ritette vol xxxv no 50 stouffville ontario thursday february 12th 1925 nyal cod liver compound tonic and strength builder j a palatable preparation of cod liver oil yet free from the latters disagreeable features it j stimulates the process of diges tion and nutrition building up the body and increasing the i reetetance of the system against j disease it is tbur an efficient tonic and reconstructor i valuable in the treatment of all conditions requiring the restoration of strength such as in convalescence from pneu monia colds etc in weak lungs nervous dyspepsia bronchitis nervous weakness and debilita- ted conditions generally price 100 j m storey chemist and druggist stjames wrestles district general with union issue the church union question was rigorously assailedfor and against at the two services held in st james presbyterian church last sunday in the morning the rev william mcconnell spoke against the presbyterians allowing them selves to enter ihe united church of canada while in the evening rev h j pritchard of toronto spoke in advocacy of union the morning congregation was much larger than usual but there were empty seats in the front of the church while in the evening chairs j i mrs jas reynolds of aurora had rhubarb pie last week made from 1 rhubarb two feet long and grown in her own cellar the ontario county council on friday appointed wjh richardson of whitby inspector of the house of refuge for the year 1925 at a salary of 100 replacing owen da vies of uxbridge township a total of 35 inmates were ad mitted to the county house of refuge during 1924 and the num- support of the grant messrs harvey ber in residence on december 31st j j lawson a c burkholder dr s was 6s according to the annual s ball wh shaw harry perry report presented by inspector alex scott j r hodgins and f l owen davies of uxbridge town- 1 button helps the band to tune of 100 the february meeting of the coun cil of stouffville was held in the council chamber on tuesday even ing with all members present and reeve f w silvester in the chair a number of citizens appeared on behalf of the stouffville band re questing a grant of 100 to assist in paying the expenses of carrying on the band the following spoke in personal notes hsvssrt3xltship to the county council on j the reeve expressed his sympathy ssfissswssss riu w tftmir of last week it cost 4gc with the band organization which tft trrtifrf i trtn oocam marl m itiv han i i t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffvillk office hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 830 pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 elligtt yonge and alexander sts toronto noted for high grade instruction and superior employment service enter any time catalogue free w j elliott principal money makes money just as good meats make healthy bodies whether you wish choice fed beef or pork or our tasty home made sausage we can supply you dont be fooled by strangers our prices will bear inspection h leadbetter butcher phone 0701 soouffvdlle we deliver daily to your home canned goods and fish congregation assembled many being present from other churches both speakers proved quite capable of pre senting their ease and did so with all the force and pathos at their command it is interesting to note that either speaker occupied precisely the same amount of time one hour and ten minutes in presenting their case rev mcconnell announced at the outset of his remarks that he was a unionist and that he believed in the lofty ideals of a united church but he utterly opposed the basis of the present union and it was chiefly on the bill passed by the dominion government that the speaker dwelt he is a scholarly speaker and was given rapt attention per day to maintain them a sudden death occurred on sat urday jan 24th at mrs w robin son her mother the late mrs angus cameron passed away while sitting in her chair due to heart failure she was in her 75th year the late mrs cameron who was the daughter of the late peter sinclair was born in vaughan township she was a member of the presby terian church and is survived by five sons john of penetanguishene neal of alberta norman of whit church and donald and william of aurora and five daughters mrs j terry and mrs geo holt of king mrs elmer shauntz of kitchener the evening speaker was equally mrs walter robinson and miss flor- mrs w c jewitt of toronto is visiting at the home of her son mr alex scott mrs ross davis and baby have been spending a week visiting her father in toronto dr ken mare of toronto spent a few days last week visiting her daughter mrs b h miller mr and mrs f marshall were in toronto on monday evening attend ing the annual dance of the staff of the bank of nova scotia held in the crystal ball room of the king edward hotel mrs g crawford of toronto has been visiting her son f r crawford town she has left on a trip to a nted york and thence to san juan porto rico where she will visit other relatives w r h heaslip of heaslip new ontario a small village near engle- hardt has just spent a week at fred stephensons 9th con south of town mr heaslip has a great