Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 6

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when exposed to air tea loses its freshness and flavor homy me mil hs61 for that re is never so in tmlk jqfkgma when hearts command- by elizabeth york miller when hearts command from minds the tagest counielkngt depart 8bbb3beaae ili sick house plants during midwinter season many the plants that were so beautiful and chapter v contd 2si1usss si hetore beiison his bridle thought of her mother in quite that sgpfi s way before as a young girl beloved th staff w admlrm carefuljean was groping out of the l 5 hrfos hv sea nowi supposl i must have lor- j wmvwissasss ed him it lnnp- iot and if a hatless woman with bobbed hair and youxt gelto m3 fen won be utiful arms bare to the shoulders worth while o-oine- i she was as brown as a eypsy with a they and alice jggt little boy blue the former american ambassador in london colonel harvey was in his earlier years a great friend of eugene field the american poet who wrote wynken blynken and nod one of the classics of chqd literature but the following poem though about a child the poets own little eon trho died is not for children it 1 the last word in poignant pathos the little toy dog is covered with dust but sturdy and staunch he stands tjianil the little toy soldier is red with the rather stiff httle mountain had arrived in charge cf a halfgrown pea- vr a oi- vtjii and his musket moulds in his hands green in and are in a thoroughly wretched looking condition there are many reasons for this change usually tho atmosphere is at fault plants require a warm moist air and in our house3 be they ever so modern we have just the re verse the air is warm and dry this lack of moisture always causes a gradual lack of vitality the kitchen especially if the laun dry work is done there is really the ideal place for plants the atmosphere early fall ww make new paste often as it soon loses its sticking qualities a most accomplished liar man jumped out before the attentive itwas then the idea occurred to her and his underlings could to reline a coat that perhaps this situation could be isw2 ivl fiiw it s an easy matter to reline a long ued out the perfecsuc- fegg coat or the jacket of a suit if you cess of her p z j hug0 hersid was siightiyaffccted by itjaye faithful to little boy blue they proceed along these lines rip one- qn awakening the ne morn dr ardeyne gave a start and if there et haif of your old lining out of the coat camays first thought was of n bcen so nch noise be- eacn ln the bamo ow p filv press w ivl tsst ktartinc- on his fo en was turned off onej awaiting the touch of a little hand time was when the toy dog was new and the soldier was passing fair that was the time when our littla boy blue kissed them and put them there now dont you go till i come he said and dont you make a noise so toddling off to his trundle bed he dreamt of tho pretty toys and as he was dreaming an angel song awakened our little boy blue oh the years are many the years are long but tho little toy friends are true wstisl after every meal if s the longestlasting confection you can bay and if s a help to di gestion and a cleanser for the mouth and teeth wrigleyb means benrll t as weu as pleasure ripping all the seams carefully press her husband each piece and cut the entire lining journey now ssed she tried t coat look like no side pared for a change just starting on his 10 vf might have overheard a remark he made to himself ofthetew material using the pressed riii left her car and her new nuiluiiiii using i pieces for the pattern place the coat look like no doubt one must be pre- j a ta legag e an drushed or jacket on a dress form wrong side jfbt him her arms 01 t r i uj i j were bare and she wore bathing san- her esuallfm st due to steam out and having sewed the seams of 1 for fifteen vetrste had lived ff nder the ccokmg and kunry work i the new inin b pvv t0 in close association with criminal fa- jjfcian zen it becomes anecteu wuu u uigw called rust the foliage becomes hard placed and the ends of the shoots black and n many cases gnarled and twisted heliotrope verbena and fuschia are especially susceptible to such ills al though young growthy plants are not mtion witn criminal ia- seeveless cloak of of them murderers like 8fnpe roman satin she was clad in not exactly a murderer bathingsuit her fuzzy short hair had called it manslaughter dput so grotesquely attractive never meant to kill tony hivifrvw the lining and egan of course jean lay in bed her bravdft vexperf to frd underturned tucks that give to a garyes fixed wearily on the bars of sun- e here but i didn t expect to art to w when nmshed shne which streamed across the sf s b off short l tnougnt oi hugo rv hugo had killed his staring at alice with a look which im ooi said as plainly as speech ment the proper set when finished ggggggggj an put new covers on the weights smar crime hugo ha found in the lining and sew them best friend i a squalid quarrel over f as i where they were placed before after j money he had always been mad thl y r wl o easily injured unless they have 1 half of fhc new lining has been always the family history on his fsat ftstsghwts been propagated from rusty stock g- g m s reason fori clie rust usually comes from want p oul lne oincr nau oi tne om i how do you do the plant which has beenjmg your new half as a guide one recorded in dossjer wtach ngt- whos said dr ar- man is a sorry muddled of vigor in the plant wmen iiaa irajui growing in the same window all win- often finds the ln in a tailored 2i nf tnin ter with but little fresh air and sof somewhat different in shape unfortunate lives in madhouses l x do p much as usual golne f ti n miwial nnrt when vou j for a mule n tt71 i-l- j ii a od of working with but half of theprison if not actually the gallows when this condition arises the nrst tiwl i fil t1f i u yet his maddest