the fresh flavor hear green tea is preserved in the airtight salada packet finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada varying the cereal and graham hour sift into boiling cereal is so often the main dish of ted water and cook until thick breakfast today that it is well to sweeten wtn brown sugar or maple vary it as much as possible making it syrup cool then add a cupfu of so tempting that there will be no need j chopped dates and half a cupful of of persuasion to get the children to eat besides the advertised ways to serve the cereals which are bought ready to eat try these and see if they chopped peanuts mold and serve with cream cracked corn and rice make cereal of these two grains cooking for a long time to make them soft do not become something quite diffj sweeten very little and serve molded i ill- 1 i erent for those which come in forms for individual- serving pour hot water quickly over them allow a half tea- spoonful of butter to melt upon them sprinkle lightly with brown sugar and serve with cold thin cream or in stead of the butter cover the hot cer eal with apple sauce or stewed prunes then the cream for the many wheat and corn cer eals heat a tablespoonful of butter in the frying pan pour in enough of the cereal and set over a hot fire shaking the pan constantly to keep from burn ing serve hot from the pan with thin cream though it seems a strange com bination there are those who like to fill the centres of grapefruit or can with cream and stewed fruit fresh sugared or a floor ball game a floor ball game adapted from rug golf makes an interesting in door sport the equipment should be chosen to suit conditions a golf put ter a light polo mallet a croquet mal let a hockey stick or a homemade mal let can be used ten balls are needed which can bo obtained from some golfer who finds them too worn for his use tho amount of clear floor needed for the game is about six by nine feot and should be covered with a rug if tho rug has no border use chalk or tape or define the limits any num- ber of persons can play each in tun taloupe with their favorite dry cereal strikes all ten of the balls one after of course using no cream i another aa explained below for those who favor tho hot well- assemble the balls at ono end of cooked cereal there is no end of posst mlities always prepare these cooked cer eals with hot boiling water salting to taste and sifting tho dry cereal through the fingers into the boiling water while stirring with the other liand this prevents lumping and as- sures a smooth evenly cooked dish when fruits are ubed add most of them just before serving or from a dish at the table raisins and cur rants will stand ten minutes cooking to plump them but most fruits lose much of their flavor by heat cornmeal mush with dates make the usual meal mush of a coarse grade of cornmeal in hot salted water cook ing at least twenty minutes serve in bowls with chopped dates on top sugar and good cream this is fit for a dessert and is greatly improved if a little caramel sauce is used instead of white sugar under the dates boiled rice with apricots heat a quart of milk in the top of the double boiler and salt it slightly add three- quarters of a cupful of rice which has been soaked in warm water for two hours stir until the grains begin to take up the milk then cover and set in flreless cooker overninght a little longer cooking over the flame will do as well if there is no cooker sorve with stewp apricots and cream graham mush sift threequarters of a cupful of heavy graham flour containing hulls into a pint and a half of boiling baited water stir constant ly and cook for half an hour sweeten ing with two tablespoonf uls of brown augar and adding a capful of washed currants ten minutes before serving serve hot or cold with cream whole wheat with prunes buy whole wheat which has not been bolt ed make a mush with hot salted water and wheat sweetening lightly with white sugar cook stoned prunes in the cereal allowing them to mash serve either hot or cold with cream i there are a number of cereals which combine well and make excel lent cold molds to serve as breakfast cereal or with a custard of caramel sauce as dessert rico buckwheat flour raisins and chopped pineapple make the mush thick with hot water whole rice and the flour half and half add the rai sins and a very little sweetening half an hoar before the mush is done cool and add chopped plneapplo pour into molds and set servo unmolded with or earn oatmeal bran graham and dates take equal pnru of bran oatmeal the rug and strike them one by one so that they roll to the opposite end each ball that stops in the farther border which should be about a foot wide counts the player half a point those that roll to the side borders or roll entirely off the rug count nothing if a ball strikes any ball on tho bor der and