nova scotia coal strikers accept government plan and resume work a despatch from halifax says signing of a six months interim con tract withdrawal from the mining areas of the military recommencement of work on monday and appointment of a commission to investigate the en tire coal industry are developments which are expected to happen in rapid succession as the result of tho agree ment of both the british empire steel corporation and their miner employ ees to accept tho governments pro posals for a return to work tho appointment of the commission will probably take longer than the other developments but premier rhodes said it would be done as speedily as possible wo 1 on tho contract will start at once when the district board of tho miners vill meet corporation oiscials in glate bay it is not anticipated that this will present any appreciate difficulty inasmuch as tho govern ments settlement terms provided that the contract should have 1922 wajc rates and the 1924 working -greo- mnt i with tho contract out of the- way ilts week vicepresident j e l 1 u rg anticipates that work could be commenced in the mines on monday wichdrawai of 1000 troop3 which were sent from ontario quebec and halifax in the middle of june fol lowing the new wukrford riot is looked for very soon and it is under stood to have been discussed by the government the tieup of the provinces coal in dustry lasted just five months having started on march 6 previous to that both prior to and after the 1924 con tract expired on jan 15 negotiations were conducted informed reviewers of tho condition of the collieries following the long strike are of the opinion that work can be started en monday in collier- j ies nos 1a ib 2 4 5 10 12 14 16 22 and 24 nos 6 and 15 are closed indefinitely from flooding no 11 can not operate until the burned bankhead and equipment is replaced no 21 was announced to have been abandon ed at the beginning of the strike and no 24 previously dependent on no 11 for power will bo curtailed in opera tion until other arrangements are made these collieries are all on the south side of sydney harbor on the north side maintenance work was carried on throughout the strike and no appreciably delay is expected in start ing operation the same situation prevails in pictou county and main tenanco work has been going on in cumberland county for some time 1 verdict of insanity in scott trial prisoner at once committed to chester asylum still faces death sentence a despatch from chicago says russell scott has won his last fight to escape the gahows a jury in trie court of superior judge joseph b david found him insane the jury reached its verdict after deliberating three hours and forty minutes its first ballot was reported to have been 7 to 5 for insanity and thereafter the vote gradually swung to tho insanity verdict scott imme diately was committed to the chester i asylum for the insane the jury took seven ballots scott sat tensely in his chair while j the jury filed into the box he turned eagerly to the foreman when he an- i nounced to the court that a verdict i was ready and as the- bailiff passed the verdict to the clerk scotts eyes followed the slip of paper that might mean iife or death when the verdict was read scotts mouth twitched nervously and his shifted his position in the chair he sat motionless at the side of his at- torneys while tho court entered the judgment on the verdict and then was hurried out of the room as the bailiff adjourned the session j mrs catherine scott the young i lake and river take j heavy weekend toll the markets son loses life in vain en- toronto deavor to rescue mother in l mjj f 2 north 5178 no 8 north i utonabee j sl72 no 4 wheat not quoted toronto augiqtwo young fo- gggg au the above clf bay ports j ronto residents mot death by drowning j over the weekend may hurst aged am corn track toronto no 2 spss father of r scotts i victim in dire want i jacob maurer has now no j support murderer in insane asylum chicago aug 9 at about tho time that russell t scott his fight to dodge tho gallow3 won was leaving chicago in tho custody of deputy sheriffs for the chester insane asyl- 1 um there appeared at the detective bureau an old workworn man whoso interest in scotts case was nxt to that of scotts family and scott him- j self he was jacob maurer the aged father of j maurer the 19yearold drug clerk for whose murder in a holdup scott was sentenced to hang escaping the death penalty twice by a margin of a few hours and finally j being found insano since his convic tion bitter and unforgiving the old man recited a story of hardship and priva- tion that has befallen his family since his boys death in april 1924 and then sought to recover the clothing worn by his boy the night he was slain and which has bean held by the state j tor evidence against scott j you probably want them a3 keep- siikps some ono suggested but usurer shook his head j i want then he said to wear mlf ive been sick and ive been out of work because ive devoted my j tirrj to this case and ive got to be better dressed to get a new job tho old man explained that his daughter is now the sole support of his family and that in addition to being in poor health ho is unablo to leep joey he said and tils voice broke