Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 2

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t ddr communication to atjronomii 73 adelaide st welt toronto handling the young lambs now be placed on the frame and care- 1 fully closed so that the heat will be retained and the bed thus brought to a high temperature as soon as pos sible after about two days the sash the construction of the hotbed many of the most popular vege tables such as tomatoes eggplant peppers celery and of our best flow- should be removed and the manure ers are of southern origin and re- tramped thoroughly and watered if quire a longer growing season than necessary the hotbed is now ready this climate permits by starting for the soil this should be of good the childrens hour a happy reunion right ho we must not stand such planttinthe hotbed from six to fertility and of such a texture that here idly lets get busy and become eight weeks earlier than it is safe to it will not bake if seed is to be sown real detectives said roily rabbit as if the lamb is chilled the mouth plant ou and later transplant- directly in the hotbed five or six soon as they found brum gone from our experience has shown ewes that are in the best flesh svj lwlal condition in the fall are the ones that evcry part thoroughly warm the tables as radish lettuce cabbage and sown until the temperature in the hot- squirrel breed first and what is more essential water t simply warm not hot cauliflower may be started early and bed has fallen to between eighty and we will let wise frankie fox be breed a larger per cent of twins we wfi jij many lambs have been lost thus reach development much sooner ninety degrees fahrenheit after sow- chief said roily he is always have heard flock masters say they bv the e 0 too hot water the lit- than if the seed were sown in the ing the temperature must be care- so clever at finding out secrets would rather have one good single lamb u v tender and water 0 i fully observed and if it gets too high after frankie had looked every- larab than twins with any well- that would not scem hot to the human the on aiiy satisfactory loo- th bhts should be raised to provide thing oyer carefully and had mate caredfor flock this is a great mistake d m ht fata to it the ton for a hotb is one with a south- ventilation when the plants appear several trips out among the trees ho our experience has shown for nmy wil stand much hotter water ern exposure protected from north the frame should be kept aired suffi- f j babbit years that we get far greater returns than our own bode3 wiu any person and wcst wind3 and unshaded to ad- eiently to prevent weak spindly thought first bruin went in that di- frnm the ewe havne- twins h has tempered the water in his bit a maximum amount c sunlight trrowth although the plants must not recton pointing off toward the east and tub to the hand and then jumps it be made either above or below get chilled or be frozen water should his tracks seem to follow a mans home comfort ranges and all repairs from factory only j9000 plus tax freight prepaid in ontario wrought iron range co limited 149 king st w toronto from the ewes having twins now for the care of the ewe live stock in canada young lamb first provide a clean has rs t hav0 done d as thj re bo applied carefully as too much will and he must have been led away with cau and gh jn canada dry place for the ewe to lamb while m u jumped out again very quires more raanure the latter more for dampingoff conditions the a rope we will follow them until we ig23 than n 1922 and r a warm place is certainly desirable tf tms fe true with us how labor to construct if above ground however should be kept damp find him and then plan some way of d ltry tho f re yet wo feel a clean dry place means more than tho warmth tho wise shepherd will pass through his flock very often and note each in dividual carefully as lambing time comes on a wrong presentation is much more so with the little newborn the bcd sn0 be situated where there and this together with sufficient air getting him away from the man i lamb now in every case get a is no danger of water stan at the sht and proper heat will promote am sure bruin did not go away with- draught of the mothers milk down the time i be t situation should be satisfactory growth little lamb as soon as possible when naturally well drained or drainage a little lamb gets up on his feet and wou have to bo provided with this a good drink of his mothers milk l type the soil should be removed not unusual a normal presentation hu chanccs are certainly to a depth of about eighteen inches is the front feet with the nose and good and tho cavity should be at least two chronic tympanitis out being forced so am i chirped the little squir rel he was dreadfully afraid the man would come bpfore we got back dominionwide statistics indicate that there were fewer horses mule3 at the end more swine j ana poultry tho figures supplied are horses in 1923 3530041 com pared with 3648871 in 1922 a de crease of 118230 mules 8722 com pared with 9202 a decrease of 480 cattle 924g231 compared with 9719- 869 a decrease of 473g38 sheep 2- 753860 