stouffville february 12th 1925 home town store sizes 40 to 50 california prunes 2 lbs for 25c size 60 to 70 california prunes 25 lb boxes at 10c lb can stilton cheese fine and mild worth 35c lb for 2ac lb fcsk 10 bars soap for 50c our own baking powder one of 20 years reputation no alum 16 oz tin 22c fancy dried apples per lb 9 ginger snaps 2 lbs for all sizes of oranges and fancy grape fruit choice malaga grapes ratcliff co thone 71 s stouffvimie bargains in heavy rubbers during the month of february there will be big reduction in all heavy rubbers women spatts- 25c per pair regularly sold for 250 shoe polish l a tm repairing done as usual l s glehm footwear of merit stouffville ont th o b 43q1 ntl prices talk at littles new store next bank of nova scotia boys overcoats only a few left sacrifice price 400 mens overcoats sacrifice price 800 and 900 these prices are just half the regular price boys rubbers 149 and 195 pair mens working sweaters only 175 boys sweaters each 50c work shirts good durable material outjhey go at 139 these are all good bargains to clear the lines j l little west end stouffville coal and feed coal select lump steam coal lehigh valley stove chestnut and pea sizes solway coke flour and feed bran shorts manitoba oats oil cake five crown flour for bread jubilee for pastry salt 50 lb 100 lb 200 lb sacks and bbls cement canada brand tdle 3 inch 4 inch and 6 inch on hand we have installed a new clover huller bring in your clover highest prices paid for alsike and grain of all kinds s w hastings proprietor successor to w s cook telephone 16 9 residence 3 715 massey- harris farm implements repairs buy a masseyharris kerosene engine jo do your hard work this winter- also place your orders early for mach ines for next year and help to reduce prices by so doing a full line of repairs always on hand we have second hand goods to sell at reasonable prices 1 ton spring wagon steel tire buggy oliver riding- plow 3hp mas seyharris engine 6-in- vessott grinder nearly new cockshutt riding plow 4hp engine 12hp engine peter hamilton cuttingbox with carriers set of slings and 60 ft of track good as new we give credit terms on all goods- d h0lden agent phone 184 stouffviue the tribune is published thursday afternoon terms 200 a yer in advue a v nolan publisher 9touefvillb ont editorial comment a unique municipal election ss reported from the village ot tweed oat every vote on the list was polled this is a record worth noting at the session of the ontario county council which concluded last saturday a bylaw was passed rati fying the separation agreement be tween the county and the city of oshawa in accordance with the ar bitrators award handed iu some time ago the council decided to levy a twomill rate for the county co be expended on roads bridges and maintenance of the present roads which will yield revenue of 46000 and with a like amount which the government will pay the sum of 92000 will be spent on road construction this year there has been an agitation going on in different sections of the coun try with a viev to having the gov ernment reimburse depositors who lost money in the home bank be fore the government could very well take any action along this line one would think that depositors who lost in the farmers bank and other fin ancial concerns both private and chartered would have to be reckoned with more important than making recompense is that the wreckers of these banks and savings institutions be given long terms of imprisonment as a salutary lesson for the sorrow and ruin that they have wrought in so many homes m m a writer in the country weekly says for a real heartbreaking nuisance there is nothing to outdo he new nicme fivecent piece why this infernal horror has been inflicted upon an innocent public has not been revealed as a pro moter of profanity and other non- christian virtues it has no equal you innocently pass it for a quar ter and the recipient brands you for a dead beat you receive it as a quarter and you are filled with disgust at the smallness of the in dividual who palmed it on you the collection plates are filled with the obnoxious coin which the faithful pass to the lords treasury as quar ters the thing has no virtues and no friends the resolution adopted by the county council of welland at its last session that the legislature be memorialized to pass some legisla tion whereby sheep raisers of the province will be protected in some way from the ravages of dogs is a wise move in this country every township pays lalrge sum every year for sheep destroyed by dogs while the owners of a flock of sheep gets paid the actual value of the 3heep destroyed by dogs yet it does not reimburse him for the loss he sustains as his entire flock is affected and never does as well once they are molested by dogs what is needed is legislation that will safeguard the sheep raisers from this waste the owners of dog3 must be made responsible in some more stringent way the cost ot education has greatly increased during the last tew years and the question might well be ask ed if we are getting value for the money expended the expenditure of our schools in ontario vow reached the sum of 48000000 a year and the fprovimcdal expendii ture on other educational objects exceeds 5500000 so that on tarios total expenditure upon education reaches 53500000 yearly this expenditure is on be half of 680000 children of differ ent ages and we have 17000 teachers engaged in the task on the average we are spending about 80 per year tor the educaton of each child of school age and if wo estimate the school age to run from six to sixteen years it will mean that the province is investing about 800 in the education ot each of its citizens it is surely a good business proposition to insist that the money be spent in that way which shall secure for each child the education he or she most needs to fit them for lifes tasks the stouffvifilik markets wednesday feby 11th dairy eggs 46 butter 30 oattls roes ac hogs 1050 to 1100 calve3 950 to 1100 cows 300 to 450 butcher cattle 550 to g50 grain fall wheat 1 so oats 6 carlay 95 buckwheat 90 smith smith land surveyors and engineers