always used to wako me up at 1230 every night when ho came home from work and now i cant help waking up at that tlmo and expecting to see him scott left chicago heavily shackled in charge of two deputy sheriffs a last message for chicago ho shouted as tho train moved out tell them im hoth sane and innocent fwbhm route of lord byng the governorgenerals trip north- wifo of tho prisoner leaned forward j ward from peace river crossing cul- in an attitude of prayer after the i miuated with his arrival at aklavlk in verdict was read scotts mother at the delta of tho mackenzie river near his side wept and embraced scotts beaufort sea a subdivision of tho arc- wife while thomas scott his aged j tic ocean in all lord byng will havo and crippled father received the ver- traveled about 2000 miles over west- diet without show of emotion ern canadas great inland waterways seott whilo going to the asylum as the above map shows his route along insano still faces death on the gallows j the peace slave and mackenzie rivers should ho over be found to have re gained his sanity scott convicted of the murder of joseph maurer drug clerk was saved from death three weeks ago six hours before ho was to have been hanged by a weeks reprieve from gov small j 15 of 124 munro street in the lake yeliow 122 iofi simooa park foot of carfaw ave millfeed del montreal freights i yesterday afternoon and alex bar- bags included bran per ton 28 ton aged 20 son of t herbert bar- shorts per ton 30 middlings 830 i ton barrtsted 22 wychwood park in g0 t 2 lake rosseau near wasan muskokai oats to 5 on saturday miss hurst lost her life j ont wheat 130 to 135 fob i when she upset a rowboat containing shipping points according to freights itwo of her friends samuel casmier barley malting 74 to 77c and melville robert bullock the un- buckwheat no 3 78c j fortunate girl was sucked down byj rvc no 2 nominal j the overturned boat lifesavers under i superintendent lang and officer j hughes went out in a speed boat and j after dragging for a time recovered the body in seven feet of water at a spot about 50 yards from the shore bartons death was due to a collision between a small motor boat owned by his father and a launch owned by mr miller lash also of this city the body sank in about 100 feet of water and has not yet been recovered peterboro aug 9 two more vic tims were added to the quota of tho otanabee river saturday afternoon when mrs harry gabbutt 41 and her son douglas aged 11 were m remains of montreal man found in lake quonapaug guilford conn aug 9 the body of joseph cole of montreal- who was drowned in lake quonapaug near here last sunday was recovered yes terday about twenty feet from where the drowning occurred the body came to the surface after the lake had been dynamited for the second time cole who was 20 years old is sur vived by his mother and one sister harvesters from bc leave for the prairies victoria aug 9 british colum bia harvesters started their annual trek to the grain fields of the prairies yesterday when tho harvest rates be came effective on railways in canada about 500 men began the journay east the greater part of the harvesters will not start until alberta gets reidy to gather its crop practically all the men who left yesterday are going to saskatchewan business in dried mushrooms one of polands most important ex ports i3 dried mushrooms crossword puzzle 1 m tins pliotofeiaph oi william jen nings bryan was taken less than two houra before his death in dayton tenn hatheway bank robber gets 6- year term a despatch from london ont says leslio g hatheway tho con fessed bandit who robbed the branch of tho bank of montreal at thornr dalo on july 3 of the sum of 6000 odd and held tho staff up at tho point never regained consciousness mcgue of a gun later locking them in tho was not held eight are victims of motor accidents mystery surrounds early morning crash near chip- pawa little girl may die niagara falls ont aug 9 lu- tetha 7yearold daughter of mrs clara morrison this city was prob ably fatally injured late tonight on victoria avenue when she was struck by an automobile driven by john mc guc of this city according to wit nesses tho little girl was with her mother and stepped from behind the street car when she was hit by the iicguo car shis sustained a badly fractured skull and doctors say there is littlo hope for recovery she hai vault was sentencod by deputy police magistrate qradman to serve six years in the penitentiary hatheway seemed surprised and later stated that h guessed ho had boon given a year for every thousand hcjjjtolo his wifo fainted when sho heard tho sontenco and a doctor had to bo called recovering in an hour sho drovo to the jail whero sho had a pathetic meeting with her husbaffd ll is understood that there wilwbo no appoal nhd that hatheway will bo started on tho serving of his sontenco at once hathoway signed documents waiv ing right to appeal on the strength of this ho will bo takon to kingston at oneo old song may be omitted from protestant hymnal a despatch from seattle wash wys tho noxt edition of tho uri- vbrsol hymnal used by many protest ant churches will bo minus one old song if certain northwest societies have any influence this week nt the sossion- of a conference hero