6 do med 450 to 55- do com 5360 to 5460 butcher cows choice 450 to 5525 do fair to good 4 to 460 butcher bulls good 5450 to 5550 bolognas 326 to 5350 can- ners andeutters 225to250 spring ers choice 590 to 100 do fair 40 to 550 feeders good 575 to 660 do fair 450 to 5 stockers good 475 to 575 do fair 4 to 450 calves choice 1050 to 1150 do good 9 to 10 do grassers 55 to 8 good light sheep 650 to 750 heavies and bucks 450 to 6 good lambs 13 to 1825 do med 12 to 51250 do bucks 10 to 51026 do cus 850 to 950 hogsj thick assembly has been summoned to con sider- whether the future regime of persia is to be monarchial or repub lican so far as is known here the deposition of the shah left the coun try unmoved and riza khan is acting with firmness and moderation in pre serving order successfully canada from coast to coast amherst ns the record nova scotia moose of the present serson was secured recently by david mc- kenzie the animal weighs 800 lbs and tho antlers have a clean spread of 60 inches the biggest moose head taken in this country for many years saint john nb beginning in november a new steamship line with i u a fleet of six ships will operate out of saskatchewans wheat at provin- of saint john to havana and the cla v west indies this announcement is i u v alta tho now sugar regarded here as the most important facto h p for opera- i n i3l tions on october 23rd prominent beet growing for commercial purposes regina sask the organization of a hog pool for saskatchewan is now under way interests having been working on this question for some time the purpose of the pool is to manufacture the hog products of saskatchewan in the province and also to encourage the mluihg of a portion tince the inauguration of tho active jampalgn in behalf of maritime poruj it is arranged to give a weekly ort states were present it is nntici fen day service and all six stoamshipb aro modern in every respect oach having nbout 3600 tons deadweight carrying capacity quebec que what is claimed to be the richest gold discovory made in the province of quebec to date is re ported from tho malartic township in tho quebec gold field region no assay has been made as to tho value of tho discovery but it is claimed that free gold is showing in samples dis played around mining- camps this discoverer is an experienced ontario prospector who has besn responsible for uncovering many mines of various sorts and he and his partner intond to develop tho mine toronto ont out of the entries made by more than one hundred breeding establishments in thirtyone states of the union and five canadian provinces the haley ice farm at springford ontario won signal honor when beme calamity wayne was named senior and grand champion hocstcin cow at the national dairy exposition at indianapolis ind brandon man several hundred pounds of sigur beets grown in the city of brandon and district have been shipped by tho board of trade to winnipeg for testing purposes samples were recured from six fld as well as samples of soil in which the boots were grown the manitoba agricultural omge is installing a special equipment for- the analysis of sugar beets and a very thorough test wil be made to determine whether the soil of tha district is suited for iugar inont men from both alberta and the un patod that this factory will be but tho first of n number eventually to be established in tho irrigated district of southern alberta the factory expects to handlo between 75000 and 95000 tons of beets this year now westminster bc- the do minion government seed extraction plant is expected to start operations on nov 1st a consignment of 100 sacks of sitka spruce cones from the prince rupert district is practically assured for the british forestry com mission iondoji only 50 sacks of douglas fir cones will be picked in th man hobbe3 one mile with fractured thigh were removed revealing a beautiful 12o7foxshtpping points according i coffin covered with gold ornamenta- to freights lions of marvellous workmanship but barley malting 67 to 69c unfortunately most of the detail is buckwheat no 3 nominal covered with a black glutinous layer i p no 2 80c from the libations at the funeral cere- man flour firs p toronto do second pats 760 toronto pas- monies the most important part of tf b the work now is the removal of this 0nt fl 90 per cent toiv 36 good feed flour per bag i 230 ont oats 38 to 42c fbb shipping to 1260 points- r i do cus t t ont good milling wheattr117 to smooths fed and wateredf 1145 do j fob 1075 do country points fort william nov 6 with calm fortitude edward holinshead 47 years old of kashabowie improvised a sling for his broken leg in the for ests a mile from the railway depot after ha had slipped off an icy rock fracturing his thigh bono in the fall hollinshead looped a rope he had with him around his neck and tied the other end around his leg to hold it up from tho ground then he im provised a pair of crutches out of his gun and a convenfent stick and made his way to the railway station of kashabowie the country over which hdilinshcnd had to travel in this fashion was rough and difficult and tho agony of his fractured limb made the ordeal most trying bucket of cement kills laborer near prescott layer and lifting the humanshaped j p per barrel in carlots toronto coffin from the second sarcophagus 565 seaboard in bulk 565 to which