knocks it off the rug one point is scored by the player each ball except the last one struck is there fore potentially worth one and a half points the last ball if it remains within the border scores its own half point a ball that stops short of the border and is afterward driven into the border by another ball is thereby redeemed and scores half a point but it counts nothing if it is thrown clear off the rug only border balls when driven off the rug by another ball count the whole point the perfect score for ten balls is fourteen ten half points for ten landing within tho border of the rug arid nine whole points for all balls knocked off the rug by a striking ball six or seven points is regarded as a fair score and nine or ten as an excellent one to make the best score strike the first balls so that they lodge in the border close together then with the late balls knock the first balls off two or more at one bhot m the hypocrites by arthur b reeve the byway pfeces when you are on the highway you will think about the byway the narrow lane or little street where love is at the pane the little place where children race and laughter gleams on every face and there it is youll long to be at home and safe egaln part iv i looked at the little group about us the preacher on his knees in the snow beseeching deliverance from on high the bootlegger and the salesman start ing toward the huge tree that blocked the road the girl ready to do any thing for all of us unable to go ahead unable to go back none of us had a thing to eat nor any shelter except the cars i did not like the attitude of the salesman i wondered if his elopc- ment might not be a blind to cover some other serious offence i could not even yet quite get the man- running idea out of mv head i the preacher showed no signs of fa the highway is the travelled street where men in strife and strug gle meet the highway leads to pomp and wealth and sometimes to des pair the highway leads to stirring deeds where each must fight for what he neod3 it was a sow cavalcade of snow- covered cars that wended its way down the mountainside on down thej road into the valley of derby we con- j tinued so exalted were our feelings j that our spirits now rose above fa tigue pain and hunger a few miles farther down we came upon a crowd coming up the pass with but the highwa up and dow shovels and ropes and best of auj anj on s ar0 tuere hot coffee in vacuum bottles and sand- j wiches a relief expedition looking for th6 windows flaunt men wares for stranded strangers salo books gown3 and deiva by the time we reached the little an1 cha for sa town of derby we were an exhausted thq men ani wome hurry on to group of enthusiastic converts onlyj purchase or to sell felt pretty sure that he was one who might know much about smuggling aliens traveling about in hi3 car as he did one thing soper did not try to con ceal and that was fear he was ready ola place tigue we stopped in the village squaro before the hotel i have a brother near derby heh be glad to see me ive been the black sheep now im going back to the enough to do anything but he show ed a fear that all our efforts might bo futile i did not centre all my suspicions on soper though there was the rum runner mcdonald here was a mas ter of the art bfruhningin illicit goods he might easily knew more about running in aliens who in a pinch could help themselves than bot tles that could not it was the rumrunner mcdonald who was the first to leave us craig let him go his way unrestrained were going across to that tele graph station and file a message with the news even if the wires are down this was from- jim soper and jess jim speaking and im going to take your advice kennedy hunt up the local minister get a license have it regularly registered instead of no kennedy and i had not told the wedding jess therein be two others yet of the crosscut saw back in our car every face was disconsolate hopeless all except the halffrozen preachers almost a light of divine inspiration radiated from his here i felt was a fine firm character it was craig who spoke we have something back in our car that means a great deal to all of us i dont say well get through before we freeze to death but my crosscut saw back in the car will help glory be sang out the preacher sweet deliverance wtihout a word both salesman and rumrunner started through the snow to our car they were for starting right in on the tree i thought i could begin to see what kennedy was doing he was putting these people on their newfound honor there were only two cars left now of our little cavalcade the gideon preachers and ours kennedy looked at his engine then lowered tho hood well mine has stood up all rieht i can go on then he slogged over to the car of the preacher of the gideons he rais ed the hood looked at the motor slow ly he put the hood down and gravely