of bap tist ministers a special songeorvlco was announced tho song leader took tho platform opened tho hymnal and called a number a ripple of laugh- tor started on tho platform which soon ran through tho church tho hymn announced was weve reachid the land of corn and win margate after all running cut into the road howard bates 5 years old had his right leg broken when struck by a car driven by thomas defoe of this city mr defoe swerved his car almost acroas the road in an effort to avoid a crash but struck the lad with a rear fender a big sedari driven by a mr porter of st catharines crashed into a trea on tho niagara boulevard above chip pawa early this morning tho top of the car was completely torn off and six occupants were badly cut with glass after receiving attention at tho hospital all but two were able to return home hospital authoriioi say thoy havo instructions to give but no names drowned nt wallaces point eight miles below peterboro the body of the mother was recovered shortly after tho accident and tho boy was found this afternoon nt 330 the boys heroic attempt to assist his mother probably caused his death as while not an expert swimmer ho could undoubtedly havo reached shore being lightly clothed simcoe aug 9 joseph murray crockett tho 7yearold son of mr and mrs edward crockett while out fishing yesterday forenoon was drowned in shallow water from a bridge over which j alex wallace mp gets access to his farm from the i co 23 to 25c break man flour first pat 910 toronto do second pat sc0 toronto pas try flour bags 610 ont flour toronto 90 per cent pats per barrel in cariots toronto 610 seaboard in bulk 610 straw cariots per ton s to 850 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 21 hay no 2 per ton 13 to 14 no 3 per ton 11 to 12 mixed per ton 9 to 11 lower grades 6 to 9 cheese new large 24 to 24c twins 24 to 25c triplets 25 to 25c stiltons 26 to 27c old large 28 to 29c twins 29 to 30c triplete 29 to 31c butter finest creamery prints 40c no 1 creamery 40c no 2 37 to 38c dairy prints 27 to 29c eggs fresh extras in cartons 41 to 42c loose 40 to 41c fresh firsts 87 to ssc seconds 32 to 33c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 30 to 35c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 22 to 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 20c roosters 18c ducklings 27 to 30c 1 beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 6c maple produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 13c per lb 10lb tins 18c 5lb tins 14c 2- lb tins 15 to 16c smoked meats hams med 32 to 83c cooked hams 47 to doc smoked east end of davis street the little breakfast 38 fellow had been out the day before boneless 36 to 42c with others and had caught his first fish encouraged he had set out aono at 9 am failing to return at noon he was found by a search party special brand to 39c backs two toronto bandits taken in gun battle youths said to have terror ized citizens of eastern sec tion of philadelphia cured meats iong clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs2050 20 lbs and up 1950 lightwoight rolls in barrels 2950 heavyweight rolls 2450 perbarrel lard pure tierces 18 to 18c tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19c prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 14c tubs 15c pails 15c blocks 16c heavy choice steers 8 to 850 do good 725 to 750 butcher steera choice 725 to- 8 do good 660 to 715 do med 550 to 6 do com 450 to 525 butcher heif ers choice 7 to 775 do med 550 philadelphia pa aug 9 in running gun battle early today the to d f 5 5 butcher i- tj t ncows choice 450 to 5 do fair police captured two toronto youths t6 to 450 canners and who aro said to have terrorized the 2 to 2 butcher bulls gd eastern section of this city for the 450 to 550 do fair 375 to 4 last week the young men who are bologna 3 to 350 feeding steers alleged to havo confessed to a series good 6 to g25 do fair 450 to of holdups described themselves as 525 calves choice 950 to 1150 frank clancy alias ward 19 and j to 9 j com james clancy alias quinn ak 19 i sgffl flj a i 111 r- t 0 fair 40 to 50 springers choice armed with a german lueger pisj 7 to d i 550 to tol brought back as a war souvenir by 56 heavies and bucks 350ho an older brother they said they camo 450 good lambs 1450 to 1485 here on a vnsation hopping freight i do mecf 1360 to 1875 do bucks trains arriving penniless they con- 1250 to 13 do culls 13 to 1325 fessed they commenced a series of gs thick smooth fed and watered holdups which ended when they took 1360 do fob 13 do country 22 from joseph wevre a cab driver p 91275 do off cars 14 select lefevre reported the occurrance immediately to the police and bandit- chasing cars wero despatched to tho neighborhood of the holdup a de tail of bluecoats sighted the two premium 255 montreal oate can wests no 2 70c do no 3 63c extra no 1 feed 64 m c flour man spring wheat youths as they were about to enter pats firsts 910 do seconds 860 another taxicab seeing the police strong bakers 840 winter pats they broko into a run with the offl- choice 640 to 660 rolled oats bag a unique occurrence in british railvay annals a despatch from london says a bit of british railway history wast rnde at victoria station here recent- 1 ly