nhmmmbhombmea ask for h4c0 tia it is mtach more delicious than the finest japaza yoisg hyson or gunpowder sold everywhere free sample n ppff r fjut sslfidv tohghto imiiagihitpi tiwiifmrnrfwftyt when hearts command- by elizabeth york miller whin heart command frtn mind the eageat ccuiulltg depart wcwuwcb what colors will do not very long ago i was asked what made a dress becoming to the wearer i did not answer the question then j wanted but i have been turning it over in my mind since and i have decided on three things color line and material i put color first if i were asked in what proportion they contributed to becomingness i would make color 90 per cent you know a dress may be old stylo but be coming because of the color however the idea cant be reversed successfully if the lines of the dress were graceful the stylo straight from the rue de la paix and the color wrong the dress chapter xxxviii contd i chapter xxxix a boyandgiri affair but of summer shimmering with heat like course they marry very early in the golden glow of a furnace lay jamaica and my parents were terover bordighera the english villa ribly upset she wasnt at all in colony with few exceptions had fled maxs class and most of the italians including ardeynewondcred what mrs egan resident hotel and pension proprietors i had meant by that but he did not ask had taken their families to the moun- her the idea of a boy of 16 con- tains or the cool shady heights above templating marriage at all was na- la mortala turally most repugnant he looked it had been a long time since hec- such a child now with the weight of tor gaunt had even thought of aban- mortal illness on him and he had doning his farm for seasonal reasons the mind of a child there had been he was one of those rare people who very little tutoring on that coffee plan- are affected neither by heat nor cold tation and the boy had never been and to whom mountain sea or plain sent to school tony egans son a are one ab regards air and general j halfcaste ardeyne shuddered what climatic conditions if anything he if the boy were his own son yet this preferred bordighera in the summer- re- time for then he practically had it tter of to himself barring the natives and dark blue after the rug blood wasnt the brain different j like all hermits he was selfish had lost its new look i thought of are we not even the captains of our but now he did think of making a a vi t nd ordi- brains i move and actually did so as far as painting it dark blue i us ordl u tony egan had uve he the villa tatina it seemed neces- nary paint diluting it with kerosene hadn beon shot mn b mt gary on jeons account hugos chil- to make it brush in easily ine design madman would he have suffered his dishness had progressed rapidly still showed through the paint giving own fl however alien in color to sometimes they thought it must have a goodlooking twotone effect and it have been brought up in that hap- been the fall which developed his ec- has worn very well f l t hazard way it was a question which centricities for certainly they had ardeyne could not answer one could become more marked since that event not blame carrie she had the whole ho was once more in prison poor egan family against her and there fellow although fortunately he did not as sleeves have a way ot becoming i- tjmt savare strea j her which realize it the big iron gates of the painting a rug i bought a woolfibre rug of good was an example of mere physical v design but it was light in color and i semblance to forbears a j j l l in tla w klrf tv a cr vi viyit how contagions spread in the world of school and play all children are equal youngsters from homes less clean than yours come into intimate contact vith your children to guard against contagion make sure that your children are completely cleaned and purified whenever they come in from play your great ally is lifebuoy health soap the safe antiseptic ingredient of lifebuoy penetrates each dirt- ladon pore rich creamy lather carries it into every cranny of the skin the healthful odour vanishes a few seconds after use but the protection remains shirts for growing boys somewhat longer than required and would not flatter the wearer a shoddy to put a tuck on the inside just abovo material of pretty and becoming color the cuff is not unpleasant to the eye color may make the eyes seem brighter rei denim jackets fleet a warn- glow in the face bring ty mothers in the country all rec out the lights in the hair it may make 0 what a serviceable garment for person seem more slender j boys is the overall but i wonder how i iiiui auuit anbury lit lici wuiuiicaiic it inc mi uvii miu m nic too short it is a good plan when mak- deep rcsen indignity her suffer- villa were always kept locked and ho ing boys blouses or shirts to cut them injgr could scarcely be measured by j was never allowed to wander about ordinary people the town unless jean or gaunt was the day raced to its close and after with him they told him that the an early meal at his club philip found gates must be locked because of the himself back at harley street with a danger of thieves and accepting this couple of bags to pack and a few theory he spent long hours patrolling notes to be jotted down for town- j the grounds with tito and an old gun shends benefit he had found in one of the attics it was then for the first time that needless to say thegun was not load- he thought of alice in connection withjed hugo was quite sensible enough in fact color will work hard to j many are aware what a valuable ad- this journey and how it might affect to appreciate this but as he said help you to be betterlooking if youjdition is the little denim jacket this it was rather a pity that the j anybody trying to get over the wall patient was a son of carrie egan and having it levelled at him would who had been so maliciously rude to think it was loaded alice yesterday he made