shfferwgwomen aching backs and tired limbs need not be endured too many women endure suffering that casts a shadow over half her ex istence aching back tired limbs at tacks of faintness splitting headaches need not be a part of a womans life such trials indicate plainly that the blood is thin and wateryandthat the sufferer needs the help of a real tonic such as dr williams pink pills suf fering women who have used this medicine speak of it in the highest terms among those who have been thus helped is mrs ada l harman virden man who writes follow ing the birth of a stillborn child a few years ago i had a very serious time i was so weak for months that i could sot walk across the room without a feeling of faintness i had scarcely strength enough to stand up and when dressing would have to sit down two or three times my face and lips were colorless i had no appctiteand life did not seem worth living a friend urged mo to try dr williams pink pills and i got six boxes before they were all gono i felt improved my appetite was returning color was com ing into my face and i was visibly stronger i continued taking the pills and fully regained my former good health i consider dr williams pink pills a blessing to weak women and hope my experience will induce some cjher sufferer to try them you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box direct from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont when in doubt what does one do when all the rest is taken away from one when life has grown trivial stunted and narrow this question is asked by a character in wages of sin by lucas malet the answer given is after a time one 3 lights a- candle called patience and guides ones footsteps by that amid dreary days that is a splendid light to have for it will shine when every other light is extinguished it is our highest wisdom to have that lamp always clean and burning many a dark path and obscure turning will be revealed by patience when we are in a comer or hemmed hi by all manner of obstacles we need hope as well as patience to lose hope when everything seems against us is to be in the slough of despair patience may become exhausted it may be tried to its last stand but hope need never burn out sometimes it may flicker arid splutter and burn low for a moment but paith relights if if faith failed love would do the re lighting look back over your past and you will discover that we are always being helped in this way when ttrength is failing patience hope faith or love comes along and woos us back to health arid activity they are never far away from any of us however complex may be the maze there is a way out the exit has to be sonsidered certainly- for it is never selfrevealed it may be you are out of the maze before you realize it that often happens but dont com plain if in your effort to get through you come up against a barrier and find tie way has a blind end go back cheerfully and try again keep up a i good heart laugh at your impossibill- 1 ties and say it shall be done thatj is a wonderful tonic dont live in a fog if you can pos sibly be out of it try your hardest to see daylight things have their true proportions in the light but v- never complain and never blame any- one except yourself whilst everyone affects and influences everyone else no one else is to blame for our mistakes when you are doubtful what to do just be advised never to look down look up the sky the stars above wlllvhisper to thee of his changeless love we are not just as specks on the ocean of life drifting anywhere we have a work to do and we are related a a divinity that shapes otir ends rough hew them how we may so trust the star of the morning lor as certain as night follows the day that star will guide you through pa tience and hope to victory and joy expresident opens course chief justice w h taft expresident of the united states replying to the speech of welcome at the opening of the new 6000yard championship golf course at the manoir richelieu murray bay quebec just prior to teeing off with a 170yard drive mr taft complimented w h cowrdale president of the canada steamship lines limited on his companys enterprise in creating one of the finest golf courses in eastern canada set among some of the finest scenery in that part of the dominion play safe bet your life i dont said the chatty drummer to the other man in the smoker i was in windsor when they had that last dose of smallpox and i dont allow any child of mine to go to school until hels vaccinated i say if a scratch on the arm will pre vent a fellow getting that why im for it the day i arrived another chap and myself bumped up against a man who was just coming down with it when i found out about it i was a bit upset and figured that i was about ten years old when i was last vaccinated the chap with me hadnt been done at all because his father didnt believe in it i escaped just with the old scar he came down about a week later and had a hard time to come through thats enough for me vaccinations all right we commercial men and of course its