compared with 3263525 a decrease of 505005 swine 4405318 compared with 89156s4 an increase of 489632 poultry 45469292 com- this form of bloat is present in and he did but i ran just as fast many cattle stables during the long as i could head immediately following some- j i j j i jj ij3 iju ncjsrju l winter period when cattle are standj you did your best and if we are iimes the hind feet appear first in lambs should be kedjmdj gg eg sj jsesjus some animals may be aftw careful we may find bruin before it this case be sure the bottoms of the while yet quite small there are too tobe nsed this operation s best b m form f di tive trouble gets dark answered roily feet are turned up should they be three reasons for this first the done dining the previous autumn as w others uvi under ident so off they started frankie fox xz t otherwise the shepherd whose hands nervous system is not so fully devel- it is often quite practical to start a condition3 arc fift affected ani- first then roily rabbit then willie 2 horses and f have lve first been carefully washed and ped a very young animal and any hotbed before the frost s out of tho mal boats after feedi but woodchuck and trotting along behind tlr t ex pnvelthfinfeoj erally not to an extent to require was the little squirrel e few itiz ly cut and having tho hand with some bhould carefully tes frankie would sniff the earth nod his head but they never stop- j using plenty of time get the fetus comes on and flies become troublesome t frame may le made of inch and bloating has been caused by indigesj after a while it became dark and runsk and nova scotia turned over and probably all will be some prefer to leave the tails on the a half or two inch lumber the most tion and not by tuberculosis of the they could go no further so they all lnc m i i nmftiai ivrtvio fr crtnvpnipnf in sort- convenient si is niv fpt wiio nnd i i t- i 1 i a ttiii- j i j poultry navo increasea in ed in ontario and british columbia but have decreased in every other pro vince swino have decreased in new but have provinces poultry havo increased in ontario curled up in a little nest of leaves by i r r u o i a fit i vt i saskatchewan alberta and british a big tree and went to sleep early t columbia but have decreased in the maritime provinces quebec and manitoba these figures do riot in clude the live stock on indian reserves we wether lambs for convenience in sort- convenient size is six feet wide and i pulmonary lymphatic glands we have had the front feet come ing in the fall but the flock looks of the required length to use one orj the following dosage has been a big tree and went to sleep early first ok but the head turned back j much nicer if all have been nicely more sash three feet wide it should found very effective in relieving this in the morning they started on tiielr this simply means untold suffering docked the excrement of the young be from- ten to twelve inches high at f 0 bloat one pound of epsom way again but frankie fox had nnd final death to both ewe and off- lamb is of such a sticky gluey na- the front and if six feet wide sixteen salts onehalf ounce of powdered bar- slept so hard hejust couldnt remem- srving unless assistance is given in that their tails sometimes will to eighteen at the back this slope bados aloes one ounce of powdered ber how bruins tracks smelled and t is case after proper preparation as become so stuck down to the body allows rain water to run off easily ginger and one pint of molasses stir soon they were off the trail and lost i alve described the shepherd should that movement of the bowels is im- and as the hotbed should face south a f five minutes and give as a all day long they wandered among t r p su of the nog popula- ti ing plenty of time and with great possible and the lamb will droop and a greater degree of sunlight is ob- drench after the operationof the the trees and it was a weary and show a substantial cao force back tho fetus and follow- die unless assistance is given soft tamed than if the top were level the purgative see that the feed is suffi- discouraged group that curled up on ner jl now on inf up until it is well back and while grease applied to the wool will help sash must fit snugly and the frames eiently succulent to favor easy digesa bed of leaves thnt night j 8 firq o4 as compared with th hand is yet there carefully bring greatly but dock and dock short and be so constructed that they can bo tion roots silage and clover are most bright and early the next morning b a year ago tlc head forward and usually the the job isdone and all further trouble raised or lowered as ventilation is useful in keeping the alimentary tract just as the sun was getting up the to be a good farmer vou must feed needed h good condition the use of linseed little squirrel got up too vour mind vmir hnrlv l snil r fresh horse manure as free from meal and gibber salts mixed with im so hungry i must find some your soul they are tmerelv engines tl s fe m and ighta hand- berries he said ill slip out quietly wiu ran if you givtliem enough treble is over sometimes but very is avoided raly the rump may try to come first i one thing