faced us thats strange that motor num ber 10342896 thats a stolen car he did not seem to be in any hurry to go on for a moment then suddenly the highway throng is swept along it may not stay for jest or song yet it is on the little streets that all those people dwell and all upon the highway with the nighttime seek the byway and carry home the little joys which they have tolled to gain for all they take and all they make is not for fame or fortunes sake but for the love which lights at ove some byway window pane edgar a guest tasty meat substitutes we tell you how to make 24 delicious meat ubjti- tute dishe with kraft cheese in tho new kraft recipe book sent free on request send for it today and treat your family to something different the children especially will benefit by the change in menu krltmcurtvcikciltjhctri 3al mi frm eic beck nam aiirtii nay brethren it was the preach- 1 ho shot out wlth hs shai staccato er who stopped them god has sent our deliverers our prayers have been i but its not for that that i want you parson the government of the do- anbwered shall we take time to thank him and ask his sustaining help to continue down on our knees is this almost waisthigh drift what matters it to us never have i heard such simple eloquence such absolute fnith that not minion wants you for the murder of one of its most trusted agents the united states government wants you too youre no more a preacher than i am not so much you might be an actor but i knew it all the time that a snarrow falls or a hair ofthehead t was y the head of the rum-run- is harmed nors your name is rask not jones sopers glance would wander first to you knc was sent to j y al e preacher then to the girl his facei y dldn 80 know me you felt you had to keep on playing the was tense the rumrunners coun tenance was a puzzle the face of a man penitent for the things he had done and left undone through and above tho wind the your part i gazed incredulously from kennedy to rask and back to kennedy the fire on the hearth didnt burn out a priceless book in the kings private library at windsor castle as well as in tho kings library at the british museum the bibles are a very special feature and if it were possible to imagine these treasures being put up to auction at one of the famous salerooms all the collectors in the world would gath er in order to bid for them but it is not an illuminated bible over which some monk spent half a lifetime or the earliest printed bible or a breeches bible or even a buggo bible so called because it says in a certain wellknown psalm thou shall not be afrayed for any bugges by night which is the best guarded and most honored copy of the scriptures this distinction belongs to a worn even tattered copy of the scriptures just the ordinary limpbacked little bible which thousands of people take to church or keep in readiness there this bible lies open upon a beautiful cushion enclosed in an exquisite old casket in a window in windsor castlo the open page is much soiled and thumbed certain passages are under lined and there are numerous pencil ed notes in the margin this is gen eral gordons bible given by his sis ter to queen victoria tea supply inadequate prices higher tea prices are going up mainly be cause tea is being demanded by mil lions more people tea is the cheap est and cortainly one of the most palat- idcal winter playground konly2 dayjfromncwyorkfj i sailings twice weekly leaving n y wed and sat via palatial twinscrcw oilburning steamers fort victoria and fort st george landing pnsniceractkanilondeck j for illustrated booklet a writo ft furness bermuda line 34 whitehall street new york city or any local tourist agent preachers voice carried 0 god of it left part of a letter which satisfying beverages known the weak the sinners and the penitent pfes f f of hls but tho teagrowers have been unable hear thou this prayer from thy vice to murat about six disguises they tremendous demand it humble servant calm these winds if it be thy will these poor lambs7 lost in the snow on the mountainside have strayed far from thee they are looking in the jaws of death succor them with thy bountiful were transmitting to him as he had requested six i repeated but craig there were only four hanging in the coset youre t walter four six murat takes three years for a tea bush to ma ture to the plucking stage mercv forgive us all we need itlp if it be thy will that we enter thy number five and our fake gideon presence in the loneliness and wildness of night and storm bo thou our strength our guide 0 ijrd we thank thee for what may be our de liverance amen the preacher stood up suddenly arms outstretched in wild supplica tion his voice rang over the moun tainside he was inspired we watch ed him fascinated soper turned to the girl still on his knees jess darling forgive me for putting this marriage