j y v i stouffvjxle august 13th 1925 p local happeningsj found sweater coat on kennedy road north of cashel owner phone 8903 stouffviue th hydro electric peak load for stouffviue is running at 85 hp per month which is an excellent show ing potatoes were being shipped from goodwood station lastweek at l20 per bag there issaw to be a blight on the early variables the local raspberry season which is ju3t closed was one of the best in yeara the crop lasted longer than isual by about ten days b e beebe- welds new steel points on worn cast po shears try one lost license plate no 28577 finder notify r- english blooming- ton little edra burkett gave a birth day party for her young friends on tuesday the man who wrote three thous and words on a post card ought to be able to do wonders with a few- acres of land mr chris micklensen butter maker for the stouffviue creamery co will change his position next week having taken a similar job with a dairy in the east end of tor onto constable harry perry is now de corated with the badge of his posi tion and being armed with such an important breast plate we may ex pect to hear of some speeders being hauled before the beak charged with insane motor driving a3 under the act z market took a up to that the cauliflower sudden drop lasli week time local growers about stouffviue who produce thousands of heads tealized as high as250 per dozen but the drop of lait week reduced them as low asjcoc per dozen it is loped and expected that the market will rally considerably from such an unprofitable level james hackney a farmer living south of goodwood suffered a frac tured and dislocated right wrist while cranking a car on monday of last week the dislocation was soon corrected by a local physician but it will take a little time for th frac tuxe to knit stouffviue bowlera made a good showing at the aurora tournament last week an aurora rink captured the first prize while f l buttons rink from here took up the second prizes which were leather bags for carrying bowles d rusnells rink also did well and although not gett ing in the prize ring they stood fourth in a long list of contestants and had the honor of winning the most number of games on the green that day the four teams winning the most points were aurora 23 buttons 22 aurora 20 and rus nells 18 ringwood garage phone 167 radio the new splitdorf radio sets are on the market and range in price from 75 up each set at the price repre sents the maximum of value if you are thinking of in stalling a radio be sure and hear the new splitdorf we install these sets and like everything sold here are guar- anteed to give absolute satisfaction mazda lamps ringwood garage has at all times a complete stock of these famous lamps from the smallest auto mobile dash light to the large hydro light let us show you the difference of power consumption and light of these wonderful lamps over the ordinary read the label on your paper and see that your subscription is paid its only a small matter individually but collectively these accounts mean much to the tribune a number of leading liberals went over to sutton on thursday to meet the premier hon w l m king who spent a day or two in the riding an unauthorized report has been circulated to the effect that dr fa dales of this town is discontinuing his country practice the doctor wishes it understood that such a re port is untrue and unfounded and warning is issued against the con tinuance of such mistatement many residences in town have been greatly improved this season by a fresh coat of paint other improve ments are constantly being made at present mr jame3 mccullough barrister is erecting a fine double garage on his property on obrien avenue mr benj doten has erected ayerandah at the rear of his resi dence on main street and mr mur ray hill is constructing a new wall under his house on mill street for the production of early table corn this year mrs albert e pais ley has established a record she has been using cob corn from her garden in the east end since july 26th the seed is from western canada but mrs paisley is unable to name it it produces a short white cob of good flavor and we re gret that we were absent when a sample was sent to our home to enjoy last month it is a rare thing to have corn mature so early in the season in this section of ontario stouffviue people were well re presented at the sutton horse show- last week and they were pleased to see mr michael wallace of lemon- ville carry off the second prize for best gents turnout in a large class of drivers also s j boyd who formerly resided just south of stouff viue was awarded the red ticket for his team o draught horses that people admire the noble horse and a good race was evinced by the big crowd on all three days of the fair- despite the fact that it was held in one of the busiest seasons for the farmer auditorium theatre stouhptoile 1 saturday aug 15 feature u ft find your man starring miytintin the yvoxder dog also good comedy alti wet come early and enjwjp tlio fuh program under 14 years 15c adults se- commence 