act had remained f described above when this condition arises the firsti thing to do is to remove the pot to a lnln following the other half exact tooler place with just sufficient heat i ly a corr re t v to keep the plant from freezing then i a the whole lining has been r ii i ui t it v tv basted ms mauuesu acu iau rcummcu fuv unrecorded and to that jean herself i t av had been a party no one but jeanl m egan may ier-alice- and that man of silence hector alice was turning away in the tifnhkfrnehd fashion suitable to inplace the real finishing canj xugustus gaunt knew that hugos halfabstracted fashion suitable give all the air possible if it is tho reason for planting out in the yardj done wmd hemming the lining to mad act had been his marriage the plant could be set out it would the coat ma by thl3 method mumsey your baths ready oh i i j c n js even an amateur seamstress can make you lazy girl iz crlfx tw lltj a success of lining an outer garment here was alice already dressed for ease showing cleany that a change excellent tbeir excursion looking so fresh and is needed but cold weather conditions f lovaly in her white woolly frock and prevent this simple firstaid method for relmm for by the time a look she cried hold- oeing practiced garment needs a new lining it has her left hand if you can not for want of room ornved at th f ven hard- mrs carnay looked and gasp repot the sick plants then they should er wear and jhese heavier materials yesterday that sapphire and dia- be well cut back and as soon as thev ge better service than the linings mond ring with its regal old- c j 4 i fi tt tioni i usually found ln new garments fashioned setting had bcen in the antiquity womans window alice had admired it ever since their ar rival and jean had privately enquir ed the price only to sigh regretfully begin to show new growth give them manure water mild at first and stronger afterward they will at once show signs of life and begin to push out vigorously thus outgrowing dis ease by plantirigout time they will be fine healthy plants once more if they have been closely watched and cared for primroses that have been flowering all winter will be pretty well filled with seed pods these flower shoots should be cut back all yellow leaves picked off and tho plants fed with strong manure water this treatment will at once cause them to send up more flower stalks and you will get quite a generous show of bloom from them before warm weather but if you fail to take this trouble they will stop blooming an observation game place beneath the table a covered box or basket containing tho most variously assorted small articles pos sible to secure tho more unexpected the bettor no player must see the articles placed ln the basket when all is in readiness tho guests assemble around the table and the articles are taken from the basket and passed rapidly from hand to hand below the table ending in the hands of the host ess and by her placed in an empty bag provided for tho purpose dis tribute pencils and ask the guests to write down as many of the objects passed under the table na thoy can remember a prize should be pro vided for tho person who hands in the fullest list of the objects next blind- situation alice turned back again forcing a hypocritical smile for the to her detestable woman in the halfconcealed bathingsuit may i introduce my er my fiancee miss carnay alice mrs egan is an old friend of mine your fianceel the gypsylooking woman stared at has as completely taken aback as though he had pointed a revolver at her breast but it was only for a mo ment then she laughed and said ive just motored over from monte whero ive been staying for a few weeks pots of luck thought it best to quit while i was on the right side thatit was far and away beyond herj q h v means to buy and now it glittered i took a dl at ca martin on the way i nver on alices slim little hand bbut how when mrs carnay stammered alice laughed and blushed and looked adorably selfconscious its after nine you lazy girl philip the smile of a little face and they wonder as waiting theso long years through in the dust of that little cbalr what has become of our little boy blue since he kissed them and put them there not insulated among the children of a wellknown electrical engineer is a boy of nine one day this lad picked up a wasp when his dad rushed out to discover tho cause of the commotion the tear ful young hopeful was ruefully sucking his thumb whats the trouble hughle ask ed the father that bug was the technical ex planation hughie offered between sobs of pain i think his wlrln 1 wrong i touched him an he wasnt insulated at all women can dye any garment drapery dye or tint worn faded things new for 15 cents diamond dyes dont wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with dia mond dyes even if you have never dyed before druggists have all col ors directions in each package diplomacy hubby really ethel thirtyfive dollars for a hat is the height of ex travagance wife well my dear i simply hava to look nice when i am with you youre so distinguishedlooklng crossing the knees while sitting is said to be an early factor in the form ing of varicose veins mlnards liniment for dandruff if you are a law to yourself youre a nuisance to others over youll catch cold admonished the doctor mrs egan made a funny little grimace at him not i by the way phil ive got a bone to pick with and y were out before eight oclock yo- never mind it now i must find we climbed all over the old town and somebody to run the car down to the then we went down to gallos for cof- botel garage my chauffeurs laid up fee and coming back the antiquity at monte with an see you later in soups stews gravies savoury dishes and in undreds of different ways oxo beef cubes will make food mora tasty and nutritious sjbs in lins of 4 10 so end 100 after dishwashing campanas italian balm is simply wonderful for keeping the