just tlie same thing with my wife and kiddies too when they go away from home cant afford to take a chance i think any man is mighty foolish who walks into danger which will mean being sick for six or eight weeks worry and anxiety to say noth ing of doctor bills hospitals and nurses so thats why i take a shot i charles kingsleys of typhoid vaccine every 2 years they talk of the soldiers not getting typhoid during the war and it is true of course but im judging from my own experience sometimes on the road i have had to drink milk and water in places which wore proved later to be real nests of typhoid and i havent had a days sickness while three or four times other travellers took the fever and were off for six weeks or more this meant that my dose of vaccine saved me in money alone six or seven hundred dollars that vaccine isnt made for noth ing but the money the government spends on it its all free you know means a real service to the people protection safe arid sure may be had against diphtheria scarlet fever typhoid fever and smallpox tested products distributed free within the province by ontario department of health spadlna house toronto poems that arent true the first vaccinators although vaccination u indlssoluily linked with the name of jeuner there j is ample evidence that it was practiced j by farmers and others in the rural districts of england long before his day it was common knowledge amongst these people that an attack of cowpox immunized the sufferer against small pox and it was usual for farm workers to infect themselves and their children j with the former complaint to protect j them against the latter indeed twentytwo year3 before dr jenner mado his first vaccination a j fanner named benamin jesty of downshay openly advocated the prac tice but not being a medical man he was laughed at for his pains japanese view gardens on plan of paintings japanese look upon a garden as a picture beautifully designed and framed much as the occidental looks upon a painting professor takutna touo landscape architect of waseta university japan told seattle on a lecture tour of the united states our japanese gardens are entirely different from gardens in any other part of the world mr tono said in all western nations the garden is con sidered a collection of rare and beauti ful plants flowers shrubs and trees rather than the picture for which the japanese strive japanese gardens are more naturalistic than architectural how many who have recited the wreck of the hesperus possibly the bestknown ballad in our literature know that the famous ship instead of being lost with all hands actually re turned to port with no more serious damage than a broken bowsprit maritime records for the year 1839 record a great storm on december j the total am of any of the ele- 15th when among twenty other ves- ments ceding ln u entlre oce is sels tlie hesperus was driven into bos- 1 stu says thrift magazine ton harbour so it is difficult to account j iodlne exlst5 ia bea water oniy t0 the extentof about two parts per million ocean rich in minerals for longfellows entry in his diary two days later news of shipwrecks horrible off the coast twenty bodies washed ashore off gloucester one female be ing lashed to a piece of wreck he then mentions details regarding the i yet the entire ocean contains some c0000000000 tons of iodine valued at i present prices at 540000000000000 i bromine is also obtained ia a limited i way from the mother liquor left after i the crystallization of salt fromsea must i water a gallon of sea water contains ap proximately a quarter of a pound of salt and since the average density of rock salt is 224 times that of water the entire ocean if dried up would yield approximately four and a half cubic miles of salt hesperus and concludes write a ballad upon this a couple of weeks later he makes this entry i have broken ground in a new field namely ballads beginning with the wreck of the hesperus on the reef of normans woe in the great storm a fortnight ago i shall send it to some newspaper i have a great notion j of working upon the peoples feelings j an almost equally famous poem is charles kingsleys three fishers the story so graphically told was the result of a fit of low spirits on the part of a tired parson kingsley was very keen on social re- evet mother knows how fatal the form and was regarded in his day as hot summer months are to small child rather a dangerous type of clerical ren cholera infantum diarrhoea socialist thus when he went to 15 per mttiinfrlb pkc vacuummrtight the tobacco of quality keep children well durim hot weather iiil not going just now why is it we never hear the watch in the rhine any more its lri hock mlnards liniment for aches and palna preach in a westend church he great ly offened the incumhent and did not escape a public protest he returned to eversley vicarage latethat night but instead of going to bed he paced about his garden the next morning he recited to his wife the beautiful lines three fishers went- sailing out into the west the story of