off i love you the girl looked at him her soul in her eyes jim you mean it if i have to die hero on this mountain i will be your wife anyhow i would rather be that and die than live without you they crept on their knees through the snow to tho preacher ho looked at them kindly what is it children jess looked tenderly shyly at her mate im a sinner parson gulped soper i loved her yos but i was a scut i didnt want to lie tied down to any skirt but i want to ba a man nn honest mnn we love each other if wo dont get through the pass wo j want to meet god right please marry us j the proachor smiled he did not hesitate the ceremony was a slmplo atlantics open channel tho atlantic ocean is tho only free ore tho farmers outfit t channel for the exchange of water from poles and equator it is the only ocean wide open at the north and forms a valley which extends with varying depth from polo to pole preacher now has on number six the outfits were itemized i knew them all anyhow only one was missing rask it convicts you kennedy paused then went on more as if speaking to himself rask youre a fine hypocrite but i didnt want to collar you expose you too soon i didnt want those other hypo crites to backslide not yet anyhow id thank you to go on down burling- ton with me quietly and let me turn vou over i the end cotton so long regarded as the most suitable material for wear in hot cll- mateb is now largely being discarded for fine wool by the people of the ori ental countries the ritzcarlton hotel atlantic city new jersey americas smartest resort hotel famous for its euro pean atmosphere perfect cuisine and service single rooms from 500 double rooms from 9800 european plan new hydrlatiic and electro therapeutic department gustave tott manager why fish are slippery why are fish so slippery was a question put to a fishmonger the other day by a lady customer the fishmon ger did not know three out of four of the people who eat fish are probably like the fishmon ger they dont know tho reason however is simple the sllpperlness la due to a sort of mucus exuded through the scales it is of the greatest importance in protecting the fish fro mfungus a bkln dlsoase to which they are liable if the fish is so injured that some spot becomes uncovered by the pro tective mucus a barely visible fungus will probably lodge there and there after it spreads very rapidly finally extending over the gills and killing the fish another use of the mucus is to di minish friction when the fish is in mo tion through the water and so to in crease its speed few people know that the correct name for tno hague is sqraven hage which means the hedge enclosed space of the count mlnards liniment for the qrlppe married on the same day in 1874 two brothers of magor near newport hare recently celebrated their golden weddings in the village where they have lived all their lives a practical under garment j walter i turned in the 4714 this stylo may bo finished direction kennedys eyes indicated with shaped shoulders or camisole there was tho rumrunner pulling tho issue no top and straight or knicker leg por tions muslin cambric crope sateen flannelette or crepe de chine may be used for this model tho patern is cut in 7 sizs 4 6 8 10 12 14 and 16 years a 12year trize requires 2 yards of 116inch material pattern mailed to any address on cases out of his car bottle after hot tie of scotch he was flinging over tho precipice two regenerations enacted leforo us i too felt myself lifted to thoj clouds i i want to lead n different life the rumrunner had finished np- preached the preacher im through receipt of 16c in bvor by the wilson brcalg laws tell me how i can be publishing co 78 west advaido st toronto allow two weeks for receipt of pattern send 15o in silver for our up-to- date fall and winter 19241925 book of fashion inrtr hr s sua bruises better soon wo were nil busy by turns kennedy and i with tho alternate re- hof of the rumrunner and tho sales- j man while tho reverend mr jones intermittently prayed thero was something about it that made us make j quick work of the second- tree let the province of ontario savings office guard your savings it is easy to open an account by mail simply send money by bank cheque post office or express money order or registered lotter to the branch nearest you and you will receive your bank book by return mail the entire resources of the province of ontario guarantee the safety of your deposits on whiji interest will be compounded halfyearly you can withdraw your money by cheque at any time province of ontario savings office head office 15 queens park toronto toronto branch offices cor bay and adelaide 8ts 649 danforth ave cor university and dundas qt other branches at hamilton 8t catharines st marys pembroke brantford wodstook owen sound ottawa seaforth walkerton newmarket and aylmer absolute safety ontario