stouffville february 12th 1925 house to rent queens court no 1 available march 1st w h todd wanted to buy or rent a house in stouff- ville state price and particulars apply to j it mckenzie ringwood for sale registered filly colt 8 months old heavy draught also 50 cedar posts j a fleming phone 2104 stouffville 50p cows for sale presh jersey cow also jersey due to calve 5 years old albert elson lot 10 con 10 whitchurch phone 8613 50p notice of application fok divorce card of thanks the family of the late albert e paisley take this opportunity of ex pressing their deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown them during their recent sad be reavement card of thanks mr and mrs j j brown and mrs j l johnston desire to thank the kind friends and neignbors for their assistance and for their expressions of sympathy and floral tributes owing to the death of their dear daughter and sister mary l brown b e beebe says notice is hereby given that samuel james connor of tie city of ottawa to the province- of ontario clerfc will apply to the parliament of can ada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife amy may gunn connor who is now re siding sn the csty of detroit in the btate of michigan usa on the grounds of adurtery and desertion dated at ottawa this 22nd day of january 1925 gilhooly mulvey 48 sparks street solicitor for the applicant notice of application for divorce card of thanks mr roht silversides wishes to convey to the happy helpers class of bloomington methodist sunday school his deepest thanks for the unexpected and much appreciated presentation made to him on thurs day last cows two cows for sale ayrshire due to calve holstein due to calve batt bros phone 6207 np house to rent good brick house in mongolia stable for cowhorses or car posses sion march 1st also red clover seed for sale k g tarr stouff ville r r 1 51p this is the time of year for the farmers to bring implement re pairing to the shop and have everything put in proper shape for spring and summer work your harrows may iieed shar pening coulters sharpened on laid probably your cultiva tor requires new points have everything ready when spring opens we are prepared to do all kinds of wood work wagons cut down new tongues shafts bol sters reaches axles and any thing in the line of woodwork all at lowest possible price call and see how reasonable everything can be done bring any kind of repairing now while their is no rush on b e blacksmith beebe stouffville glasgow we are pleased to learn that mrs john davis is recovering from her recent illness mrs pcollins who has been visit ing friends in toronto for the past lew weeks has returned home mr and mrs bdunn and children of avonlea sask visited at wm drewerys the past week mrs wm drewery and mr erne6t drewery and friends visited at c armstrongs in claremont on sun day last the fine weather of the past week aided by the rain on monday and wednesday has caused snow banks to disappear and replenished the cisterns fertilizer better crops are the result of fertilizing supplement yours with shurgain it is adapted to any soil get full particulars price and fertilizer from g r w thomas stouffville telephone notice is hereby given that flor- ence jene slieppard of the town of newmarket in the county of york and province of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament of canada at the next session there of for a hill of divorce from her husband destoa sylvester sheppard of said town of newmarket or of glanford station in the county of wentworth in the province of on tario farmer on the ground of adul tery and desertion n dated at bradford this 26th day of january 1925 t w w evans bradford ontario solicitor for florence j sheppard notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of joshua b hoover late of the village of stouffville in the county of york gentleman de ceased notice fa hereby given pursuant to section 55 of the trustees act rso 1914 chapter 121 and a- mending acts that all persons hav ing any claims agadnst the late joshua b hoover who died on or about the 24th day of october ad 1924 at the said village of stouff ville are required on or before the 7th day of february ad 1925 to bend by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the administrators their names and ad dresses and full particulars in writ ing of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them duly verified i and take further notice that after the said 7th day of feb ruary 1925 the said administrators will prcceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the per eons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have bad notice andthe said administrators will not be liable fox the said assets or any thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have re- ceived notice dated at stouffville january 19th 125 i j0- alfred b hoover and maria hoover administrators ilcoullough button solicitors for administrators stouffville farm for sale 100 acres 3 lots south of stouff ville on 9th con large bank barn water from flowing well in stables and for threshing all in good repair 12 acres of fall wheat plowing all done 8 room house with water in stalled truman holden stouffville for sale holstein cow for sale due march 5th also roan bull bert johnston 4th con whitchurch np position wanted farm hand married wants situa tion on dairy farm good stockman steady reliable good recommenda tion free first march apply a penfold stouffville rr 4 stouff- ville 51p notice to shippers i am shipping stock to the ufo cooperative every week from clare mont cpr station shipping day tuesday and farmers whether mem bers or not are welcome to bring along his stock telephone to d crosier phone 9016 stouffville for particulars sixth line miss nora macklem is spending a week with relatives in mt albert norman steckley is engaged with robt ratcliff in the mill for a week what we are wondering about is when are we going to have