we have found about the iaril ikewe labor for hours and even eyes of sheep and lambs that many daysnvith no visible presentation and farmers seem not to have found both factory kind for a hotbed and that ful of each is good practice should and not get far away i of tb ht ki a f c from grain fed animals is preferable there be any indication that the gen- nearby he found a fine patch of s and rust if vou dont for a bed six feet square one and a oral feeding is not laxative enough blackberries and when busily munch finely die the remedy is obvious sheep and lambs often suffer greatly jnsert the hand force back the fetu3 from troubles with the eye and unless nd secure a normal presentation the water runs down in quantities suf- either way i ficient to saturate the wool the owner nearly all farmer we feel sure are wili not know it a short time sinco half to two tons is required it should potassium bicarbonate ing them right in the middle of the be secured and piled hear the site a ginger and powdered gentian are very patch he steped on something that wee or more before it is to be used useful as a tonic to tone up the dii caught his foot and made him fall jn far too great haste to help as they we bought a flock of pure bred oxford and turned as soon as it begins to gestive system and thereby aid in the ouchie ow said the little squir- think in the delivery first be sure ewes and the owner thought he wasjheat thus ensuring even heating and prevention of chronic bloat or tym- j rel rubbing his bruised knee what the presentation is normal and then a good caretaker but we found sev- uniform texture four or five days panitis use equal parts of each mix was that why it is bruins hand- go away and leave nature alone for at eral of the ewes with a perfect ring after turning the manure should bo well and give ono ounce at the be- kerchief for it has his name on it jeast three or four hours the parts of ticklegrass surrounding the eye- evenly heated and ready for the hot- ginning of the feed three times a day scampering back to his friends he need plenty of time to expand and ball and under the lids which of i bed should chronic bloating continue after told them of his find and soon they yield sufficiently for the delivery and course caused great irritation and tho bed of manure should be at treatment the tuberculin test should were all on the right trail again it great injury andeven death may re- much suffering we found many years i least one foot wider every way than bo applied to the animal uit from too great haste ago that small lambs often suffor the frame to be placed upon it it is jhe ewes udder and see the milk many of them the remedy is simple ktarls readily from both teats a very simply draw down and turn out the little stoppage in the end of the teat lid and usually it will stay but occa- jwill discourage the weak lamb and sionally it may require many times result in much trouble we once had a case where it would it may and with many farmer not stay and the lamb was going blind does often occur in cold weather that so we simply dipped that portion of ihe new born lamb becomes chilled and the lid off and effected a cure at once uies in the case of chilled lambs we we have one just now that we fear fcse the warm water treatment we we will have to treat in the same way ound this treatment almost by acci- this may seem cruel but really it is 4ent many yenrs ago and have had far more humane than permitting the jome most remarkablo experiences terrible irritation to be continued this jwith it completely restoring lambs we j seldom occurs in lambs over two weeks nad thought dead we will not stop old but i think i have never examined io relate them here but for the benefit a flock of young iambs in which i did of some poor beginner will describe not find some suirering in this way l process i l- w distention of rumen every winter many good animals sure lost and many more nearly lost through carelessness in the tieup or ithe leaving of feed bins open if a cow gets loose in the stable she gen erally manages to find the bin where the feed grains are stored and just tiaturally gorges herself on the con centrated food cant blame the cow lor eating she knows not what trouble she is wading into by over loading her paunch with mill chop r grain meal if it is known that an animal has f orged itself and it can generally be etcrmined by pressing the flank with inch apart and through the entire thickness of the muscle the wound should be dressed daily and kept cov ered to protect it from insects and dust a useful dressing lotion can be made by using zinc sulphate 1 dram carbolic acid 2 drams glycer ine 2 ounces water 14 ounces mixed together should this operation be at tempted by anyone other than a train ed veterinary surgeon warning is given that only an antiseptic abso lutely clean operation will permit the animal to live j h inbreeding and line breeding having located a successful mating baby chicks queen city hatchery breeder and distributor of husky healthy chicks and ducks ten varieties write for catalogue and price list 2 llnsmoro crescent toronto ont m n limjjiinj bbbmi vsortgace