a great game of guarding ardeyne sat down at his desk and the premises jean was a beautiful rang up the rushes it was some j lady whom neighboring robber barons little time before he got maidenhead were seeking to carry away the villa the line was unusually busy but tatina a mediaeval castle filled with finally he was through and the parlor- j treasure gaunt was the captain of companied it a determined desire to health soap more than soap ahealth habit keep your children safe with lifebuoy teach them to use it often lever brothers limited toronto pick out a friendly one each one has will outwear lighter shirts or blouses certain characteristics on which you j many times over besides being very may depend i have tabulated some easy to launder when fashioned of of them for my own use and will pass the same color denim as the overall it them along to you makes a neat little outfit white makes an object seem large the jacket may be cut over a blouse sjglssssgfie gsi- l j lh dark drab color this clothes if you are stout later tut it would not do of two until they had worn quite a jid he would say then he would ask mrs ardeyne to come to the path around the walls a w a great air of mystery a telephone he said off your list except as a trimming and as an accessory black apparently lessens bulk it is slenderizing just so with dark shades and light tints dark objects seem smaller than light ones pastel shades such as delicate pink blue and lavender make a person seem stouter while dark shades give the impression of less weight we unconsciously associate colors with nature azureblue is cool and restful because it brings to mind the vaet expanse of the sky bluish lavender and violet tints seem cool and soothing they are the shades that lurk in the shadows green is another cool suade for it symbolizes foliage on the other hand red orange hades and yellows are identical with the rays of the sun and give the feel ing of warmth white in summer seems cool for it brings to mind such thingsas snow- fields and fleecy clouds mixed colors such as brown beige and gray may take on either the qual ity of the cool or the warm shades brown may be reddish in tint and warm or have more green in it and be cool the same is true of blege a bluish purple is cool while a red dish purple is warm most grays are oool but you will find now and then gray tinted with a little yellow that gives a warm glow colors seem to advance or recede from the eye the warm range of colors red orange and yellow ap pear to advance while the greens and blues seem to recede from the eye that is why reds orange and yel low are used so often for sports clothes they make gay spots out of doors a clear yellow can be seen the farthest of any color isrul of to the length a rfliss abefligf ffi3g ofvy l rtse have proved most satisfactory- m s a popular blouse in slip on style i 4609 an old friend with new fea tures is this stylish model the ful ness of the front makes this style at tractive for slender figures the sleeve may be in wrist or elbow length the pattern is cut in 6 sizes 84 36 38 40 42and 44 inches bust meas ure a 38inch size requires 2 yards of 82inch material if made with short sleeves 2 yards will be re quired pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 20c in silver by the wilson publishing co 78 west adelaide st toronto send 15c in silver for our up-to- date fall and winter 19241926 book of fashions there was a brief pause then alice spoke to him oh philip is that you yes dear i wanted to tell you shion seeking for cats in the shrub- oh philip its so good to hear bery and had frequently to be called your voice ive been missing you so sharply to attention i think ill come up to town to- if anything this game got on jeans morrow frayed nerves worse than the eternal no listen alice dont- come up piping if she took her book into the ive got to go away for a few days fernery the only cool spot out of im leaving tomorrow morning doors in the day time it was discon- couldnt i come with you certing to hear a terse cry of halt from the fresh eagerness of her or i fire and find oneself looking voice he knew she had no suspicion into the barrel of an ancient musket as yet that his contemplated journey was connected with mrs egan im afraid not dear id be in the way not exactly that but it wouldnt it was a difficult task to impress man should always protect women tito with the seriousness of his du- 1 yf are the stronger sex women ties he would wander about sniffing should never suffer no matter what and snorting in his own peculiar fa- t do to be continued tactful and taxless the task of being an ambassador is a very jjleasant one indeed this re presentative possesses some remark able privileges and ranks immediate ly after the royal princes of the coun try in which he is residing it might however one was assured that it was almost be said that an ambassador like the king can do no wrong for he stands above the law of the country in which he is officiating the courts have no power over him not loaded then hugo still serious would de mand to know if she were friend or enemy and upon learning that she be very pleasant for you im more i was a friend would request the pass- or less obliged to see mrs egan and j word which was changed every day his servants and even a criminal her boy through to davos the boy is and served up with the breakfast if he were known tobe residing in an very ill it will be good if we get trays sometimes she could remem- embassy could not be arrested wlth- him there alive ber and sometimes she couldnt and out the permission of the ambassador if she failed hugo would be very another interesting fact about an angry and remind her that by her ambassador is that the ground on carelessness they might easily lose the wh hls residence stands- belongs to citadel and she would be carried away iii t by the guelphs or ghibellines and im- the