hands beautifully white and soft and smooth positively pre vents redness and chapping use it at once after washing dishes and note the improvement of your hands keep a bottle handy by tho kitchen sink matches sold by over 14000 general stores 000 grocers woman was just taking down her shutters and and philip wanted me to choose a ring at once so i did mrs carnay sighed inaudibly but there was a fiercely maternal gleam in replied an old friend she flew off without a word to alice and disappeared into the hotel alice said who is that woman oh just a friend philip ardeyne replied with a poor attempt at being alice reminded a practical undergarment 4587 this pretty model comprises a vest nnd stepin drawers the vest portion may bo finished with camisole top or with shaped shoul ders if desired a closing may be fold each guest in turn and place in effected at tho side of the pane his hands one at n time various ob jects the names of which are to be guessed aloud if curious and un familiar objects are selected this will prove very amusing paste for sticking labels on syrup cans to stick paper labels on tin cans used for maple syrup use onehalf gwvw t crepe crepe de chine or nainsook is suitablo for this design tho pattern is cut in 4 sizes small 3436 medium 3840 large 4244 her eyes the ring somehow decided things the ring that alice had want- 1 ed and they couldnt afford to buy it n was now safely anchored on tho third she ser well considerably finger of her left hand her engage- older than she looks- ment ring the gift of her accepted i a b thirtyfive alice lover thus are promises to marry said coldly signed and sealed there was no re- does she by jove how c ever you treat from the- gift of that ring it women are at guessing each others seemed to settle the affair for jean i ages i suppose carrie egan is about she was not going to break her daugh- thirtyfive although most people think ters heart for all the hugo smarles shes younger then feeling that in the world if hugo refused to perhaps some further explanation was agree to her plan then but ho necessary ive known her for years couldnt refuse she wouldnt allow her husband was a college pal of kj si ilt mine oh shes married alice asked anxiously as her mother no shes a widow dr ardeyne j i wcoinroyhvn nnd admitted reluctantly can you be ready in halfan hour ce asked anxiously as her mother jr ro hello heres scuttled about in dressinggown and su slippers gathering accessories for her ffig5 her ed tub- n heels tripped daintily across tho m i nr iv nut gravelled terrace alice gave herself t ww ou m sne to a little shake and n mental wsiidi your things what are you going s0uld shc bo annoyc becauso wea tu nnvfhinrri no philip had friends women friends oh anything anjthmg go this a bek for one s wife never sssss s wnif ujtdocs 0 ono mine she confessed unexpectedly tlii v ounco of water glass corn starch and one ono ounce and dmikd in a wintry fashom mr had surprisc jealousy gaunt used to be a great adm rer of h d morti mine she confessed unexpectedly ij revelation 3436 medium 3840 large 444 think i ought to look as nice as j camay amiounc- and extra large 4648 inches imrtffiibunn fifcp ms cxpec s of embroidery requires yard 9 inches wide pattern mailed to any address on 40 16 in mp w to women who do their own work supposd you could save six minutes every day in washing pots and pans two minutes after every meal in la month this would amount to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work this saving can be made by using sjvjp enameled kitchen utensils as their smooth sanitary surface will not absorb dirt or grease no scraping scouring or polishing is needed when you uso diamond or pearl ware- boap water and a dish towel is all you need ask foe wmm me when you see me alice was inclined to think this a great joke she ordered the coffeo nnd then ns bidden went down to oneha publishing co 73 wesf adelaide was to convey mrs carnay up our free booklet our llttlo book describes our work and our excellent toilet preparations and contains many hinta on tho care of the skin scalp hair hands and com plexion for ovor 30 years wo have beon successfully treating eczema pimples blackheads and othor bkln find scalp troubles by mall wo re move superfluous hair moles warts etc forever by electro ys is write hiscott institute cd c8 st toronto toronto allow two weeks for roo of pattern v the young man entering upon lifoa great highway he who hopes to w xoronto properties behind arc we quite ready to be continued mlnards liniment heals cuts its good to prove in yourself that not all the good die young a tho part of our lifework which gives us a living which provides tho bread fiid butter and clothes and houses nnd shelter is merely incldent- wospociatizo in v and achieve tho measuro of success com- j btor0 pro dwolllnff lioukvfai to tho great disciplinary educatlvo phase of it tho scliunfoldmcnt it memsurato with his abilities and amj d cityandsuburbanbuirdlng lots bitlon must avoid debt as ho would t ar0 you contemplating buying in tho contagion of a loathsomo disease toronto or have you lands hero for it ho would attain his ideals and roach tale thoso heights to which ho now looks why not avail younolf of our eervlcoj with longing eyes he most literally dhdimq i imitcrt obay tho precopt of tho apostlo kubiho limi i eu owo no man anything knt bids jbiyojuefit is a question of how largo and how grand a man or woman you can bring out of your vocation not how much monoy thoro is in it a face of porcelain and a heart of steel three finishes pearl ware two coats of pearly grey enamel inside and out diamond ware three cnats lleht blue nnd white outside white lining- crystal ware three coats puro white inside and out with royal blue edging 4heet metal products edm0ntonvancouvefi calgarv cr canada limited 4t every 1 hardware store issue no 24

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