theboy felicia rfemans are rife at this time and often a pre cious little life is lost after only a few hours illness themother who keeps babysqwn tablets in the house feels safe the occasional use of the tab lets prevent stomach and bowel trou bles or if trouble comes suddenly as it generally does the tablets will bring the baby safely through they are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from the dr wil- calls casablanca who stood on the burning deck of the french flagship liams medicine co brockville ont orient and was involved in the explo sion of its powder magazine ln the bat tle of the nile is not well authenti cated there may have been such a boy but seeing that he perished with his father it is difficult to say who told the story and it is certain that the poetess draws very largely on her sen timental imagination one of the most flagrant cases of a poet letting imagination ignore facts is furnished by oliver goldsmith whose deserted village is one of the most beautiful poems ln the language the poet anticipated criticism in his dedication of the poem to sir joshua reynolds i know you will object and indeed several of our best and wisest friends concur ln the opinion that the depopulation it deplores is nowhere to be seen and the disorders it laments are only to be found in the poets imagination stories about weltknown people romance of opals jtho news that a valuable black opal has been found by a noodler in queensland will probably leave un moved most people in this country yet there is romance behind the brief an- rauncement the black opal is one of the costliest of gems as it is also one of the most elusive this is being exploited today by men mostly chinese termed nood- lors who rake over the heaps of de bris from old abandoned workings in search of opals thrown away through not being seen on the face of it this sounds rather like looking for needles in haystacks yet many noodlers it is asserted oarn good money graphite in greenland the worlds richest deposits of graphite sufficient for largo scalo min ing for ten years were recently dis covered ln greenland o the royal yacht alexandra former ly belonging to king edward has now been sold and will be used for pleasure trips to norway quiet heroism general sir george hlgglnson who celebrated his ninetyninth birthday re cently was once the heroof an inci dent which recalls a famous episode in the life of lord beaconsfleld the general was taking his wife who was just recovering from a severe illness to bournemouth at win chester he called a porter and gave him some order the man executed it and then swung tho door to the gen erals fingers were caught in it but ho made no comment though he must havtubeen suffering the most excruci ating pain but not until ho had ar rived at his destination and had seen his wifo safely installed ln her hotel did he have his hand seen to quiet heroism like this seems to bo a characterise of our race another good example of it was provided dur ing tho daylight raid of june 13th 1917 tho shoredltch courtly court was sit ting at the time and though bombs were falling all round and one of them made a big hole in the celling the pro ceedings continued if wo are to die let us die as brave englishmen should observed judgo clucr and a girl who was in the wit nessbox declared her readiness to con tinue if no one fainted counsel then resumed his crossexamination the quinine king for tho application of botany to the development of tho raw materials of the empire tho society of arts has awarded the albert medsl for 1925 to sir david pralri until recently director of tho royal botanic gardens at kew the medal specially marks sir davids work in connection with the production of that most valuable drug quinine by organizing tho govern ments cinchona plantations which an nually yield vast quantities of quinine he has brought this drug within reach of evory part of the world has thereby saved countless lives a duty performed novelists as well as prophets it ap pears lack honor in their own country at least sir james barrio- does in memories and adventures sir arthur conan doyle tells of tho tolerant but unenthuslastic attitude that sir james old neighbors at kirriemuir adopted toward him kirriemuir folk could by no means understand barries success and look ed upon their great son as an inex plicable phenomenon they were ac tually aware however that tourists wore arriving from all parts to see the place on account of barries books i suppose you have read them i said to the wife of tho local hotel man aye ive read them and steop steep weary work it was said she a titled typist now week by week como announcement that one or another member of tho bri tish aristocracy has gono into tho world of business lady constanco howard sistor of tho countess of car lisle is the latest she has turned stenographer and typist 8afe from criticism v iswas afraid my sermon last sunday would annoy some of my people but it didnt said the vicar what was your subject asked his friend the duplicity of the average