lifters 130 egg hot water incubators iq 7c fully guarantied freight paid to your nearest nil station made la canada of clear ltv ri cedar beault- made during the latter part of march disturbances and also cause skin tickled his toe he jumped un with a tiss delivered mir ana durably finished- wita one foot will be found sufficient eruptions the best plan to follow start zt tjztjx h after manure hasbeen placed to the in giving the grain to horses is to well where did you all come l3 e hotwater incubator comoiete jjtws was just an hour before they came upon bruin sleeping by a log if present when the lambs are drop- from having please note carefully laid down evenly in layers about six kee house plants clean and free buzzzzzz buzzz ho was snor- iped avoid handling as much as pos- the under eyelid simply turn in with i inches deep and each layer thorough- j from dust water thoroughly when ing so he never heard t ible but be sure they are properly the lashes against the eyeball not ly tramped the depth of manure re- tho plants need water rather than a ileaned up and dried next examine a year passes that wo do not find j quired depends upon when the hotbed little every day is made if made early two to two when fed to horses in large quanti- frankie fox got a long blade of grass and tickled his ear and willie woodchuck tickled his nose with ai and a half feet are necessary but if ties wheat is apt to develop digestive little twig but when the sqttircli proper depth the frame should be put feed in moderate quantities only i from blinked bruin rubbinghis loo h csf 0rh on and- more manure banked around grind it coarsely and mix with some the outside of it up to the top and at other bulky feed like bran or chopped least one foot wide the lights should hay or straw the new wheat champion canada has secured the world wheat championship for the twelfth time in her thirteenth year of endeavor this year a new name has been added to the notable list of internationally fa mous grain growers who have gone ono better than any one else that of major h g l strange of fcnn al berta tho new name must also be added to that scarcely smaller list of inexperienced city men who in the canadian west have outstripped farm ers of lifelong labors and arrived at tho pinnacle of agricultural fame proving yetagain that inexperience and lack of training constitute no han dicap to successful farming in the canadian west provided a man brings tho right human qualities to bear upon his task and enthusiastic ally cooperates with nature who is so kindly disposed to that area a civil engineer becomes ndded to the list already containing a tailor a try with evident success he has ex hibited twice previously at the chicago international and this year it should be noted that in addition to the su preme wheat award he secured the first place for yellow field peas major strange from the outset of his endeavors has had only one object in view tho achievement of tho best possible in all lite lines of agricultural production he followed he has his own implements for the production of special nrst generation seeds with a 22inch separator ho threshes out small lots at tho rate of about a rack- ful at a time he is very much in terested in hogs and has imported from england a number of the large black variety which he claims was the original bacon type at present he is believed to be the only breeder of this type of hog in canada he is i an equal enthusiast in poultry and trapnests every one of his birds eyes sprouter 1651 my twentyfour years pencnco has proven that fl- tlt- u ll- 11 i- thcro is more money in poultry than any other live- men kolly told him nil about the ock 192s incubator and poultry catalogue beautt- dreadful time they had findintr him u1 illustrated with colour piato frc and bruin told them about the man h 0 d 0 and how the little boy had unfastened his chain with his sharp little knife roily cut off bruins muzzle and they all started home happy to be together again i a satisfactory winter ration for dairy cows kept at the ste anne de la pocatiere quebec experimental station consisted of corn and sun flower silage roots and mixed hay to this was added a meal mixture of oats corn bran distillers grains and oil cake this ration was fed at the rate of ono pound of the mixture for every four pounds of milk produced by the individual cow 125 west of fort william back to prewar prices this solendld haltsr in 12 inoh hard rope complete with shank the leather part of harness leather i inch double and stitched if your dealer cannot supply you we wilt tend it anywhere post paid on receipt of price griffiths price mudfi shoux rgiaiwhalfess ggiftia jitw 60 water st stratford ont lhe closed fist and noting if the indent on can perpetuate easily so long as- jbf the hand remains for a short time the originals are breeding but thoj market oookataii devotes time to public- afpaihs a drench should be given at once one pro begins after the first mating cle 0 f the pursuit of agricultural perfec- end a half pounds of epsom salts ceases shall one breed mother and maor s swwfis tion has not e ma sfk dissolved in two