afflic tion in that he has never heard a human voice in nine years having gone deaf north british mercantile insurance company limited do you carry enough insurance fire h 0 klinck obrien ave phone 8307 stouffville boadways drug store stouffville stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcome sam mckuen n grand w r sanders recsec archie stover financial secretary interesting and took the question from different pointsendeavouring to emphasize the already close rela tionship between the three churches entering union and the need of com plete union from a missionary view point neither speaker- announced a bibilical text as is the custom at a normal service the tribune looks on this matter from the standpoint that it is a question to be settled by the family of presbyterians and therefore we refrain from publishing the state ments of fact presented by either bide as space would not permit a complete report of the two sermons and we do not wish to give merely a synopsis following the sunday services a congregational meeting was held tuesday afternoon rev r young moderator presided when a vote was taken deciding to start at once to open a poll on the question of church union mr george ur- quhart was elected as returning officer with martin tait and dr dc smith as scrutineers for the union ists and messrs a mitchell and w h clark for the antis this is the question on the ballot paper are you in favor of this congregation entering the union of the presby terian church of canada the meth odist church and the congregational churches fifty per cent of the possible vote was polled during the time the poll remained open the remainder who have votes will be able to poll them at buttons hard ware store on the following days and dates saturday feb 14th wednesday feb 18th and saturday feb 21st between the hours of two and four oclock pm the poll will also be open at the church next sun day after the morning service and also on sunday the 22nd on tues day the 24th the ballot box will be opened after any who have not voted have a final chantee to cast their ballot a feature of the meeting was a re solution unanimously supported that no matter what the result of the poll may be the congregation will stand together as in the past until the 10th day of june when union comes into force what happens after that date will be determined later ence cameron of whitchurch as a result of the extreme frost last yeek and inability lo help him self benjamin cowie of thorah near bolster is now an inmate of midland hospital awaiting the result of attention as to whether he will lose both feet and an arm as the re sult of frost bites cowie is a man well on to the eighty mark and lived alone in a poorly appointed house on his farm near bolsover for some days he bad not been seen about and the neighbors finally decided to investigate on entering the house the old man was found huddled be j was concurred in by all the members and the request of the petitioners the auditors report signed by messrs a h lawson and w h claik was presented they found the books of the treasurer correctly and properly kept a third reading was given the by law giving muston sons a fixed assessment for five years of 5000 as consented to by the votes of the ratepayers on jan 5th last the electric power load for dec ember showed a decrease from that used in november the december account was s5220s for s95 hp there being a surplus in the water works account of 1100 lt was de cided to pay off an indebtedness of 1000 held on note by geo dows- well only three more water works debentures issued at the time the system was installed remain unpaid amounting to about 4335 council approved of an agreement made with chas nendick- to read meters and do all line work at a salary of 50 for the first three months 60 per month for the next six months and 50 per month the last three months of the year accounts passed j nendick shovelling 12 30 d h cook work 11 21 light clerks office 4 00 northern electric supplies 85 65 business cards lkoal mccullough button barristers solicitors con veyances c buttons block stouffville money to loan medical sldytstovm wn j 88 been for a long time he being too feeble to help himself he was found to be badly frozen superior store bargains as usual in our regular adv come to s our store and see more j l turner sensation over fire in store at zephyr municipal world supplies 15 05 freight 182 tribune ptg and advertising 82 93 firemen clerk and caretaker 15 00 w crossin draying 120 j urquhart postage 3 00 northern electric cosupplies 10 34 markham audit may cost merchant charged with arson auction sale chiropractor i church st i i stouffville h we explain wo will explain to you what a wonderful science chiropractic ii come in for advice or for an ana lysis that win show if your spine is perfect or if it is out of alignment an adjustment is painless thursday feby 12th auction sale at lot 19 con 9 pickering including reg shropshire sheep choice dairy cows implements etc belonging to john forgie sale at 12 oclock f w silver- sides auctioneer wednesday feby 25th extra good grade holstein cattle