lindsay ontario surveying municipal engineering ewerag drainage roadways the county assessment york county council last week adopted the report of the bylaws committee equalizing the assessment of the county it provides that the assessment in some sections shall be increased and stouffviue was boosted 20000 which is about the natural increase put on by the town assessor last year 28000 was added to our county assessment making a total of 48000 in two years the general assessment of the county is increased from 69- 659843 to 71707935 according to the revised list the various townships and the assess ments are georglna 962028 etobicou 5837259 north gwil- limburv 1802450 east gwillim- burv 2140698 king 41481s6 markham 48018s8 searboro 6- 821633 vaughan 4525178 whit church 2565936 york 19925- 247 north york s693s36 east york 9s43598 the towns and villages with re vised figures are aurora 1403001 newmarket 1s95475 holland landing 103323 markham village 462417 richmond hill 6s1464 stouffviue 499744 weston 3- 035315 woodbridge 292064 mimico 2 css 030 sutton 4s0475 new toronto 24s9458 leaside 11sss4s forest hill 369314s goodwood mss louie robinson was home over sunday miss myrtle watson was in tor onto last week calvin stafford injured his back assisting after his sale last week the sale was a big success and extra high prices ruled we extend our sympathy to our snow shoers and would suggest that if the wet weather prevails they tetter organize the goodwood navy fred wagg of manitoulin island is among relatives here now he was born here 48 years ago but never re visited goodwood in 20 years how could you fred the wild oat team of euchre players from siloam had the nerve to play our local boys they were beaten by ten games joe was on the job having escaped another cold which probably changed the result tom w3 in better humor too county grant to schools the york county council have made the usual statutory grants to the high schools and continuation schools of the county in the amounts reported below high schools weston 39787 markham 5979 richmond hill 18552 newmarket 16300 aurora 12- 809 searboro 6059 mimico 7- 863 continuation schools stouff viue 2366 sutton 2059 isling ton 1260 schomberg 509 dan- forth park ss 26 5456 fairbank ss 15 206 adjacent county high schools brampton 274 ux- brldge 145 port credit continua tion school 39 onehalf of the above grants will be paid on or be fore april 15th ringwood cars and trucks are again going on our roads miss lila grove is spending some time in toronto isaac grove was a city visitor over the week end wm windsor of toronto called on friends here on saturday miss ada barkey is spending a few days at seneca bakers baker hill miss addie pipher of toronto spent the week end under the par ental roof mrs ellis and daughter peggy of toronto and miss l pews of london visited at mrs martin focklers for a few days recently mr and mrs w dickinson were the guests ot mr and mrs harold dick inson on sunday earl heise has returned home to the sixth of whitchurch after spending a week with his sister mrs orval roach quite a number from here atten ded the hockey match at uxbridge explains difference in figures at the york county council meet ing last week deputyreeve r j itaccresor reported regarding the cost ot that part of the sutton road through sharon over which there has been considerable discussion in council owing to engineer e a james and auditor j lumsden pre senting different reports as to the cost which was pointed out to the council by reeve morgan baker ot whitchurch mr macgregor stated that he found the vouchers correct and the balance ot the two reports were the i same the mistake he said was caused by mr james figuring the cost of the road from grass to grass while mr lumsden figured on the cost from fence to fence the re port was received without action being taken 4th line uxbridge reuben rawson we regret to say i3 suffering from heart trouble miss ruth moase spent the week end in toronto douglas dickinson spent the week end in toronto the revival meetings at the clare- mont baptist church drew quite a few from this line richard mann who has been en gaged at ross watsons has return ed to locust hill mr and mrs ross watson have returned home from a visit to to ronto mr and mrs seneca miller spent thursday with mr and mrs john collins mr and mrs joseph betz ot mongolia visited at mr and mrs licorishs on sunday mr and mrs thomas condy and singer sewing machines we have the agency for this reliable and wellknown mach ine if you require repair parts or a new machine let us know we are willing to der monstrate the singer geo j lawson phone 182 the west end grocer agent for loudens barn fixtures kocsoi i0e30e ioexoi ioe30i xoe30e x0e30i iobo extra special sale o d o o q o d o aocaoi locaoz aoesoe ioc february is a month of new goods and before their arrival we must clear out the odd lines for this reason our 39c sale is being carried on with renewed vigor call this weekend and look over the snaps we only mention a few of them here pure wool hose worsted in all sizes black only sale pride pair 39c childrens underwear in odd sizes sale price 39c mens wool and cashmere sox to clear at per pair 39c scotch fingering yarns in grey khaki sale price v lb for 39c childrens wool scarfs sale price each 39c linen towels sale price ea 39c pure linen toweling sale price 2 yards 39c mens ties reg 50 and 75c sale price 39c mens caps regular 150 sale price 39c e o o a o o d o o d o u o n o visit our store and see these 39c money savers boys and small mens wool gloves sale price 39c a great number of odds and ends are not on this list we are selling for 39c plain white cups and saucers sale price 4 for 39c see our window display idlioi ifttinr notice it is not necessary to buy when you come to our store we want you to feel at ease and remember we are pleased to show our merchandise whether you wish to buy or not ao w h shaw phone 9 512 stouffville store closes every night in the week at 6 p m except saturday evenings during the winter months xoxaoi xoexoc aozaoi xoexoe aoooc xoi o d o o n o o 11 o o i i o o d 0 o a o d o o d o o n o xo