gallons of water n or brother and sister or cousins bo considered tho more remarkable tq thc exclusion of d his ability hould bo given at a single dose and what is the best procedure i a l 11 thlfnufjrz- to p scrvi and on the contrary followed by kneading the left side 0 experience so says professor lm c as to f itful prop er- hj visjong jn such wofk beuer and jbelow the midian line vigorously to w r graham of the ontario agricul- f v stf f3izi more profitable farming he is the separate the compacted mass of fer- tural college in breeding birds of climate since his entire fainingcar- pre3ident of t alberta seed grow- penting grain and allow the drench very close relationship such as cer has becn tf ttf- association ard the representa- to penetrate it stimulant- such as mot or brothersister ratings four year swssgs tislal tive for wcstcrn canada on the do luromatic spirits of ammonia should would not warrant us recommending y cord with the bruish imperial inion advisory seed board he h be given in twoounce doses every suc a procedure ijtfstrutfiat i w ouv motnerson or drotnerstster matlngs pitu rn aromatic spirits of ammonia should would not warrant us recommending y cord with the bruish imperial inion advisory seed board he is be given in twoounce doses every i suc a procedure it istrue that we forces a has only turne d his n tte n- nt the samo time the secretary for the jjfour hours should the drench faii nad gomo s results but jl- farmin slnce l hs dscnar alberta poultry brcders association nd the impacted condition continues it is likewise true that niost of such plsi- to enlisting for war service lf which dody he js a very activo at can be relieved by a trained veterj matings hav0 becn very bad if one he was manager for a company memb jjnarmn performing the operation i3 anxiou3 to breed closely our ex- and v b is no m known as rumenotomery this opera- pcri would suggest a trial of any conflct an cxpert c p 1son c man citytrain lion is performed by making an in- 1 re so long as the birds are sect wsion through the loft flank and into vigorous but it is not wise to depend decided to settle in canada the rumen large enough to permit tho i entirely upon such a mating a good on leaving the army and facing the intrance of thc hand the compacted j bird will likely be a valuable common problem of demobilized men full of promise to be made productive ferain or meal is removed in part breeder but such a bird is difficult of where to go and the best courso to to the extent of the human endeavor about twothirds and the wound in to produce i pursue in the necessity of taking up and intelligence applied the entire tho rumen sutured up with catgut it is very doubtful if one can say the threads of life in a sadly disar- farming history of western canada fter proper nntisejtic precautions wna relationship will give tho best ranged world major strange decided goes to prove that no inexperienced ave been taken the wound through rcsu but to the average person it for tho canadian west and for mixod need fear taking on the responsi- gho muscle- and skin can be brought wou appear to be good advice not farming he secured a farm in thejbilities of a farm in that territory together with silk stitches placed one to breed too closely and to look for famed central alberta region and granted ho brings intelligence labor fc j new blood from some source where concentrated on tho production of elite and the right disposition to bear upon i8sve no s 24 the breeding has becn similar eeed and purebred livestock and poul- his task mere coincidence that so ed men rise to the greatest heights of agricultural honorj in western canada the land of the prairie provinces is virgin fertile and order yur farm help now in view of the great demand for farm help existing in canada tho canadian pacific railway will continue its farm help service during 1924 and will enlarge its scope to in clude women domestics and boys the cob1tany is in touch with large numbers of good farm laborers in great britain norway sweden denmark franco holland switzerland and other european countries and througli its widespread organization can promptly fill applications for help received from canadian farmers in order to have the help reach canada in time for the spring operations farmers needing help should arrange to get their applications in early tho earlier the bettor as naturally those applications which are received early will receive first attention blank application form3 and full information regarding the service may be obtained from any cpr agent or from anjt of the officials listed below the service is entirely free of charge the canadian pacific railway company department of colonization and development winnipeg- m e thornton soirlnnqtnt of coienluutaa t 8 achcton general africtiltiml afsmt saskatoon tv i ccrot iinc atont h p koutor soxaii colonization aattnt caloakt- t o p hirrtr aast to snpt of cgumintlota edmonton j miller in aeent r montbeaju htwsall general airlfalltiral agent it v norwood lust agent j s pbnnis chief commissioner g tv hub aotstant cosusinloair

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