815 cm threatening rain kept a number from attending the ic cream social at bethsda on thursday evening of last week but notwithstanding the total proceeds amounted to f90 dr dales has purchased a new flint car of the coach model this is a beautiful production of the automohile art and is the only car at the make in stouffviue baker bros are the local agents the town reservoirs from which we get our domestic water supply are now well filled with water the supply being almost above normal samples were sent to toronto on monday by the local health depart ment on which a good report is anticipated as to the quality rev wm pugsley a well known and highly successful evangelist conducted the services in the baptist church on suuday in the evening the sixth line baptists united with the local congregation for a profit able service a number responded to the powerful address and plead ing of the evangelist to reform their way of living by leading christian life all officers of the stouffviue branch of the bible society including the ministers of the various churches or their representatives are requested to attends meeting in the interests of the society at the mennonite church on friday evening of this week at 8 oclock to consider a pro gram for sept 6th when rev p g mclaren from the provincial head quarters will be available for several addresses public the overabundanc of school teachersis having a backward tires we expect in the near future to again have bargains in seconds but at the presents time have exceptional values in guaranteed tires 30x3 admiral cords at 975 guaranteed 6000 miles 30x3 v4 trump cords at 1025 guaranteed 8000 miles 30x3 oversize cords at 1250 guaranteed 8000 miles and larger sizes at correspondingly low prices we still have a number of guaranteed tubes at the old prices 30x3 at 150 and 200 get some of these tubes while the supply lasts phone 167 dak 250 to 1500 ner ving a effect on salanles the trustees of glasgow school messrs harry well- man jas alsop and f paulikat have just engged miss copper of near elgin iwls at a salary of 800 to handle wiis school which has an attendanceof 40 pupils one of the best in usbridge township cedric watson of goodwood the retiring teacher received 1200 tor his-ser- vlces j s latcham the secretary was so rushed with applicants per sonal and by letter that he could scarcely get on with his harvesting there being 150 to apply snap shots are lots of fun for old and young we have a complete assortment of kodaks and supplies developing and enlarging promptly and perfectly done at moderate prices one of our citizens d h rus- nell sa the other day that he was never so near stung to death as one day last week while working among bees although he had worked with them for 35 years extracting honey for mr simeon stouffer he just nicely started when a bee stung him on the hand and immediately a whole army attacked his hands and wrists one or two others attacked his throat and at the same time one backed up hard against the point of his nose with such inoculation the object of the attack felt a little sick after making his retreat and the soreness which followed can only be imagined the only bright spot about such an experience whicli friends can offer mr rusnell is that such inoculation is a sure cure for rheumatism but d h feels that the remedy has taken all the sweetness out of the possible cure last week we advertised the loss of 100 belonging to a farmers wife at lemonville and when the lady came to our office in groat despair we tried to console her by suggest ing that the money might have been left at home as she could not give any account of bringing it with her happily enough it turned up this week as predicted and in a very- different mood we were informed over the phone on tueday to cut the advertisement the womens institute are hold ing a picnic in memorial park stouffviue on wednesday aug 17 commencing at 2 oclock there will be sports and prizes awarded also a refreshment booth on the grounds this is an ideal spot for a picnic come and bring your baskets and enjoy the afternoon eerybody welcome this includes your husbands children and sweet hearts members are requested to come sharp on time to discuss some important business cleveland the worlds best the sport model is now only 5000 it a beauty wo also stock a lower priced c c m wheel a relia ble easy running strong bicy cle for only 3700 let us fix your boy up now silvester bros the hydro electric bills for the consumption of electricity for the months of june and july wen issued this week to the householders of stouffviue they contained not a few surprises n owing to numbers of users all over the town installing various contrivances in order to use the amount of the minimum bill which is 1 monthly in some cases where bills advanced more than was expected they were not really bad when all things are taken into consideration such as the conveni ence of electricity and the saving in coal oil or other fuel which would have been used one of the great est surprises came to a lady in