at the height of tho bank holiday rush a tickot taker incautiously loft tho gato to a platform unguarded it happened that there was an empty train awaiting removal to another track but on the other side of the borrier there was a crowd waiting to go to margate they aurged through tho gato took possession of the train and refused to leavo it rather than disorganize tho whole station service and risk a riot tho company decided to send the train to horizontal 1 pluck 6 fstand as you are inter 7 naked 11 sudden nush of liquid 12 a pleasure ground 14 to make a hole in 16 pulled apart 17 a tropical fruit 18 to journey about 20 part of verb to be 21 a musical note 23 point of compass abbr 24 to roar or cry as deer 26 a heron 28 left side abbr 29 a wellknown tree 31 to soak as flax 33 exclamation of disgust 34 interjection 36 ship crane for hoisting boats 38 to mend 39 egyptian sungod 40 indefinite article 41 arranged in layers 43 prefix same as ad 44perlod of time abbr 45 a number 46 a girls name 48 interjection 50 a kind of poem 51 interjection expressing impatience 62 possessive pronoun 64 yes 66 watery discharge from the eyes 68 shade of color tone 60 suffix same as an 62 an alcoholic liquor 63 french coin 64 to make sad 67 possessed 68 evergreen trees 69 looked at clesely 70 a membrane 72 to wash off in clean water 73 narrow beams of light 74 a metrlo measure of length abbr 76 a province and its chief city in belgium thc intmnjltinnm svhdicatc vertical 1 a germ 2 wholly very 3 vase 4 a division of the bible abbr 6 bend downward 6 conjunction 8 humble 9 to roam over 10 before poet j strongly placed balanced 12 wanderer or wayfarer 13 knights templars abbr 16 a hebrew prophet bible 17 enemy 19 a musical note 22 a variety of mineral coal used for ornaments 25 guided 27 an escort cortege 28 a familiar tree 30 a division of british isles 32 giving milk as cow 35 robust strong 37 an advanceguard as of any army s3 a device for agitating the air 43derived from or produced by nature 4 harsh and rough in sound 47 in addition besides 49 blunt at the extremity as a leaf 81 definite article 63 going up 65 nickname for an irishman 57 wet slippery soil 59 pertaining to scandinavian countries co a notldn 61 point of compass abbr 65 a city in ayrshire scotland 66 s e stats of u 3 abbr 67 to sing in a low tone 63 an expression of impatience 71 part of verb to be 7z new england stats abbr cers in close pursuit bullete flew and police whistles shrilled but the police gained finally cornering the fugitives with one cartridge remaining frank clancys gun jammed and patrolman fraver centre on the police football team sent him crashing to tho ground with a flying tackle two others clubbed james into submission the young men are being held for a hearing silesian speaks for 12 hours in oratorical contest a despatch from- berlin says frnnz horaz from upper silesia as pires to be european champion in pub lic speaking coming to tho gorman 90 lbs 385 to 895 bran 2825 shorts 3025 middlings 3625 hay no 2 per ton car lots 14 cheese finest wests 22c finest oasts 23c butter no 1 pasteurized 88 to 88c no 1 creamery 37 to 37c seconds 36 to 36c eggsj fresh extras 41c fresh firsts 38c com bulls 275 to 3 calves good 750 to 850 grassers 450 up hogs mixed lots good weight 1425 to 1450 sows 11 to 1150 napoleons memory honored by prince at st helena a despatch from st helena says the prince of wales paid a touching tribute to tho memory of napoleort luring his visit here at long wood ho planted an olive tree near tho place capital for the initial event he recent- whero lhe bo of the onetiino ruler ly mounted a soapbox m th lust of europe rested before it was taken gavton began speaking at 9 am rivd t p ended at 9 pm pausing only occa- nothing remains to identify tha sionally for two minutes to sip lemon- jr itss except a j ido or near beer abovo his head w slab of stone bearing no inscrip- hung a placard reading i am con- lion a brass p nnile on a ncar testing for tho european champion- by cypress- tree placed there by th ship in speaking i challenge the r jorte expedition in 1860 sayi orators of germany ifno ono c- cepts i win the title contests will j t6 the memory of tho emperor follow in warsaw paris and rome the p planted his trea thr during his borln performances foot from tne stono- slab opposite this modern demosthenes has recited weep willow sent from franco bj schiller goetho and other german marshal foch poets by the hour declaring he is any- j ious to revive the ancient but lost art of oratoryl in paris- ho intends to recite moltere and in romo the entire divine comedy each in the original j language i o albertas wheat of better quality than last year cnlgary alta aug 9 albertas 1925 wheat crop will grado higher on j tho average than the 1924 crop in the opinion of george hill dominion grain inspector mr hill is basing his opinion on tho samples of the now i crop which havo reached his office from several parts of tho province ansvar to last weeks puzzlo rl jjeg a y s m r 1 n gts ha he s t l a b s t 1 c e v e rs m t p u r s b s 0 pjl e k n t o t mn 0 ajt gjga p s ft u l u is gja jhp its u h a t g g h l e g r a v ejgl ke 6 s 8 r e d i e ek hi o l y o p u a r rs e is a s 1 f t ht lat z r r e c k e s rjsssc ylph