horses pigs implements etc belonging to c e brillinger lot 20 con 8 markham mile north markham village cale at one prentice prentice auctioneer wednesday feb 18th auction sale at lot 15 con 3 whitchurch farm stock and implements the had immaavjuiih friday 9t012 am at stouffvilleqntf property of elijah collard sale at 12 sharp f w silversides auctioneer saturday feby 21st credit sale of farm stock and imple ments belonging to j w reesor 9th concossion just north of stouffville vrho has sold his farm sale at one f w silver- sides auctioneer tuesday feby 24th at lot 11 con 2 uxbridge farm stock etc belonging to j w morrison who is giving up farming sale at one f w silversides auctioneer friday feby 27th extensive credit sale of farm stock imple ments etc belonging to spfoote lot 12 5th line whitchurch sale at one sharp f w silversides auctioneer wednesday march jith cre dit sale of high grade shorthorn cattle reg horses reg cots- wojd sheep implements furni ture etc belonging to wm a dunkeld lot 32 con s picker ing no reserve sale at twelve oclock f postill auctioneer wm hillis the notorious safe blower recently sentenced to three years in kingston penitentiary was taken from toronto jail to uxbridge on thursday of last week where he gave evidence against thomas slee merchant of zephyr charged with arson in connection with the burn ing of the general store and post- office at zephyr kept by to bart- lett of zephyr hillis in the witnessbox said that just after he had been released from the kingston penitentiary last may he met slee at a king street east hotel in toronto and they talked about getting some more work for hillis slee according to hillis said he would give him a job of burning his opposition out hillis said he went to zephyr in june and looked over the ground but did not like the idea as there was a dwelling house close to the bart- lett store nothing was done until sept 30th when according to hillis he with alex lang now in king ston penitentiary and a third man stole an tuto and drove to zephyr hillis swore they broke into slees gasoline tank and carrying a supply to the bartlett store spread a quan tity over materials in the building and set a match to the premises they then drove back to toronto and on the return journey watched the fire from a hill hillis claimed he had been pro mised 100 for the job hut had been paid only 50 which he divided with the other two the payment was made in the king street hotel two or three days after the fire he said t o bartlett said his loss was about 7000 inspector w h stringer of the criminal investigation department ontario provincial police who took hillis to uxbridge also gave evi dence regarding a conversation he with slee slee ad after an audit extending over more than three months and an initial cost after the examination had proceeded for one month of 1000 the investigation into the markham township accounts is ap parently as far from an end as ever the investigation was entered into at the instance of deputyreeve robert smith and councillor clarry both of whom were deci sively beaten at the january mun icipal elections and following a request signed by 30 residents of markham township the audit is a provincial one and while ostensi bly covering only the period during gam davisons occupancy of the clerkship some eight or ten years is likely to run the township into between 4000 and 5000 costs i the finding will be submitted to the auditorgenerals department county meeting lol held in beaverton tuesday with the churches baptist rev w w fleischer paitor sunday feb 15th hear the third sermon in the series famous women of the bible at the baptist church sunday night title the woman who never married subject for the morning service the man who thought he failed remember our 615 pm meeting for prayer dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone ltt dental j n dales lds dd s- dentist claremont honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over mr scotts store phone 1405 claremont mennonite church a g warder pastor sunday feb 15th 10 am a growing sunday school 11 am truth series subject fall and redemption of man 7 pm preaching by the helper altona union 7 pm subject three great things methodist church geo e coulter pastor sunday feb 15th 11 am the pastor text matt 5 13 ye are the salt of the earth 7 pm song service and short address the following numbers will be rendered by the choir 1 the day the lord hath made 2 anthem ten thousand times ten thousand 3 ladies double quartette 4 anthem our songs shall rise 5 mixed quartette and solo 6 mens double quartette 7 anthem praise to the lord monday feb 16th young peo ples league will hold their meeting at the home of miss eva hoover obrien avenue tuesday feby 17th the ladies will serve a new england supper in the church basement miss storry of markham elocutionist is engaged for the occasion wednesday feb 18th prayer dr d c smith dentist stouffville honor graduate of chicago and to ronto university and the royal college of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 101 no outside appointments e s barker lds dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8602 markham every tuesday office ovej geo crosbys store veterinary r g law vs bvse graduate university of toronto ringwood phone 6014 boadway s drug storb stouffville flowers mitted knowing hillis but denied any knowledge of the origin of the fire slee was committed for trial and was taken to whitby jail the hearing took place before police magistrate hamilton the large room where the evidence was heard was crowded ball was fixed at personal bonds of 6000 and two sureties of 300j1 each crown attorney gricrson of oshawa appeared for the crown and w h mcguire of toronto for the post mastergeneral slee will be defended at his trial by t h lennox kc of toronto a couny meeting of the loyal orange lodge was held in the lodge rooms of lol 129 beaverton on tuesday of last week representa tives from all the primary lodges in the county were present including three from stouffville lodge namely truman holden richard rae and fred paulikat election and installation of officers and other business was carried through it was decided to hold the annual celebration of the 12th of july in beaverton on saturday july 11th as the 12th falls on a sunday stouffville lodge made sirong recom mendation to have the celebration held in this town but the sentiment of the meeting was favorable to beaverton stouffville was just three votes short in carrying the decision to meet here which would easily hve members turned out from the local lodge robust man taken nirths stdver in stouffville on fehy 5th 1925 to mr and mrs ambrose stover a daughter married frank todd at the residence ot her son mr lou todd on wed nesday feby 5th 1925 by the rev r young ba mrs florence todd of stouffville to mr francis frank of erin ont mr walter muston head of the local firm of muston sons whole sale florists died on tuesday morn ing feby 10th 1925 from apoplexy stroke suffered just three days to half an hour from the time of his death last friday afternoon smr muston who wasa healthy appear ing robust man was curling in the local rink and walked to the post office in the evening apparently in good health but that night he felt restless and was unable to sleep when at 230 oclock he was over come with a stroke the late mr muston was 63 years of age and was a native of england for many years he was in business in toronto but four years ago the firm located in stouffville buying iicic which nouici easily i out brillinger bros and largely ex- been overcome had a few more j tending the business he was a ers turnpi frnm th wi and past master of york masonic lodge and a member of the stouffville curling club and the church of england surviving are his wife two sons and two daughters namely james who was associated with the father in the stouffville business and stanley who conducts a retail florist shop in toronto also mrs hartoourt and miss evelyn mus ton of toronto the remains were taken to tor onto on wednesday following a service in christ anglican church stouffville which was attended by the local masonic lodge in a body the last funeral rites will he per formed from the home of his daugh ter mrs harcourt and will be under masonic auspices interment at mount pleasant cemetery wedding bouquets j and funeral designs j on shortest notice we also have a beautiful selec tion of roses- floral tesigns fob all occasions muston sons phone 7001 stouffville dthtlfyst gormley mr and mrs wesley hoover of toronto visited the home david hoover and other friends over the week end the misses elma and marion cherry were week end guests of miss rena wilson miss ethel bnrwick will be greatly missed in gormley after saturday as she is going to toronto the few fine days we had makes us wish for spring ail that was lacking was the chirp of the robins a goodly number around here had an enjoyable time at the miscellane ous shower which was given to the newly weds on monday iiight the meetings at richmond hill conducted by dr crossley and mr leonard have been the chief attrac tion of the people of this vicinity a big load of our young people went to richmond hill rink on sat urday night and all went well and jolly with the exception of the cou ple that were nearly jeft behind when the tail board fell out of the sleigh our bread is on the pure food level its a standard article in this town every day more folks are learning about its nutritious goodnesa and about the cleanly care used in its manufacture eating our bread is a health habit get the habit j f ambrose stover baker in memoriam brown in loving memory of our dear brother and son morley l brown who died feby 15tb 1920 this day brings back memories of a loved one laid io rest and those who think of him today are those who loved him beat family properties for sale large frame houso and 5 acres of land barns and running stream all adjoining stouffville will bo sold at a bargain to close out an estate three 50 acre farms from 5000 up to 5s00 excellent places for per sons wanting a good home houtes for sale in stouffville at all prices jacob yake phone 8004 heal estate agency buttons block stouffville read tbo advertisements sfc