Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 5

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stouffville february 14 1924 the new star car the new star car models for 1921 are not merely a variation of the original star car which was the lowestpriced standard automobile in the world they are entirely new creations and mark just as great advancement in motor car building as did the introduction of the first star car when campared with all other lowpriced cars be sure to see the new star line now on display in the showrooms of your local star car dealer baker bros dealers stouffville phone 8109 to parents pen a savings account in this bank for each child the year it is born make small deposits regularly arid when college days come the requi site funds are ready and the education will not ba a drain on the family purse x the standard bank or canada stouffville branch a cl burkholder manager coal have just received a shipment of choice lehigh valley coal ben car shipment clean and bright chestnut stove egg sizes at lowest prices flour try five crowns flour for bread jubilee flour for pastry feed a full stock of bran shorts oil cake sampson feed oyster shells grits manitoba oats etc on hand highest prices paid for grain seeds hides etc telephones office 169 residence 171 a sr ffi a- a h a a the choice of canadas champs canadian hockey experts recommend automobile skates because theyre tighter swifter and scientifically designed for s stronger than any other skate starts and suddn stops nickel steel blades hold their tdge automobile skates are the ch light aluminium tops help to eat of men who need the best upi space dy e oice dc handsleighs toboggans hockey sticks bell everything to give the boys and girls a good time very special prices on mitts to clear then out silvester bros i 1l0cal happening one year ago last friday night the old town ball was burned fred movvder has leased the mansion house slables which are now oeu to the public again friday is- the last day on which hydro electric accounts may be paid to obtain the discount uo it now bishop iteeve who on several occasions conducted services in the anglican church stouffville is seri ously ill at his home in toronto the bishop is s years of age but has a wonderful constitution he wtisa than greatly beloved by all who knew him in his wide field of work womens institute the regular meeting of the womens institute will he held at the home of mrs k j davey on wednesday afternoon feby 20th at 230 oclock sharp paper by mrs g saunders readings by mrs lownsborough and dorothy meyers roll call responded to by a humorous story social half hour everybody welcome leadbetters butcher siiotvmtad a shipment of buffalo meat in tliis week from the goyernmiit slaugh ter which took place a few days ago these animals used for food are all young and wolj jred people in stouffville who iivfia the meat this week pronouncfrit of most beauti ful flavor and tender delicacy ves this is valentine day masquerade carnival next tues day paste the date in your hat tfw the regular monthly meeting of the ifwo will meet at the home of mrs frank sangster stouffville on tuesday feby 19th at 230 everybody welcome the story hour will be resumed for children at the public library com mencing this coming saturday after noon from 2 to 23c oclock send along the children the tribune appreciates the promptness with which many sub scribers ha renewed their sub scription for the present year there are still many who could follow the good lead watch the label on your paper and see that you are paid up a masquerade carnival is billed for tuesday the latlof february in maple leaf jiiriksibuflrviire if you want som real sport be on hand and see the funny faces the cos tumes and enjoy the band music admission 25c spectators and child ren 15c j the firemens annual meeting for election of officers took place on tuesday night with x goodly num ber of members present the usual business was carried out owing to the inability of cooperation of the members the election of officers was not carried out a motion was made to the effect that the firemen carry the reorganization to the council at their next meeting an enjoyable evening was spent on monday last when the stouffville bv pu entertained the members from the providence 6th line b y p u after a two hours skating at the rink in the form of a leap year party all proceeded to ratcliffs hall when refreshments were served about nintv persons in srll from the two unions enjoyed the social even- farmers in the meadowvale dis trict realized 20000 for cutes in 1022 off of so acres sown a tor onto company purchased the cu cumbers and next year the farmers in that district are goiiig into rais ing cutes more extensively when the vinegar works were in operation in stouffville cutes were grown local ly and might still be a profitable crop judging by the success at tained by meadowvale growers j vakes real estate agyncy has just sold the old basket frfetorv