an oys ter supper the wms met at mrs ernest ratcliffs last week and was well attended miss verna steckley floyd steck ley and miss lemay spent the week end in toronto mr and mrs ross harper and family visited at gantcn barnetts on sunday last mr and mrs ross ratcliff and daughter spent sunday last with friends in toronto we ate glad to report that lome and bruce heise are recovering from their recent illness the topic given by miss marjorie nicely at the bypu meeting on down right honesty was well re ceived our line is now boasting of two hockey teams we are wondering which one will be the champions the uppers or lowers give them a trial mr downing of mcmaster univer sity occupied the pulpit cf the church here on sunday last and was the guest of mr geo barkey of the 7th line stray steer came to lot 11 rear 5th con whitchurch one steer owner can have same by paying for this notice j a clarke phone 101 50p for sale quantity timothy hay for sale also some good straw delivered in stouffville at 700 ton a number of cattle suitable for beef ringers frank steckley phone 2904 51p house to rent albert street north apply to on john cleaver stouffville 50p for sale six roomed brick house on obrien avenue modern conveni ences also hardwood floors newly decorated good lot fruit and gar den apply b h miller phone 188 tenders for wood sealed tenders for eight cords of firstclass body hardwood beech or maple 4 foot length will be re ceived by the undersigned up to feby 14 1925 wood to be delivered at lemon- ville school the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted s w hastings secretary government tested seeds for sale alsike red clover timothy alfalfa alsike and timothy mixed alfalfa and alsike mixed timothy and red clover mixed sweet clover hubam sweet seed corp mangold seed turnip seed we can save you money on your purchases of seed highest prices paid for alsike red clover sweet clover alfalfa timothy etlo we also hull and clean sweet clover and alfalfa f t hill co limited office phone 1401 l e todd house 189 managing director the dairy cow good roads or bad rain or shine k summer or winter she brings in the cash and keeps the farm going lf you ship cream to stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 mount albert mrs vandewater returned after spending a week at uxbridge miss nora macklem of lemon ville is spending a week with relatives here miss marjorie moore of toronto spent the week end at her home here howard degeer who is attending business college in toronto spent a few days in town mrs j mclean is home after spending a few weeks with her daughter in toronto stewart travis has sold his partly completed house and lot to amos lapp of the centre road mr lapp intends finishing the house this sum mer and is now busily engaged draw ing material for the same the hockey match between stouff ville and mount albert en thursday night resulted in a victory for the home team after a closely contested game the mount albert continuation school gave a community concert in the methodist church last friday evening and was well attended the annual banquet of the womens institute will be held on friday evening feb 13th the pro gram which promises to be an in teresting one will be provided by the gentlemen the veteran horse buyer charles williamson of toronto was in this locality last week and bought several horses which were delivered to stouffville on saturday to be shipped along with others claremont mrs mccallum was in toronto on saturday the roads are bad for travelling at present t p shirk is rather poorly with heart trouble mr crosier of altona shipped a carload of hogs from claremont on tuesday mrs estephenson has been under the doctors care the last few days we hope for her speedy recovery the mcmaster band finished their work here sunday night when they had a full house some responses were made to their earnest appeal for the unsaved ho decide for christ fred lynn is assisting j s bundy to make some alterations in fitting a suit of rooms for mrs mccallum who will open a millinery shop in the near future we congratulate john forgie on being appointee one of the three county valuators by the county council at its session last week mr forgie is thoroughly qualified for this position conduct your affairs with dignity a standard bank savings account lends dignity to the transactions of the depositor it identifies him with an organization that is known and respected in the community and es tablished a contact which is invalu able should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters open a standard bank savings ac count it wsh help you to develop your financial resources as nothing else can and enable you to conduct your personal financial affairs with dignity the standard bank op canada stouffville branch a c burkholder manager subbranch at goodwood h wanted now live geese and ft hens required good prices sam golden at pen- nocks livery mongolia mr and mrs betz were in locust kill on sunday j green and wife visited glasgow friends on sunday mrs r tarr and miss vera spent sunday at wm rennies k g and mrs tarr were milli- ken visitors a few days ago miss annie smith of the stouffville post office staff and miss jessie walls were guests of henry smiths on sunday mr and mrs victor stover has got moved to mount joy we be speak for them every good thing in their new abode it was fortunate to get moved before the roads got bad mr and mrs allan wideman have taken a kid to raise this is not an addition to the household dear reader but to the live stock in the barn its a real kid on four legs and may been seen running with the cattle now for some goats milk farmers fresh pork i deliver weekly in stouffville fresh pork any cut also nice sau sage telephone your requirements to jos b reesop phone 6209 54 wanted i am prepared to pay the highest market price for live poultry also geese and ducks feathers ben rexlen phone stouffville 7821 tf what it