country from which he comes mersed for evermore in a town or we a smble nowadays about the dungeon i amount of taxation we have to pay the servants fortunately humored this is where the ambassador again him and so did gaunt but to jean scores ambassadors do not have to these symptoms were tragic and pay a single penny in taxes every man should so carry himsell before the world that he will show in his very face and manner that there is something within him not for sale- something so sacred that he would re gard the slightest attempt to debauch it as an unpardonable insult he should so carry himself that no one would even dare to suggest that he could be bought or bribed there was a brief silence at the other end of the wire then alice said very well philip i hope you dont mind dear not in the least it couldnt be helped i tried to find somebody else but i wonder said alice why you should think id mind goodbye she hung up the receiver and stood jlfter every meal a pleasant and agreeable fweet and a ast1no benefit as well good for teeth breatb and digestion makes the next cigar taste better nfssvk no 44 24- from coal to oil the great oilburning ships of to day are a sort of stokers paradise the old dirt and raging heat of the coalburning days have gone and the more turning of a tap is sufficient to spray the oil from tho tanks under the boilers from the point of vlow of tho whole ships company too oiling in port is very much more pleasant than coaling which meant that tho whole vessel with everybody in ltwas smothered in dust now however a tanker comes alongside the ship and fixes a flexible plpo through a hatch in her side pro- sontly tho soft thud of the pump is heard and the wholo thing is soon over without fuss or bother whllo oil- is cleaner than coal aboard ship howevor it is othorwlse so far as- tho sea is concerned and many complaints have been made re garding tho pollution of the water around the coasts by waste oil from ollburnlng ships britains smallest house is at con way quay north wales j it has a frontage of ft is 10 ft 2 ins high and measures 8 ft 4 in from front to back fora moment with her hands pressed i alarming she could not play the to her heart game of defending the citadel with philip had lied to her deliberately ny heartiness i lied mrs egan didnt own such a j over and over again gaunt assured thing as a son hadnt lois hem- 1 her that hugos childishness was ns mersley said so and lois ought to comfortable a form as hit mania could know take both for himself and others but how much kinder it would have perhaps she knew hugo hotter than been really had he frankly owned up gaunt did children may be mis- to the failure of their impossiblo mar- j chlevous and inventive but hugo riage instead of descending to the under it all was a little malicious he depths of such miserable deception would point that gun of his and click house established co rears please write for our price list on poultryi butter and eggs we guarantee them for ft week ahead p poulin co limited 3659 bonieoouri market telephone main 7107 she felt that she could have borne it better she walked slowly through the hall and out into the twilight of the gar den there was a strange feeling in ker head and she put up her hands to her temples was this the way madness began what did mad people do it although for punishment it had been taken away from him on several occasions one could not forget that he had once shot and killed a man jean would not admit scarcely to herself that she was beginning to bo afraid of him she locked her door at night something she had never done before and once awaking sud- beans and peas send samples state quantities morrow co 39 front st e phono main 1738 toronto ont tvjot until yon ll have ironed the hotpolnt way will you appreciate the reason why the hotpolnt iron is the final choice of millions of house wives the hotpoint iron with- its exclusive thumbrest attached heelstand and through bolt elimin ating shaky handles is truly the standard by which all other irons are judged for adlesby dealers everywhere ihbtpoin her gaze riveted upon the sluggishly denly she sprang up with a convul- flowing river sometimes they did that drowned themselves mlnardr liniment hsala cuts slve start with the cold white moon i staring full at her convinced for a 1 few seconds that the moon was hugos face the horror of it was so un- bearable that she closed and barred the heavy wooden shutters and switch- ed on the bedside light in conse quence for the rest of tho night she was stilled often gaunt and she had debated about making some change but the problom of hugo was too great i beautiful home dye- j we shall be liere for the rest of ing and tinting j j our lives she said wearily r i then gaunts patient smile would guaranteed with fl hjr wuh se it was diamond dyes just cnough for j to be ncar ler dip in cold water to j nn help her to look after hugo the tint soft delicate shades or boll to dye rich permanent colon each 16cont paokage contains di rections so simple any woman can dye or tint lingerie silks ribbons skirts waists dresses coats stockings bwsateri draperies coverings hang ings everything new buy diamond dyes no other kind end tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk or whether it is linen cotton- or mixed goods question of consigning the little man to a private asylum was never raised he was frying enough but he had his pitiful moments grndunlly bit by bit the memory of that place was growing dim he scarcely ever re ferred to those long years at broad moor nor did he clamor for a change to livollcr surroundings nor meditate wild financial enterprises of his own accord he handed all his money ove- to jean and at least they were assur ed of a comfortable living but one thing he often did mention and that was tho crime oi which he had boon accused and convicted as his childishness increased there ac-