the west end who in an effort to use a dollars worth of energy in the month undertook the unheard of task of doing down her fruit on the electric toaster naturally the waste of heat was great and the time con sumed in cooking was almost ever lasting the bill at that was only 250 for a month but it was a shock none the less next thing we next week the council will pro ceed with the erection of a small ex tension to the south end of the coun cil chambers where the electrical supplies of the town will be stored after which the clerks office is to be moved into the council cham bers this will relieve the town from renting mr urquharts build ing on main street which has been in use as a clerks office for years it will no doubt be available for some other business when the coun cil give up possession any section of the country will claim that it possesses the most beautiful and finest women to be found but not withstanding this claim they all had to take a second place at herb lennoxs picnic where a prize wa3 given for what was termed a mothers beauty competi tion and the winner over the fifty contestants was mrs harry paisley of the 9th concession just north of stouffviue mrs james wesley sabine of gormley was given second prize we are- glad to have the most attractive looking mothers in this locality quality service theajsike market is open bring in your samples or let us know when you have threshed we will try and give you a bid that will enable us to do business with you bags supplied a car of mihscreenings to arrive this week at a big reduction 26 per ton we are in the market for new or old wheat we have finished overhauling our elevator you will receive the best service possible feeds of all kind on hand also threshing and hard coal jt 98 lbs quaker flour 500 24 lbs pastry flour for 90c stiver bros phone 4501 the superior store how cool it is here get in the swim and cool off by visiting our ice cream parlor cool breezes cooling drinks and delicious ice cream babbits cleanser bon ami cake or powder brooms 5 strings prunes good size choice currants shredded wheat extra heavy zinc jar rings per tin 8 c 2 for 25c 43c 2 lbs for 25c per lb t4c 2 for 2 j c per doz 20c a w scott phone us your order no 909 we deliver the goods ffl hot weather specials below are only a few of the attractive buys that can be made at our store we invite you to call and see us boys chambray shirts 50c boys khaki pants 125 40 inch factory cotton 30c- print light and dark 25c cretonne 37 in all colors x 35c good make of overalls 195 mens blue chambray shirks size 17 to 18 95c ladies gingham dresses t 175 j l little stouffville ontario 1 cream it has been proved by every test that it pays you best to ship your cream to us by studying the market prices you will find that our prices are the highest and our service the best we supply cans we give you correct weight correct test nd highest market price we call for your cream or you can bring it yourself in any quantity steady or part of the time if you are not yet a shipper we would be pleased to have you among our many hundreds of shippers open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings stouffviue creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 mr baldwin has got rid of tho coal strike problem mr rodes like wise but we inontarlo aro still worried about that motto of keep ing cool with coolldge jamna a stewart jr and his son jas fred stewart passed through stouffviue on saturday enroute for kingston after visiting at the home of capt augusta law in the 7th of whitchurch the stewarts travelled in their ford car all the way from maryland usacarrying camp sup plies in the rear of the car which is virtually a cross between a ford a maxwell anda truck for the engine was made at henrys factory the radiator was a maxweliand the body was a contrivance between a run- will hear of someone trying to make about and a truck mr stewart and toast over tho electric curling his son are thoroughly enjoying tongs y i their trip and tho camp life freeman ramer of mount joy threshed one hundred bushels of al- sike seed the yield of ten acres for the geo robb estate last week this is a big yield and at present market prices will bring over 700 roadways drug storjj otouffvujl at the sutton horse show last saturday we noticed a toronto beauty dressed in knickers with short cropped hair holding a cigar ette between her fingers things are getting so that it takes a keen sigh ted man to discern whether it is a boy or girl one is looking at some times wanted someono to take a number of sheep on shares joseph betz stouffviue feathers wools etc we are payinc higheat price for wool feathers and poultry special attention paid to orders ben rexlln phone 7821 aug28p- bhpiiement bargains cash or credit send the tribune to absent friends before i close up to go away for a time i am offering big bargains in tractor in good condition cutting- box blowers mowers and all other kinds of implements call now while the chance is yours highest price for hides junk wool h herman phone 1903