would have cost uxbridge twp poultry live and dressed also domestic rabbitts we pay highest market price geo l rosser phone 3708 stouffville model brooder stove farmers look we buy and sell farm implements- of all kinds also i have some eatra good stoves for sale and all kinds of scales highest price for junkr and hides h herman phone 1903 ufo notice orders taken now for turnip and mangold seeds seed corn wiroj fencing coal for june and binder- twine come to our meetings and trive us your order meeting in council chamber first and third thursday each month at 10 am d h rusneli secy phone 6413 new improved type burns hard or soft cqal or coke 500 chick capacity 1000 chick capacity lemonvllle miss thompson our popular school teacher was in elgin mills visiting her sister mr mike wallace was in toronto last week visiting his niece miss canning the school trustees are advertis ing for wood to leep our school warm in order that our children may not grow up to be wooden heads ladies aid this thursday at mrs kellingtons let us all be on hand the object is so worthy and then it is good for the ladies to have a social time rev mr burgess discoursed a thoughtful sermon on sunday even ing any who miss these services are passing up helpful matter that would assist them along lifes journey we have all enjoyed the beauti ful springlike weather of the past few days it nearly finished our sleighing and made the roads im passable in places this week mrs e c darby and husband are visiting the formers si3ter mrs mc kuen their guests are residents of winnipeg but lived in toronto prior to going west some years ago mrs j brown and mrs ralph baker are gftting about after their recent illness and we welcome them to active life again another of our ladie mry mckuen found it nec essary to have medical attention last week and we hope for her early recovery also telephone the tribune if you have any nows that would be of in terest it is your home paper and is looked forward to at tho local post office each week with great eagerness the sale or purchase of a good animal sale of land and also erects to and from the district are all gocd news items now that the members of the ux bridge township council have pass ed a bylaw abolishing statute labor a few facts of what the loss would have been if they had not done so have been compiled by those suppor ting the abolition under statute labor for past years on an expenditure of around 5000 on road and hridge work the council received about 900 or 20 per cent on the amount sp- now the gov ernment has refused to give 20 per cent if work is done by statute labor therefore next year if the township carried on in the same way this amount would have to be raised by direct taxation and then the township would still be losing as the next example will show then are 2302 days statute labor in the township valued at 150 per day which amounts to 3453 and if abolished and an equal amount ex pended in cash the government will give 30 per cent or 103530 it is likely the council will spend the average amount on the road and bridge account during the year which is about 5000 the govern ment grant on this at 30 per cent amounts to 1500 the total of these two expenditures namely 3453 and 5000 amounts to 8- 453 which the government gives a grant of 30 per cent amounting to 253990 if the council had not abolished statute labor the ratepay ers would have lost this amount you can raise more chicks and better chicks easier and at less cost with this famous all fuel brooder will burn 14 to 20 hours without attention 500 whick 42 inch canopy 2150 1000 chick 52 inch canopy 2650 poultry supplies such as foun tains hoppers etc also all sizes of daniel incubators satisfaction or money refunded f a brueis phone 2814 ringwood out pick them out of the air lumber posts etc this is the season of the year to place your order for lumber and avoid the spring rush timber can be cut in bush and lumber all grades i can be taken off car including matched stuff wagon tongues reaohes and doubletrees always on hand cedar posts robt ratcliff phone 4809 international farm implements i have taken the agency in stouffville for the above well- known line of implements and will carry a good line of repairs also agent for lister gas en gines separators etc i have opened a shop over baker bros garage in the old todd block frank baker phone 8104 note 2 collie pups for sale males loyal orange lodge no 1020 regular meetings friday at 8 pm on or before full moon stouffville ont last sunday morning chancel lor chas w flint of syracuse university ny a former stouffville boy preached at convocation hall toronto first you could hear was the organ prelude then singing of hymns and solos prayer and sermon his excellent sermon and service were splendidly re ceived the bestartists and talent can be heard right in your own home we- guarantee every set we sell not batteries or tubes a demonstration will convince you of the quadrodyne intren- sic value geo e baker phone 17 stouffville cutters and sleighs i have a full stock of sleighs cutters robes and blankets and bells of all kinds at reasonable prices come early they are going fast note we have a good overland used truck for sale w h todd put out the milk bottles too many of our customers de lay returning milk bottles- promptly so that we are short of bottles customers will confer a favor by making prompt returns themapie leaf dairy h gilroy prop phone 8108 stouffvillo the court of neighbours the friends you ask to meals all who eatin your home pass judgment on your baking skill if you want to be known as a good cook use quaker flour it makes bread cakes and pastry that win sure approval in any company out always the samealwatjs the best deal with the dealer who sells quaker flour if you do not know his name write us and we will direct you a product of the quaker mills peterborough nd saskatoon 264 distributors stouffville stiver bros uxbridge w s lapp