it is closely sticking owing to straw carlots per ton 9 to 950 the libatious deposit screenings standard recleaned fob bay ports per ton 18 baled hay no 2 per ton 15 no 8 per ton 14 to 51450 mixed per ton 13 to 14 lower grades 6 to 9 new zealand contest won by government 1050 do off cars 1175 select premiums 205 montreal flour man spring wheat patents firsts 8 do seconds 750 do strong bakers 730 do winter pats choice 650 rolled oats bag 90 lbs 325 bran 2725 shorts 2925 middlings 3525 hay no 2 per ton car lots 14- chceser finest wests 23 to 23c do finest easts 23 to 23 c butter no 1 pasteurized 42 to 43c do no 1 creamery 41 to 42c do sec- onds 40 to 41c eggjs storage ex- premier coates assured good majority in new parliament cheese new large 20c twins as 44c do storage tirsts 40c do 26c triplets 27c stiltons 28c old i s s f sp of large 30c twins 30c triplets 31c b8 goc f vi r i to 65c do fresh firsts 45 to 46c the state of the parties at tho latest report was government party 55 labor 18 nationalists 10 independent 2 miss melville gray lynn was elect ed as the first woman s member of parliament prescott ont nov 6 a fatal nc- the election for the four maori cident occurred last night about three members of the now zealand parlia- miles above prescott when a pole ment has resulted in tho roturn of all about 34 years of ago engaged in the j the native members of the last par butter finest creamery prints 47c no 1 creamery 46c no 2 44 to 45c dairy prints 40 to 42c ir xt- eggs fresh extras in tartons a despatch from wellington new coc i 58 to 60c storage extras zealand says tho government won 44 to 45c storage firsts 41 to 42c a sweeping victory in the general storage seconds to 38c elections assuring premier coates a dressed poultry chickens spring good majority in parliament 1k 32c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to construction of tho provincial high way was crushed by a bucket of ce meat weighing over a ton ho was removed to ths boaven homestead nearby and later taken to tho brockvillo hospital where he passed away without regaining con sciousness chinese women thinking chinese women are demanding liament three of them being members of the reform party and one a na tionalist the labor party contested three of the spats tax on christmas trees 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c ducklings 5 lbs and up 27 to 30c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes oc maple produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gall maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honev 60lb tins 12 to 18c per lb 10lb tins 12 to 13c 5lb tins 18 to 13c 2lb tins 14 to 16c smoked meats hams med 29 to 4 80c cooked hams 42 to 43c smoked i nf five years of nonproduction rolls 22c cottage 23 to 26c break- i ahead is tho working title fast bacon 32 to 36c special brand of the film which will be renamed in breakfast bacon 88 to 39c backs the making and given a release title boneless 33 to 40c mn accordance with cinema practice potatoes per bag car lots que 260 to 276 com bulls 3 com cows 275 to 5325 calves med and com suckers 850 to 950 grass calves 425 to 5460 hogs mixed lots 12 selects 51250 ro ontario will produce moral moving pictures a despatch from belleville says the hollywood of canada tho plant of tho province of ontario pictures a company run by the provincial gov ernment located at trenton will be gin production of a movie next week fraser valley to fill the old country j larger part in the affairs of their coun- j per eent a despatch from ottawa says canadian christmas trees entering tho united states will now be dutiable at j cured meats long clear bacon 150 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2050 20 lbs and up 1950 lightweight rolls in barrels 4350 heavyweight rolls 3950 per barrel lard pure tierces 18 to 18c tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19oi prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 13c tubs 13c pais 14c blocks 15 to 15c the film was described by the supt mr black as being a drama with a moral the moral of the picture is safety woman instantly killed when frightened horse bolts order i try do stee heavy steers choice 775 to 810 good 675 to 5750 bntehcr mrs james mtche of humber krt choice 650 to 7 do good 6 township was mstantly killed r- a despatch from wetland says rstona at 6 oclock thursday afternoon on tho j canal road south of here when the horse sho i was driving ran away i throwing her out of the buggy no i one saw the accident but it is thought j tho horse took fright from the noise of the canal work gojng on- sho was 60 years of age was born and lived n1 her lifem the township where sho was well and favorably known her husband died 18 months ago she veaves two daughters queens defeat vty 170 and agabn win the intercoucgiate title photo hows a blue and white extended run getting under way wh cole- man quarter pacing the ball to yank fraser snyder and trimbfe are or the end of the ibnuu irish reduce wheat acreage a despatch from dublin srus if anything happoned to tho free states foreign wheat supplies the p60plo would bo without bread for fifteen days out of sixteen it was stated by the chairman of a farmers confer ence here tho acreage under wheat has declined from 500000 to 250000 sinco 1851 the farmers said that wheat growing did ro pay v