pro perty in the east end of the town to nelson byer the vendor is h svedlove of hamiltonand the price of 900 is for the nitre acres and the buildings but nckthe machinery therein the annual public speaking and elocution contest of the stouffville continuation school will be held in uatelilts hall on friday feby 29 at s pm the program will be varied with drills songs and selec tions by the school orchestra of s in- struments judges are being se cured from outside points admis sion 25c quality service schumacher feed ground corn in sacks is worth 4000 per ton today ground oats in sacks is worth 3800 per ton today ground barley in sacks is worth 37 per ton today sdiumacher feed is selling at 3000 per ton today schumacher feed is a balanced ration carrying eight different products is kiln dried carries a guaranteed government analysis is the best known balanced ration on the market today for cattle horses sheep and pigs it carries 50 per cent corn oilcake barley meal low grade flour etc- if feeds were fed according to the results obtain ed there would be mighty little straight grains ground fed we carry a good stock of schumacher feed at all times and will be glad to supply you v stiver bros phone 4501 whitchurch council meets next monday at the township hall van- dorf for general business mr thos ford or west toronto came to stouffville on saturday to visit his sister mrs j j rae the aged gentlenwn suffered a stroke while here but was removed to his home on tuesday slightly recovered we understand mr dixon of to ronto who was to open the mansion house hotel again to the public packed his kit and moved off on tuesday after living privately in the hotel for a couple oweeks pros pects for a good business we are informed looked good to him but the alleged condition of the house was oo unsatisfactory this is unfor tunate for stouffville for a good hotel is an essentia business place in a community of this size and it is to be hoped mr dixon may return in the spring those who contend that the coun cil did wrong last week in granting the fire- brigade 75 towards the purchase of a truck may draw a sigh of relief and again loosen their belts for the cheque is not yet issued tfnrt may not be when the council was about to grant the brigade 100 mr mertens the chief asked the town fathers to make it only 75 and this started some members think ing for its not often a fellow doesnt take all that is given next day the bylaw governing the fire brigade was looked up and it appears that the brigade had dot been carrying on according to prescribed form the result is there may be a revi sion on the manner of conducting the brigade after the matter comes for the second time the followers of king william went down to de feat in a hockey inn ten with the local oddfellows in the maple leaf rink on thursday night last week they did however more even up the in equalities of the two teams over thai- at next council meetin first game for this time the score was but three to one following this game of broom ball ringwood and stouffville hockey teams played a lively game the boys from the west going down to defeat by a narrow margin of one goal the score being 7s after the first five minutes of play ringwood had three goals and stouffville none but they couldnt keep up the pace the ringwood boys have some good players who under good management and oppor tunity for practice should develop into a corking good team the lineups ringwood dbaker gor don pipher russel urewery for ward speedy grove orval drewery clayton tarr sub fbruels stouff ville j baker defence a collard and wes boadway forwards alie harper roy strong frank burk holder subs haney todd art forsvth on wednesday evening of last week mr a d bruce gave instruc tive talk before the young peoples society of st james presbyterian church on pioneer life in ontario as described in mrs moodys book as a tonic for grouch and present day discontentment there is nothing better than such an evening as was enjoyed by a goodly number on this occasion mr bruce spoke under gret difficulty as he suffered from a heavy cold but nevertheless he was most interesting and those who wish lo road a good book should get mrs moodies work from the library several musical numbers on the pro gram were also good and all pre sent were treated to home made candy quite a lot of snow fell over the week end and all day sunday the wind blew and the roads drifted in places on monday it became calm again and tire sun shone brightly people go so tar as to say this fa a beautiful winter but we havent heard anyone say they wished it would last forever still the interest goes on without abatement and the slide has proved to be a splendid investment for the children as well as the older ones some patriotic citizens have handed the board of trade contributions towards the cost there is still a deficit and anyone who would like to have a hand in fhis work for the benefit of the youth of our town will receive courteous treatment