man and i spoke pretty plainly you couldnt tread j on any corns that way every man considers him self above the average mlnards liniment for corns and warts ei same eggs upton sinclair was condemning in los angeles the extortions of the mid dleman in prowar days he said tho middleman sold us eggs for thirty cents a dozen now he makes us pay ninety cents a dozen and tho worst if it is mr sinclair gave a grim laugh theyre the same eggs superstitions of alaskan eskimo alaskan eskimos have established ideols of astronomy says lionel tra vis trader who spent many years with the northern natives they call the great dipper a herd of caribou spread out for mutual protection with a long single file of leaders the triangular stars of cassiopeia are three stones supporting an oil lamp the pleiades are teams of dogs pursuing a polar bear the new moon is either wet or dry by its curves if the curve is capable of holding a harpoon line wet and stormy weather is due so eskimo hunters remain in the igloos should the curve permit the lariat to slide off the mon hurry forth to seek game the eskimos also maintain supersti tions about eclipses and falling stars all of which apparently control the weatherice conditions the abundance of game or fur bearers nails given better hold packing cases coming from europe have been found fastened together with tenpenny nails that have spiral flutes in the sides to afford a better grip on the wood the grooves also decrease the likelihood of splitting the board and help in driving the nail straight a rejoinder leonard bacon who was one of the bestknown theologians ln new eng land a half century ago was attending a conference and some assertions he madein his address were vehemently objected to by a member of the opposi tion why he expostulated i never heard of such a thing ln all my life mr moderator rejoined bacon calmly i can not allow my opponents ignorance hpwgver vast to offset my knowledge however small bnybun eyes refreshes tired eyes wrttmurlnecochlcagobieyecateboot it is usually the case that we are neither so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine ourselves buddhae in pearl miniature burrhos are inserted into oysters ln china to make pearl bud dhas wells have now to be driver to a depth of over 220 feet under london to reach water a century ago the pressure of underground water was sufficient to bring water to the sur face wherever a boring was made bltrophosphate feeds the nerves and old people need it to make them feel and look younger its the one best nerve builder for weak nerveex hausted men and women and that is why we guarantee it price 1 per pkgo arrow chemical co 25 front st east toronto ont v athletes mlnards is wonderful for the rubdown takes out the stiffness soothes the bruises huh with pimples terribly itchy cuticura healed my trouble began with black heads and njmples on my face the pimpleiwverc large hard and very red and some of them festered they were terribly itchy causing me to scratch and the right aide of my face was disfigured the ir ritation kept me awake and my face was a sight i read an advertisement for cu ticura soap and ointment and sent for a free sample i purchased more and before long 1 saw a wonderful change i continued the treatment and now i am healed signed miss louise macdonald box 172 mary st newcastle n b use cuticura to clear your skin bamplt ewh yn bv uau address canadian dpot liunlicnxmt ltd montreal price soap 5c oin 25 and wc talcum me cuticura shavm stick 26c proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for headache pain neuralgia toothache colds neuritis lumbago rheumatism accept only bayer package which contains proven directions handv bayur boxes of 12 tablets also bottles of 2i and 100 druggists atpltln t tho tttu ulk rtfttk4 la cmil of ir mofmtm of monojomlc- tbtt aptrln poni buytr nnoafcotdw to tl potjic iin imiuiuwj jabl of bjm compuir viii bo nmnpoa ww tttlt scatnl tta c tho butt cna tired out j ml the time nerves gave l rest relieved by lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound harrgwsmithontario i took your medicine before m baby was born and j wag r help to me as i wan very poorly until i started to take it i just felt a3 though j was tired out all the time and would take weak fainting spells my nerves would bothec me until i could get little rest day or night i was told byat fnendto take lydia e pinkham8 vege table compound and i only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully i would recommend it to any woman i am doing what i can to publish this good medicine j lend that little book you sent me to any one i can help you can with the greatest of pleasure use my name in regard to the vegetablo compound if it will serve to help others mrs harvey milucanr r no2 harrowsmith ontario in a recent canvass of purchasers of lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound over 100000 replies were received and 98 out of every 100 said they had j been helped by its use this medicine is for sate by all druggists cj i issue no 32 25