by the treasurer of the board of trade mr howard malioy an electric light lias been installed today which will be an added pleasure for those using the slide in the evening j h rat- eliff president graceful fixtures we have got em wire your house from top to bottom light up the cellar and put a lamp in every room we will wire your house rapidly and at slight expense the moulding we use to hide the wires is handsomely designed and will not mar the appearance of any room this is the live wire r electrical store you need to know leuhs ikennay over lehmans shoe store stouffville ont the household effects of the late james drewery of ixdridge who was accidentally killed were sold on the stouffville market las thursday for his widow who prior to her marri age was miss isabella boadway of stouffville the uxnrldge times de scribes the accident which cost mr drewery his life as follows mr drewery who had neen engaged in drilling a well on the thos lockie farm on the 4th concession of scott township and had secured the con tract to drill the well at the new- high school had gone to bring his drilling outfit to the new job owing tofthe bare condition of the roads in iplaces he was forced to drive into the ditch near the thos card farm and being a little doubtful as to whether the sleigu would not tip over he stopped and procured a fence rail which he placed n the machine and sat on the outer end hoping to hold the sleigh from ripping by his added weight it was not sufficient however and the unfortunate man for use were discarded total j was thrown clear over the load number of books and magazines when it tipped ana struck his head read during the year 17275 so that and shoulders on a larg- tree on the it will be see that the new library js opposite side of the road being kill- having a big patronage the newed almost instantaneously the body the annual report of the carnegie library for lf23 is just issued and presents interesting if nets it is quite evident that the board could do with more funds so if some public spirited citizen with fiinanclal means wishes to do well a donation will no doubt be thankfully received the library board is not financially embarassed of course but more money would mean a more extended service to the public the amount of money available for operating on during the year was 110047 made up of the local muncipal grant of 525 legislative grant of 240 county grant of 25 the remainder being derived from fees fines and j incidentals of this amount the board spent approximately 1000 and carry the balance into 1s24 the library contains 5 4 f s hooks after a through culling over during theyear when several hundred books unfit j boots and shoes sale still going on broken lines at less than cost gents romeo slippers best quality 250 gents leather house slippers 200 ladies leather house shoes 185 ladies felt juliet slippers 200 ladies leather oxford cushion soles 275 ladies boots black or brown 275 ladies felt boots leather soles- 195 ladies felt bodts leather trim s250 ladies all felt boots 275 gents felt boots 300 gents hockey boots 325 425 boys hockey boots 295 325 small boys boots going at 195 a good line of boys uptosize 5 295 girls boots from s195 small boys rubbers boots mens work boots must be cleared dont forget come and look them over g h saunders over shaws dry goods store upstairs and save money library building which was just occupied during 1923 is valued at jfisrwliind furniture and land at 750 agaysrijnis asset the board owe 200 of whlxi wj is promised bv donations j the board and officers toh1 are as follows v rev robt young chairman 3 s dougherty treeve h w sanders mrs x l forsvth mrs f a dales j w brown z archie stouffer secretary miss c chapman ijlirarlaa f the work of jib chapman librar ian during the ar is very favorably j brother commented tspoi by the oscers i scera was brought to ixbridge where an inquest was held and later the body was removed to his home from where be funeral took place on tuesday to locbridge cemetery a sorrowing wife is left to mourn lfe loss besides his wife thcme james drewejjft afso survived by tov sisters and four brothers namelymr- caleb march stouffville mrs5 robertson of mount forest mrs mclaughlin mount forest mrs rusaell huffalo also william drevrory of glasgow thonia of lemonvilie george of mt fort an joan of saeaar mich with the single exception of john the i sisters all attended the february sale r 20 per cent discount on every article in the store including all optical goods watches clocks cut glass rings brooches cuff links chains scarf pins fountain pens pencils etc everything excepting renniring remember this is a genuine sale positively 20 per c to be deducts from pv siilcie largoor small see me and see better we do watch clock and jewelry repairing no job is too difficult satisfaction guaranteed adam jr yake watchmaker and jeweler two doors west of railroad tracks phone 159 stouffville ill

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